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Warm up: Ball tag – 3 mins Chest pass on the move - 3 mins

Partners again, 1 ball between two

 Set up a square about 4m x 4m
with cones for corners Instruction/Demonstration:
 Students inside the square, with 2
 The student that is the feeder is
‘it’, with bibs on
 The 2 must work together with a
 The student that is the worker
ball to it other students
runs from a cone towards the
 The 2 with the ball can’t run with
feeder to receive a chest pass at
the ball they have to work
another cone.
together passing the ball and
 The worker then catches the ball
moving around to it the other
and stops, the passes it back.
 Then the worker runs away from
 When it you stand still in the
the feeder and does it again 5
square and can become a person
times, then they switch over.
to pass to but can move.
Focusing on: keeping eye on ball always,
focusing on stopping and setting up for
Chest passing - 3 mins correct technique of chest pass.
Partners, 1 ball between two
Is it easier to throw a chest pass while still
 Ball at chest height, with hands or while moving and why?
positioned either side in the shape
of a W
 Step forward, push through the Finishing up discussion – 5 mins
ball using your elbows/pushing
ASK questions:
away from body (keep elbows in)
 The ball should travel straight to  What were the key focus areas of
your partner today’s lesson?
 Follow through, arms straight with  Can someone tell me the correct
fingers pointing to partner technique of chest pass?
 Does any one feel like they have
Focusing on: release point, eyes on target,
improved in performing a chest
Questions:  Why is it important to break down
a skill before implementing it
If you are right handed which foot do you
straight into game play?
step forward onto?
And why do we step forward?

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