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NAME: Mark Jordan D. Ghosh


1. ATTACH screenshots of all your test results, then answer the questions below SUBSTANTIALLY.
Submit your output via Ranger.

● In case you were able to take this MBTI in the past, take it again. Mention in your answers below
if there are similarities or differences.
● The results might not be perfectly accurate, though. They are an excellent way to start learning
more about yourself and increase self-awareness.
● Click or copy-paste the link (whichever will work)

A. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This assessment will help determine where you fall on four
spectrums: extroverted /introverted, sensing/ intuitive, thinking/feeling, and judging /perceiving. (If ever
you took this test before, mention in your answers for question #1 if you will get the same or different
results ).

Guide Questions:

a. Which personality did you fall into? Did you find it accurate? Why/Why not?
Yes, I got the same as what I got before back about 3 months ago. This is accurate because I
tried my best to change since I last took the test yet I still got the same result.

b. What will you do to further improve yourself with what you have discovered based on the
results of the MBTI test?
I’ve already taken this test before, and the result I got was the same thing that’s why I was
shocked. I will reflect and start to reconnect with my friends because I want to be better.
B. Self Esteem Test
Guide Questions:

a. What makes understanding of one’s self–esteem important?

It’s important to know one’s current self-esteem level in order to develop and be a completely
different person.

b. What can you say about the result? Do you agree with the result? Why or why not?
I don’t agree, I think my ability to deal with rejection should be higher based on the things I’ve
encountered in the past and that I didn’t even budge or show any emotion when I was dealing with it.

c. If you could suggest, what do you think are the possible steps that would help strengthen/improve
self – appreciation? Give three best suggestions.
First I would go on a social media detox for a week in order to reset the chemical imbalance in my brain.

Second, I would do some physical training like going to the gym so I become healthier and feel better and

I will appreciate my self-more.

Lastly, I will keep reminding myself that I should treat others with kindness.

C. VIA Character Strengths
Guide Questions:

a. What can you say about the result? Did it truly speak of your strengths as a person?

Yes, I believe that this test was able to encapsulate my whole personality. I don’t know how it was able to
determine it, but I think this test knows me in a personal level.
b. What do you plan to do with the results of your lesser strengths?

Nothing much really, I might try to use it to improve my whole personality so that I would have lesser

2. Considering the results of ALL 3 TESTS that you took, how would the results help you
strengthen/improve your appreciation of your uniqueness as a person?
With all the 3 tests, I think that I have a lot of pent up self confidence issues. I should continue to single
out and improve each one of these flaws so that I can be a better person and have a better personality
so I can communicate with people more.

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