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Module Name: Management Name: Hsu Yadanar Aung

Information System
Module No. MBA-133
Roll No: MBA I - 12

 Help suggest (in addition to the eMRWeb) TWO different information systems (out of 6

major ones; TPS, OAS, KWS, MRS, DSS, ESS) and explain the functionalities of your system in
detail. Identify how these systems support Pan Hlaing Hospital’s business strategy.
Transaction processing system (TPS)
The fundamental business systems that support an organization's operational level are known as
transaction processing systems (TPS). A computerized system known as a transaction processing
system carries out and documents the everyday transactions required for business operations.
Management Information System (MIS)
A management information system (MIS) is a computer-based information system that generates
routine reports and frequently enables online access to the real-time and archived data required
by managers, primarily at the middle- and first-line levels.
Knowledge System (KWS)
Knowledge systems (KWS) support the information and knowledge workers in the organization
by ensuring that new knowledge and technical expertise are properly integrated into operations
and the coordination of daily office tasks. People with formal university degrees who frequently
belong to a recognized profession, such as engineers, doctors, lawyers, and scientists, are known
as knowledge workers. Their primary responsibility is the creation of new information and
eMRWeb is a system designed to store, share, and analyze data collected in any healthcare
facility. It could include both private and public clinics, hospitals, and doctor's private chambers.
It also collects, organizes, and manages electronic medical records for patients.
The data collected and stored in a healthcare facility is managed by a transaction processing
system and a knowledge management system. Physician practices, private and public clinics, and
hospitals are all included. These facilities collect, store, manage, and transmit electronic medical
records for patients.
eMRWeb systems improve patient care by using the most up-to-date patient information of PUN
Hlaing's Hospital. Because patient data is highly sensitive, any health information system used
must ensure data accuracy and patient confidentiality. eMRWeb is available to and accessed by
healthcare professionals. These include those who deal directly with patients, clinicians, and
public health officials. Healthcare professionals collect data and compile it to make health care
decisions for individual patients, client groups, and the general public.
  What is/are the information system type (out of 6 major ones) of eMRWeb? Why please
elaborate? List out THREE users of the system. What organization level of users is in the
organization? Explain how eMRWeb system helps provide values and support Pan Hlaing
Hospital’s business strategy?
The information system type of eMRWeb is “Knowledge Management System (KWS).”
Because it helps to support the organization's information and knowledge by ensuring that new
knowledge and technical expertise are properly integrated into operations and the coordination of
daily office tasks. Knowledge workers are those with formal degrees from universities who
frequently work in a recognized field, such as engineers, doctors, lawyers, and scientists. Their
main responsibility is to generate new information and knowledge.
One solution to these issues is being developed by the information system type of eMRWeb, the
Smart Corporation, a Web-based medical record storage and retrieval system. It makes patient
records available online and keeps them on a server in the company data center. The eMRWeb
system is provided by Smart Corporation on a fee-per-transaction basis (Software-as-a-Service),
with regular updates to guarantee that the system complies with HIPAA rules governing the
privacy of patient records. Other computerized patient record systems require health facilities to
buy hardware and software, offer ongoing support, and adhere to evolving privacy regulations.
This is different. The medical facility is only required to make records initially accessible, update
them as necessary, and pay a fee for each transaction. Administrators, caregivers, and patients
make up the system's three primary users.

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