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Name: Jovanie C.

Subject: Advance Database Systems

Application PAGE 31

Activity 1

The ABC Car Service & Repair Centers are owned by the SILENT car dealer; ABC
services and repairs only SILENT cars. Three ABC Car Service & Repair Centers
provide service and repair for the entire state. Each of the three centers is
independently managed and operated by a shop manager, a receptionist, and at least
eight mechanics. Each center maintains a fully stocked parts inventory. Each center
also maintains a manual file system in which each car’s maintenance history is kept:
repairs made, parts used, costs, service dates, owner, and so on. Files are also kept to
track inventory, purchasing, billing, employees’ hours, and payroll. You have been
contacted by the manager of one of the centers to design and implement a
computerized database system. Given the preceding information, do the following: a.
Indicate the most appropriate sequence of activities by labeling each of the following
steps in the correct order. (For example, if you think that “Load the database.” is the
appropriate first step, label it “1.”)

7 Normalize the conceptual model.

3 Obtain a general description of company operations
9 Load the database.
4 Create a description of each system process.
11 Test the system.
6 Draw a data flow diagram and system flowcharts.
5 Create a conceptual model using ER diagrams.
10 Create the application programs.
2 Interview the mechanics.
8 Create the file (table) structures.
1 Interview the shop manager.

Application PAGE 33

Activity 3

Using the waterfall model write the proper sequence of activities in the design of a video
rental database. The design must support all rental activities, customer payment
tracking, and employee work schedules, as well as track which employees checked out
the videos to customer.

 Establishing Requirements
1. Employees will be present at the store according to their shift.
2. The customer comes inside the store.
3. Employee inquires about/takes notes on the customer's data and interests.
Name: Jovanie C. Gonzales
Subject: Advance Database Systems
4. The employee will display the consumer videos based on their

 Analysis
5. The customer will choose a film to rent for a particular period of time
(according to his choice).
6. Employee will compute the rent amount.

 Design
7. The customer will pay using the available payment method.

 Implementation
8. The staff will verify payment success and pass over the movie to the

 Testing
9. The consumer arrives to return the video.

 Maintenance
10. Employee looks for the return date.
11. If the current date is after the return date, a fine is assessed; otherwise, the
fine is not assessed.

Application PAGE 45

Activity 1

Explain the interactions among end user, data, information, and decision making. Draw
a diagram and explain the interactions. Submit the softcopy of your output at our
learning site. Outputs will be graded using the given rubrics.

End user, Data, information and decision making are closely knitted. To link these
terms, an end user collects data from a process or flow or as an output of a sequence,
the raw data is then analyzed into meaningful information using analytical tools esp in
online industry, based on these information certain conclusions are drawn by the user
which in turn is beneficial for an organization's business.

Name: Jovanie C. Gonzales
Subject: Advance Database Systems

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