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Transient Stability Analysis

❑ TS is also called Rotor Stability, Dynamic Stability
❑ Something between mechanical and electrical system – Energy conversion
❑ Electromechanical Phenomenon – Time frame in milli-seconds
❑ All synchronous machines must remain in synchronism with one another
❑ For years, TS was a problem exclusively to utility as Co-generation plants/Small
Independent Power Producers (IPPs) were considered as a load of Utility.
❑ Now, with increasing numbers of industrial and commercial facilities have
installed local generations with large motors.
❑ The role of IPP/co-gen companies and other plants with on-site generation in
maintaining system stability is a new area of interest in power system studies
❑ When a co-generation plant is connected to the transmission grid, it changes
the system configuration as well as the power flow pattern. This may result in
stability problems both in the plant and the supplying utility
Generator Modelling

❑ Machine
▪ Equivalent Model / Transient Model / Sub-transient Model
❑ Exciter and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
❑ Prime Mover and Speed Governor
❑ Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
Generator Modelling

❑ Load Addition
Time required for frequency fall event is directly proportional to Inertia and inversely proportion
to ΔP
Droop Vs Isochronous
Droop Vs Isochronous

Droop mode is more stable when generators are operated in parallel as

generators with equal droop will not only find a common operating point in
the power speed droop diagram but will share the load equally
Droop Vs Isochronous
The isochronous governor characteristics as shown, with
a series of speed settings represented by horizontal lines
and each line representing a particular speed setting.

In an isolated system if a machine is operated with isochronous governor speed setting set
at governor speed characteristics “A”, the speed will remain constant as the load is
increased from zero to full load, beyond which the speed will drop.

Paralleling of a generator, in isochronous governor setting mode, with the infinite grid is
not practical since any slight deviation from synchronous speed setting, under such
parallel configuration, would result in generator loading at either full fuel or at minimum
fuel position, depending on whether the setting is low or high.

A more usual arrangement is to have one isochronous unit operating in parallel with one or
more units in speed droop mode. Such an arrangement has the advantages of maintaining
constant system frequency
Steady State Stability
❑ If the internal voltages of the two machines are EG and EM and the phase angle between
them is Θ, then the real power transmitted from the generator to the motor is,

The maximum value of P occurs at Θ = 90º

❑ This is the steady-state stability limit for the simplified two-machine system. Any attempt
to transmit more power than Pmax will cause the two machines to pull out of step (loose
synchronism with each other) for particular values of internal voltages.
❑ The higher the internal voltages and the lower the system and machine reactance, the
greater the power that can be transmitted under steady-state conditions.
Steady State Torque Equation
Transient stability means the ability of a power system to experience a sudden change in generation,
load, or system characteristics without a prolonged loss of synchronism. To see how a disturbance
affects a synchronous machine, consider the steady-state characteristics described by the steady-
state torque equation first,

❑ Air gap flux remains constant with internal voltage (proportional to the field excitation)
❑ If field excitation remains unchanged, then a change in shaft torque T will cause the
corresponding change in rotor angle δR
Steady State Torque Equation

❑ With the machine operating as a motor (when rotor angle and torque are positive), torque
increases with rotor angle until δR reaches 90 electrical degrees.
❑ Beyond 90°, torque decreases with increasing rotor angle. As a result, if the required torque
output of a synchronous motor is increased beyond the level corresponding to 90° rotor angle, it
will slip a pole
❑ A generator operates similarly. Increasing torque input until the rotor angle exceeds 90°results
in pole slipping and loss of synchronism with the power system, assuming constant electrical
Swing Equation
❑ F=mxa
(for linear motion)
Equal Area Criterion

Single Machine Infinite Bus System

Equal Area Criterion

❑ Sync Generator Real Power Output

Pm = Pmax Sinδ
❑ Pm is mechanical input and assumed
to be constant throughout analysis
❑ Stable Operating Point

❑ Unstable Operating Point

Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion

Equal Area Criterion
❑ Steady state: Before fault is applied, rotor
angle at stable equilibrium point-A
❑ 3Ph-G fault on one of the transmission
lines (towards generator), electrical power
output of generator Pe will be zero. The
operating point moves to point B on the
❑ Since Pe has become zero and Pm is
constant, rotor angle starts to increase as
per Swing equation
Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion ❑ Imbalance in Pm and Pe will lead to rotor
gaining Kinetic enerly and rotor starts
❑ Operating point starts moving from point B
along with δ-axis towards infinity
Equal Area Criterion
❑ Once the faut is cleated at point C, which
corresponds to an angle δc, then since Pe
output is not zero but it will be Pmax sinδc,
the operating point moves to point E on the
Swing curve
❑ At point E, Pe is greater than Pm and hence
rotor starts decelerating
❑ Due to rotor inertia, it can not change its
speed suddenly, hence rotor acceleration will
decrease due to which angle will swing from
point E to F
Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion
❑ The rotor angle will increase until the rotor
kinetic energy gained during fault period is
Equal Area Criterion
❑ It will swing back from point F and will move
towards point A
❑ If rotor swing cause the rotor angle to cross the
unstable operating point δmax from point E
then system will become unstable
❑ Hence, rotor can swing maximum up to δmax
before becoming unstable

Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion

Equal Area Criterion
❑ Applying it to the swing curve,

❑ Dividing the intervals of integration in to δ0- δc

and δc- δmax which leads to

Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion

Equal Area Criterion
❑ From figure, we can observe that

❑ It can be understood from above that the

energy gained during acceleration (Area ABCD)
should be exactly equal to the energy lost
during deceleration (Area DEF) for the system
Swing Curve for Equal Area Criterion to be stable
❑ If fault is cleared later then critical clearing
angle δc, then area of acceleration will
become more than area of deceleration due to
which rotor angle will swing beyond point F and
will become unstable
Power System Stability Limit
❑ Steady-State Stability Limit
▪ After small disturbance, the synchronous generator reaches a steady
state operating condition identical or close to the pre-disturbance
▪ Limit: δ < 90°

❑ Dynamic Stability Limit

▪ After a severe disturbance, the synchronous generator reaches a
steady-state operating condition without a prolonged loss of
▪ Limit: δ < 180° during swing
What Causes System Unstable?
❑ From Torque Equation ❑ In Real Operation
▪ T (prime mover) ▪ Short-circuit
▪ Rotor MMF (field winding) ▪ Loss of excitation
▪ Air-Gap Flux (electrical system) ▪ Prime mover failure
▪ Loss of utility connections
❑ From Swing Equation ▪ Loss of a portion of in-plant
▪ Pmech
▪ Starting of a large motor
▪ Pelec
▪ Switching operations
▪ Different time constants in
mechanical and electrical ▪ Impact loading on motors
systems ▪ Sudden large change in load and
Consequences of Instability
❑ Synchronous machine slip poles – generator tripping
❑ Power swing
❑ Maloperation of protective devices
❑ Interruption of critical loads
❑ Low-voltage conditions – motor drop-offs
❑ Damage to equipment
❑ Area wide blackout
❑ ….
Stability Program Output
TS Study Examples
❑ Load Addition
❑ Load Rejection
❑ Apply and Clear 3-Phase fault (Unequal load sharing)
❑ Apply and Clear 3-Phase fault (Equal load sharing)
❑ Loss of Generator
❑ Frequency Based Load Shedding
❑ …..
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