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Phys Washet Slulio n


aRonded bas Munet alay

a ) areely
N-S durelr. Th
Ceul ef eath
Lagu, the nthpole
ada huge
ha 2aals n a g u
istowands h e
o atlnart
Oso to
eonadrcal A i u So
the realy Su&pended
QwllR Pole g
the SaS pole
nagmut is
o ho e a t S h o r t e , So a to a t t r a s
a p h i c a l

+he a g a t .
the hort pole ol
polasily Hh elulkomaguel
+ee d e r e u 8
e alned
a by CangeM s
d by omgest
p g e su ote

e Cua

polarity o elertndwagnei n s t lexe

a u s n c o u aLed
Trausnceul aned
C) WOx

l a n t

boeoe e y poa
S A t E A o vistbt uty
ou a body
d ae
d ees netuet alle
Foee oppled
d Qio is aause
he bo dy
mass o
Hhe alln hat s pleaent
CompaAton of
un h e body.
and Si22
Dtit chounge tw Shop
iiLaug t
iihrat it fo sme t e

e 0/o
9false a7e/98 6°F
alL wloaces epeanta-rco
() fale direcuon ofmsuo
Palse oPpOA to lte
CLess Han lo0/)


A 7CNanips vi) 12 cCm | waal Ou

LShsuld be
Vil G6 Shouo
vii l o ' S nanoSeC

2 23 88c
O.04 m
x10 giga mete
900 k

5))09:4S p.m
08.IS a.m
lu 12:00
jv) 02 ' 20 P.v
6 2 avamtogea 6t mea.cury asa hrmo ttrnc
lang a qred cenducLia el heat,
mickly absalbs heat o alaun the

npdalune of
otcan be wed ues a wde Aauge
Kenpeaaluse auwug to i lofrecziung pou
-3q9 c) hig borng porut (3s7'C)
watmmeut wed mea fvce
Spr bolanc
i ) Rocket havne Streawn eued Shape,tomeu
+hang auA wi+n muLMUN Teris taunce2
i.eitE rednce2A te fricuenal ferte betsean
Hhe bodu aA

Diodamtoges of facon
r c t o n cawaes weas laas eP h e uubbug

i c t o n prodmces heat dlperent poslA

heed Pesiodic Teplacameut
vRotls in heary ebyeeli ednces riotra
behuoeen h d Suface 2
Shdeng ictuoun +o ollingby
Fulennm Axanpla longs
Lo od amm
CLASs mleve
vi Meeomncal Advatage ( uA) of an unelind
Plue 2anal +o Ha a t o he leugn

oO ttte
te tincleuied Plau (L) t ila weatica


, MA= -L

Vi)n un nclued plaue, , tha anonbE f eort

heeded to a load is Tedncedd
ut Soalusayo
es ton th ood utad up.Hence, t
acs force Mutiplies
as a

Deliton, taad, pitchluad o a soreo

Txt Boo, P -66
XA wedge s genaa a combihalon oP 2
neudd plaueg, waed to splt aa hold ebjeete.
Swetace aRa, hence
Sanp edge>
Bnall Lce resuli tn more preme on

x)The dellactron of hast fpm its strougit p

he paati cles a amediwm Such Hhat
by Onbsorbed re amitted
directons Is Called Scalloreug
is due to scatoruug se ght,
of aut.9 not
aaeable to See obee ohich ae
tn d e r e e t palln oHe uglutsosce
x Shadsw tornnoliDn diagram -

Text BooE P 87 Fig-5. a ab

xii) poallel beamm o h ahb - Sun a o
e easats Sunfao

Cowv orgent bam -

aut ruo Pamung3

twnonah a M a t galod.
Densent beam ait rau Comug

f torch, thbelgwt
XN) Diaoma e +otal soaa & n a s eclp e

toleus tua s tud malanal

g a t PDF.

w MaaicatiOn of p-hole Comna a ,

Magwaio m) Size f iuage (1) =

Si2e of ebjee-(0)
=Distane e mage fnm punhole(v)
Distanta of ebjeet foom punhole(u)
. m

xProfenties ef magnet
ttronetine p t
direcHve prpesty
b o t t h e poles o wagot alwan exiet tn
magnot ic mAIMUm at the
S a tn f
wm at it
pales wm
Wa Coun Cee
hat ta canaal
raguon beto.22n
2 Maqneli Is deveid of am nes of foree In .

s eaon te mametc eld of o aat

Cawcels the field of th oHher maguet.Tuis
em IS n b i & n as Netral Psuut.
r i Dierence beuseem pesmauet 2 tempoa
magnet -
T e boa, Pa 108,Table 6 .

xThe streugt of
magnut deereaAlA
t a magnlkie
as we
feld of a
meve2 away fsam it.
m A e te destance m tua maanet,
the maqnic fald radinces

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