From Crowns To Shaku

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From Crowns to Shaku

A reflection essay on Recognition Rites of PMA Talang Dangal Class of 2026

Life takes us on different paths, and we often venture into unexpected territories.
This was the case for me, as I transitioned from being a beauty queen to embracing
military life. Throughout my 21 years of experiencing life, joining pageants---with a
cause, is probably the major link to my name. Followed by community leadership,
church, theater plays, film makings, public speaking and engagements, especially with
the indigenous people of Mindanao island. I have spent most of my time with skin care
routines, cuticle care, fashion & style, road trips, picnics and photoshoots. I never
thought that one day, I will be entering the respected academy of the Philippine Military
and was able to move forward until Recognition Day. From the very beginning, I knew
that the training would require me to possess flexible physical abilities, agility, and
endurance; as well as a strong mental attitude and; unwavering determination.

Effective military training requires cadets to possess flexible physical abilities,

agility, and endurance. To ensure that we, cadets meet these requirements, a Physical
Fitness Test is conducted every semester during our academy training. The first few
months were challenging as I adapted to the strict routines and way of life in the military.
I had to learn how to march in formation, handle weapons, go on field training, work with
a diverse group of individuals and adapt to different surroundings, sometimes
participating to terrain runs and marathons. It was my first time to try karate and boxing
in a real match! It was a good test for myself and it was a sense of evaluation, as well.

To have a strong mental attitude is a must in the military. The mixture of

schedules from academics, grooming, conduct and physical training, all together in a
day, was tough and draining. It was an entirely different world from the one I was used
to. Here in the academy, I learned how to continue running even when tears are rolling
down my cheeks; I learned how to start my prayers in the night and wake up the next
morning with an “amen”; I learned that the window is the new door in order to comply a
compliance before reveille; I learned that pancit canton is cooked using a canteen cup,
electrical iron, a hanger and a cellophane; I learned that fire is needed in shining my
shoes and most of all, I learned how to adjust with a diverse group of individuals, having
different ways of expressing their feelings, opinions and suggestions. As I have said,
this was an entirely different situation from what was outside, but as time went on, I
began to build resilience, confidence and a sense of pride in what I was doing.

My determination to prove that women are not just for pageants and displays;
and to make my father somehow feel he has a son, were my fuel to continue the rigid
transition. It has been years of waiting for both of my parents to have a son, however,
the universe won’t grant their deepest wish. Though I am not a parent, I empathize for
them. And joining the service is probably the greatest gift and achievement which I
could give to them as their daughter. I am amazed and proud with myself knowing that I
was able to improve my physical strength, from 17 push-ups going to 55; 30 seconds
flex arm-hang to 68 seconds; 60 sit-ups to 78 and 23 minutes for 3.2km run going to 15
minutes. Amazing! Right? Also, I was able to maintain a good standing with my
academics---wherein I only took 1 finals examination, and my relationships with my

Days, weeks and months passed. Recognition day happened. It was the most
anticipated day in my plebehood. As we marched and formed the 8-sided geometrical
figure, the heavy feeling of satisfaction was shaped in every step I took forward in the
sacred grounds of the Borromeo field. As the octagon was seen, our upperclassmen
marched towards us. Seeing Cadet Firstclass Sotelo---an upperclass who guided me in
my boxing and karate rounds, in front of me, I suddenly realized that I had already
passed a series of trainings which I never though I am capable of. Not just the formed
octagon but my tears formed as well, bulging in my eyes and I cannot control it moving
down my nosy face. I was crying with joy and pride. Just by hearing the first sound of
the song “Strong Hearts” made me cry more, as it signaled the commencement of the
ceremony. Finally, our upperclassmen are now welcoming us as part of the family of the
long gray line. Cadet Soriano came, asking about his whole SOI or summary of
Information… thou in the brink of my awful cries, I hurriedly uttered his name, serial
number, birthday and address. Then Cadet Cafino, my female squad leader. She
shouted angrily to me and ordered me to lower my bridge and asked how many
percentage is the civilian inside of me, I shouted 5% and she shouted louder saying “ di
ba dapat zero yan!” then I replied “Yes, Ma’am, zero, Ma’am!” following 3 heavy pound
of hands in my chest. Then came Cadet Pulmano and lastly, Cadet Jamandron. Our 2
other male squad leaders. Also, our buddies, Cadet Lamparero—female buddy, she
asked about her dog’s name. I said “Yurick” then she laughed, and said that it was

The journey from being a beauty queen to military life has been transformational,
challenging and fulfilling. Looking back, I am proud of the person I have become and the
challenges I have overcome. It was an opportunity to grow, learn and serve a greater
cause than myself. Being in the military, I have learned to value teamwork,
perseverance, loyalty and service to others above self. These values have become an
integral part of my young life and I will carry them with me. Possessing a versatile
physical abilities, resilient mentality and determination is the mechanism I incorporated
for this journey. I encourage anyone going through a life transition to embrace it with an
open mind, determination and courage. Life is a journey with no specific destination,
and the path we take is what makes it worthwhile.

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