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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33

Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02

: Page 16
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

Invitation to Tender Documents

Pak Mission Society invites sealed bids for the Supplies of Shelter Material.

1. You are hereby invited to submit sealed bids for the Supplies of Shelter Material as per
specifications in Annexure - 02 and also according to Terms and Conditions outlined in
Tender Documents.
2. The bids should be submitted in one (1) outer envelope containing two (2) separately
sealed envelopes marked as “Technical” and “Financial”. The envelope marked “Technical”
will contain all technical documentation and bid security required. The envelope marked
“Financial” will only contain price quote. The outer envelope containing two (2) inner
envelopes should be properly sealed and marked:
3. A pre-bid meeting will be held at the Pak Mission Society Head Office, House No. 90, Street
No. 34, G-14/4 – Islamabad Dated 14th April, 2023 at time (11:00am) to provide any
clarification, points or questions that are raised before the closure of submissions time.
Furthermore, any clarification/ queries from suppliers can also be entertained through
sending an email to tender@pakmissionsociety.org and by contacting the phone numbers
provided with the below address:
Operations Department: Address House No. 90, Street No 34 G 14/4 Islamabad.
Contact No: (051) 8446166

4. Pak Mission Society Tender Opening Committee will open all sealed bids received in
presence of bidders on Dated (14 th April, 2023) at time (16:00 pm) in Pak Mission Society
Head Office House No. 90, Street No. 34, G-14/4 – Islamabad. All bidders are requested to
attend tender opening.

5. All bids received that are not properly marked and sealed as per instructions OR bids
received after the indicated deadline for submission will be automatically rejected and will
not be considered. Any bid received after deadline date due to delay by courier service will
not be considered as well.


_______________________________________ ___________________________________
(Name, address) (Location, date)

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
: Page 16
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

Bid Form (Supplies of Shelter Material)


To: PAK Mission Society

Dear All:

Having examined the bidding documents including: PMS-TEN 33, the receipt of which is hereby
duly acknowledged we the undersigned:
Supplies of Shelter Material.
in conformity with the said bidding documents for the sum of __________________________
[Total bid amount in words and figures] or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with
the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid.
We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to completion the supplies work within ________days of
signing of the contract and receiving on Purchase Order. In case of delay in delivery a penalty @ 0.5% of
contract amount for each day can be imposed. In addition to, with a delay of more than two-weeks a
penalty of 2% of the total contracted amount per day will be applicable. And if the delay prolongs and
enter into the 4th week, PMS reserves the right to terminate the contract by issuing an intimation letter
to the vendor.
If our bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance security in the form, in the
amounts, and within the times specified in the Tender Documents.
We agree to abide by this Tender Rules specified in General Terms & Conditions and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this tender, together with your written
acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive and as a
participated contractor have no right to take any legal actions.
We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per the bidding documents.

Dated this ________________ day of ________________ 2023.

[signature & Stamp] [in the capacity of]

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
: Page 16
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

Duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of

Declaration of Eligibility

Tenderer / Supplier:

I, the undersigned (Name and address of representative)

Representative of

(Name and address of company)

Declare none of the following conditions are applicable to us;

 Are not registered companies.

 Are not bankrupt or in the process of going bankrupt.
 Have been convicted for an offense concerning professional conduct.
 Have been guilty of grave professional misconduct (proven by any means which the contracting
authorities can justify).
 Have not fulfilled obligations related to payment of taxes.
 Are guilty of serious misinterpretation in supplying information.
 Are in situation of conflict of interest (with prior relationship to project or family or business
relationship to parties on Concern).
 Were declared as serious fault of implementation owing to a breach of their contractual
 Are on any list of sanctioned parties issued by the Pakistan Government.



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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
: Page 16
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

_______________________________________ ___________________________________
(Name, address) (Location, date)

General Terms & Conditions for Tender

1. Scope: Pak Mission Society invites tenders for the supplies/ services described and summarized in
accordance with procedures, conditions and contract terms, as prescribed in the tender documents. Pak
Mission Society reserve the right to vary the quantity of Supplies material specified in the Tender
Documents without any changes in unit price or other terms and conditions and to accept or reject any,
all, or part of submitted offers.
1.1 Samples Submission: At the time of bid submission tenderer will submit the Samples which is
2. Language: As determined by Pak Mission Society, the working language of this tender is English.
Other languages will not be accepted.
3. Qualifying and Conditions: The main criteria for admission to the tender are as follows:
I. In order & updated company Profile
II. Certificate of Registration, NTN Certificate, (income tax exemption certificate if any)
III. List of key personal and contact details
IV. Proof of last Tax return submission.
V. Copy of bank statement of last 6 months
VI. Evidence (certificates) of completing past similar construction projects with NGOs and INGO’s.
VII. As per the Annexure 02 Samples should be submitted at the time of tender opening.
VIII. Company should provide declaration as per Annexure 04, Annexure 05 and Annexure 06 on
company letter

4. Tender Basis:
1. All Tender Documents must be completed in full, otherwise the application will be disqualified.
2. It is intended by PMS to invite tenders for receiving Tenders for the Supplies of Shelter Material
as described in Tender documents.
3. All Tenders shall be made in accordance with the Tender Documents including technical
specification, activity schedule and the draft of the contract intended to sign with the successful
4. All Applicants will receive identical documents: No applicant should add, omit, or change any
item, term or condition on the original papers.
5. If applicants have any additional request and conditions, this shall be stipulated in a separate
letter accompanying the Tender.
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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

6. The Tenderers are advised to visit and examine the destination for the delivery of material and
its surroundings and obtain for themselves on their own responsibility all information that may
be necessary for preparing the Tender and entering into a contract for Supplies of Shelter
Material. All expenses in this respect shall be at the Tenderer's own responsibility.
7. All quoted prices must be included with Holding Tax (WHT), and Duty Delivery Paid (DDP) prices.
8. The bill of quantities must include all information requested.
9. Clarifications regarding the project that is not addressed at the site visit must be furnished in
writing to the PMS. The answer to any question raised in writing by any applicant will be issued
to that applicant by letter. However, it is a condition of this tender that no clarification shall be
deemed to supersede, contradict, add to or detract from the conditions hereof, unless made in
writing and signed by the designated representative.
10. PMS is not liable for any damage to the applicant person or property in the event that
something should occur. PMS strongly recommends that all applicants take extra precaution
when surveying a site.
11. It is PMS policy to keep all tender value in confidence.

5. Scope of Works: The scope of assignment relates to provision of Supplies of Shelter Material at our
designated construction points in secure and safe condition according to the specification.
6. Payments: Preferred payment method is 100% upon completion of delivery; however, if requested
by selected contractor PMS may allow payment in parts as per delivered items.
8. Tender Documents: All Tender Documents included in this package are listed on the Tender
Document Receipt Form, signed by each recipient.
9. Tender Delivery: All tenders will be delivered in a standard format to the PAK Mission Society in a
sealed envelope by the date stated in Tender Documents. The envelope will be clearly marked with
reference of LOT # the invitation to which it is a response, the delivery address and the name of the
applicant. Tenders delivered after the specified time will not be accepted.
10. Tender Opening: The Tenders will be opened in the presence of the Tender Committee and
Applicant’s Representative (who wish to witness), at the address and on the date specified in the Tender
Documents. The applicant’s name, the Tender prices, the total amount of the Tender, any discounts and
such other information that the Commission may consider appropriate will be announced and registered
in the minutes.
11. Tender Evaluation: The Tender Committee will check the tenders to ensure that they contain no
amendment to the terms or any other (calculation) errors. To assist in the examination, evaluation and
comparison of Tenders, the Tender Committee may, at its discretion, request clarification from the PMS
staff or consult ant.
1. Technical Evaluation: The offers will be evaluated on technical merits. The technical evaluation
assesses the capacity of the company on the basis of submitted technical documents.
2. Financial Evaluation: The financial evaluation subject to the Technical evaluation is based on
the cost of assignment given in the tender.

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

3. Sample Evaluations: the contractor must have submitted the samples as mention in annexure
No 02.

Annexure No 01
Documentation Detail Supplier confirms that
they have agreed to these
ITEM - Name and points and have submitted
Sr.No Specification Score
description these documents with their bid/s
1 Financial      
1.1 Bank statement minimum last 6 month 2.5  
Tender security
1.2 deposit 2.5% 5  
1.3 Copy of NTN   2.5  
Total Score 10 0
latest 03 purchase
orders in same
2.1 capacity of work 5  
2.2 company Profile Updated 5  
Total Score 10 0

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

Annexure No 02

Samples details contractor

confirms that
Scoring they have agreed
Sr.No Name of Item Specification Brand Criteria to these
Meet points and have
criteria= 1 submitted
Not meet = these samples
0 with their bid/s
1 Cement Block Block (16'' x 6'' x 8'‘) Solid
blocks shall be sound and free
from cracks, broken edges,
honeycombing, and other
defects that would interfere
with the proper placing of block
or impair the strength or
performance during
2 Bamboo 3''dia of Bamboo for vertical
post (11')
4 Bamboo 2''dia of Bamboo for top roof
5 Tarpaulin Tarpaulin sheet A quality (12 ' x
Sheet 12’)

6 Sand Sand (Local/ Fine sand Should

be River. Neat and clean from
dust/ soil particulars.)

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

CHIQ 3/8" Dia

8 Crush
Crush (½” to ¾” down crush/
gravel free from big gravels,
dust & soil particles.)

12. Tender Committee Rights: Tender Committee reserves the right to conduct pre-inspection or pre-
assessment for the shortlisted contractors and visits/check offices, warehouses, bank details and other
documentation before final decision.
13. Selection of Tender: Selection of the successful applicant will be based on the ranking of companies
according to financial, technical criteria, sample evaluation criteria as well as any other criteria
suggested by the Tender Committee. Based on this the Tender Committee will then make a
14. Acceptance of Successful Tender: Taking into consideration the recommendation of the Tender
Committee, PMS will make the final choice of the awarded firm. PMS will then send a letter of
acceptance to the successful applicant. After submitted documentation from the selected firm has been
verified, the firm will then be obliged to sign the contract for the stated amount and work as per given
15. Currency of Bid: The offered price should be in Pak Rupees only. Prices Offered should include of all
applicable Government taxes, packing and transportation charges.
16. Purchaser’s right to vary requirements at time of award: Pak Mission Society reserves the right to
increase or decrease the quantities or to make split orders of item/s at the time of issuance of Purchase
17. Signing of The Contract / Purchase Order: Within two (2) days of receipt of the notification, the
successful bidder shall sign and date the contract / Purchase Order and return it to Pak Mission Society.
18. Acceptance of The Purchase Order: This Purchase Order may only be accepted by the Supplier's
signing and returning an acknowledgement copy of it or by timely delivery of the goods in accordance
with the terms of this Purchase Order, as herein specified. Acceptance of this Purchase Order shall affect
a contract between the Parties under which the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be governed
solely by the terms and conditions of this Purchase Order, including these General Conditions. No
additional or inconsistent provisions proposed by the Supplier shall bind Pak Mission Society unless
agreed to in writing by a duly authorized official of Pak Mission Society.
19. Taxes /Tax Exemption: The bidder shall consult with Pak Mission Society to determine a mutually
acceptable procedure for tax deduction as per applicable law in Pakistan. The bidder may submit tax
exemption certificate if the applying entity is tax exempted.
Accordingly, the Supplier authorizes Pak Mission Society to deduct from the Supplier's invoice any
amount representing such taxes, duties or charges.

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
: Page 16
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

All payments made against purchase will be subject to deductions of withholding tax, as applicable
under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and any other law promulgated in this regard by the Federal
Board of Revenue (FBR) from time to time.
20. Risk of Loss: Risk of loss, damage to or destruction of the goods shall be the liability of the
Procurement Agent, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties on the front side of this Purchase
21. Validity of Quotations: The offered quotation shall remain valid for forty-five (45) days from opening
date of the bids.
22. Sub-Let: Pak Mission Society will not allow to successful contractor to sub-let the work or part of
works under scope of this tender and signed agreement.
23.Tender Security: Each tenderer shall furnish, as part of his tender, a Tender Security value 2.5 % of
the quoted value in shape of Pay-order or call deposit for the name of “PAK MISSION SOCIETY” in Pak
Rupees. Any tender not accompanied by an acceptable tender Security shall be rejected by the PMS as
non-responsive. The tender securities of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as promptly as
possible, but not later than forty-five (45) days after the expiration of the period of tender validity. The
Tender Security may be forfeited:
 if the successful tenderer withdraws his tender and not accepting the purchase order
and sign the agreement.
 if the tenderer does not accept the correction of his Tender Price.
NOTE: Kindly Note National Tax Number (NTN) of Pak Mission Society for preparation of Earnest Money
as per bank requirement:
 Pak Mission Society
 NTN No: 3673174
24. Retention Money: Successful tenderer will provide 5% of the total contract price in the name of Pak
Mission Society as retention money at the time of signing the agreement. However, if the selected
tenderer request to release 5% tender security which was submitted at tender submission time PMS will
not return till the completion.
25. Tender Opening information: Sealed tenders & Samples.

Supplier should reach the Head Office House No. 90, Street No. 34, G-14/4 – Islamabad Dated (14th
April.2023) for pre-bid meeting at 11 am and Tender document will be submitted and Open at Head
Office House No. 90, Street No. 34, G-14/4 – Islamabad Dated (14th April.2023) 4pm.

Note: Samples can be submitted at below mentioned address;

FIELD OFFICE ADDRESS: Khalid Colony ward No319 Near Ladies Park Kunri

26.Evaluation Criteria and comparison of Bids: Single Stage One Envelope Bidding procedure will be
adopted for procurement. The bids will be evaluated and examined in the following manner:

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

1. After opening, all received bids will be processed through preliminary screening for
compliance status of General Terms and Conditions and specifications. For this purpose,
Annex-01, Annex-02, need to be signed and stamped by the bidders and to be submitted in an
envelope marked as "Technical". Annex No 03 need to be signed stamp by the bidders and to
be submitted in an envelope market as “Financials”
2. The bidders will also submit bid money placed in "Technical Offer" envelope.
3. Only Bids complying with general terms and conditions and Specifications will be considered
for further Evaluation.
4. The bids which are technically compliant will be further considered for financial evaluation.

Tender Document Receipt

Tenderer / Supplier Name:


I hereby acknowledge receipt of one set of tender documentation for the above project.

1. Invitation to Tender Documents

2. Bid Form suppliers
3. Declaration of Eligibility
4. General Terms & Conditions for Tender
5. Tender documents Receipt.
6. Price Schedule of Supplies
(Signed copy to be submitted back with Tender Documents along with 2.5% of tender security
equal to total bid value for the name of “PAK MISSION SOCETY).

First Name and Last Name:

Signature & Stamp:

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Locations District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33 Issuance 02
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Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023
& Livelihood Project

Date and Time:

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023

Annexure No 03

1. The Price schedule (quotation) should be submitted in a sealed envelope on company’s letter head duly signed and stamped and envelope
should be marked “Financial”.

Unit price
inclusive of
Per Per Delivery
taxes, No of Grand
Shelter Shelter Time in
Item loading/included Shelter Total
Items Name Specification Items Unit price Days
No Supplies. (in PKR
by Bidder)
B C= A x D E= D x
  Supplies of Shelter Material        
Block ( 16'' x 6'' x 8'' )Solid 179
blocks shall be sound and
free from cracks, broken
edges, honeycombing, and
other defects that would
1 Cement Block No
interfere with the proper
placing of block or impair
the strength or
performance during
2 Bamboo 3''dia of Bamboo for 8 No
vertical post (11')
3 Bamboo 2''dia of Bamboo for top 11 No

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023

roof (12')
Tarpaulin sheet A quality 144
4 Tarpaulin Sheet SFT
( 12 ' x 12' )
Cement (Pak Land, Lucky, 6
5 Cement Bag
thatta opc)
sand (Local/ Fine sand 40
Should be River. Neat and
6 Sand Cft
clean from dust/ soil
7 Chiq CHIQ 3/8" Dia 144 Sft
Crush (½” to ¾” down
crush/ gravel free from big
8 Crush 40 Cft
gravels, dust & soil
Loading & Unloading
9 Lumsum 1 Lumsum
10 Transportation Charges Lumsum Lumsum 1

Signature of Bidder ………………………………… Date: ................................................

Company Stamp: ..............................................

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023

Annexure No 04


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District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023

Procurement committee.
House No 90 street 34 Sector G14/4 Islamabad.

Subject: Declaration for the non-employment of child labor
Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this in order to declare that, I am __________ (Proprietor/ Authorized Signatory) of ___________ (Company/ Organization/ Institute – Mention
Name) and my name is _________ (Name) and I do follow the “Child Labor Prohibition and Regulation Act 1991 (Act Information)”.
I hereby declare that no child or minor is engaged in the ___________ (Staff/Labor) of the ___________ (Company/ Organization/ Institute – Mention) and if the
above-said statement proves to be false I shall be liable for all penalties and legal actions taken against me.

Yours Truly,

Company stamp:

Annexure No 05

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Project PMS-OPS-PRO-2/33
District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023

Procurement committee.
House No 90 street 34 Sector G14/4 Islamabad.

Subject: Declaration for the anti-state or money laundering

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this in order to declare that, I am __________ (Proprietor/ Authorized Signatory) of ___________ (Company/ Organization/ Institute – Mention
Name) and I ____________________ (Name) declare that company employees are not engaged in the anti-state or money laundering activity of the
___________ (Company/ Organization/ Institute – Mention) and if the above-said statement proves to be false I shall be liable for all penalties and legal actions
taken against me.

Yours Truly,

Company stamp:

Annexure No 06


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District Umerkot Tehsil Kunri Tender No: 33
Locations: Issuance 02
Umerkot integrated WASH,DRR & Livelihood Page 16
Project : Date: 14-Aprill, 2023


Procurement committee.
House No 90 street 34 Sector G14/4 Islamabad.

Subject: Declaration for influence any challenge against procurement process

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this in order to declare that, I am __________ (Proprietor/ Authorized Signatory) of ___________ (Company/ Organization/ Institute – Mention
Name) and I_________________ (Name) for my company shall not influence through government officials and any political influence on the selection
I hereby declare that company employees are not challenge the procurement committee decision at any level.
If the above-said statement proves to be false, I shall be liable for all penalties and legal actions taken against me.

Yours Truly,

Company stamp:

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