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Rafael Capurro and Johannes B.

Britz Human Rights in relation to Biology and

Medicine (Oviedo 1997) and the Universal
Declaration on the Human Genome and the
Rights of Man adopted by UNESCO in 1997
(UNESCO 1997). There are also examples of such
declarations issued by non-governmental institu-
tions, such as the Principles of a Global Ethics by
the Global Ethics Foundation (2009) based on
the ideas and commitment of the theologian
Hans Küng.

The ethical dimensions of the global informa-

tion society became part of the UNESCO
agenda. Since 1997, UNESCO initiated a series
In search of a code of of events enabling specialists and decision-
makers to address the ethical dimensions of the
global information information society. The main goal of the
UNESCO INFOethics Congresses, organised in
ethics: The road 1997, 1998 and in 2000, was to stimulate reflec-

travelled and new tion and debate on the ethical, legal and socie-
tal aspects of the information society by bring-
horizons ing together participants from the largest
possible number of countries representing the
This paper reports on international activities widest range of educational, scientific, cultural
undertaken particularly under the patronage and social environments. The ethical, legal and
of UNESCO in order to develop a code of ethics societal implications of information and
for the information society. Since the World communication technologies (ICTs) are also one
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) the of the three priorities of UNESCO’s Information
urgency for such a code has become manifest. for All Programme (IFAP).
Several regional conferences and declarations
in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and At both the World Summit on the Information
Europe have taken place in line with the Plan Society (WSIS) meetings held in Geneva
of Action of the WSIS on global information (December 2003) and Tunis (November 2005)
ethics. According to the authors, these goals the debate on the ethical dimensions and chal-
and activities should not be confused with a lenges facing the global information society
global dialogue on information ethics under- received very specific attention. Following the
stood as a permanent critical examination of first meeting in Geneva two relevant docu-
ethical issues of information societies. This ments were published, namely the Declaration
difference between a global code of ethics and of Principles and the Plan of Action. The second
a global discussion of ethical issues that takes summit in Tunis agreed on two further docu-
particularly into consideration intercultural ments, namely the Tunis Commitment and the
issues is briefly addressed in the conclusion. Tunis Agenda for the Information Society
(WSIS 2003/2005). In paragraphs 55-56,
Introduction the Declaration of Principles clarifies the ethical
The purpose of this paper is to give an account dimensions of the information society. In this
of recent activities in search of a code of global document it is stated amongst others that the
information ethics, particularly related to several global information society must uphold the
regional conferences and declarations under the fundamental values of human freedom:
patronage of UNESCO as contributions to the
information society. Such a code makes sense • human rights should be respected;
only if it is the product of a patient and collabo- • there should be no abusive use of modern
rative work between different regions and ICTs.
cultures taking into consideration their
commonalities, but also respecting their differ- Part C10 of the Plan of Action furthermore
ences and priorities with regard to ethical princi- states that ‘the Information Society should be
ples and values. A paradigmatic example of such subject to universally held values and promote
a code is the Universal Declaration of Human the common good and to prevent abusive uses
Rights (1948), as well as other international of ICTs’ (par. 25). It declares a number of actions
declarations, such as the Oviedo Declaration on including:

28 Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 PAPER
• all stakeholders should increase the aware- Carbo and Smith 2008, Hongladarom and Ess
ness of the ethical dimensions of the infor- 2007, Brey 2007).
mation society;
• all actors in the information society should Although this was the first international meet-
promote the common good; ing focusing on this matter, it is important to
• stakeholders, including academia, are recall other international conferences such as
invited to continue research on the ethical CATaC (Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology
dimensions of ICTs. and Communication), ETHICOMP (Ethics and
Computing) and CEPE (Computer Ethics:
In the Tunis Agenda for the Information Philosophical Enquiry) where information
Society this specific commitment to the Geneva ethics issues have been addressed since the
Declaration of Principles as well as the Action middle to end of the 1990s.
Plan were confirmed (WSIS 2003/2005). In
2003, the UNESCO General Conference How is the embodiment of human life possible
adopted the recommendation on the within local cultural traditions and the horizon
Unesco and the
‘Promotion and use of multilingualism and of a global digital environment? This sympo-
universal access to cyberspace’. It stated that sium introduced these questions from three
‘Member States and international organisa- perspectives:
tions should recognise and support universal
access to the internet as an instrument for • internet for social and political develop-
promoting the realisation of the human rights ment: community building;
as defined in Articles 19 and 27 of the • internet for cultural development:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ restructuring the media;
(UNESCO 2003). One important aim of UNESCO • internet for economic development:
in this field is to adopt a Global Code of Ethics empowering the people.
based on regional discussions and agreements.
Since then, several regional meetings under The ethical perspective on intercultural aspects
the patronage of UNESCO have taken place. It of the global digital network is a normative as
is against this background that we propose to well as a formative one. The symposium
interpret a variety of global information ethics addressed the question of how people with
initiatives spearheaded by the International different cultural backgrounds integrate the
Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) and other internet into their lives. This concerns:
academic institutions.
• Firstly the question of community building
From Karlsruhe to Tshwane and Magaliesburg was considered. How far does the internet
Karlsruhe 2004 affect, for better or worse, local commu-
The first initiative was an international sympo- nity building? How far does it allow demo-
sium on information ethics held in 2004 in cratic consultation? How do people
Karlsruhe, Germany. It was organised by the ICIE construct their lives within this medium?
and sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation. How does it affect their customs,
Leading international experts in the field of languages and everyday problems? The
information ethics from countries all over the question about information justice is thus
world – namely Argentina, Austria, Cameroon, not just an issue of giving everybody access
Canada, China, Croatia, Dominican Republic, to the global network (a utopian goal?),
France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Japan, but rather an issue of how the digital
Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, network helps people to better manage
United Kingdom and the United States – were their lives while avoiding the dangers of
invited to participate. The symposium, the first exploitation and discrimination.
of its kind in the world, also brought together
experts with different scientific and professional • Secondly, the symposium dealt with the
backgrounds, such as computer science, library changes produced by the internet in tradi-
and information science, media studies, engi- tional media, such as oral and written
neering, management, economics, and law. customs, newspapers, radio and television,
What made this meeting particularly unique the merger of mass media, the telephone
was its dealing with a highly relevant techno- and the internet, and the impact of the
logical phenomenon, namely the internet, from internet on literary culture. The symposium
an ethical and intercultural perspective. The also reflected on the next generation
intertwining of these perspectives is now called of information and communication
intercultural information ethics (Wong 2009, technologies, such as ubiquitous computing

PAPER Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 29
and on what might be called the post-inter- of the South African Department of
net era. This aspect of the ethical question Communications under the auspices of
focuses on new methods of manipulation UNESCO. More than 90 scholars representing
and control made possible or aggravated by more than 20 countries attended, most of them
the internet. from Africa. The theme of the conference was
‘The Joy of Sharing Knowledge’. The confer-
• Finally, the question of the economic ence covered several topics including:
impact of the internet was addressed. Is it a
medium that opens up opportunities for • respect for human dignity, information-
economic development? Or is it an instru- based rights;
ment of oppression and colonialism? What • freedom of expression;
is the impact of this technology on the envi- • freedom of access to information;
ronment? How does it affect what has been • information wrongdoings, information
called cultural memory or cultural sustain- corruption, information injustice;
ability? • cultural diversity and globalisation;
• protection and promotion of indigenous
The proceedings of the ICIE symposium were knowledge;
published in the International Review of • global security, human security, privacy,
Information Ethics (IRIE 2004) as well as in transparency;
Capurro et al. (2007). • e-government and related topics;
• cultural diversity and development;
Tshwane 2007 • using ICTs for a better life in Africa: case
At the symposium in Karlsruhe it became studies;
clear that the African continent was not well • internet and exclusion (socio-political and
represented in the field. There were only two economic exclusion);
Africans in attendance, both expatriates. In • North-South flow of information and infor-
debating the reasons for the lack of African mation imperialism;
scholars, it became clear that there were • brain drain in Africa.
many possible reasons. Some relate to the
mere fact that many African scholars are The proceedings were published in the
unknown to other international scholars and International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE
as a consequence were not invited to attend. 2007) as well as a book The Africa reader of
Lack of funding to attend international information ethics (Capurro et al. 2010) with a
events was also a stumbling block, as was selection of papers. The attendees agreed to
difficulty in obtaining visas to travel. Last, but form a network of professionals interested in
not least, not many African scholars were information ethics from an African perspective.
doing research on this very important topic. The Africa Network for Information Ethics
Based on the sheer numbers or lack of (ANIE) was soon created. The participants of
numbers of scholarly publications, it seemed the Africa conference adopted the Tshwane
that African scholars did not have much to Declaration on Information Ethics in Africa.
offer their global counterparts on the ethical
challenges facing Africa in the era of global- Magaliesburg 2009
ization. Rafael Capurro did a search on publi- Based on the experience and input of the partic-
cations related to African information ethics ipants of the Tshwane conference, several areas
by African scholars and came across a limited of potential cooperation with UNESCO were
number of publications (Capurro in identified that would not only put the outcomes
ANIE n.d.). of the conference into effect, but also place the
outcomes in the international context facili-
The authors of this article concluded that that tated by UNESCO. One area related to the ethi-
there was and still is indeed an urgent need to cal dimensions of the implementation of e-
integrate leading African scholars into the government in Africa. The WSIS Declaration and
international ethics debate on the impact of Action Plan, for example, expressed the need
new information and communication technolo- for governments to implement e-government
gies in Africa. The first ever Africa Information systems to facilitate administrative activities and
Ethics Conference that took place 5-7 February deliver services to their citizens. It is true that
2007 in Tshwane, South Africa was also Africa has embarked on the e-government road
conceived and planned as part of the imple- with many e-government projects, and NEPAD
mentation of Action Line C10 of the Geneva (the New Partnership for Africa’s Development)
Plan of Action, thanks to the financial support has launched an e-government initiative urging

30 Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 PAPER
African governments to implement e-govern-
ment projects. In their final report, the academic steering
committee – Rafael Capurro (project leader),
E-government has, therefore, become an Johannes Britz, Toni Carbo, F.W. Horton, Jr.,
important goal in Africa. Countries including Theo Bothma and Coetzee Bester – underlined
South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and Mauritius have that the central focus of e-government in Africa
invested in e-government projects and the should be on helping to accomplish develop-
training of people to implement these projects. ment goals and objectives, which include
During the Tshwane conference it became improving the quality of life of individuals and
evident that little attention had been given to families, strengthening institutions in both the
the ethical dimensions of that activity. This led private and public sectors, and enlarging the
to the planning of an e-government and ethics role of elements of civil society, so that civil soci-
workshop for African government officials. The ety can partner more effectively with the other
three-day workshop, sponsored by UNESCO, elements of the public sector and with the
the South African Department of private sector. Development, in short, encom-
Unesco and the
Communications and SAP Systems took place passes not just social and cultural goals, but
from 23 to 26 February, 2009 in Magaliesburg, governance/political and economic, business
South Africa (UNESCO 2009). The workshop and industry strengthening as well. All sectors of
was co-organised by the International Center an African society are embraced by develop-
for Information Ethics, the University of ment goals and objectives. If an e-government
Pittsburgh, the University of Wisconsin- team is considering an application that cannot
Milwaukee and the University of Pretoria. The be linked more or less directly to a development
main focus areas included privacy, access and goal or objective, in all likelihood it should be
accessibility of information, building of trust accorded a lower-ranked priority.
and information corruption. Future workshops
are planned for individual African countries. The accurate identification of, and inclusion of
UNESCO underlined the relevance of this initia- all stakeholders in e-government visions,
tive as follows: mission statements, policies, plans and strate-
gies is essential. Starting at the most local level,
This e-government and information ethics referring first to institutions and organisations
initiative in Africa aims to significantly with existing groups, whether formal or infor-
improve the quantity and quality of govern- mal, and then extending upwards to provin-
ment services provided to the public, busi- cial/state, then national, then sub-regional,
nesses and the civil society over those then regional, and, finally in some instances,
provided by traditional methods. This objec- even international stakeholders (e.g. interna-
tive could be reached through simplifying, tional intergovernmental organisations such as
streamlining and speeding up the processes ITU, UNESCO, WIPO, UNDP). Even international
of applying for and securing entitlement. It is non-governmental organisations such as the
also important to ensure that the benefits International Federation of Information
and services required are delivered on time, Processing Societies (IFIPS), the International
accurately and completely, without compro- Federation of Library Associations and
mising legal and ethical norms such as open- Institutions (IFLA), and others should be identi-
ness and fairness in bidding policies and fied and included.
Inclusivity does not just refer to institutions and
Another objective of this initiative is to organisations, but it also refers to sub-popula-
incorporate greater transparency into the tions that have special needs. For example,
provision of government products and ensuring the inclusion of both women and
services to the public and businesses. It men, youth (girls and boys), diverse linguistic
requires making information on the avail- and cultural groups, elders, people with disabil-
ability of those services more complete and ities, literate and illiterate people, the unem-
pro-actively accessible to both the media ployed, underemployed and migrant popula-
and the public. Therefore, all elements of tions, minority ethnic, racial and religious
the society will be better informed and groups, and so on. While women are often
educated about what is being offered active participants in the workplace and in local
precisely; when and how to obtain those communities, they are too often unable to read
services; and how to ensure that promised and write, and are not always fully included in
services are, in fact, delivered (UNESCO decision-making by governments.

PAPER Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 31
According to the Academic Steering • to improve the access and responsible
Committee, emphasis should be placed on autonomous use of ICTs by young
utilising existing technologies and traditions generations;
(such as storytelling, radio, ‘word of mouth’ • to take all measures in order to allow an
sharing – for example during taxi rides, infor- equitable access to ICTs encouraging young
mation talks at local gathering places) as a people to debate on ethical aspects of the
starting point. Sometimes this has been information society;
referred to as the ‘information and communi- • to coordinate political and administrative
cation culture’. Existing resources, such as action at all levels in order to promote the
paper documents, can be transformed into debate on ethics and information;
learning tools, and presented via radio or oral • to support all activities related to the imple-
demonstrations with the community, for exam- mentation of the Geneva Plan of Action
ple, using the simplest tools, technologies and particularly the ones established in Line C10.
other capabilities such as the human voice,
hand signals, or radio. The conference goal was to create conditions
for enhancing the visibility of, and the interest
All documents of this meeting are available for, information ethics issues among member
at the Africa Information Ethics and states from the region. It was one of the first
E-Government Portal (, concrete follow-up actions to implementing
Africa E-Gov-Portal 2009). Action Line C10 ‘Ethical Dimensions of the
Information Society’ of the Geneva Action Plan
Santo Domingo 2006 adopted by WSIS.
The first regional Latin American conference
on information ethics took place from In the aftermath of this conference, a Latin
December 6-9, 2006 in Santo Domingo, the America portal on information ethics, the Red
capital of the Dominican Republic under the universitaria de ética en el ciberespacio, was
patronage of UNESCO and was organised in created. Two years later another academic
cooperation with the National Commission for network dealing with information ethics
UNESCO, the Permanent Delegation to research in Latin America, the Red
UNESCO of the Dominican Republic and the Latinoamericana de etica de la información
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (RELEI), was established. In this context the
(FUNGLODE) (UNESCO 2006, FUNGLODE 2008). extensive work done by the community
Experts from some ten countries discussed Metodología e Impacto Social de las Tecnologías
issues of accessibility, confidentiality, intellec- de la Información y de la Comunicación en
tual property rights, the promotion of respect América (MISTICA) should not be forgotten,
for fundamental values and principles, increas- particularly its final document, ‘Working the
ing awareness of information ethics and strate- Internet with a Social Vision’ (MISTICA 2002).1
gies and policies with respect to the protection
of privacy, personal data, and preventive meas- Hanoi 2008
ures against illegal use of ICTs. A declaration on The Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO,
the ethical dimensions of the information soci- in cooperation with UNESCO and other part-
ety (Declaración de Santo Domingo) was ners, organised the first Regional Conference
adopted by the participants. It underlined the for Asia and the Pacific on the Ethical
following goals and values: Dimensions of the Information Society, from 12
to 14 March 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. According
• to promote peace and respect fundamental to UNESCO: ‘This conference was an important
values such as liberty, equality, solidarity, step towards capturing the full potential of the
tolerance and shared responsibility; information and communication revolution for
• to promote the awareness on the ethical development. It is also a significant forum for
dimension of ICTs; participants to discuss issues such as accessibil-
• to avoid abusive use of ICTs and to promote ity, confidentiality, privacy, diversity and
the respect for privacy and personal data; respect of fundamental human values’
• to promote equal access to information and (UNESCO 2008). About 70 participants, includ-
knowledge considering their impact on the ing representatives of government bodies,
economic, social, and cultural development national commissions for UNESCO, civil society,
of the society; the private sector, and representatives of
• to promote the responsible use of ICTs and UNESCO field offices and headquarters,
other communication media according to attended the event. The conference objectives
the best professional and ethical standards; were to:

32 Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 PAPER
• identify and discuss the issues considered Conclusion
priorities for the Asia-Pacific region in the The regional declarations are prima facie simi-
field of ethics of information and communi- lar with regard, for instance, to the values and
cation; principles as stated in the Universal Declaration
• raise stakeholders’ awareness of the ethical, of Human Rights. But if one makes a thorough
legal and socio-economic dimensions analysis, to which we can only briefly point
of information and communication now, it is evident that most of the issues can
technologies; and will be understood differently according to
• create a regional network of experts in this different cultural frameworks. One clear exam-
field and promote regional and inter- ple of this relativity of interpretations and rele-
regional cooperation on information ethics; vance is privacy that plays a major role in
• contribute with the organisation of this Western countries, but is differently under-
regional conference, and subsequently stood within, for example, Buddhist traditions.
through the action plan that could be This is not to say that, on the one hand,
drafted on this occasion, to the implemen- common terms are necessarily equivocal or that
Unesco and the
tation of the WSIS Action Line C10 on the it is not possible to find either a common
Ethical Dimensions of the Information ground for values and principles as long as
Society, facilitated by UNESCO; cultures are not considered as closed worlds.
• contribute to the UNESCO Draft Code of But, on the other hand, it is evident that issues
Ethics initiative (elaborated and discussed such as solidarity, social justice or indigenous
during the three previous regional confer- knowledge play a more important role in some
ences); regions of the world than in others.
• further promote UNESCO's mission and
commitment to ensuring sustainable devel- The principles of autonomy and human dignity
opment, peace and progress thanks to access are more related to Western traditions.
to knowledge and increased use of ICTs. Universality of access and multilingualism
might also raise different questions according
The participants of the conference convened to cultural and political settings. The issue of
and agreed on a set of priorities for the region ‘deviant behaviour’ addressed in the Hanoi
regarding the following themes: universal declaration might also be interpreted differ-
access to information, freedom of expression, ently according to different moral and legal
and lastly, privacy and personal protection. standards. In other words, an Ethics
They issued a statement on information ethics Declaration for the Information Society is possi-
as a contribution to UNESCO's Code of Ethics. ble and necessary in order to have a common
ground for dealing with global issues, but it
Strasbourg 2007 presupposes a deep and sustainable analysis
A regional European meeting on ethics and and critical discussion of the issues at stake.
human rights in the information society was
organised by UNESCO together with the French In his 1985 article, ‘The quest for a code of
Commission for UNESCO and the Council of professional ethics: An intellectual and moral
Europe. It took place in Strasbourg from 13 to confusion’, the American philosopher John Ladd
14 September 2007 and included participants argues that the very idea of a code of ethics is a
from Europe and from the United States contradiction since ethics is essentially problem-
(UNESCO 2007a). The purpose of this meeting atic (Ladd 1985). What can be codified are ethi-
was to discuss and identify the issues consid- cal principles as the temporary result of argu-
ered to be priorities for the European region mentation, not established by consensus or deci-
and to raise stakeholders’ awareness of the sion-making. Codes of practice, if one wants to
ethical issues of information and communica- avoid the misleading formulation ‘code of
tion technologies and usages. It was based ethics’, have pros and cons as Ladd remarks,
around four thematic round tables which were taking as an example the case of professional
structured around three main pillars: codes. They can inspire ethical conduct in profes-
sionals, but they can give them also a sense of
• analysis of the opportunities offered by
complacency, covering up even irresponsible
conduct. In some cases they are a defence mech-
• side-effects, negative impacts and possible
anism diverting the attention from the real
conflicts of interest;
macro- and micro-ethical problems of the profes-
• recommendations with the aim of contribut-
ing to internet governance founded on the
involvement of all stakeholders and the shar-
ing of responsibilities.

PAPER Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 33
If this is the case for professional groups, it is no This century will be deeply influenced by infor-
less the case for society as a whole or even for mation and communication technologies. The
the global society. The ethical challenge is not ethical challenges arising from them have just
just to establish a global code of ethics, but to started to emerge and develop over the globe
promote a (global) discussion on ethical issues. with breath-taking speed. Local cultures are
These issues are not only too complex to be changing rapidly due to synergistic effects with
reduced to general principles, but also are other cultures and a global culture is emerging
subject to interpretation in their practice out of such synergies that might help societies
(Schwarz 1979). Such a code or canon of appar- and humanity as a whole to be able to better
ently unequivocal dogmatic principles can manage global challenges in the ecological,
divert from a prudential ethical discourse; economic and political arenas. Seen in this way,
prudence being the virtue or source of action information ethics is an open space of reflec-
that characterises the situation of someone tion where commonalities and differences,
who is conscious of her limitations. It delimits theoretical as well as practical, can be discussed
the anti-criterion ‘everything is allowed’ without the immediate pressure of decision-
making us aware of ambivalent situations. It making.
prevents us from taking a simplistic solution by
giving up one alternative or the schizoid unifi- Such a patient discourse, also practised in other
cation of two opposites. scientific and academic fields, might explore
the complex historical developments and pres-
A prudential ethical discourse has the function ent cultural layers of different societies and
of preserving ethical sensitivity (Capurro 1985). promote a critical appraisal of traditional
This function should be promoted at a local as moral and cultural norms. The present research
well as a global level. A global ethical dialogue agenda in information ethics is characterised
will unavoidably take cultural ethical differ- by the status of the internet and related digital
ences seriously (Brey 2007). This means not only technologies that give rise to questions of
that moral issues are rooted in specific contexts privacy, intellectual property, and rights of
and traditions, but also that the arguments access to knowledge, identity, information
with which ethics understood as moral philoso- overload, plagiarism, censorship, gender, digi-
phy clarify, are ‘thick’, as Michael Walzer calls tal divide and intercultural information ethics
them (Walzer 1994). Following this line of (Himma and Tavani 2008).
thought, global information ethics concern not
only the idea of achieving a common ethics New technological developments will raise
(Ess 2008) on the basis of prima facie common these and other topics from different perspec-
principles extracted, for instance, from reli- tives. The search for commonalities, no less
gious traditions (Hans Küng), but also involve a than the respect for differences, will be a topic
critical intercultural analysis of the differences of a future information ethics. This topic
between moral arguments based on cultural considers different possibilities of the good life
presuppositions. In other words, transcultural and the choices made by individuals and soci-
and intercultural issues are not to be seen as eties based on their preferences that are based
contradictory, but as part of the necessary on the traditions in which they are rooted,
tension of human existence with all its ambigu- including their questioning or reaffirming of
ity and openness. such traditions as norms of living. The key
question in a globalised world is then how far
This is the reason why it is important to distin- such differences can not only freely co-exist –
guish between global ethics in the sense of a and nowadays this is not an easy task – but also
global code of ethics and global research on to enrich and respect each other. Due to the
ethics (Vandekerckhove et al. 2008). As any basic fragility of human life and human institu-
other academic field, ethics in general, and tions, including our moral codes and legal
information ethics in particular, are essentially frameworks, now more than ever we need
global. They take place primarily in research spaces for free and creative thinking about
institutions and professional organisations, these issues that will allow young generations
such as the International Global Ethics to express their hopes and fears and to imagine
Association (IGEA), and or, in a better world. This free space for common
the case of information ethics, the ethical thinking, the ethical space, is what we,
International Society of Ethics and IT (INSEIT), the authors of this paper, would like to envi-
the International Center for Information Ethics sion when we speak about a global code of
(ICIE), but are no less open to local and global information ethics. In other words, information
societal, political, and legal discussions. ethics is not only about norms, but also about

34 Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 PAPER
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Notes on Contributors
March 2010
Rafael Capurro is President of the International Center for
Ladd, John (1985) The quest for a code of professional ethics: An Information Ethics (ICIE), Director of the Steinbeis-Transfer-
intellectual and moral confusion, Johnson Deborah G. and Snapper, Institute Information Ethics (STI-IE) Karlsruhe (Germany), and
J. W. (eds) Ethical issues in the use of computers, Belmont, CA, Distinguished Researcher in Information Ethics, School of
Wadsworth pp 8-13 Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA). Dr
MISTICA (2002) Working the Internet with a social vision. Available Capurro holds a degree in philosophy from Düsseldorf University as
online at well as a post-doctoral degree in ethics from Stuttgart University.
thematic/eng_doc_olist2.html, accessed 1 March 2010 He was lecturer on Ethics at Stuttgart University and Professor
(Emeritus) on Information Management and Information Ethics at
Oviedo (1997) The Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights
Stuttgart Media University. He is editor-in-chief of the
and Biomedicine. Available online at
International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE). Dr. Capurro is
treaty/en/treaties/html/164.htm, accessed on 1 March 2010
member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New
Schwarz, Stephan (1979) Research, integrity and privacy: Notes on Technologies (EGE) to the European Commission. He is co-founder
a conceptual complex, Social Science Information, Vol 18, No. 1 of the Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE) as well as of
pp 103-136 the Red Latinoamericana de Ética de la Información (RELEI). Dr.
Capurro is author of numerous books and articles in the field of

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Information Ethics. Contact details: Email:;; tel: + 49 721 98 22 9 22 (fax: -21); web:

Johannes Britz is Dean and Professor at the School of Information

Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He also holds an
appointment at the School of Information Technology at the
University of Pretoria in South Africa. Dr. Britz is co-editor of the
International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) and serves on the
editorial board of the Library and Information Science Research
Journal of the University of Bucharest. He is a member of the advi-
sory board of the South Africa Journal of Library and Information
Science and of the International Research Foundation for
Development. Dr. Britz is author of numerous articles in the field of
information ethics and his latest research focuses on information
poverty and social justice. Contact details: Email:;
tel: + 414 229 4709; fax: + 414 229 6699

36 Copyright 2010-2/3. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. All rights reserved. Vol 7, No 2/3 2010 PAPER

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