LetsAnalyze Week 4-5

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Gabriel Rival GE15(6121)


Activity No. 3. The study of population is a complex process where we

investigate how population grows over time and how it affects the nature and quality of

life among different communities and its implication to the limited resources and

sustainability. We use different factors and parameters to examine how the population

will grow shortly and how the resources can sustain this growth.

At this juncture., you will be required to elaborate your answer supported with literature

and data to the following questions.

1. Discuss comprehensively how population growth affects the environment,

economy, and development.

Population growth is a complex issue with important environmental, economic and development
implications. As the population grows, so does the demand for resources and land use, which can have
both positive and negative effects. In this discussion, we will look in detail at how population growth
affects these three areas.

Environment- The environment is most affected by population growth. As the population increases, the
demand for natural resources such as water, air and land increases, leading to overexploitation and
degradation of these resources. Here are some ways population growth affects the environment:

Climate change: As the population increases, the demand for energy also increases, leading to an
increase in greenhouse gas emissions, causing climate change. In addition, deforestation, often done to
make space for agriculture or settlements, leads to a reduction in carbon sequestration and contributes
to global warming.

Loss of habitat: As the population grows, people need more space to live, work and farm. This leads to
deforestation and destruction of natural habitats, leading to loss of biodiversity and destruction of

Lack of water: With more people, the demand for water increases, leading to overuse and depletion of
freshwater resources. This leads to water scarcity for humans and wildlife.

Economy- Population growth has both positive and negative effects on the economy. Here are some
ways population growth affects the economy:

Increasing labor supply: A larger population means more workers to contribute to the economy, leading
to increased productivity and economic growth.

Growing demand: A larger population leads to increased demand for goods and services, which can
stimulate economic growth and job creation.
Resource pressure: A larger population can put a strain on resources such as land, water and energy,
leading to increased costs and potential shortages, which can affect economic growth. Develop

Population growth can also have both positive and negative effects on development. Here are some
ways population growth affects development:

Increasing demand for services: A larger population leads to increased demand for services such as
health care, education and infrastructure, which may limit the ability of developing countries to provide
these services.

Urbanization: As the population increases, people move from the countryside to the city leading to
increased urbanization. This can lead to problems such as overcrowding, slums, and inadequate

Resource pressure: Population growth can put pressure on natural resources such as land, water and
forests, which in turn can hinder development efforts.  

2. How population growth rate affects the sustainability of natural resource?

Overuse and depletion:

As the population grows, the demand for natural resources such as water, forests and minerals also
increases. This can lead to overexploitation and depletion of these resources, making them less available
to future generations. For example, the increasing demand for water for agriculture, industry and
domestic use can lead to over-exploitation and depletion of groundwater resources.

Pollution and degradation:

Population growth can also lead to pollution and degradation of natural resources. For example, more
people and industries lead to more waste and pollution, which can affect air, water and soil quality.
Degradation of natural resources can also lead to loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Unsustainable land use:

As the population grows, more land is needed for housing, agriculture and infrastructure. This often
results in the conversion of forests, wetlands, and other natural areas into human-dominated
landscapes. Unsustainable land use can lead to soil erosion, desertification and habitat loss, which can
affect the sustainability of natural resources and ecosystem services.

3. Discuss the effect of overpopulation to biodiversity.

Overpopulation can have a significant negative impact on biodiversity. As the human population grows,
so does the need for resources such as land, water, and food, often leading to habitat destruction and
fragmentation. This can displace or harm many species, reducing their populations and potentially
causing their extinction.

In addition, overpopulation can lead to increased pollution and climate change, which can have other
adverse effects on biodiversity. Pollution can directly harm wildlife and reduce the quality of their
habitat, while climate change can disrupt ecosystems and cause changes in the timing of events.
seasonal, making it difficult for many species to adapt. In short, overpopulation can threaten biodiversity
through habitat destruction, pollution and climate change, all of which can harm or even wipe out
populations of species.

4. Discuss comprehensively why it is important to protect biodiversity.

The protection of biodiversity is important for many reasons. First, biodiversity provides us with
essential ecosystem services such as air and water purification, soil fertility and nutrient cycling, which
are essential for survival and well-being. of human.

Second, biodiversity has enormous economic value, providing livelihoods for millions of people through
industries such as fishing, forestry and agriculture. Many drugs and other important products are also
derived from biodiversity.

Third, biodiversity is essential to maintaining the stability and resilience of ecosystems. Ecosystems are
complex and interconnected, and the loss of biodiversity can trigger a chain reaction of negative effects
that can ultimately harm human communities.

Finally, biodiversity has intrinsic value, meaning that it has value in itself, independent of the benefits it
can bring to people. It is therefore our moral responsibility to protect and preserve it for future

5. Is there a need to limit population growth? Why

Yes, population growth must be limited.

As the world's population continues to grow, it puts pressure on resources, infrastructure, and the
environment. Limited resources such as food, water, and energy become scarce as populations grow,
leading to potential competition and conflict.

In addition, population growth leads to destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems, contributing to
climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Limiting population growth can help reduce pressure on resources and the environment, leading to a
more sustainable future for all.

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