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As a student with multiple responsibilities, I often find myself struggling to manage my

time efficiently. Juggling schoolwork and home chores can be challenging, and the stress of not
being able to keep up with both can be overwhelming. This situation has both causes and effects
that need to be explored.

The causes of my stress in managing time for schoolwork and home chores are numerous.
Firstly, the workload from school can be quite demanding, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed
with the amount of work that needs to be done. This can lead to procrastination, which only adds
to the pressure of getting everything done on time. Additionally, household chores can be time-
consuming, and they often pile up quickly, leaving me with even less time to focus on

Another cause of this situation is the lack of proper time management skills. Often, I find myself
spending too much time on non-productive activities, such as social media or watching TV,
which eats up valuable time that could be spent on completing schoolwork or household chores.
This lack of discipline and self-control further exacerbates the situation, leading to more stress
and anxiety.

The effects of this situation can be detrimental. One of the most significant effects is the impact
on my mental health. The constant stress and pressure of trying to balance schoolwork and home
chores can lead to anxiety, fatigue, and even depression. This, in turn, can negatively affect my
academic performance, making it even harder to keep up with my responsibilities. Another effect
is the strain it can put on my relationships with family and friends, as I may not have the time or
energy to spend with them.

Overall, the cause and effect of my stress in managing time for schoolwork and home chores are
interrelated. The causes of the situation, such as the workload from school, the time-consuming
nature of household chores, and the lack of proper time management skills, lead to the effect of
feeling overwhelmed and stressed. This, in turn, has a detrimental effect on my mental health and

In conclusion, managing time for schoolwork and home chores can be a challenging task, and the
stress that comes with it can have a significant impact on one’s well-being. By recognizing the
causes and effects of this situation, steps can be taken to reduce stress and find a better balance
between responsibilities. It’s essential to prioritize tasks and find ways to manage time
effectively, such as creating a schedule or delegating tasks to others. By doing so, the negative
effects of stress can be minimized, and a healthier balance can be achieved. It’s crucial to
remember that taking care of oneself and one’s mental health is just as important as completing
tasks and responsibilities.

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