Lheit, Sooksripaisarnkit & Kan So (2021) 35 ANZ Mar LJ

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Dr Lok Kan So* and Dr Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit**
This paper aims to analyse the doctrine of seaworthiness and how the doctrine applies to autonomous ships.
Section 39 of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 imposed an implied warranty of seaworthiness for every voyage
policy. Case laws in the United Kingdom and Australia indicate that the doctrine has remained uncontroversial
in the past 200 years. The operation of autonomous ships in the near future, however, may pose a challenge to
the said doctrine. Autonomous ships no longer require crew members to be on board, and the operation of the
ships may be performed by computers instead of human beings, but the said doctrine is inadequate to cover
legal liabilities that may arise from on-shore ship operation and Artificial Intelligence. For the future operation
of autonomous ships, the authors suggest that a reformulation is needed for the said doctrine.

The doctrine of seaworthiness plays an important role in both a contract of carriage of goods by sea and a marine
insurance contract and its meaning and scope are understood in the same sense in both contexts.1 This doctrine is
encapsulated in Article 3(1) of the Hague Rules,2 the Hague-Visby Rules,3 and the Amended Hague Rules in
Australia,4 whereby the carrier is required to exercise due diligence ‘before and at the beginning of the voyage’
to ensure seaworthiness. According to this provision, the doctrine is delineated in three aspects: namely physical
fitness; cargo worthiness, and crew competence. This duty is said to be an ‘overriding’ one in that any failure to
comply with this duty resulting in any loss or damage will deprive the carrier to invoke an array of exceptions
usually available to it under Article 4. 5 Moreover, this duty is non-delegable. 6 The breach is taken to be an
innominate term depending upon the result.7

The Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules, and the Amended Hague Rules in Australia only apply to a contract of
carriage evidenced by a bill of lading. They do not apply to charter parties,8 unless a charter party contains a
paramount clause importing either of these. In the absence of a paramount clause, the carrier’s obligation
concerning seaworthiness will be a strict one in the sense that ‘[the carrier] will be liable irrespective of fault’.9 In
the context of marine insurance, the doctrine of seaworthiness operates differently depending on the type of policy
– being a voyage policy or a time policy. 10 In the voyage policy, there exists an implied warranty of
seaworthiness.11 There is no similar implied warranty in the time policy. Yet, the insurer will be exempted from
any need to pay if it can be proved the assured was privy to such unseaworthiness.12 Since there has been no
attempt to amend the Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth), this statute which is virtually identical to the Marine
Insurance Act 1906 (UK), has become more traditional than its UK predecessor. Under this statute, the warranty
requires strict compliance, or else the insurer is discharged from liability as from the time of the breach.13 In the
United Kingdom, a similar provision has since been amended by the Insurance Act 2015 (UK). In short, for any
marine insurance policy that is concluded after 12 August 2016 with the English law governing the contract, any

Lecturer, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. E-mail: lokkanso@cuhk.edu.hk.
Lecturer in Maritime Law, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania; Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. E-mail:
Bariş Soyer, Warranties in marine insurance (Routledge, 3rd ed, 2017), 3.7.
International Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to Bills of Lading, 1924, 120 LNTS 155.
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading, signed at Brussels on
25 August 1924, 1968, 1412 UNTS 127 (‘Hague Rules’); Protocol amending the International Convention for the unification of certain
rules of law relating to bills of lading, 25 August 1924, as amended by the Protocol of 23 February 1968, 1979, 1412 UNTS 146 (‘Hague-
Visby Rules’).
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1991 (Cth), s 7 and Schedule 1.
Sir Guenter Treitel QC and F M B Reynolds QC, Carver on Bills of Lading (Thomson Reuters, 3rd ed, 2011), 9-141.
Ibid 9-139.
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd [1962] QB 26, 71-72.
Article 5 of the Hague Rules (n 3) or the Hague-Visby Rules (n 3).
John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea (7th ed, 2010) 9.
Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth) s 31(1): ‘Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from, or from one place to another
place or to other places, the policy is called a voyage policy, and where the contract is to insure the subject-matter for a definite period of
time the policy is called a time policy. A contract for both voyage and time may be included in the same policy’.
Ibid s 45(1).
Ibid s 45(5).
Ibid s 39(3).

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Seaworthiness and Autonomous Ships

breach of warranty will only allow the insurer to suspend, but not discharge from the liability to indemnify the
assured.14 This is only a change as to the legal consequence but not the change as to the notion of seaworthiness.

However, the very concept of seaworthiness has come to be under significant challenge with the rapid
development of the technology on autonomous ships. There have already been trials for unmanned ships to operate
for sea voyages without a human on board. For instance, the Yara Birkeland, which may potentially be the first
unmanned container ship in operation, will carry out a two-year trial for autonomous operation in 2022.15 Whether
and how the doctrine, which, among other things, requires the ship to have a competence crew on board, can be
adjusted to match the pace of this technical front becomes the question that will be addressed in this article.

To do so, this article is divided into four parts. Immediately following this Introduction, the traditional notion of
seaworthiness in the context of marine insurance law and the law on the carriage of goods by sea will be examined
to ascertain its scope. Due to their similarity, both the laws of the United Kingdom and Australia will be dealt
with together, with differences resulting from the recent statutory reform in the former will be noted. Afterwards,
in the next part, the authors will explore recent technical developments of autonomous ships and identify potential
legal issues that will impact the doctrine of seaworthiness. Afterwards, in the final part, the authors will suggest
how the doctrine may be re-formulated in order to remain relevant in the era of autonomous ships.

The Traditional Doctrine of Seaworthiness

In a marine insurance context, an implied warranty of seaworthiness has been recognised at least since the
eighteenth century as Lord Mansfield stated obiter in Bermon v Woodbridge.16 The case involved a policy of
insurance on a ship which the voyage was described as from Honfleur to the coast of Angola and then to St.
Domingo. However, on the way from Angola, the master steered the ship out of the usual route to St. Domingo.17
At issue was whether the voyage as described in the policy was one entire voyage or whether the voyage could be
split into parts such that the premium may be returned for parts that did not actually occur.18 In the course of the
discussion, Lord Mansfield put it that: ‘By an implied warranty, every ship must be sea-worthy when she first
sails on the voyage insured, but she need not continue so throughout the voyage’.19 No authority was cited by
Lord Mansfield in support of his stated legal position here but this was carried along until the nineteenth century
when the legal position culminated in Dixon v Sadler20 where Parke B elaborated upon the legal position:
In the case of an insurance for a certain voyage, it is clearly established that there is an implied warranty that the vessel shall be
seaworthy, by which it is meant that she shall be in a fit state as to repairs, equipment, and crew, and in all other respects, to
encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage insured, at the time of sailing upon it. If the assurance attaches before the voyage
commences, it is enough that the state of the ship be commensurate to the then risk … if the voyage be such as to require a different
complement of men, or the state of equipment, in different parts of it, as, if it were voyage down a canal or river, and thence across
to the open sea, it would be enough if the vessel were, at the commencement of each stage of the navigation, properly manned and
equipped for it.21

The principle stated therein came to be codified in s 39 of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 (UK), where an identical
provision is found in s 45 of the Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth), especially in sub-section (4) where it is stated:
‘A ship is deemed seaworthy when she is reasonably fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the seas
oof the adventure insured’.22 In his passage, Parke B also described the doctrine of stages which came to be
enshrined in sub-section (3).23 However, the doctrine of stages is of limited use in practice and the dearth of
modern authorities involving this doctrine seems to suggest this doctrine does not give rise to many problems. In
the context of marine insurance, the application of this doctrine appears to be confined to two instances. The first
is where different equipment or preparation is needed for different stages of the voyage, for example, if the route

Insurance Act 2015 (UK) ss 10 and 11.
Josiane Kremer, ‘Yara Birkeland’ (Web Page, 2021), Yara International ASA < https://www.yara.com/news-and-media/press-kits/yara-
(1781) 2 DOUGL 781; 99 ER 497.
Ibid 781-782; 498.
Ibid 783; 499.
Ibid 789; 502.
(1839) 5 M & W 405; 151 ER 172, affirmed in Sadler v Dixon (1841) 8 M & W 895; 151 ER 1303.
Ibid 414; 175-176.
Indeed, according to Soyer, this s 9(4) is exactly derived from Sadler v Dixon: see Soyer (n 1) 3.4.
Sub-section s 39(3) of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 (UK) and s 45 of the Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth) provide: ‘Where the policy
relates to a voyage which is performed in different stages, during which the ship requires different kinds of or further preparation or
equipment, there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of each stage the ship is seaworthy in respect of such preparation or
equipment for the purposes of that stage’.

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involved the ship to sail through the river and then out to sea.24 The second is when there is a voyage to fill the
bunkers.25 The doctrine of stages remains applicable also in the strict common law position in the context of the
contract for the carriage of goods by sea. This is primarily in the context of charter parties. It has been suggested
that whether a voyage can be divided into stages ‘is a question of fact in each case, to be determined with reference
to the subject-matter of the particular charter party and the exigencies of the adventure as contemplated by the
shipowner and charterer’.26 It appears that the reference needs to be made to the contract to determine if the voyage
is dividable. Yet, there has been no case involving charter parties where the doctrine of stages was extensively
discussed, and hence this is not a matter to be discussed further.

According to the strict common law position, the doctrine of seaworthiness has been recognised as an implied
obligation in the contract of carriage of goods by sea. This has been recognised as early as 1804 in Lyon and
Another v Mells.27 The case involved the damage to a quantity of yarn shipped on the defendant’s lighter to a
sloop.28 Lord Ellenborough CJ explained the extent of the implied obligation:
In every contract for the carriage of goods between a person holding himself forth as the owner of a lighter or vessel ready to carry
goods for hire, and the person putting goods on board or employing his vessel or lighter … it is a term of the contract on the part
of the carrier or lighterman, implied by law, that his vessel is tight and fit for the purpose or employment for which he offers and
holds it forth to the public … the law presumes a promise to that effect on the part of the carrier without any actual proof; and
every reason of sound policy and public convenience requires it should be so…29

As can be observed from the passage of Lord Ellenborough CJ, this implied obligation at common law is a strict
one.30 He emphasised the fit state of the ship itself to encounter the voyage. Even in Parke B’s elaboration in the
passage from Dixon v Sadler quoted above, the judge focused on the fitness of the ship and the crew to encounter
the ordinary voyage. Such consideration is narrower than what Article 3(1) of the Hague Rules and the Hague-
Visby Rules encapsulates in respect of the seaworthiness which encompasses the duty ‘to make the holds,
refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their
reception, carriage, and preservation...’. In Australia, the application of this provision is explained by the High
Court of Australia in Great China Metal Industries Co Limited v Malaysian International Shipping Corporation,
Berhad.31 Relevantly, Gaudron, Gummow, and Hayne JJ emphasised that the concept of seaworthiness is elastic
in that the standard of what constitutes seaworthiness ‘does rise with improved knowledge of shipbuilding and
navigation’.32 This requires consideration of many factors33 and that what must be taken into account as well is
‘the kinds of conditions that the vessel may encounter’.34

At this point, a short note should be made. Reflecting the seaworthiness obligation in common law with the
emphasis on the fitness of the ship and the crew, in marine insurance, the implied warranty is not extended to
cargo-worthiness either. This is according to s 46 of the Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth). Nevertheless, where
the cargo is insured on a voyage policy basis, there exists an implied warranty that the ship is ‘reasonably fit to
carry the goods or other movables to the destination contemplated by the policy’.35 However, in practice, this has
not been of much use because this type of implied warranty has been subjected to attack. As Soyer explained:
A claim under the policy will fail if the carrying vessel was uncargoworthy at the start of the voyage, even though the assured has
no means of ensuring whether the ship was cargoworthy or not. For this reason, in almost all cargo policies, the implied warranty
of cargoworthiness has been waived provided that the assured or their servants are not privy to such unfitness.36

Hence, this aspect of cargo-worthiness of the ship will not be discussed further in this article.

The question remains how far the aspects of physical fitness of the ship and the crew goes. This question is asked
in light of some modern authorities which appear to hint that a lack of appropriate documentation on board the
ship can lead to unseaworthiness too. In Australia, this position is supported by academic treatises where it is

Soyer (n 1), 3.54.
Ibid 3.55.
Siobán Healy, ‘The Vessel’, in Howard Bennett (ed), Carver on Charterparties (Thomson Reuters, 2017) 3-084.
(1804) 5 EAST 428; 102 ER 1134.
Ibid 437; 1137-1138.
Wilson (n 9) 9.
[1998] HCA 65; (1998) 196 CLR 161.
Ibid [30].
Ibid [31].
Ibid [33].
Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth) s 46(2).
Soyer (n 1) 4.8.

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explained that this obligation to maintain a seaworthy vessel encompasses an aspect of ‘documentary
seaworthiness’ which involves ‘notification of nautical hazards, signals, up to date chart corrections (either hard
copy or electronic), etc’37 and unseaworthiness can occur due to ‘absence of the necessary documents to establish
seaworthiness’. 38 In the United Kingdom, a recent decision handed down to this effect is that of the United
Kingdom Supreme Court in The CMA CGM Libra.39 The case involved the ship which was grounded on the way
from Xiamen to Hong Kong. 40 The shipowners sought contributions from cargo interests for salvage costs
incurred.41 However, some cargo interests refused to pay their part alleging that the ship was unseaworthy due to
a defective passage plan. 42 The United Kingdom Supreme Court rejected the shipowners’ argument that the
passage plan ‘is not part of the documentary outfit of the vessel or a navigational tool’43 and found that the overall
purpose of the passage plan is ‘to assist in the navigation of the vessel’44 and hence ‘a vessel is likely to be
unseaworthy if she begins her voyage without a passage plan or if she does so with a defective passage plan which
endangers the safety of the vessel’.45 This is in line with what a commentator suggested:
So far as the obligation of seaworthiness is concerned, the shipowner must ensure that the ship has those documents relevant to the
voyage as required by the ship’s flag, classification society, and the regulatory authorities at her ports of call (where known). These
are likely to include a valid Document of Compliance from the ship’s flag and a valid Safety Management Certificate pursuant to
the ISM Code. Required documents may also include a plan of the ship’s ballast and fuel systems. The ship’s maps and charts must
be kept up to date at the start of the voyage.46

This notion of unseaworthiness in the sense of lack of proper documentation may be extended to the implied
warranty in the voyage policy in marine insurance.47

Different from the scheme of s 39(3) of the Marine Insurance Act 1909 (Cth) referred to at the outset whereby the
insurer is automatically discharged from liability once there is a breach of warranty, the statutory reform in the
United Kingdom provided shipowners with the chance to rectify any breach of the implied warranty of
seaworthiness. According to s 10(2) of the Insurance Act 2015 (UK): ‘An insurer has no liability under a contract
of insurance in respect of any loss occurring, or attributable to something happening, after a warranty (express or
implied) in the contract has been breached but before the breach has been remedied’. Sections 10(5) and (6)
provide further that:
(5) For the purposes of this section, a breach of warranty is taken as remedied —

(a) in the case falling within subsection (6), if the risk to which the warranty relates later becomes essentially the same as that
originally contemplated by the parties,

(b) in any other case, if the insured ceases to be in breach of the warranty.

(6) A case falls within this subsection if —

(a) the warranty in question requires that by an ascertainable time something to be done (or not done), or a condition is to be
fulfilled, or something is (or is not) to be the case, and

(b) the requirement is not complied with.

While there has been no case in the United Kingdom addressing the Insurance Act 2015 (UK) and there is no
judicial analysis of implications of this new provision on the effect of the warranty, some guidance may be
obtained from the English and the Scottish Law Commissions in their report leading to the enactment of the statute.
One example given was a ship sailing through the strait despite the warranty forbidding any sailing through such
strait, and the ship comes out of the area without any accident or incident. In such a case, it should be taken that
the breach is remedied according to s 10.48 Another example, irrelevant to the contract of marine insurance, is

Sarah Derrington and Michael White, Australian Maritime Law (Federation Press, 4th ed, 2020), 168.
Martin Davies and Anthony Dickey, Shipping Law (Lawbook Co, 4th ed, 2016), 13.600.
Alize 1954 and another v Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG and others [2021] UKSC 51.
Ibid [3].
Ibid [19].
Ibid [3], [21]-[22].
Ibid [124].
Ibid [145].
Healy (n 26), 3-124.
This is at least a view as far as the compliance with the ISM Code and the ISPS Code is concerned. See Soyer (n 1) 3.97 and 3.113
The Law Commission and The Scottish Law Commission, Insurance Contract Law: Business Disclosure; Warranties; Insurer’s
Remedies for Fraudulent Claims; and Late Payment (LAW Com. No 353) (SCOT LAW COM No. 238) (July 2014), 17.32-17.33.

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where the warranty requires a fire alarm to be inspected every 30 days, however, the inspection occurs on day 40.
Once again, the breach should be taken as remedied.49

So, the ambit of seaworthiness has been explored in this part of the article. The question is how this concept is to
be perceived and applied to autonomous ships which are currently being developed at a fast pace.

Potential Seaworthiness Issues of Autonomous Ships

While the doctrine of seaworthiness appears to be well-settled and most cases considered in courts concerning
this doctrine tend to be fact-specific, i.e., whether at the relevant time the ship is seaworthy, the operation of
autonomous ships will pose new challenges to this area of law. At present, most of the autonomous ships’ projects
are still at trial stages. Yet, the industry’s expectation is the commercial operation of these vessels will happen in
the near future. The potentially first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel, Yara Birkeland, is now
preparing for future autonomous operation.50 Rolls Royce also predicted that fully automated ships would be
commonly seen in 2030.51 To cope with such technological developments, practitioners and scholars around the
world have been examining potential ramifications from the operation of autonomous ships. The Baltic and
International Maritime Council (‘BIMCO’) is developing a new standard form contract based on the SHIPMAN
2009 agreement.52 The Comite Maritime International (‘CMI’) formed an international working group to conduct
regulatory scoping exercises and review relevant international conventions that may be affected by the operation
of autonomous ships and how these can be amended or changed.53 Within the marine insurance industry, a report
was published under the auspice of the joint project between CORE Advokatfirma and CEFOR which the
International Group of P & I Clubs (‘IG P & I’) along with its members were consulted. The report examined
liabilities and insurance issues relating to autonomous ships.54 However, the seaworthiness issue did not receive
sufficient analysis in the report.

In its work on the issue of autonomous shipping, the International Maritime Organization (‘IMO’) divided the
operation of autonomous ships into four degrees. Some seaworthiness-related issues, such as survey, manning,
crew competence, on-board system, and legal liabilities, will be analysed along with the framework of these four
degrees of autonomous ships.

Degree One and Two Autonomous Ships (Semi-Autonomous Ships)

The first degree or step refers to ‘Ship with automated processes and decision support’. At this degree, ‘[s]eafarers
are on board to operate and control shipboard systems and functions’.55 At this stage, only some systems are
automated and it is still necessary for seafarers to be on board and ready to be in control.56 At the next step,
‘Remotely controlled ship with seafarers on board’, as the name suggested, the ship is controlled from somewhere
offshore but seafarers are still required on board ‘to take control and to operate the shipboard systems and
functions’.57 Ships in these two stages of development can be categorised as semi-autonomous ships the operation
of which still relies on crew members on board with part of the process automated by computers. As far as
seaworthiness is concerned, it is suggested that the traditional doctrine of seaworthiness remains applicable as the
management and decision-making are still performed by humans on board. As the seaworthiness doctrine is
capable of evolving along with changes in shipping practices, seafarers will necessarily need to be equipped with
sufficient knowledge in information technology or even in cyber security to operate semi-autonomous ships. In
comparison with operating conventional ships, this may place a higher knowledge requirement for seafarers and

Ibid 17.44.
Kremer (n 15)
Rolls-Royce, Autonomous Ships The next step (Report, 2016) <https://www.rolls-royce.com/~/media/Files/R/Rolls-
Grant Hunter, ‘First ever standard contract for autonomous ship underway’, BIMCO (Web Page, 2020)
CMI, Maritime Law for MASS (Web Page, undated) <https://comitemaritime.org/work/mass/>.
CORE Advokatfirma and CEFOR, Maritime autonomous surface ships: Zooming in on civil liability and insurance (Report, December
2018) <https://static.mycoracle.com/igpi_website/media/article_attachments/maritime_autonomous_ships_report_dec_18_6URrRcy.pdf>.
International Maritime Organization, ‘Autonomous Shipping’ (Web Page, 2019)

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increase how the standard of competence is judged. However, this does not require a change to the traditional
doctrine of seaworthiness itself. The only change is how the competence of seafarers is to be assessed.

Degree Three Autonomous Ships (Shore-Based Control Ships)

The problematic part lies in further development into degrees three and four. According to the IMO, degree three,
‘Remotely controlled ship without seafarers on board’, ships will be completely operated from somewhere on
shore.58 This kind of ship is also referred to as the Shore-Based Control (SBC) ship. The problem is the traditional
doctrine of seaworthiness requires the ship to be adequately manned by crew members. The operation of the SBC
ship will raise the question of whether the competence of human controllers onshore can be taken into account in
assessing whether an unmanned ship is seaworthy. The problem is also noted by Baughen in considering the
exception of carrier’s liability in Article 4(2)(a) of the Hague-Visby Rules:
The absence of an on-board crew might be thought to remove this exception when the goods are being carried by an unmanned
vessel. However, it is possible to regard the SBC as the functional equivalent of the master and therefore the carrier would still be
able to rely on the exception in respect of loss or damage caused by any errors of navigation on their part. If the SBC is not regarded
as the ‘master’ then they should constitute a ‘servant of the carrier’, although the SBC is not employed by the carrier but is an
independent contractor this would not be the case. It is doubtful whether negligence by the voyage programmer would fall within
the exception as such negligence would render the vessel unseaworthy. Establishing the vessel’s seaworthiness will now need to
take in both onboard and shore-based conditions.59

While the above passage does not directly address the doctrine of seaworthiness, it does suggest that the SBC will
complicate how liabilities can be assessed under the traditional maritime cargo liability regime. As indicated by
Baughen, the SBC is very likely to serve as either the master of the ship or the agent of the carrier or even both.
So, the doctrine of seaworthiness will likely need to be extended such that both onboard and shore-based
conditions will need to be evaluated. However, this approach will pose new challenges in practice. One of the
potential problems is that this approach has not been embraced in the current survey procedure of classification
societies. Taken the class renewal surveys / special surveys as an example, the International Association of
Classification Society (IACS) explains the scope of work as follows:
The class renewal surveys / special surveys include extensive in-water and, in most cases, out-of-water examinations to verify that
the structure, main and essential auxiliary machinery, systems and equipment of the ship remain in a condition which satisfies the
relevant Rules. The examination of the hull is supplemented, when specified, by ultrasonic thickness measurements and the
witnessing of tests as specified in the Rules and as deemed necessary by the attending surveyor. The survey is intended to assess
whether the structural integrity remains in conformance with the standards contained in the relevant Rules and to identify areas
that exhibit substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration.60

While the scope of the survey has covered a wide range of items, these items are indeed limited to the onboard
inspections and physical fitness of the ship only. The current scope does not cover shore-based computers. For
the time-being, there is no updated protocol on the survey relating to autonomous ships. This may cause a new
problem as analysed by Veal and Tsimplis:
The problem, however, is that unmanned operability requires, inter alia, the introduction of new infrastructure, communication
systems and, as will be seen, a variety of electronic sensors and receptacles, for the attainment of spatial acuity. UNCLOS requires
that “each ship, before registration and thereafter at appropriate intervals, is surveyed by a qualified surveyor of the ships”. In the
specific context of the automated systems introduced by unmanned operability, such “qualified surveyors” and appropriate tests
for the automated systems are being developed in parallel with the technology by some classification societies, but, as yet, there is
no standardisation.61

In other words, the current survey scope cannot catch up with developments of technology and this may require
differently trained surveyors who possess knowledge of information technology and cybersecurity to assess
whether the onshore computers are competent to operate an SBC autonomous ship. However, the authors are not
aware of any current training curriculum for such advanced knowledge. This issue can be problematic as most of
the statutory survey requirements do not cover shore-based computers. In Australia, the statutory survey for
domestic commercial vessels is governed by the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act
2012 (Cth). Under sections 43 and 44 of Schedule 1, the owner and master will commit an offence if they operate

Simon Baughen, ‘Who is the master now? Regulatory and contractual challenges of unmanned vessels’ in Baris Soyer and Andrew
Tettenborn (eds), New Technologies, artificial intelligence, and shipping law in the 21st century (Routledge 2019), 144 fn 38.
International Association of Classification Societies, Classification societies – what, why and how? (Report, 2020)
Robert Veal and Michael Tsimplis, ‘The integration of unmanned ships into the lex maritima’ (2017) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial
Law Quarterly 303, 315-316.

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a domestic commercial vessel without a certificate of survey. The categories of the statutory survey are defined
in section 21 of the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Regulation 2013, which includes
plan approval, stability approval, load line, electrical, hull, deck, superstructure, machinery, safety and
communication equipment and commissioning. Apparently, section 21 only focuses on on-board inspection, and
further amendments will be needed to cover the survey requirement of SBC autonomous ships.

Degree Four Autonomous Ships (Fully autonomous ship)

The situation will be more complicated when one attempts to apply the doctrine of seaworthiness to autonomous
ships developed to the degree four level. The degree four is named ‘Fully autonomous ship’. It will occur when
the technology is developed to the fullest extent such that ‘[t]he operating system of the ship is able to make
decisions and determine actions by itself’.62 For this kind of autonomous ships, Artificial Intelligence will be used
to operate the ship. In this article, the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is used in the sense given by the International
Business Machine Corporation (IBM):
In computer science, the term artificial intelligence (AI) refers to any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or
other machine. In popular usage, artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of
the human mind — learning from examples and experience, recognizing objects, understanding and responding to language,
making decisions, solving problems — and combining these and other capabilities to perform functions a human might perform,
such as greeting a hotel guest or driving a car.63

The problem is the current law on the seaworthiness is designed to hold humans liable, not computers. In case
where a loss is caused by the ‘Fully autonomous ship’, there is no definite answer as to who will be liable. Sir
Bernard Eder analysed the problem in the context of marine insurance law:
First, a threshold question arises with regard to the potential legal liability of a shipowner in circumstances where, for example, an
autonomous vessel is navigated from ashore and there is a collision or grounding as a result of a software problem caused by some
third party – for example, the manufacturer or installer of the automation system or internet provider. In truth, this is not necessarily
very different from the legal problems which can arise in the conventional context. In such case, the broad question arises whether
the shipowner can avoid liability because of the fault of the manufacturer or installer of the software system or the third-party

In addition to the question of liability and exception, the main concern remains how any traditional legal doctrine
can be applied in the context of Artificial Intelligence. The said problem is demonstrated in a case in Singapore
in Quoine Pte Ltd v B2C2 Ltd.65 Strictly speaking, this is not a case involving Artificial Intelligence. The case,
however, considered how algorithms can be subject to legal assessments, and these assessments are directly
applicable to Artificial Intelligence since it is also formed by algorithms. In this case, the appellant operated an
on-line platform for cryptocurrency exchange.66 The respondent was a user of the platform.67 The trading software,
which was used by the respondent, was designed by the director of the respondent, and it was considered as a
fully automated program.68 An error occurred in the platform due to the mistake of the appellant, the respondent’s
trading software completed 13 trades at a rate that was 250 times higher than the normal exchange rate. These
trades were done through the platform.69 The appellant discovered and cancelled these abnormal trades.70 The
respondent commenced litigation on the alleged breach of contract and breach of trust by the appellant.71 The
appellant argued that they were entitled to cancel these abnormal trades based on the terms and conditions of the
platform. They also maintained that the contracts were void under the doctrine of unilateral mistake at common

In the Singapore International Commercial Court, Simon Thorley JJ rejected all the appellant’s defences and
allowed both claims by the respondent.73 He agreed that there was a platform contract between the appellant and
the respondent, and the platform contract provided that ‘once an order is filled, you are notified via the Platform

International Maritime Organization (n 55)
IBM Cloud Education, ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI)’, IBM (Web Page, 3 June 2020) <https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-
Sir Bernard Eder, ‘Unmanned vessel: challenges ahead’ (2018) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 47, 51-52.
[2020] SGCA(I) 02.
Ibid [1].
Ibid [2].
Ibid [15].
Ibid [2].
Ibid [3].
Ibid [4].
B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd [2019] SGHC(I) 03.

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Seaworthiness and Autonomous Ships

and such an action is irreversible’.74 He also agreed that the cryptocurrencies of the platform users were held
separately from the cryptocurrencies of the platform operator. Thus, the platform operator managed the user’s
cryptocurrencies as a trust.75 In assessing the appellant’s defence in relation to the unilateral mistake, Simon
Thorley JJ adopted a new approach as the transactions were performed by a fully automated system without human
intervention. He affirmed the common law position that, to render a contract void due to the unilateral mistake,
the appellant has to prove:
….first, that there was a sufficiently important or fundamental mistake as to a term of the contract, in the sense that the offeror did
not intend the terms of the offer to be that which on its face was offered and, secondly, that the Plaintiff who is seeking to enforce
that contract must have actual knowledge of the mistake.76

He then expressed his view on how these requirements could be applied to an automated system:
Where it is relevant to determine what the intention or knowledge was underlying the mode of operation of a particular machine,
it is logical to have regard to the knowledge or intention of the operator or controller of the machine. In the case of the kitchen
blender, this will be the person who put the ingredients in and caused it to work. His or her knowledge or intention will be
contemporaneous with the operation of the machine. But in the case of robots or trading software in computers this will not be the
case. The knowledge or intention cannot be that of the person who turns it on, it must be that of the person who was responsible
for causing it to work in the way it did, in other words, the programmer. Necessarily this will have done at a date earlier than the
date on which the computer or robot carried out the acts in question.77

Applying the above principle to the fact, Simon Thorley JJ held that the knowledge of the respondent’s
programmer, who designed the trading software and completed the disputed trades, should have been subject to
examination.78 As the said programmer had no actual or constructive knowledge of the mistake, Simon Thorley
JJ held that the appellant could not rely on the unliteral mistake to render the contract void.79 In the Court of
Appeal, the appeal on the breach of contract was rejected and it found the appellant was still liable to compensate
the respondent. While the majority upheld the judgment of Simon Thorley JJ on the point of unilateral mistake, it
is worthy to observe the dissenting judgment of Jonathan Mance JJ as follows:
The law must be adapted to the new world of algorithmic programmes and artificial intelligence, in a way which gives rise to the
results that reason and justice would lead one to expect. The introduction of computers no doubt carries risks, but I do not consider
that these include the risk of being bound by an algorithmic contract, which anyone learning of would at once see could only be
the result of some fundamental error in the normal operation of the computers involved. Computers are outworkers, not overlords
to whose operations parties can be taken to have submitted unconditionally in circumstances as out of ordinary as the present. I do
not think that the obvious malfunctioning of a computer-based system should be given the dominance that B2C2’s case implies.80

Jonathan Mance JJ suggested that the question that should have been asked in this case was whether a reasonable
trader would have noticed that the trades were concluded based on fundamental mistakes. As the respondent knew
the market price well, it was evident that the respondent would have known that the trades were completed by
mistakes.81 It is noteworthy that the disputed trading software was only formulated by simple algorithm.82 As
Simon Thorley JJ described, it is ‘largely deterministic; it produces the exact same output when provided with the
same input’.83

Artificial Intelligence, however, is more sophisticated as it will be able to learn new knowledge through machine
learning and complete tasks like humans. Currently, there is no definite answer as to how Artificial Intelligence
can be assessed under any legal doctrine, but the sophisticated nature of it would undoubtedly create new issues
when the doctrine of seaworthiness is applied to degree four autonomous ships. One of the examples is the black-
box characteristic of Artificial Intelligence. The problem of block-box characteristic is described by Bathace as
If an AI programe is a black box, it will make predictions and decisions as humans do, but without being able to communicate its
reasons for doing so. The AI’s thought process may be based on patterns that we as humans cannot perceive, which means
understanding the AI may be akin to understanding another highly intelligent species — one with entirely different senses and

Ibid [136].
Ibid [145].
Ibid [188].
Ibid [210].
Ibid [211].
Ibid [231] and [239].
Quoine Pte Ltd v B2C2 Ltd (n 65) [193].
Ibid [194]-[195].
Ibid [15].
B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd (n 73) [82].

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Seaworthiness and Autonomous Ships

powers of perception. This also means that little can be inferred about the intent or conduct of the humans that created or deployed
the AI, since even they may not be able to foresee what solutions the AI will reach or what decisions it will make.84

In other words, while humans will be able to describe the input and output of Artificial Intelligence, they will not
be able to identify the decision-making process as well as the reasons behind the decision. This black box problem
may pose a new challenge to assess whether a degree four autonomous ship is seaworthy, as there is no way to
evaluate whether the algorithms are fit for the voyage. In addition, the Insurance Act 2015 (UK) imposed a change
to the breach of insurance warranty, where the insurer’s liability is only suspended until the breach is remedied
by the assured. With the black-box characteristic, it will be hard for the judges to determine when the breach is
being remedied as the algorithms are not readable.

To sum up, the traditional doctrine of seaworthiness has been working well since the eighteenth century, if not
before. However, with the advancement of technology and the introduction of autonomous ships, new legal issues
are created, and the current doctrine of seaworthiness does not seem to be sufficient to address the problems. In
this regard, the authors think that there must be a reformulation of the doctrine of seaworthiness for the operation
of autonomous ships. Such reformulation will be considered in the next section.

Conclusion: How Should The Doctrine of Seaworthiness Be Reformulated?

The conclusion we have reached is that the traditional doctrine of seaworthiness does not fit to be applicable to
autonomous ships. So, in this section, the authors aim at suggesting how the doctrine should be reformulated so
it can be apt for the future operation of autonomous ships. First, under the reformulated doctrine of seaworthiness,
the properly manned requirement should be applied differently to human-crewed and unmanned ships. For human-
crewed ships, including conventional ships and semi-automated ships, the traditional doctrine of seaworthiness is
still applicable to assess the competence of the crew members and the vessel. However, the training programme
of crew members should be altered to accommodate technologies used in semi-automated ships. For example, a
class 1 engineer, who works for an Australian registered vessel operating in international water, must hold a
certificate issued under Marine Order (Engineer Officers) 2014.85 Under the said Order, the class 1 engineer will
need to complete courses such as Engineer Class 1 – STCW Reg III/2, basic safety training, advanced firefighting,
proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats and medical first aid.86 It is suggested
that courses such as information technology and cyber security, which is relevant to the operation of semi-
autonomous vessels, can be added to the Engineer class 1 – STCW Reg III/2 course to address the concerns
regarding crew competence.

For SBC ships, the doctrine of seaworthiness should be extended such that both onboard and on-shore conditions
are taken into account. As discussed in the previous section, some amendments will need to be introduced to
domestic legislation and regulation such as the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act
2012 (Cth) and the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Regulation 2013 to address the
survey requirement of SBC ships. Further, international instruments such as the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea may also need to be amended. Article 94(3) requires the State Party to ensure the safety of the
ships flying its flag. Article 94(4) further stipulates that the member states shall take measures ‘that each ship,
before registration and thereafter at appropriate intervals, is surveyed by a qualified surveyor of ships, and has on
board such charts, nautical publications and navigational equipment and instruments s are appropriate for the safe
navigation of the ship’. Similar to the domestic legislation, the international law is also inadequate to address the
survey requirement for SBC ships, and thus, amendments will also be required.

For fully automated ships, despite the lack of definite answer at the moment as to how Artificial Intelligence
should be assessed under the law, it is suggested that the doctrine of seaworthiness should still be applicable. The
straightforward approach will be to require judges to examine the algorithms behind Artificial Intelligence to
determine whether Artificial Intelligence is fit for the voyage. Ship-owners may find themselves be liable in failing
to exercise due diligence in using appropriate algorithms. However, a serious barrier would be the black box
characteristics which will necessarily pose difficulties for judges to examine the algorithm. Therefore, it is
necessary to ensure that the law requires Artificial Intelligence to be written by transparent and explainable

Yavar Bathace, ‘The Artificial Intelligence: black box and the failure of causation and intent’ (2018) 31 Harvard Journal of Law and
Technology 889, 893.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority, ‘Engineering Class 1’ (Web Page, 17 September 2021) <https://www.amsa.gov.au/qualifications-

(2021) 35 ANZ Mar LJ 29

Seaworthiness and Autonomous Ships

algorithms for fully automated ships. One example can be found in the Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence
Act) and Amending Certain Union Legislative Acts.87 Draft Article 13(1) in Chapter 2 states that:
High-risk AI systems shall be designed and developed in such a way to ensure that their operation is sufficiently transparent to
enable users to interpret the system’s output and use it appropriately. An appropriate type and degree of transparency shall be
ensured, with a view to achieving compliance with the relevant obligations of the user and of the provider set out in Chapter 3 of
this Title.

While the European Commission has not yet established the detailed technical requirements of transparency, this
is a significant first step to overcoming the problems of black box characteristics. A similar transparency
requirement should be introduced to any legislation that governs the operation of fully autonomous ships.

While there are still many complicated issues that are yet to be defined for this reformulated doctrine of
seaworthiness, it is suggested that this is only the first step. Perhaps, the most completed version of this re-casted
doctrine of seaworthiness can be given in the future by all stakeholders in the maritime industry. In this regard, it
is suggested that the stakeholders, including crew members, masters, surveyors of the classification societies, and
also maritime lawyers and judges, need to keep themselves updated with the knowledge of information technology
and computer sciences so that all stakeholders are ready to reformulate the doctrine of seaworthiness and embrace
the use of autonomous ships in the future.

European Commission, Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on
Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and Amending Certain Union Legislative Acts (2021) < https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52021PC0206 >.

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