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After this lesson, you will be able to:

❖ The benefits and advantages of selected aerobic exercise

❖ The importance of aerobic exercise

❖ Design personal aerobic workout

Direction: Fill out the blanks by choosing the correct word or words from the boxes.

1. It is consuming basically the same number of calories. Balance

2. It is considered the number of aerobic exercise session per week. Frequently
3. This dance originated in the Dominican. Merengue
4. The wordliterally means with oxygen or in the presence of oxygen.Aerobics
5. Aerobic Exercises should be done. Intensity
6. Using by floor mats, dumbbells, ball etc.Equipment
7. Running, jogging, swimming and playing contact sports. Type
8. This dance style associated with Jamaica, panama and Puerto Rico rhythm and
beat. Reggaeton
9. It is described this program as an exhalating, effective, easy to follow. Zumba
10. Aerobic Exercise means more calories burned and an increase in endurance. Time
Answer the following questions. MINIMUM OF 3 SENTENCES.

1. Why is exercise good for your health?

Exercise is the key to good health. People have a natural body that is made from
blood, bones, muscles, and various other living tissues. People will get ill if any of
these are injured or not working properly. We all know that exercise regularly can
lead to a healthy lifestyle by preventing people from sickness. The chances of
getting stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease or
any other chronic diseases can be reduced. The risk of having cancer can also
be reduced such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and other types of lethal
tumors. According to Davis and Stoppler, people are advised to do exercise
around 30 minutes to 60 minutes for thrice a week to have a healthy life.
Besides, a series of sustained muscle contractions are also involved in exercise.
Muscle mass and strength can be improved through muscle-strengthening
activities. Risk of joint and back pain can be reduced with the strong muscles and
ligaments. Thus, exercise acts as an agent for developing health. Reducing
stress and anxiety is also one of the benefits of exercise. Stress is a thing that
people cannot ignore because it is part of life. It is unavoidable. So, people need
to deal with their stress correctly to avoid depression. Many studies showed that
exercising is usually used to administer stress, enhance mood and also reduce
anxiety. A chemical called norepinephrine will be increased through exercising to
moderate the brain's response to reduce stress level. According to Griffin, people
will release warmth and chemicals while doing exercise that help people to calm
down anxiety disorders. Smits stated that fears of anxiety symptoms for young
adults can be reduced through engaging in a limited aerobic exercise. For
example, anxiety sensitivity can be reduced by jumping on the track or treadmill
for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise.

2. How do you define workout?

Workout is the act of engaging in physical training and exercises. It is a training
session with exercises to keep up or enhance one's physical fitness or athletic
ability. It started with a simple exercise to complex and intense training that is
why it is a challenging test of stamina and ability. An example of a workout is a
step aerobics class.

3. Are you a physically fit?

I cannot say that I am physically fit since I am underweight and so thin. Way back
when it was lockdown I experienced rapid losing of my weight. From 44 kg to
40kg my body literally gave up and I’m really having a hard time gaining weight.
Although I’m eating vegetables and fruits it is really difficult to gain at least 1 kg
every year. Therefore I can say that it is vital for us to do some exercises and any
other physical activities because it will be very helpful for us to maintain our
health and physical fitness. It may not be observable right away but I know it will
be worth it.

Aerobic equipment can comprehend floor mats, dumbbells, balls, steps,

ropes, bicycles.

Gaining Weight

Some people have difficulty in gaining weight. This can be a result of a higher-
than-normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical activity level. When weight
gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining muscle and not fat weight. To do this in a
healthy way, you should consume more frequent meals with healthy snacks. For
example, in addition to three main meals, consume three snacks per day.
Consuming about 300 to 500 calories per day more would result in about a 1
pound (0.45 kg) per week weight gain. Healthy snacks include yogurt, peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal with milk, fruit smoothies and turkey
sandwiches. It is also important to continue to exercise to ensure that the weight
gain is mostly muscle. In particular, resistance training will be an important
factor for building muscle. Although it will take some time, the slower the weight
gain, the more likely it will be to be muscle gain not fat or water gain. Losing
weight loss is a more common goal than weight gain

Losing weight

Involves a negative energy balance. This can be achieved by increasing

exercise and decreasing caloric intake.


● Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week.
When doing cardio exercise, especially to lose weight, frequency is an
important factor to make it more effective. Start cardio exercise for 3 days
a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days rest between
sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the frequency of
exercise to five days a week.
● To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity,
that is, our heart rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate
● More time spent during aerobic exercises means more calories burned
and an increase in endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session
at first, then gradually increase it to 60 minutes
● Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming and playing contact sports such as
basketball are some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It
is also important to try different exercise and activities to void boredom.


a) Limbering Exercises – stretching movements are performed to develop

flexibility of the body
b) Warm-Up Exercises – prepare the different parts of the body for more
complicated movement
c) Aerobics Dancing Routine – the aerobic proper, a continuous
movement that will last for about 30 minutes, which will strengthen the heart and
blood vessels
d) Cool Down – it is the last phase of the workout wherein slow movement
exercises are performed within 5 minutes to relax the tired muscles gradually


● Walking
● Stationary bicycling ∙ Step touch – step touch, close
● Lunge – place right foot forward, bend right knee
● Grapevine – side, back, side, close


● Running
● Jumping
● Treadmill
● Jogging

Each of the variety of aerobic activities to choose from has its individual
characteristics. The interesting side of this aerobic activities when movement is
combined with music and dance routine.


1. Improve the condition of the respiratory and circulatory system.

2. Improve strong joints, firmer muscles, postural alignment, a decrease in
body fat and better digestion.
3. Improve physical health and appearance, self-esteem and self-confidence.
4. Impacts the body system in ways that alleviate depression.
5. Develop coordination, balance and memory

Aerobic dancing has been a popular leisure activity in America when Dr.
Kenneth Cooper published “Aerobics” in 1968. It was fun moving with the music
with partner or group of people. Aerobic dancing has evolved generations after
generations, today, aerobic dancing has a blend of hip hop steps, new steps,
cardio funk, and other steps that the generation has become fond of.



These are some suggested aerobic and dance movements that can be
used in any combination. Be creative and invent you own combination and
sequences. Arm movements add style, interest, variety and artistry. They can
range from the basic to the very intricate

Jumping Jacks – Mamba/samba Hamstring curls


Knee Lifts – front/side Pas chassee Heel flex/digs

Kicks – Pas de bouree Step touch, taps – side
front/side/back/diagonal /front/back

Lunges – front/side/back Ball change V step, step together step

March-High or Low Impact Step ball change
Jog - High or Low Impact Grapevine
Skip - High or Low Impact Jazz box/square
Pivot turn
Chainee turns
Hip hop steps

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