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Jeric Patricio Closa January 19, 2023

BTVTEd – Electrical Technology LIT 111

Footnote to Youth

The story begins with Dodong’s recognition of his manhood and his desire to
marry his girlfriend, Teang.
It was after dinner when he told his father about his decision of marrying Teang.
Dodong: I will marry Teang, father.
Father: Must you marry Dodong? You are very young.
Dodong: I am 17. You will let me marry Teang?
Father: If that is your wish, of course.
Teang gave birth to their first son named Blas.
Mother of Dodong: Come here, Dodong! It is over! It is a boy!
Dodong: I will come mother! I’m a father, a father?
Years passed; they had 6 more children. Teang looks shapeless and thin, wishing
she had not married.
Blas was now 18 years old. While laying, Blas told Dodong he wants to marry
Blas: I will marry Tona, Itay!
Dodong: Must you marry Blas? You are very young.
Blas: I am 18 years old now Itay.
Dodong was helpless. He couldn’t do anything.
Blas: You have objections Itay?
Dodong: Son… None…

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