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Date: December 30, 2019

Appendix F
Technical Specifications
of STS Crane OCR System
(COS- Crane Operating System)

June 2019

1. Content
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
2. Glossary……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………6
3. Crane layout and required OCR functionalities………………………………….7
4. Scope of work ……………………………………………………………………..……………..…10
5. General requirements and conditions
5.1. Proposal……………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
5.2. Design……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………12
5.3. Review and approvals…………………………………………………………………………………13
5.4. Project Documentaion….……………………………………………………………….…………..13
5.5. Project plan & Time schedule…………………………………………………….…….……….14
5.6. Construction site and organization…………………………………………………….……….15
5.7. Conformity to climate conditions and meteorology…….……………………….…….16
6. Required Components and systems
6.1. General Requirements……………………………….…………………………………………………17
6.2. Active or passive RFID……………………………………………………….………….…….…….17
6.3. OCR – optical character recognition…………………….………………………..……………17
6.4. Damage inspection………………………………………………………………………….……………19
6.5. Ilumination system……………………………………………………………………………...…..…19
6.6. OCR / RFID construction………………………………………………………………..……………20
6.7. Cabling……………………………………………………………………………………….…..………..…20
7. Backup, redundency and reliability………………………………………………………….………...21
8. Warranty, maintenance and technical support……………………………………………………...22
9. Testing, acceptance and hand-over………………………………………………………………..……..26
10. Training………………………………………………………………………………………...………..……………32
11. Attachments…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..33

Attachment A Deleted
Attachment B COS detailed requirements.
Attachment C Bill of materials & quantities
Attachment D Deleted
Attachment E Project time schedule
Attachment F Deleted
Attachment G Supplier confirmation of compliance to the required specifications
Attachment I Requirements for communication connectors, adaptors and outlets

Attachment J Requirements from the main sub-contractor

1. Introduction

1.1. Haifa Port Company (hereafter" HPC") plans to install a Ship to Shore (STS) OCR crane system to automatically identify the
containers and yard tractors underneath the STS crane.

1.2. The scope of the project is to conduct a pilot with 1 STS crane with an option to install additional cranes with the offered OCR system.

1.3. HPC terminal operation runs NAVIS SPARCS N4 as a TOS system, that has to be integrated with the STS crane OCR system, as part
of this project. (HPC now runs N4 version 2.6 and plans to upgrade to N4 3.7 in the 4st quarter of 2019).

1.4. The following specification, along with the attached attachments define the requirements for the design, development, enhancements,
delivery, erection, installation, setup, testing, training, commissioning, and maintenance of the sensors, OCR system and interfaces
(that in total comprise the STS crane OCR System or COS),
2. Glossary
COS – Crane Operating system - that operates & controls the STS crane OCR system and its interface to Navis SPARCS N4. Can
be refered also as Crane OCR System.

Back-office Crane controller – a TOS control room employee in charge to cater for OCR exceptions via the offered COS system.
(manually completing the container or yard tractor detailes.
3. STS Crane Layout and required OCR functionalities

3.1. The STS cranes in Haifa Port Carmel terminal (total of 8 cranes) operate on the terminal 700 M length pier, and are connected to HPC
network via fiber optics, and operate under Navis SPARCS N4 TOS. (current version 2.6.34 and planned upgrade to 3.7 in the 4st
quarter of 2019).

The operational processes required for the STS cranes OCR are:
Crane Operation System (COS) that collects the details of the container, Yard
tractor underneath the STS Crane, interfaces & transmits the data to HPC
SPARCS N4 TOS system and allows for manual exception handling via the COS
The COS system also stores the pictures of the containers for future reviewing.

The layout of HPC STS crane in its Carmel Terminal. See also separately attached PDF


3.2 The STS Crane OCR system should support reading & updating Navis SPARCS N4 with
The following functionalities :
3.2.1 – Container number
3.2.2 - Container type (ISO code)
3.2.3 - Container door direction
3.2.4 - Detection of HAZMAT label including IMO class and UN number.
3.2.5 - Containers 5 sides of pictures for damage inspection.
3.2.6 - Identification of the Yard Tractor number underneath the STS crane (5 digits) by
either OCR reading (number is painted on the YT roof & doors) , or by an RFID
tag to be offered in this tender.
3.2.7 - A backoffice supporting system (named COS- Crane Operating System) that
allows for (minimum requirements) : Control , monitor & configure the STS Crane OCR systems. (OCR
sensors, container data & pictures, users & autorizations, statistics and
hit rate per crane / container type and functionality as outlined in 3.2
above). Catering for exceptions by a back-office controller. (namely keying in

un-recognized container / yard tractor numbers or other container
Pameters. (as defined in paragraph 3.2 above). Accumulate & present OCR hit rate statistics per Crane. Update online Navis SPARCS N4 TOS system in HPC with the relevant
OCR container parameters. Maintain detailed logs for the sensors & TOS interface, so that issues
can be easyly be investigated. retrieve the load list sequence of containers from N4 and monitor that
the correct sequence of arriving YT is maintained during loading.
3.3 The STS Crane OCR system should contain the required quantity of cameras & sensors to
support the above detailed funtionalities. The cameras could be mounted on the
horizontal Crane beams connecting the crane legs (static cameras - see the attached
diagram & dimensions).
4. Scope of work

The supplier shall submit a detailed proposal for the design, development, delivery, installation, commissioning, testing , training and
maintenance of the complete COS system, which shall include (but not be limited to) the following modules and systems:

4.1. Internal Yard tractor RFID – Radio Frequency Identification system (Tag reader and software) captures information for identification
of the truck. (this identifies HPC internal Yard Tracor number - 4 or 5 digits). Another option would be the OCR readings of the
painted YT number (painted on the doors & roof of the YT).

4.2. OCR – Optical Character Recognition system for identification of the container number,ISO code number, hazardous material labels
(presence and UN class & No.), , container seal existance. The supplier will be responsible for the integration with the COS & HPC
TOS system (Navis SPARCS N4).

4.3. Damage inspection –for capturing the container images from all visible sides. Adequate Illumination is required for providing high
quality images in all lighting conditions.

4.4. COS – STS Crane Operating System (software package supplied by the supplier): collects data and information from the field sensors
and components on the Crane , manages and stores the images & data in the COS Data Base, and exchanges messages with TOS
Navis SPARCS N4. (N4 update of the YT + container number & ISO type, and retrieval of the N4 load list sequence).

5.6 The COS (crane operating system) shall be installed on virtual Windows 2016 HPC
servers running under Microsoft HyperV 2016 .

5.7 The server shall be installed with HPC information security and cyber policy including a
Periodical update of the anti-virus software patches. Access to the servers shall be via
CyberArc PIM with possible remote access using a 2 factor authentication.
5. General requirements and conditions

5.1. Proposal

5.1.1 The Bidders are requested to submit a proposal for a Turnkey project, including integration with the existing Navis SPARCS N4
TOS software. The supplier shall be responsible for the full compatibility and integration with the existing NAVIS SPARCS N4 TOS
software as well as with any future TOS upgrades. NAVIS will provide the supplier with all required information for performing the
integration with it’s TOS. The bidder should specify (in it's proposal) the point in time , in the project timetable, that it requires technical
information from Navis for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements specifications relating to interface with SPARCS N4.

5.1.2 The bidder should submit in its proposal a comprehensive description of the STS Crane OCR system including the detailed technical
description of it’s components, the physical installation plans on the crane, as well as the technical description of all software
components, required IT infrastructure, and management tools. In the proposal, the bidder shall plan the detailed design of the STS
Crane OCR System(COS) - including electrical and communication diagrams, constructions, flowcharts, software components,
delivery of all specified sensors and subsystems and COS software, interfaces, emulation software for all supplied sensors, installation,
commissioning, unit & integration testing scenarios,training of HPC personnel ,maintenance plans and activities.The supplier shall be
responsible for the integration with the TOS SPARCS N4.

5.1.3 Special attention shall be given to the remote diagnostic, monitoring and control tools, as well as to the maintainability of the entire
system. The bidder shall include in his proposal the software packages for these tasks and supply the technical description & expertise
required to implement the proposed tools. The proposed remote diagnostic system shall be demonstrated at the tender stage and shall
have a proven functionality.

5.1.4 The bidder should provide documentation of it's proven experience and ability in his STS Crane OCR system deployment and of
interfaces with NAVIS SPARCS N4 TOS software.The bidder shall provide HPC with the details of its relevant previous STS Crane
OCR projects and applications as follows: name of the project, Location, Description, customer name, year of deployment, Point of
contact (see Appendix C of the invitation)

5.1.5 The bidder proposal shall contain, inter alia, the time schedule that reflects all project stages and shall be coordinated with the HPC
project manager.
5.1.6 The winning bidder will be responsible for its on-site organization and shall provide itself for all needed necessary facilities (like
temporary office, storage place, communication means etc).

5.1.7 HPC shall provide, as part of the Contract, an area of upto 100 square meters that shall be allocated for the Contractor needs
(offices, storage, logistics, etc.). It is the sole responsibility of the supplier to cater for all of his logistic needs for carrying out all of
it's obligations under this contract.

5.1.8 Please refer & fill the necessary requierments that are required from both the main
sub-contractors & all other contractors planned to participate in the bid. See
attachments J, K to this document.

5.2. Design

5.2.1 The design will be carried out according to the following stages: Detailed design (electrical, communication, software). Software sensors emulation, interfaces (including TOS interfaces) and system level testing procedures. COS design and deployment / development.

5.2.2 All outdoor components and constructions shall be designed for operation conditions within temperature range of -5ºC through 50ºC
and relative humidity of upto 90%.
Design factors: Ambient temperature 45ºC, relative humidity 80%.

5.2.3 All outdoor electrical, electronic and optical equipment shall be designed for reliable functioning without extra cooling by fans or

5.2.4 The supplier shall prepare and submit for discussion and approval the detailed design of the entire STS Crane OCR system The
design shall include, inter alia, flow charts, instalation diagrams and drawings, and business rules, GUI and COS software modules.
The design shall be based on requirements specifications in this document.
5.3. Review and Approval
5.3.1 A review time of 2 weeks needed for HPC for the above reviews and approvals shall
be considered by the supplier in the entire project time schedule.
5.3.2 For each selected material, component or system the supplier shall submit the
following details: Manufacturer name, Catalog and/or description and/or data sheet
marked accordingly to the selected, item calculation. (whereever relevant).
5.3.3 The HPC approval is a precondition for the suppliers purchase order of the required
sensors and components.

5.4. Project Documentation

5.4.1 All documentation may be written in English, except for the project documentation,
which shall also be translated to Hebrew (indicated below).
5.4.2 The project documentaion shall contain (but not be limited to) the following: Electrical and control diagrams and corresponding parts list Communication diagrams and corresponding parts list Electrical and communication infrastructure design and drawings and instalations on the STS crane. Component and system catalogs and data sheets Functional description and operational instructions for the COS, sensors and systems (also in Hebrew language) Maintenance manual (also in Hebrew language) Complete spare parts list. Recommended spare parts list. Software Licenses documents. All blueprints documents written by the supplier for the project. The full COS system actual detailed configuration & layout of all components. A detailed written procedure for starting & stopping the COS system & its interfaces and sensors) and for monitoring the COS
components. List of all software changes and enhancements in the project (COS , interfaces and others), including their blueprint documents. The list of any open items/issues/bugs and the timetable for their resolution.
5.4.2 The as-made complete documentation shall be submitted to HPC in 5 printed copies and on flash memory stick not later than 30 days
after the sytem acceptance date.

5.4.3 During all project stages,the supplier shall keep on site all relevant documentaion including hand made modifications, untill as-made
documentaion is submitted to HPC.

5.5. Project plan & Time schedule

5.5.1 The Supplier shall appoint a project manager (SPM) that shall manage the project on its behalf. Amongst the SPM responsibilities
shall be the following: Setup and manage the project Gantt chart. The Gantt chart shall include weekly activities with the responsibilities of both
the supplier & HPC. Run, manage & mitigate the project risks. Be responsible for all activities relating to the project that are specified in the contract as the supplier responsibilities. Participate in a weekly meeting (or conf. call depending on the project stage) and report to the project steering committee
on a monthly basis. Work closely with HPC project manager (HPM) during the full duration of the project . Maintain a detailed testing plan for the project stages , and submit the results of each testing (and status of each correction)
to HPC. Each final testing plan should include the expected and actual results , and the remediation/corrections that were
applied to achieve the expected results. Prepare a detailed training plans for the COS for the different participating HPC employees: Operations, , IT &
Maintenance. Plan , assist and monitor the operational testing period of the COS system and remediate any issue that requires

5.5.2 The project time schedule shall be prepared in MS Project format & cover all stages such as detailed design, work flow simulation,
COS configuration and development & customizations, purchasing and delivery, installation, commissioning , testing, training,
documentation, etc.
5.5.3 The normal office hours at HPC are Sunday through Thursday 08:00 to 17:00 (for project meetings) , but some project activities shall
be carried out during hours that are not within the normal office hours (including weekends) in coordination with HPC.

5.5.4 Communication and submission of documents shall be done via both project managers only (SPM & HPM). The SPM shall be
responsible for receiving all the required information from the suppliers employees or sub-contractors, or other relevant vendors.
5.5.5 Additional documentation during the project: The SPM shall be responsible for the following documentation during the project: – Detailed design documents (Blueprint by version number) – Detailed follow-up on the status of each enhancement and bug. - All requests for changes by HPM (according to the agreed changes
procedure coordinated at the beginning of the project between HPM &
SPM). - risk management & mitigation close follow-up.

5.5.6 The following time frames shall be taken into consideration in the time schedule and will be under the suppliers full responsibility: Submit to HPC the detailed time schedule for the entire project shall be submitted by the supplier within 4 weeks from project
Start Order. The time schedule shall be anchored to the project milestones as outlined in Attachment E. Submit to HPC, electrical and communication infrastructure design and requirements – 8 weeks from project Start Order. Final approval of the detailed design by HPC - 12 weeks from project Start Order. Setup a design review meeting at HPC- 12 weeks from project Start Order. HPC approval of detailed design, after supplier corrects all HPC comments – 16 weeks from project Start Order. Submit to HPC the detailed design & testing procedures (scenarios) of the COS– 20 weeks from project Start Order. Instalation of techological sensors in the the STS Crane, full integration of sensors, COS and port operational systems done by the
supplier- 24 weeks from project Start Order. Full COS integration tests before delivery- 28 weeks from project Start Order date. Acceptance tests of all COS and workflows- 29 weeks from project Start Order date. Go-live of the COS on the Crane – 30 from project Start Order date.

5.5.7 The supplier will be responsible for full coordination of its activities with HPC nominated project manager (HPM) and/or

5.6. Construction site and organization

HPC will provide the supplier with an organization area near to the construction site, all as defined in the Contract's documents and as
following described briefly:
5.6.1 All facilities at the construction site, such as office, electrical power, communication, water, telephone lines, toilets, sewage and
other waste removal services etc. required for and throughout the installation, commissioning and testing, shall be provided by the
supplier on his expense.
5.6.2 All supplier personell on site will be instructed and briefed by the Port safety officer and will be obliged to follow all safety
regulations and operational directions.
5.6.3 According to the local laws and regulations, the supplier should nominate its represantative to be in charge and responsible for safety
on the construction site.

5.6.4 The supplier shall be responsible for waste removal and cleaning of the working site.

5.7. Conformity to climate conditions and meteorology

5.7.1 The climate at the construction site is characterized as a typical Mediterranean sub-tropical climate. Mean annual temp. is 24˚C;
Coldest months - Jan. & Feb. (mean temperature 16˚C); Warmest month - Aug. (mean temperature 30˚C).

5.7.2 Relative humidity values are relatively constant throughout the year with monthly averages ranging from 57% to 70%.

5.7.3 All outdoor components and constructions shall be designed for operation conditions within temperature range of 0ºC through 50ºC
and relative humidity of 90%.
6. Required Components and systems

6.1. General requirements

6.1.1 All components and equipment for outdoor installation shall be at least IP65 degree
of protection and shall be suitable for sea environment conditions.
6.1.2 All components shall be submitted to HPC for approval (see para. 5.1.2, 5.1.3).

6.1.3 The supplier shall specify & recommend spare components as part of the project.

6.2. Active or passive RFID - Radio Frequency Identification System for the Yard Tractor

6.2.1 HPC requirement is to read the Yard Tractor Number (painted on the roof and doors
of the tractor) via OCR or an additional RFID tag (and Tag readers) to be proposed
in the tender. The proposed RFID Tag can be either passive or active but should
allow for a 100 hit rate of the correct Yard Tractor number.
6.3. OCR –Optical Character Recognition (container data)

6.3.1 The OCR system is utilized under the STS Crane.

6.3.2 The OCR system shall identify the following container combinations:

• Dry 20' or 40' or 45'

• Important remark – HPC cranes utilizes also twinlifts (20') that must be read by the OCR.
• High cube 20' or 40'
• reefer containers 20' or 40'
• Open top 20' or 40'
• Flat rack or platform containers 20' or 40'
• Tanker containers 20' or 40'
6.3.3 OCR system shall capture images from at least four sides of the container (2 side
walls, back and the top of the container).
6.3.4 The system shall provide the container ID numbers code in any required format. In
most cases standard XML format is utilized.
6.3.5 The system shall provide the required accuracy whether the Yard Tractor follows
the center of the lane or deviates from it (under the STS crane).
6.3.6 In cases where the container number is obscured or damaged, a “No-Read”
message is relayed. The values read are accompanied with a confidence value (0-
100). In a non-read message, COS system shall trigger an exception operator job
and allow the back-office crane controller to manually key in the complete number
using the stored images of the containers.The OCR system shall send the OCR
output results in the same order that they pass by the camera system.
6.3.7 OCR Technical requirements:

Min 95%
Container number recognition
Container ISO code recognition (size Min 95%
& type)
Hazards labels/IMO placards presence Min 90%

Container ISO type Min 98%

Container Seal presence detection Picture only

Min 98%
Container door direction
digital IP
Camera type
min 2 Megapixel
Output video signal MPEG4/H.264

Communication protocol TCP/IP

Image format JPEG

Low quality JPEG 12KB

Medium quality
uncompressed format

6.4. Damage Inspection

6.4.1 The system shall capture the container images from all visible sides and
enable a back-office controller to view images on line (Using COS screens
see Attachment B of this document) or retrieve historical pictures from history
visit records.
6.4.2 The system shall operate at every OCR event and provide damage inspection
images in JPG (still) and AVI (video) formats for each container.The images
shall be saved and linked with the relevant record generated by COS. web
access to the images shall be possible. Storing still pictures under Jpeg
3KX2K resolution is approved.

6.4.3 The system shall allow the following historical storage time:

JPG format Up to 1 year

AVI format Up to 1 year

6.4.4 100 % back up and automatic historical cleaning fuction shall be provided.

6.5. Illumination system

6.5.1 Illumination system shall assure sufficient ligthing intensity for high quality
and OCR images under any weather and ligthing conditions. The system shall
be based on LED technology and triggered by LMS lazer sensors (or another
acceptable proven means).
6.5.2 The illumination system shall have a life time of at least 5 years.

6.5.3 The power supply shall have at least two independent circuits that will be fed
from different power sources. Malfunction of any ligthing fixture will be
remotely monitored and shall not influence the image quality. We require that
for all sensors we have double power supply connections and not a double
independent power supply.

6.6. OCR / RFID construction

6.6.1 Each system shall be delivered as a complete unit and shall include all necessary
constructions and equipment like steel mounting brackets, cameras, cables &
connectors (power & communication) other required sensors, , lighting fixtures,
hardware and software, application licenses, etc.
6.6.2 Free and safe access to the installed components (cameras, lighting fixtures,
connection boxes etc.) shall be possible.
6.6.3 All steel constructions / elements (if any) shall be hot dip galvanized and/or
Painted according to pre-approved paint specification.

6.7. Cabling

6.7.1 communication connections (switch) to HPC network shall be provided by

HPC on the STS crane.
6.7.2 The contractor shall provide the cabling & connectors for connecting its
sensors to the crane switch. (see Attachment I for the requirements
specifications of the industrial cabling & connectors). All cables must be sun
UV protected or placed in relevant sleeves to ensure sun protection.
6.7.3 HPC shall provide the electrical connection to the crane electrical network ,
but the contractor shall provide the electrical cables , connectors ,and/or local
electrical panels,and submit these for a prior HPC approval.
7. Back-up, redundancy and reliability

The COS technological infrastructure detailed design (to be designed by the supplier at the beginning stage of the project and submitted for
HPC approval) should ensure high reliability and survivability of the COS technological components, For example:

7.1 Servers, switches should be redundant or clustered for ensuring high availability (The
supplier shall plan and submit this high availability design for HPC's approval)
7.2 All configuration and data shall be backed up on a regular basis, allowing for fast
recovery. HPC would be responsible for the backup (based on training &
documentation delivered by the supplier).
7.3 All crane OCR sensors and computerized equipment shall be IP based and monitored
on a 24X7 basis remotely by COS & a network & control and monitoring system. All
configuration shall be done remotely and be part of the warranty and optional extended
maintenance agreement. In addition HPC would be allowed access by the supplier for
the monitoring of all crane OCR components via COS or other HPC network
monitoring system.
8. Warranty, maintenance and technical support

The supplier shall include in its proposal full warranty for a period of 1 years for all of the crane OCR components and COS system (hardware
& software) and upto optional extended warranty periods (option of HPC) . The warranty and or optional extended warranty will include all
nessesary services for uninterruptable and continuous operation of the OCR STS crane system. The services shall include on-site preventive
maintenance, troubleshooting , repairing, ,periodical inspections, and 24/7 monitoring of all COS components. The details of the warranty
services are detailed in the following para. 8.1-8.2. The Warranty period will start after acceptance date of the entire crane COS System by

8.1 The supplier shall include in his proposal a detailed annual maintenance plan, local sub-
contractor service facilities and manpower proposed for providing maintenance and
trouble shooting of malfunctions in the crane COS System. The maintenance services
shall include services such as (but not limited to): correction of any malfunctions or
defects in any hardware or software component that was supplied by the supplier,
provision , installation and integration of any required replacement parts, provision of
periodical maintenance works (including preventive maintenance and inspections) to the
crane COS system, provision (at no additional cost) of new releases or updates to COS or
any other software components that were supplied by the supplier, extensive testing of the
supplied software & hardware and help Desk services and maintenance services under the
SLA defined in section 8.5 in this document.

The supplier shall commit to have in his own stock any required replacement equipment or hardware component that are necessary to
perform the required waranty or optional maintenance services under this contract.

8.2 Maintenance manpower and services on site shall be provided by an experienced Israeli
local subcontractor. It is the suppliers responsibility to choose the most suitable local
subcontractor that shall be involved in all the project phases and subsequent warranty &
optional extended warranty services. The subcontractor and its team are subject to prior
HPC approval.

8.3 During the 1 month of operational testing (see the project's detailed timetable)
, the supplier, through its local subcontractor, shall provide the technical on-site
support as required for 5 days a week during regular working hours.

8.4 During the warranty period (and optional subsequent extended warranty periods), the
supplier shall provide the following services as follows:

8.4.1 Remote help-desk/service center available 24/7 (call by HPC's representatives

should be possible on a 24/7 basis by phone, E-mail, and/or by an online web
ticketing system).
8.4.2 Presence of a technician on site as reuired by HPC during regular working hours, 5
days a week. This is required during the 1 months operational testing and could be
cancelled at HPC's sole discretion.
8.4.3 Response time for reported cases would be according the Service Level Agreement
(see table below): A critical malfunction is defined as one that halts completely or disables the
ability to work with the STS COS. . For e.g. : the whole crane OCR system is
down or Critical parts of the crane OCR do not function (COS, OCR sensors ,
RFID sensors, main software interfaces, server or communication problems
8.4.4 A none critical malfunction is defined as one that does not seriously affect the
operational flow at the crane.
8.5 In the case of a critical issue the winning supplier shall commit all required resources
and it's best endeavors to continuously work on the issue until it is resolved and the
crane OCR is brought back to full operation. Following is the required SLA (Service
Level Agreement) response times:
type of Initial response time required time required to
malfunction for arriving on- resolve (or
site workaround)
Critical immediate up to 2 hours upto 4 hours
Non critical immediate Next business day Next business day
or as otherwise
agreed with HPC
8.6 The warranty (& optional subsequent extended warranty periods) shall cover (at the
expense of the supplier) all the components of the crane OCR and COS: hardware,
software, interfaces and all sensors and integration provided by the supplier and are
included in the contract scope. The supplier shall replace and correct any malfunction
in any part of the crane OCR or COS that is not functioning according to the
specifications or has unexpected results that disrupt the normal operation of the COS.

8.7 HPC shall allow the suppliers support team to connect remotely via a secured line to
the COS system. , but if there is a need to arrive on site the suppliers representatives
shall do so promptly , in coordination with HPC's COS coordinator.

8.8 The supplier is committed to use (for all services under this contract) only authorized
and licensed software.

8.9 The supplier shall perform all the services specified in this contract using high quality
and professional standards and with skilled and certified personnel as required. This
requirement includes high standards and tools for cyber threat protection. (see
attachement 10 of the contract for details)

8.10 The supplier shall fully cooperate with Navis LLC , for preparing & testing all the
necessary interfaces between COS & SPARCS N4 TOS software. (the description of
the interfaces are detailed in Attachment B). The full spec of interfaces shall be
defined in the detailed planning stage of the project, done by the supplier (as part of
it's obligations under this contract).
8.11 The supplier shall be responsible for any update of future versions of COS and its
compatability and full integration with Navis SPARCS N4 future versions and other
related HPC systems as follows :
8.11.1 When the supplier develops any enhancements or future versions of COS , and
HPC requests the supplier to implement them in HPC , The supplier shall be
resposible for the implementation and integration of such enhancements and/or
new versions within the crane automated operating system (COS) and all of the
interfacing systems.The updates would be done at no additional cost to HPC
and be part of the waranty and optional extended warranty contract costs.
8.11.2 Whenever HPC shall decide to upgrade SPARCS N4 to a future version, or
update any technological infra-structure component( for e.g. operating systems,
servers, Database, communication components or any other software or
hardware component) the supplier shall be resposible that all technological
sensors and software would be updated, if necessary, to ensure the
compatability & smooth operation of the crane automated operating system
(COS) with the new version or enhancements. The updates would be done at
no additional cost to HPC and be part of the waranty and optional extended
warranty contract costs.

8.12 The supplier shall be responsible to update HPC on any significant technological
development, (such as but not limited to) components end of life, cease of support by
the manufacturer, or any change in the legal or commercial status of the supplier or
any 3rd party that is related to the automated crane operating system (COS) as
specified in this contract that is brought to its knowledge, during the project, warranty
or optional maintenance periods.
9. Testing, acceptance and hand-over
9.1 The supplier should design and submit to HPC for approval, a detailed testing &
acceptance plan for all of the project stages (as outlined in the project timetable plan in
Attachment E). The testing plan should include FAT (factory acceptance tests) and
SAT site acceptance tests) and should cover all aspects of the crane OCR system such
as (but not limited to) unit testing , full system testing & integration (including but not
limited to all interfaces), all done separately as outlined in the project timetable plan.

9.2 The detailed testing plan should be submitted for HPC comments and approval
(seedetailed project timetable in Attachment E). The plan shall cover all unit, sub-
system, system ,software & interfaces , and for each specific test the expected result
shall be defined. HPC shall be entitled to define and add additional specific tests
(relating to the crane OCR system) and the supplier shall agree to perform these
additional tests as part of the crane OCR testing cycle at his own expense.

9.3 All the needed equipment, software & resources that are needed to execute the testing
of the crane OCR system, shall be delivered and executed by the
supplier, and the supplier shall bear all expenses relating to these testings.

9.4 All testing shall be documented and submitted to HPC. The supplier shall correct any
failure in any component that failed the test (or the result does not match the expected
or required result) within 7 days and the testing of the component and system shall be
retested untill the actual results match the expected results.

9.5 HPC shall conduct it's own testing of the crane automated system for the crane OCR
system (COS) and only after all of the crane OCR system components pass the
testings and prove to function according to the required specifications, HPC shall
issue, through it's project manager, and in writing, it's approval and acceptance of the
crane OCR system (via the "Readiness for operational test" (see form H2 in the
contract document).

9.6 The following KPI (key performance indicators) shall apply to determine the success
of the COS implementation (to be tested and measured at the end of the operational
test), for calculating the expected result the supplier should provide logs within COS
so that the expected result would be based on objective actual data derived from the
Log files:

KPI # Indicator description Expected result

Number of critical Software or hardware 0
malfunctions that halt the issues that halt the
STS crane OCR system system
COS system response time Internal COS response 95% of measured
time to online results are upto 2
operations (user seconds
interface screens)
Interfaces response COS interfaces to HPC 95% of the
NAVIS SPARCS N4 results are upto 5
OCR hit rate comply with Actual measured 1% max.
vendor declaration performance after deviation from
operational tests vendor

9.7 The crane OCR system (COS) warranty period shall commence , only after the issue
of HPC's written approval for the acceptance of the crane OCR system.

9.8 The supplier shall submit (as part of its commitments under this contract) all the
required crane OCR system (COS) documentation (including but not limited to as-
made drawings- these documentation being part of the final milestone of the project).

9.9 Mandatory COS electrical testing by a qualified Electricity testing engineer

(electricity infrastructure setup by the supplier): After completion of the construction
of the COS , the supplier shall (at his expense and part of it's obligation under this
contract) order the final testing of the COS by a qualified and certified Electrical
testing engineer. The supplier shall conduct all the required repairs specified by the
certified engineer , until approved by the certified engineer and the supervising
engineer.The testing of the certified testing engineer shall be conducted according the
the project stages and timetable, and the nessecity to electrify the elecricity panels. No
electrical panel shall be electrified prior to testing and written approval of the certified
testing engineer. The supplier shall bear all expenses related to the above testing and

9.10 The supplier shall provide HPC with the following documentation of the COS :
9.10.1 The detailed design of all crane OCR components.
9.10.2 All AS-Made documentation (drawings, technical specifications, software
documentations, Sensor & infrastructure settings, software enhancements
and changes, COS system starting / stopping procedures) all in MS WORD
format and Autocad drawings, relating to COS, sensors, interfaces,
integration, technological & physical infrastructues, servers, equipments
9.10.3 All technological infrastructure setup & configuration (including caliberation
whereever applicable).
9.10.4 Maintenance plans & recommendations for all components of the crane OCR
system (including recommended spare parts list).
9.10.5 Recommendations & software tools for online monitoring of all crane
9.10.6 COS user manuals that include all the changes & enhancements done during
the project with a separate detailed chapter on COS interfaces to TOS , and
crane OCR components. The user manual shall include all operational
instructions and screenshots diagrams of the crane OCR system , including
(but not limited to) crane OCR system monitoring , log files access and
layout, interfaces layout & explanation and sensors setup & configurations.
9.10.7 The supplier shall prepare and submit to HPC a site documentation book
with sensors & a detailed network setup & configuration.and COS
9.10.8 The supplier shall include in the COS OCR documentation, a chapter on the
infrastructure operation: The correct sequence of starting, stopping and reset of the
system.(relating to sensors, other hardware, software , servers,
DB etc.) Recommendations on the servers, DB , software components setup,
monitoring & maintenance. The procedure for maintaining and purging historical data from the
9.11 The following terms ,definitions and stages shall be part of the project test stages:
9.11.1 Suppliers integration tests: The supplier is testing the installed sensors &
systems. (including interfaces & integration) At the succssesful completion
of this stage the supplier signs and submits to HPC a "Declaraton of
completion" form (see form H1 in the contract document). Only After
correcting all issues reported on the visual test to the supplier ,HPC would
sign a "Readiness for testing" form (see form H2 in the contract document)
declaring that it is ready for commencing it's own testing cycle.
9.11.2 COS System acceptance test: HPC conducts a full system test according to
its detailed testing plan. HPC then approves succsessful completion of the
system testings and signs "Readiness for operational test" form (see form
H3 in the contract document) for commencing of operational test of the
9.11.3 COS Operational Test: testing the crane OCR under full operational
conditions for a period of up to 1 month. It is emphasized that in the
operational test procedure : any serious malfunction (software or hardware
issues that halt the system completely) that is encountered would
automatically cause ,an extension of the operational test period by 1
month).The operational test period would last a maximum of 3 months and
if at that point there are still pending serious malfunctions and the COS
does not function according to the planned specifications, this would be
dealt then according to the contract specifications.
9.12 Acceptance: Contractual acceptance of the project- signed and approved by HPC
after successful completion of the operational test.

Test conditions for Parameters of Technology 9.13
HPC actions (weeks)
description beginning success supplier actions Hand
- Responsible for - Provide test environment.
conducting the - Provide connection to port
test. infrastructures and
Integration End of integration to - resposible for all relevant. Operational
test before port infrastructures and logistics required. systems. 4
documented tests.
delivery operational ststems. - Submit to HPC - Coordinate of works in
tests operational areas.
documentation. - Provide assistance from
- Contractor submmits
"Decleration of
Full completion" form to Successful
Accompany HPC
acceptance HPC. documented
in the testing and Responsible for conducting
test of the - HPC issues performance of all 4
correction of any the test.
COS and all "Readiness for operational
workflows testing" form, after scenarios.
conducting Visual
Performance meets
Port HPC issues "Readiness required Service & close follow up and
Responsible for conducting
operational for Operational test" operational level technical support 4
the test.
test form. parameters set by on site.
(Milestone) : hand over of the project to HPC and commencement of the
waranty period for COS.Following is a recap of the required testing procedures:
Date: December 30, 2019

During the testing , a list of rejects found shall be submitted to the supplier on a
weekly basis , and the supplier shall be responsible for immediate correction of these

It is emphasized that every test that failes to meet the expected results shall be
repeated (after being corrected by the supplier) and that if as a result of these
retesting the total period of HPC testing shall be extended beyond the planned week
26, this extended period shall be accounted for as a delay in the completion of this
milestone, with the supplier held responsible for this delay, according to the contract

It is also noted that HPC might consider (at it's own sole discretion) approving
additional time to the supplier (beyond week 26) for correcting minor issues, without
considering this approved additional time as a delay in the delivery of this milestone.

10.1 The supplier shall provide separate training sessions for operational, maintenance &
IT personel. The training program, materials, detailed agenda, time and duration
shall be coordinated with HPC. Content of training courses and training materials
shall be submitted to HPC for apporval at least 4 weeks prior beginning of training

10.2 The training sessions shall be conducted in a classroom setup on site and include all
the crane OCR software and emulation of the sensors and interfaces , on a separate
training environment to be set up by the supplier in coordination with HPC.

10.3 The exact number of trainees (operational, maintenance & IT) shall be coordinated
between the supplier & HPC project manager, and the training group size shall not
exceed 9 trainees.
10.4 Operational training scope & content:
10.4.1 Before start of acceptance test - one group of upto 9 operational trainers.
General content: COS, Exception handling Duration - 2 days.

10.4.2 Maintenance & IT training scope & content: Before start of acceptance test - one group of upto 9 support &
Sysadmins. General content: COS, , sensors , servers, network,
monitoring , setup & configuration & calibration, startup .
(emphasis on IT issues) Duration- 2 days (emphasis on system
infrastructure maintenance & monitoring & tuning). Before start of the operational test – one group of upto 9 hardware
maintrnance & IT covering sensor maintenance & calibration. (the
group shall include electricians, mechanical experts, & It support
experts). Duration - 2 days.
Attachment C– Bill of Materials & Quantities

See required bill of materials & quantities in the Request For Proposal document
(Appendix G of the invitation ).
Date: December 30, 2019

Attachment E - Project time schedule

Following is a block diagram of the project time schedule and the Technology supplier. The
commencement of the work, shall be upon a written notice to proceed (work start order) issued
by HPC to the supplier:

Please note that the installation of sensors on the crane should be approved & coordinated
with HPC operational and maintenance management , so that minimal, interference to
HPC operational flow is caused. In addition the winning bidder could request to install the
sensors (or part of them) at an earlier date then specified in the following timetable, and this
request must be approved & coordinated by HPC.

Early Late Technology supplier activity HPC milestones

start finish
(week) (week)
0 Work start order
0 4 1. Design criteria for STS
OCR system.

2. Submit to HPC the

Electricity &
requirements for the
3. Submit detailed project
time schedule.
8 1. Submit for HPC's approval
the COS detailed design and
testing procedures
8 12 2. Plan & setup a design review HPC approval of
meeting at HPC. detailed design

20 1. Delivery & instalation of HPC shall

COS hardware & software. coordinate &
cooperate in the
24 Conduct detailed testing HPC to follow the
and submit "declaration testing by the
of completion and supplier
readiness for testing" to
28 Supplier follows HPC testing of HPC submits
the COS. "readiness for
operational test"
32 Supplier to follow HPC
operational testing and
correct any malfunction.

Early Late Technology supplier activity HPC milestones
start finish
(week) (week)
33 Handing over of COS Submit "COS
technology to HPC for the contractual
beginning of waranty period. acceptance" form.

Attachment G – Supplier's confirmation of compliance with the required
specifications in chapter's 6-10 components
The supplier should fill column C in the table below and specify "understood & comply" if the
item proposed by the supplier complies with the required specification

C - Supplier
Paragraph Description confirmation of
item Comments
compliance with
6.2 Yard Tractor RFID reading minimum,
6.3 OCR (container #) minimum 95%
6.3 OCR – read all type of specified
6.3 OCR –capture images from at least 4
sides of container
6.3 OCR – translate data to XML or other
needed format
6.3 OCR container size & type accuracy-
minimum 95%
6.3 OCR hazard placard presence -
minimum 90%
6.3 OCR container door direction-
minimum 98%
6.3 OCR – IP camera specifications
6.4 Container damage inspection- COS
6.4 Container damage inspection- history
6.5 Illumination system requirements
6.6 OCR infrastructure general
6 COS- STS crane operating system as
specified in Attachment B
7 Back-up, redundancy and reliability
8 Warranty, maintenance and technical
9 Testing,acceptance and hand-over
10 Training

Attachment I- requirements for Communication cables , connectors,
adaptors and outlets

1. General

All equipment with optical connections will be provided with LC type MM

OM4 or SM OS2 standard connectors.

All equipment with data connections will be provided with standard CAT 7a
RJ-45 connectors according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10 specifications.

1.1 IP67 Fiber Optic Industrial Duplex LC Outlet

a.) Industrial IP67 version with bayonet coupling.

b.) For front or rear panel mount to a max. panel thickness of 3.2 mm.
c.) Receptacle housing: Black plastic UL 94 V-0, zinc die-cast.
d.) Protection cap: Black plastic, zinc die-cast nickel plated.
e.) Shall be as a set with plastic protection cap.
f.) Duplex LC MM 0M3/4 or SM G657 A2 or OS2 connectors.

The image for illustration purposes only

1.2 IP67 Fiber Optic Industrial Duplex LC Patch cord

a.) Industrial IP67 Single Mode/Multi Mode fiber optic patch cord.
b.) Connector's type: LC
c.) Multi Mode maximum connector insertion loss: 0.5 dB
d.) Single Mode maximum connector insertion loss: 0.2 dB.
e.) Cables are indoor and outdoor OFNR type
f.) Plug protective cover (2x).
g.) Lengths as per detailed design calculations..

The image for illustration purposes only

1.3 LC Duplex to LC Duplex MM OM4 Patch Cord

a.) Connectors shall be LC Duplex type according to TIA/EIA-604-10.

b.) All connectors shall be tested to FOTP-21.
c.) Connectors shall be pre-radius polished to provide the optimal end-face geometry for
long-term performance.
d.) The cable shall be Low smoke (IEC 61034) and zero-halogen (LSZH), flame
retardant to IEC 60332-3-24 (C) and noncorrosive to IEC 60754-2 (FRNC).
e.) The cable shall be metal free; hence, there are no ground-loop or potential
equalisation problems and completely dry design (without gel).
f.) Length as per detailed design calculations.
g.) Specifications:

Fiber Category 50 micron MM OM4

Connector Type LC duplex
Ferrule Ceramic
Durability ≤ 0.2 dB 500 rematings, FOTP-21
Tensile strength jacketed cable 44N
Insertion Loss, Typical 0.1 dB
Insertion Loss, Max 0.15 dB

1.4 RJ-45 Cat-7a indoor connector

a.) RJ-45 CAT7a STP connector features Category 7A performance conforms

to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10 latest draft, ISO/IEC 11801 2.1 edition and
CENELEC EN50173 (200x) for Category 7A/CLASS E.
b.) The connector shall work with 110 and Krone termination tools.
c.) Compatibility with a wide range of standard international faceplate and patch panels.
d.) The connector shall support both solid and stranded cables.
e.) The connector shall fit in standard IEC 60603-7 openings.
f.) Performance Requirements: Meets all Channel and performance electrical
requirements for 10G application.
g.) Material:

Jack Housing: Polycarbonate UL 94V-0

Jack Contacts: Phosphor bronze, 50 micro-inch gold
plating over nickel
Wiring Block Housing: Polycarbonate UL 94V-0
IDC Contacts: Lead-tin plated phosphor bronze
Shielding: Nickel Plating
Flammability: Conforms to UL 94V-0

1.5 Industrial RJ-45 Cat-7a socket

a.) RJ-45 CAT6a STP socket features Category 7A performance conforms

to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10 latest draft, ISO/IEC 11801 2.1 edition and
CENELEC EN50173 (200x) for Category 7A/CLASS E.
b.) Compatibility with a wide range of standard international faceplate and patch panels.
c.) Protection rating: IP-65
d.) The connector shall support both solid and stranded cables.
e.) The connector shall fit in standard IEC 60603-7 openings.
f.) Performance Requirements: Meets all Channel and performance electrical
requirements for 10G application.
g.) Operational temperature: -40ºC - +70ºC
h.) Connection 1: RJ-45
i.) Connection 2: IDC
j.) Shielding: 360º shield contact
k.) Wiring: TIA-568B
l.) Solid min: 0.4 mm
m.) Solid max: 0.64 mm
n.) Housing main material: PA UL 94 V0

2. Communications Infrastructures

2.1 Standards

a.) TIA 568 Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standards

b.) TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10 Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling
Standard Part 2: Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Components Addendum 10:
Transmission Performance Requirements for 4-Pair 100 W
c.) ISO/IEC 11801 Generic cabling for customer premise
d.) TIA/EIA-455-A Standard Test Procedures for Optical Fibers, Cables, Transducers,
Sensors, Connecting and Terminating Devices, and Other Fiber Optic Components
e.) TIA/EIA-604-10A Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standard,
FOCIS-10 (Type LC)

2.2 General

a.) The passive communication system refers to the universal communication

infrastructure in compliance with Category 7A.
b.) The communications infrastructure must comply with Category 7A and will respond
to all the requirements specified in TIA/EIA-568-B.-1.
c.) The cable must be Category 7A as specified in TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1; it will be
deployed on a shielded patch panel. Each end of the cable will be fitted with CAT
7A RJ45 connectors.
d.) The supplier must submit comprehensive and full test documents of each component
(cable, RJ-45 end accessories, etc.) in the passive equipment as required by the
standard, from approved laboratories GHMO, Delta or ETL, indicating that each
component complies with the requirements of Category 7A.
e.) In addition, the supplier is required to submit approvals from certified laboratories
like GHMT, Delta or ETL to the effect that the system supplied for this tender was
tested to the Permanent Link level and complies with the requirements of Category
7A. End equipment must be manufactured by Corning, Panduit and Rit only.
f.) Shielded patch panels, shielded connectors and patch cords must fully comply with
the standard and at the level of CAT7A, and should bear 'Connecting Hardware'
approval. All components must be of the same manufacturer.

2.3 Communication Cable

a.) Indoor communication S/FTP Category 7A copper cable for applications up to 1000
MHz according to EN 50288-9 and IEC 61156-5 specifications.
b.) Each twisted pair is shielded with metal foil (PIMF).
c.) Full copper braid shield.
d.) The cable satisfies Class B interference radiation standards according to EN 55022,
as well as immunity according to EN 55024, which enables the realisation of CE -
compatible networks.
e.) Communication cable must be manufactured by Corning, Panduit, Rit Teldor and
Draka only. The contractor shall provide verified certificates of Conformance for
cabling products.
f.) Specifications:

Environment: Indoor
Cable Type: S/FTP
Category: 7A
Bandwidth: 1,000 MHz
Halogen-free: Yes
No. of Pairs: 4
Outer jacket material: LSZH/FRNC
Conductor insulation: Halogen-free foam-skin material and
low smoke flame retardant
Min. Bend Radius Operation: 3x Cable-Ø (over flat side)
Min. Bend Radius Installation: 8x Cable-Ø (over flat side)
Copper conductor: AWG 23
Fire Load: 0.62 MJ/m
Maximum Tensile Strength: 154 N
Nominal Outer Diameter: 7.5 mm

2.4 24RJ-45 Port Cat 7a Patch Panel

a.) The STP data communications patch panel shall meet the requirements for high-
performance Category 7A networks for 10 Giga applications.
b.) The panel conform to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10, ISO/IEC 11801 2.1 edition and
CENELEC EN50173 (200x) for Category 6A/CLASS E . The system is designed to
support protocols running at up to IEEE 802.3an 10 Gbps, 1,000 Mbps, such as ATM
622 Mbps and Gigabit Ethernet and future high-speed applications.
c.) Support 24 ports per 1U.
d.) The patch panel shall include 24 shielded RJ-45 connectors.
e.) High performance, supportable bandwidth up to 500 MHz supporting IEEE 802.3an
f.) 10 Gbps application
g.) Special cap design for eliminating Alien Cross-Talk
h.) Simple labor-saving termination using standard Krone and 110 termination tools.
i.) Sealed casing for EMI/RFI protection .
j.) Color coded wiring blocks, compatible with both T568A and T568B wiring options.
k.) Support solid and stranded 22-26 AWG wires.
l.) Material- STEEL SAE 1020
m.) Patch panel must be manufactured by Corning, Panduit, and Rit only.

2.5 RJ-45 Cat-7a Keystone

a.) RJ-45 CAT7a STP keystone features Category 7A performance conforms

to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-10 latest draft, ISO/IEC 11801 2.1 edition and CENELEC
EN50173 (200x) for Category 6A/CLASS E.
b.) The keystone shall work with 110 and Krone termination tools.
c.) Compatibility with a wide range of standard international faceplate and patch panels.
d.) The keystone shall support both solid and stranded cables.
e.) The shall fit in standard IEC 60603-7 openings.
f.) Performance Requirements: Meets all Channel and performance electrical
requirements for 10G application.
g.) Material:

Jack Housing: Polycarbonate UL 94V-0
Jack Contacts: Phosphor bronze, 50 micro-inch gold
plating over nickel
Wiring Block Housing: Polycarbonate UL 94V-0
IDC Contacts: Lead-tin plated phosphor bronze
Shielding: Nickel Plating
Flammability: Conforms to UL 94V-0

3. Optical Infrastructure

3.1 General

Fiber optic cables will be produced by one of the approved manufacturers:

cables will be approved with CORNING's or PRYSMIAN fiber only.

3.2 Outdoor Cable with 12/24 MM Fiber Optic

a.) General
The cable shall contain 12/24 multimode optical fibers within a polyethylene
sheath. The cables are armoured by means of corrugated steel tape for mechanical
and rodent protection. This result in a cable construction that can be direct buried.
b.) Design and construction
A typical cable construction can be seen in Attachment 1.
c.) Cable core
The cable core shall be dry and fully water blocked with water swellable materials.
The cable shall be armored by means of a corrugated steel tape.
d.) Ripcord
2 non-metallic ripcords, diametrically opposed, shall be laid longitudinally under the
sheath to facilitate its easy removal.
e.) Polyethylene Sheath
f.) A polyethylene sheath with a minimum thickness of 1.2 mm, and nominal thickness
of 1.5 mm, is to be applied to form a complete seal over the entire cable core.
g.) The sheath shall contain 2.5% Carbon black suitably blended to prevent any
deterioration due to UV radiation. The sheath shall be free from pin holes, joints and
any other defects, shall be reasonably circular and the outer surface shall not be
concave at any point. The color of the sheath shall be black.
h.) Performance requirements
Mechanical and Environmental Characteristics are as follows:

General Specifications
Environment Outdoor
Cable type Loose Tube
Product type Corrugated steel armour
Fiber category 50 micron MM OM4
RoHS Free of hazardous substances according to RoHS 2002/95/EG
Cable Design
Central element Dielectric
Central element 2.5 mm
Fiber count 12/24
Fibers per tube 6
Number of tube 6
Number of active tubes 2/4
Loose tube diameter 2.25 mm
Number of filling 4
Armouring Corrugated steel tape
Outer jacket material Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)
Outer jacket nominal 1.5 mm
Optical Characteristics
Fiber type Multimode
Fiber core diameter 50 micron
Fiber category OM4
Wavelength 850 nm/1,300 nm
Maximum attenuation 2.8 db/km//1 db/km
Typical attenuation 2.4 db/km//0.8 db/km
Min. Overfilled 3,500 MHz*km/500 MHz*km
Launch (OFL)
Minimum Effective 4,700 MHz*km
Modal Bandwidth
Serial 1 Gigabit 1,100 m/600 m
Serial 10 Gigabit 550 m
Induced attenuation @ < 0.2 dB
7.5 mm radius
Standards in TIA/EIA 492AAAD, Tested with min EMBc method to TIA/EIA
compliance 455-220, IEC 60793-2-10 Type A1a.2 Ed.2.0 and IEC 60793-1-49
ED.2.0 ITU-T G651, ISO/IEC 11801 Cat. OM4
Mechanical Characteristics
Nominal Outer 11.6 mm

Weight 127 kg/km
Min. Bend Radius 230 mm
Min. Bend Radius 175 mm
Max. tensile strength 2,700 N
for installation
Crush Resistance 3,000 N/10 cm

3.3 Outdoor Cable with 24 SM G657 A2 Fiber Optic

a.) General:
The cable shall contain 12/24 single mode optical fibers within a polyethylene
sheath. The cables are armored by means of corrugated steel tape for mechanical
and rodent protection. This result in a cable construction that can be direct buried.
b.) Design and construction
A typical cable construction can be seen in diagram 3 below.
c.) Cable core
The cable core shall be dry and fully water blocked with water sellable materials.
The cable shall be armored by means of a corrugated steel tape.
d.) Ripcord
2 non-metallic ripcords, diametrically opposed, shall be laid longitudinally under
the sheath to facilitate its easy removal.
e.) Polyethylene Sheath
A polyethylene sheath with a minimum thickness of 1.2 mm, and nominal thickness
of 1.5 mm is to be applied to form a complete seal over the entire cable core.
The sheath shall contain 2.5% Carbon black suitably blended to prevent any
deterioration due to UV radiation.
The sheath shall be free from pin holes, joints and any other defects, shall be
reasonably circular and the outer surface shall not be concave at any point.
The color of the sheath shall be black.
f.) Performance requirements
Mechanical and Environmental Characteristics are as follows:

Diagram 3
General Specifications
Environment Outdoor
Cable type Loose Tube
Product type Corrugated steel armour
Fiber category SM (G657 A2)
RoHS Free of hazardous substances according to RoHS 2002/95/EG
Cable Design
Central element Dielectric
Central element diameter 2.5 mm
Fiber count 12/24
Fibers per tube 6
Number of tube positions 6
Number of active tubes 2/4
Loose tube diameter 2.25 mm
Number of filling 2/4
Armouring Corrugated steel tape
Outer jacket material Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)
Outer jacket nominal 1.5 mm
Optical Characteristics
Fibre Type Single mode
Fiber core diameter 9 micron
Fibre Category G657 A2
Wavelengths 1,310 nm/1,383 nm/1,550 nm
Maximum Attenuation 0.36 dB/km/0.36 dB/km/0.22 dB/km
Serial 1 Gigabit Ethernet 5,000 m
Serial 10 Gigabit Ethernet 10,000-40,000 m
Cable cutoff wavelength 1,260 nm
Standards in Compliance TIA/EIA 492-CAAB, IEC 60793-2-50 Type B1.3, ITU-T
G.652 D, ISO/IEC 11801 Cat. G657 A2
Mechanical characteristics
Nominal Outer Diameter 11.6 mm
Weight 127 kg/km
Min. Bend Radius 230 mm
Min. Bend Radius 175 mm
Max. tensile strength for 2,700 N
Crush Resistance 3,000 N/10cm

4. Tests

4.1 Copper Tests

Upon completion of the installation and connections, the installer will check each
line separately for CAT 7A compliance at the level of the permanent link including
printing the results from the device for each of the lines.

The tests will be conducted in accordance with the specifications of ANSI/TIA/EIA-

568-B-1Using a dedicated device like Fluke's DSP-4000.

The results of the test will be submitted on magnetic media, in addition to the
printouts that will be included in the documentation file.

4.2 Optical Tests

End-to-end attenuation tests are required for two wavelengths: 850 nm and 1,300 nm
for MM Fibers and 1,310 nm and 1,550 nm for SM Fibers. The test will be
conducted using an Optical power meter OPM. (Contractor shall submit a calibration
document for the device, indicating the last calibration date.) The results will be
extracted from the OPM memories and submitted on an Excel spreadsheet and
magnetic media. The length of the cable for calculating comparative attenuation will
be taken from the OTDR test.

The quality of the fibers, the attenuation, and the length of the fibers will be tested
with an OTDR at wavelengths of 850 nm and 1,300 nm for MM fibers and 1,310 nm
and 1,550 nm for SM fibers. (Contractor shall submit a calibration document for the
device, indicating the last calibration date.)

The supplier will specify the test method, including formulas.

The test with an OTDR will be carried out with a reference cable of a least 1 km in

The results of the test will be extracted from the OTDR device from both ends and
will be submitted on magnetic media and in the form of printouts in the
documentation file. In addition, a drawing must be submitted with the layout of the
deployment of fibers, including the attenuation of each optical connection.

Note that the fiber optics must be continuous, with no connections along their length,
except for their presence in the routing panels.

Attachment J- requirements from the Main Sub-Contractor

1. All contractors employed by the the main sub-contactor , require prior written approval by
2. All contracors employed by the the main sub-contactor should have & present the
appropriate required licences & permits required by law & be registered at the contactors
registration (The the ministry of construction) under the relevant classification, as required
by any law.
3. The communication infrastructure contractor should present a valid "Neser" license and be
registered in the contractors registration under the classification "240 Alef".
This contractor should have proven experience of at least 5 years between the years 2013-
2018 in constructing passive communication computer rooms, low voltage communication
systems, wireless networks, and laying & connecting cables of various type (Fiber optics &
copper) in standard communication cabinets. To prove its experience each sub-
contractor should fill in the form in Appendix C of the invitation. The contractor should
describe in detail the types of passive communication infrastructures that were built /
deployed in each project.
4. The contractor conducting electrical works in the project should hold all the necessary
licences & permits as required by the Electricity law in Israel.


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