Why We Experience Signs of UTI

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Why we experience signs of UTI

 “The hormone relaxes our pipes and plumbing and slows things down, which invites bacteria
to come in and start swimming around. I always say it’s like mosquitos to a puddle. If you
leave water sitting there for long enough, they’ll find their way to it.”

 Why backpain

o It is very common to get backache or back pain during pregnancy, especially in

the early stages. During pregnancy, the ligaments in your body naturally become
softer and stretch to prepare you for labour. This can put a strain on the joints of
your lower back and pelvis, which can cause back pain.

o HORMONE INCREASE: During your pregnancy, your body releases hormones that help
ligaments and joints in your pelvis to soften and loosen. This is important for the delivery of your
baby, later in your pregnancy. But the hormones don’t just work in your pelvis. They move
throughout your entire body, affecting all of your joints. In the first trimester of your pregnancy, this
softening and loosening can directly impact your back. You’ll often feel this in the form of aches and

 Sore Breasts

o Your breasts may be extra tender as early as one or two weeks after conception. "You're making
so much estrogen and progesterone in early pregnancy that the glands in the breasts start growing

o Pregnancy and breast-feeding Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the breasts to
become more full. The extra fullness can stretch the skin and irritate the areola and nipple, which
may lead to fissures. Women who have problems with breast-feeding may also develop nipple


o The color and smell of your urine can change when you’re pregnant. If your urine looks darker and
more concentrated, it could be a sign that you are dehydrated,

o Pregnant women need to drink more water than normal, and your urine color can help you
determine whether you’re getting enough fluids. Morning sickness, and especially hyperemesis
gravidarum (severe morning sickness) — which can cause vomiting — can also lead to dehydration

o Frequent urination: This happens because the body begins producing the pregnancy hormone
hCG after implantation of the embryo in the uterus, and this hormone can cause frequent urination.

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