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The Impact of Online Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour


It is certified that the work contained in the project report titled “The Impact of
Online Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour,” by Ayush Singh has been
carried out under my supervision and that this work has not been submitted
elsewhere for a degree

Signature of Supervisor: …………….

Name :

Department : Humanities and Management



The foregoing project entitled “The Impact of Online Advertising on Consumer

Buying Behaviour”, is hereby approved as a creditable study of research topic
and has been presented in satisfactory manner to warrant its acceptance as
prerequisite to the degree for which it has been submitted.

It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do not necessarily

endorse any conclusion drawn or opinion expressed therein, but approve the
project for the purpose for which it is submitted.


I hereby declare that this project report entitled “The Impact of Online
Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour” has been completed successfully
and this project report has been submitted by me. It was carried out by me for
the degree of BBA. I am very well aware of the ethics and guidelines one has
to follow while working on a project in a disciplined manner. Being aware of a
project regarding its factuality and authenticity, I have tried my best to perform
my task. This is my original work and has not been previously submitted as a
part of another degree or diploma of another Business school or University. The
findings and conclusions of this report are based on my personal study and


I would like to thank our Director for their immense support and blessings. I
would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our HOD .. and of all
there valuable suggestions and guidance and for giving me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful research project on the topic
: - The Impact of Online Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour, Without
his help it would have been difficult for me to have reached this state of
completion of my project report.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my deep sense of gratitude to

those who have been kind enough to help me in preparation of this report.

Last but not the least; I would also like to thank my family and friends for their
support and encouragement throughout the project.

I wish to acknowledge the help of all those who have provided me information,
guidance and other help during my research period.

Table of Content
Sr No. Particulars Page No.
1. Abstract
2. Chapter I: Introduction of the Topic
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.3 Introduction to the online advertising industry
1.4 Justification of the topic
3. Chapter 2: Review of Literature
2.1 National Reviews
2.2 International Reviews
4. Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Objectives of the Study
3.4 The Core Concept of Online Advertising
3.5 Types of Online advertisement
3.6 Impact on Consumers
3.7 Limitation of the Study
5. Chapter 4: Data representation & Analysis
4.1 Data representation & Interpretation
4.2 Primary Data Analysis

6. Chapter 5: Results & Discussion

5.1 Major Findings & Data Analysis
5.2 Conclusion & Suggestions
7. References
8. ANNEXURE (Questionnaire)


The present research report is focused on measuring the impact of online

advertising on consumer buying behaviour, which increases the consumers'
intentions towards the product and buying behaviours. The purchasing
behaviour is strongly influenced by the icon of the product which is made by
the promoters.
The primary data are collected through questionnaires and secondary data were
collected through internet. This research study was conducted in March, 2023.
A sample of 100 respondents was taken. The sampling method we use is
random sampling method. The method of sampling used is convenience
sampling. It is a type of nonprobability sampling that involves the sample being
drawn from that part of population that is close to hand.The written report that
online advertisement has always a great impact on the buying trends or
purchasing behaviours of the consumers.
Thus, the study concludes that the helpful shock of all these aspects, on the
buying behaviour of the purchaser improves the reliability of consumers
towards brand which helps in progressing of the advertised produce.

Chapter 1 Introduction


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.3 Introduction to the online advertising industry
1.4 Justification of the topic

Chapter I: Introduction of the Topic

1.1 Introduction

In a competitive market, it is important for advertising managers to grab the

consumers attention through advertisements and sales promotion. A sizable
marketing budget is spent on advertising. The trend of using digital media
platforms for advertising is fast growing. This study intends to explore the
importance of internet advertising on different consumer behaviour stages.

The consumer expectations of information from various media such as TV,

radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet are entirely different. The
characteristics of different media and its immediate and long-term effects on
consumers are also varied. For instance, TV allows high quality audio-visual
content that is more suitable for product categories, which require physical
demonstration. Radio offers audio content and is most suitable for businesses
catering to the local markets. Internet had grown tremendously in both its
applications and number of users due to its unique characteristics of flexibility,
interactivity and personalization.

It has been a very useful tool of communication, entertainment, education and

electronic trade. Many companies have turned to the internet to advertise their
products and services and the internet is deemed to be the most significant
direct marketing channel for the global marketplace. Companies are pouring
billions of dollars into internet advertising to obtain greater return on
investment on ads. The internet has given consumers more control in accessing
more information on products and services. There are several factors that
contribute to consumers pull for online content. Now consumers are able to
shop from companies around the world, and it has reduced the time and effort
they spend on shopping.

1.2 Rationale of the Study

Consumer buying behaviour is the subject area of internal and external factors
acting in the decision-making process and Consumer behaviour is the study “of
the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or
dispose of merchandise, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and
desires” (Solomon, 1995).

Advertising is a form of communication which is utilized to persuade a specific

group of people to take some new action. Advertising is well-thought-out as a
main and important element in the economic growth of the dealers and different
businesses in competition (Ryans , 1996).

Advertising is usually a paid form of promotional material by some sponsor and

reached through various traditional media such as television, commercial, radio
ad, outside advertising, newspaper editor, magazine mail or modern media such
as blogs, websites and text message. Moreover, the developments and
technological improvements have turned advertising to a more pervasive and
stronger in its impact and effect (Allen, 2001).

Early advertisers assumed that advertising could be very powerful what is read
“comes via and strongly achieves the supposed and persuasive goals as “the
early bullet or “hypodermic needle” modes of conversation which has given
upward push to the earliest idea of verbal exchange results, “who tells what to
whom through what medium with what impact” outcomes of track on
advertising effectiveness became studied via gorn g j in 1982.

The subculture of wall painting and wall chocking is observed inside the
historic subculture of greece and romans and as nicely in India, which could be
now visible in many, parts of the universe as properly (Kotler).

Present advertising is advanced with the development of mass production inside

the overdue 19th and early twentieth centuries. After the fulfilment of print
advertising, the concept of radio advertising and marketing prevailed this
turned into then exceeded out by way of the video marketing. Within the late
Nineties the private television network initiated the trend of having provides.
With the approaching of the 21st century the web marketing has dominated the
sector market location and consumer community as properly. These days the
add has proved its outcomes and impact on customers' shopping for behaviours
and marketer wishes all around the international.

Customers shopping for behaviour has constantly been fed so much importance
and area inside the literature look at of the effect of advertising concerning its
effectiveness. Most of the time clients shopping for behaviour is stimulated
through liking or disliking of the purchaser closer to the commercial of the
product, marketed. Based totally on the evaluation of the literature, some key
signs have been selected for the study of the effect of marketing on customers'
shopping for behaviour.

1.2 Introduction to the online advertising industry.

Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital

advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which
uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to customers.
Many consumers find online advertising disruptive and have increasingly
turned to ad blocking for a variety of reasons.

1.3 Justification of the topic: -

The present research report is focusing on quantifying the impact of online

advertising on consumer buying behaviour, which raises the consumers'
intentions towards the product and buying behaviour . The buying behaviour is
strongly inspired by using the icon of the product that is constructed by way of
the advertisers. The number one statistic on the sector are collected through
questionnaires and secondary information were gathered via internet.
The fast increase of statistics generation has enhanced the importance of online
advertising. Out of the innovations of the data technology, internet is by way of
a ways the maximum attracting extensive media. Moreover, the net is rising as
the most crucial source of facts due to its ease wealth of records. Furthermore,
consumers purchasing on line may additionally alter or alternate the way they
look for records to take advantage of sure characteristics of the internet.

Chapter 2
Review of Literature

2.1 National Reviews
2.2 International Reviews

Chapter - 2 Review of Literature

2.1 National Reviews:

The researcher has done literature review on various National Publications,

Articles, Journals which are described below:

1. Bikhchandani (1998)

In their research describes whether or not shoppers shall purchase a product and
whether or not they suggest product to others. These are generally used as
parameters for buy aim. The take a look at moreover reveals the end result of
understanding cascades on social media through exceptional product attributes
is unconditional with special involvement strengths by buyers. It concludes that
the buyers try to reveal definitely specific tiers of involvement in special
situations anywhere they face with logo buying and recommending to others.
(Welch I, 1998)

2. Manju Ahuja (2003)

In their article, centred on investigating the elements that influence the buying
behaviour and surfing behaviour of consumers in the course of on line buy
mainly, the look at has been performed about the consumers using enterprise-
to-client web sites. The researchers additionally investigated buying options of
consumers with varied demographic profiles which may reveal distinctive
shopping for procedures and client behaviours for a particular elegance of
products and services. Social media is the handiest elements that have an
impact on buying behaviour of clients. (Raman, 2003)

3.Muhammad Shafiq Gul (2004)

In the evaluation, the researchers targeting finding the connection of social

media and buying behaviour of consumer. The observe concerned the scholars
of academic institutes of Karachi. Round hundred and sixty questionnaires were
replied by the scholars. The examine reveals that there is no sturdy relationship
between purchaser shopping for behaviour and social media. (Muhammad
Imran Khan Muhammad Shafiq Gul, 2004)Ram sunder (2011)

In their look at says that shoppers‟ selections are stimulated closely by way of
on-line manufacturers. Opinion of purchasers will have an effect on each other.
This form of opinion via other purchasers influences the repurchases. So,
customers are moving to internet to get extra information for his or her buying
choice. (BHOME, 2016)

5.Dehghani (2013)

Their study analyses the understanding inheritance on consumer’s motion and

reputation of emblem. Information inheritance on the social media take place
once someone observes behaviour of others and make a comparable choice that
different humans have already made. The expertise cascade is frequently used
for one among 2 outcomes on shoppers, understanding cascading reasons the
brand to appear high or low in consumer purpose on shopping and additionally
might also have an impact on consumers believe on logo. The study targets at
customers who have trust on brand photograph. These types of customers are
prompted by selection taken through others. (H. Choubtarash Dehghani, 2013)

6.Teena Bagga (2013)

The have a look at analyses the inner and outer elements of client’s online
buying behaviour. An established shape was used and a survey was carried out
with hundred samples. Questionnaires were sent through the mail and
additionally posted thru on line net pages and have been replied by way of the
respondents themselves. The statistical evaluation observed seven important
elements that govern the purchaser’s buying behaviour. These seven factors had
been: would love for social conversation, internet site attributes, online
advertising, undertaking, comfort, privateness problems and data search. (Bhatt,

7. Garima Gupta (2013)

In her paper analysed the have an impact on of social media on product buying.
The consequences proved of the real fact that social media have an effect on
product shopping for intentions. Mainly, there's a powerful effect of 3 factors
known as records about product, peer verbal exchange and the level of product
involvement on client’s buy intentions with appreciate to social media. The
writer infers that, due to the fact the product is sold thru on- line, it can not be
tested; perceived records shared approximately the product on social media and
data sharing among peer groups helps consumer’s evaluation at the product and
makes choices for that reason. (Garima, 2013)

8. Geetanjali Naidu (2013)

In their look at analyses the have an impact on of social media in shopping

behaviour of purchaser in DEOGHAR. In keeping with the survey end result
seventy-five% of Indian young people makes use of net for sharing their
opinion, views and comment in numerous websites. The analysis concludes that
people use social media widely for amassing records concerning product.
(Agrawal, 2013)

9. Balakrishnan (2014)

This look at finds the have an effect on of social media towards emblem
photograph and shopping for opinion of younger generation. Two hundred
questionnaires have been disbursed to undergraduate college students of
universities in Malaysia. The reaction charge turned into 75 percentage. Three
hypotheses and a couple of propositions have been examined using multivariate
evaluation and imply. The end result showed that the internet communications,
on line groups, digital phrase of mouth, and online exposure are successful in
promoting the emblem picture and shopping for goal of consumers through
social media platforms. Those findings notify the managers to reach the more
youthful technology customers social media is the quality-selling device. This
analysis offers data to international sellers in applying social media activities to
market their product. (W. J. and Balakrishnan, 2014)

10. Aindrila Biswas (2014)

In her paper, goals to look the have an impact on of social media on client
choice behaviour. Technology popularity version was adopted to discover the
social media usage perceptions. The personnel of the multinational companies
in India are the samples for the have a look at. An equation modelling become
used to check the eligibility of the version. The results state that customers of
social media willing to have greater buy aim than the occasional customers.
(Biswas, 2014)

2.2 International Reviews:

The researcher has done literature review on various International Publications,

Articles, and Journals which are described below:

1. Williams (2000)

In his take a look at screen that social media marketing affects belief, shopper
selection behaviour, shopping for-choice and attitude from pre-purchase facts
segment to post-buy behaviour. (L, 2000)

2. Belch and Belch (2003)

Described of their have a look at that at a few states of affairs in the course of
the buying method, customers forestall searching out and comparing statistics
before going to the next stage. At this stage, buyers determine whether or not or
not they are able to reap merchandise or no longer. The buying choice depends
at the motivation and impact of other buyers thru opinions and
recommendation. (Belch, 2003)

3. Young Ae Kim et (2007)

Explains in their study that shopping for selections are powerfully tormented by
people who the client knows and believes. Several net buyers ask for the
critiques earlier than shopping for a brand-new product. Internet social groups
allow chatting among trusting contributors, allow customers to share their
stories by means of writing reviews and score others‟ opinions. E-commerce
websites have commenced to reap statistics on the interaction among customers
of their web sites, to recognize and look at social have an effect on on purchase
procedure, to boost CRM and enhance sales. (BHOME, 2016)

4. Achille (2008)

This observe suggests that due to evaluations and hints published in diverse
social media web sites through the web buyers has expanded the range of on-
line shoppers to 40 percentage within the past two years. As an effect of social
media, through online forty one percent of customers purchased books, thirty
six percentage consumers bought clothes and footwear, twenty 4 percent
consumers purchased video video games and DVDs, twenty 4 percent clients
purchased airline tickets and twenty three percentage purchasers bought gadget.
(j, 2008)

5. OTX analysis DEI Worldwide (2008)

In their observe, analysed the impact of social media on buying behaviour of

clients and a survey turned into performed amongst us populace, which
indicates that customers currently use social media as excessive information
useful resource for brands, businesses, or product. It additionally concludes that
social media outreach with the aid of brands and firms, specifically if a non-
public online representative will make this outreach, are frequently some
distance extra vital on consumer behaviour than commercials or extraordinary
promotional devices. In fact, thirds of consumers are doubtless to bypass the
knowledge they obtain to others and over half of are doubtless to require
movement on these facts. There may be a big stronger effect on consumer
behaviour when the social media is used as a tremendous outreach to share
statistics. (DEI Worldwide OTX Research, 2008)

6. Gursakal (2009)

This observe analyses the influence of media society and the amount of time
that clients spent at the internet and social media. In recent times, consumption
tendencies have modified. The usage of magazines, interviews and catalogues
through consumers and dealers are altered by means of searching on e-mails,
net sites and sharing statistics in social media. Due to the effective position of
social media, the time ate up on the internet increases, and clients‟ withdraw
from traditional looking strategies. Social media have end up a crucial place in
which opportunities are stated, products are marketed and products are
commented. (Gursakal, 2009)

7. Miller (2010)

In his examine found out that over eleven million buyers use 70% of social
networking to buy various product and offerings. The consumers provide
beneficial information regarding the product and proportion remarks with
exclusive clients over social media. (Lammas, 2010)
8. Penn Schoen and Berland Associates LLC (2010)

In their take a look at explains how the social media can impact purchaser
electronics. The study changed into conducted by way of 1012 internet
interviews with U.S. General population aged above eighteen. The
consequences determined that social media community has grow to be included
into humans’ lives. Social media facilitates to shape consumer behaviour.
About 30% of social media users made purchases supported via social media
critiques and recommendations from pals and unknown net customers, almost
sixty-eight percentage of respondents consider that those pointers are greater or
much less close to conventional guidelines. About, 33% accept as true with that
social media critiques and hints they get hold of are far higher than they get
hold of thru other approach. (Schoen, 2010)

9. Pookulangaran (2011)

In his article states that buying is continually an experience and social media
allows the consumers to connect to folks that are in general strangers. Cultural
characteristics influences on consumers‟ utilization of social media and a
wonderful effect on the net shopping for conduct. (Pookulangaran)

10 . Mehmood Rehmani (2011)

Of their analysis, investigated the various social media parameters that

substantially affected the shopping selection of clients. The evaluation gave
significance to locate the affect of social media on the customers buying
decision. The authors outlined the targets of the studies, so that you can
comprehend the objectives, a suitable research model is predicted .

Chapter 3

Research Methodology


3.1 Research Design

3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Objectives of the Study
3.4 Research Hypothesis
3.5 Scope of the Study
3.6 The Core Concept of Online Advertising
3.8 Limitation of the study

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This chapter focuses on research methodology that was used in the study. It
provides a detailed description of the research approach adopted in the study.
Research Design, target population, research instruments, data collection &
analysis method used were presented in the subsequent section.

3.1 Research Design

This study used descriptive research. Descriptive research involves collecting

data that define events & then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and defines the data
collection. It frequently uses visual aids such as graphs and pie charts to help
the reader in understanding the data distribution and therefore presented a better
clarification on online advertising & ultimately gives a clear picture on the
efficiency & reliability of online advertising & its relationship to purchase

3.2 Data Collection

The research made use of primary data & secondary data, which was collected
using structured questionnaire distributed to the 100 respondents. This research
study was conducted in March, 2023. A sample of 100 respondents was taken.
The administered questionnaire was collected after completion by the
respondents on the same day & then responses used for analysis. The secondary
data was collected from articles. The method of sampling used is convenience
sampling. It is a type of nonprobability sampling that involves the sample being
drawn from that part of population that is close to hand.

3.3 Objectives of the Study

To Know the core concept of Online Advertising.

To find out the factor influencing consumer’s buying decision.

To study the impact of online advertisement on the Consumer Behaviour.

3.4 The Core Concept of Online Advertising.

Online advertising is a sort of mass communique which is primarily based on

conventional shape of advertising but develops its own conversation techniques
in correlation with the new technical and medium based necessities. Widely, on
line advertising and marketing is set handing over advertisements to
internet/on-line users thru internet web sites, e-mail, advert- supported software
program and internet-enabled smart phones examples of online advertising
consist of contextual commercials on seek engine end result pages, banner
advertisements, rich media ads, social network advertising, interstitial
advertisements, online labelled advertising and marketing, marketing networks
and e-mail marketing, which includes electronic mail unsolicited mail and so

3.5 Types of Online advertisement

Floating ads: A floating advert is a kind of wealthy media internet commercial

that appears uninitiated, superimposed over a person-asked web page, and
disappears or will become unobtrusive after a selected time period (commonly
5-30 seconds). The maximum fundamental floating commercials virtually
appear over the internet page, either complete display or in a smaller
rectangular window. They may or might not provide a way of get away,
together with a near button. Greater state-of-the-art variations can be available
in any shape or length and include sound, animation, and interactive

Expanding ads: These are ads that enlarge whilst customers click on on them.
The ads do now not amplify just from moussing over links, that's a method
utilized by a few other advertisers. They often take a long time to down load,
which in flip can negatively affect the tourist's revel in on that web page. Well
mannered ad code-cs have been advanced to deal with this venture through
allowing advertisers to serve large file formats with out demanding the weight
time for the relaxation of the pictures at the web page.
Phase One: The initial load is a compact photograph or SWF file that is smaller
in size, so there's no put off in loading different contents at the page. This could
be the first few frames of the advert, or a teaser.
Phase Two: The primary load is the whole version of the advert. The overall
advert will have a bigger document length. It is loaded most effective after the
entire internet web page has completed loading into the vacationer's browser.

Wallpaper ads: An ad which changes the history of the page being considered.

Trick Banner: A banner ad that attempts to trick people into clicking, often by
imitating an operating system message.
Pop-up: A new window which opens in the front of the current one, displaying
a commercial, or complete webpage.
Pop-under: Just like a pop-up besides that the window is loaded or despatched
in the back of the present-day window in order that the person does no longer
see it until they close one or extra lively home windows.


Advertising at the net is nearly a need for cutting-edge groups, in particular

those who do business outside of their local community. Purchasers use the
internet for more than sincerely leisure or statistics, as they do with radio, tv,
magazines and newspapers. Clients use the internet to help them in nearly every
factor of existence, creating endless opportunities to vicinity relevant, targeted
advert messages.

Fundamental blessings of advertising and marketing to consumer are as


The net's significant reach can allow advertisers to reach drastically extra
human beings than conventional marketing media at a fraction of the fee.
Internet advertising is ideal for businesses with a country wide or international
goal market and huge-scale distribution abilities. Most of the time, the greater
human beings a commercial enterprise serves, the most cost-efficient net
advertising may be. Internet marketing also can be more targeted than a few
traditional media, ensuring that the messages are seen with the aid of the
maximum applicable audiences.

The manufacturer is compelled to preserve the high-quality of the goods

advertised. Cash spent on advertising being an investment the manufacturer
evidently expects returns on such investment. This interest may be approaching
so long as the producer maintains the great and there via the popularity of the
goods so marketed. As soon because the pleasant of the article drops the sale of
the item may also decline.

Well-advertised goods are typically higher in pleasant thus justifying

advertising and marketing although it cannot be denied that positive
corporations might also advertise worthless goods. Within the latter case,
however, the advertising cost will be wasted in the long run.

Marketing additionally acts as a records service and educates the client. It

permits customers to recognize precisely what he wants and where to get it.
Marketing as a consequence makes it viable for entertainment of recent services
and make the lifestyles of the purchaser less difficult, comfier and more

Advertising stimulates manufacturing and decreases the price in line with unit.
This discount in the fee is commonly passed directly to the patron and this is
why fee of properly-marketed items are found to be commonly lower than
different goods of the same fine which are not so properly marketed.

Advertising also makes it viable to sell direct to the consumer with the aid of
mail order business. As a result, gets rid of the role of mediators. Clients out-of-
the way areas also can revel in the comforts and luxuries available simplest
within the towns or cities. On this way advertising improves social welfare.

As producers manage the pride of properly-advertised items charge- reducing is

not to be had to the outlets and the shopkeeper attempts to attract customers by
way of giving higher and greater exceptional carrier. This is also an additional
gain to the consumer added about by way of advertising.

3.7 Limitation of the study

The study is restricted only to online questionnaire

The conclusion of the study is based on the information provided by the

Chapter 4 Data Representation
& Analysis


4.1 Data representation & Interpretation

4.2 Primary Data Analysis

Chapter 4: Data Representation & Analysis

4.1 Data representation & Interpretation

This chapter present analysis & findings of the study as set out in the research
methodology. The result was presented on the impact of online advertising on
consumer buying behaviour.

The study objective was:

To Know the core concept of Online Advertising.

To study the impact of online advertisement on the Consumer Behaviour.

To find out the factor influencing consumer’s buying decision.

Buyers decision process study targeted 100 respondents out of which all the
100 respondents respond & return their questionnaire contributing to a response
rate of 100%.

This commendable response rate was due to extra efforts that were made via
courtesy calls made to remind the respondents to fill in & return the
The chapter covers the demographic information, and the results based on the
objectives. The findings were then presented in graphs & pie charts as
appropriate with explanations being given in prose thereafter.
4.2 Primary Data Analysis:


The age of the respondent that participated in the research was according to this
graph above. The information shows that
84% of the people were from the age group of 18-30 years
12% were from the age group of 18 or under,
2% were from the age group of 30-50 &
1% had age that was above 50 or 21-30 year.

The information shows that people from different age 17 group where able to
share their views & ideas that was allowing us to get assorted information from
the several people participating in the research.

This pie chart showing the interest towards online advertisement, 44% people
likes online advertisement, 37% doesn’t like & 19% don’t pay attention.


This chart depict that peoples watch online advertisement Daily or not we can
see that 43.4% don’t watch online advertisement daily 39.4% watch
advertisement daily & 17.2% vote for Maybe they watch.

According to 63% peoples the best media for advertisement is online platform,
20% thinks televisions, 11% thinks newspapers, 5% think other & 1% think


The graph shows 63% peoples are highly influenced towards online platforms
where as 23% think television is effective mode of advertisement, 12% think
news paper & the rest 2% think other mode of advertisement is effective
according to them.


The graph shows 48% people have medium influence where as 27% are highly
influenced & 25% are not sure that how online advertisement influence their
buying behaviour.


The first bar graph shows 50 peoples are agree that they bought item after being
influenced by online advertisement & that item has met their needs whereas 16
peoples strongly agree with this, 27 peoples give neutral statement & only 5
people disagree with this statement. The rest 2 are disagree. (In the case of
Online Advertisement)

The second bar graph shows 39 peoples are agree that they bought item after
being influenced by other advertisement platforms & that item has met their
needs whereas 14 peoples strongly agree with this, 39 peoples give neutral
statement & only 6 people disagree with this statement. The rest 2 are disagree.
(In the case of other Advertising platform)

The pie chart shows 24% people buy products because it was a familiar product
or brand where as 23% make purchase depends on how advertisement was
interesting, 20% said, they was already planning on the purchase of that
particular product & 19% and 14% people make purchase decision depending
upon the price discount they offered & they are curious about the product.


The graph depicts 51% of people recently change their mind after seeing an
online advertisement & they have decided that they should buy it where as 45%
think they not change their mind after seeing any online advertisement. The rest
4% always change their mind set.


The bar graph shows around 57% of people purchase clothing items by
influenced online advertisement where as 50% made purchase electronics
products, 19% & 12% make purchase other house hold items & grocery


We can see that in this bar graph level of satisfaction regarding the purchase of
product by seeing online advertisement. People votes 51% for 3 Stars where as
25% t 4 stars, 12% for 2 Stars & 6% for both 1 & 5 Star.


The pie chart shows 78% peoples think advertisement is an effective decisive
factor for online shopping where as 15% & 7% maybe & not think that
advertisement is effective way for online shopping.

Chapter 5 Results & Discussion


5.1 Major Findings & Data Analysis

5.2 Conclusion

Chapter 5: Results & Discussion

5.1 Major Findings & Data Analysis

Basic statistical methods are employed for data analysis, like frequency and
percentages of replies in favour and against the online advertisement. After
evaluating, tabulation and interpreting data, the conclusions will be carried
away. So, these are some following factor that influencing consumer’s buying
decisions: -

Roughly 24% of the total respondents propose that they they purchase product
because it was a familiar product or brand, according to 23% advertisement was
interesting and 20% told that they was already planning on the purchase of that
particular product, while roughly 19% of the total respondent's have third
priority that the price discount they offered & 14% are curious about the
product. In this Roughly 19 % of the total respondents are of opinion that prize
scheme has impacted on the sale of the products to some extent.

According to Fig no. 7 it show’s the impact of online advertisement on the

consumer behaviour, approximately 50 peoples are agreed that they bought
item after being influenced by online advertisement & that item has met their
needs whereas 16 peoples strongly agree with this, 27 peoples give neutral
statement & only 5 people disagree with this statement. The rest 2 are disagree.

Chart no. 11 is about the level of satisfaction regarding the purchase of product
by seeing online advertisement. People votes 51% for 3 Stars where as 25% to
4 stars, 12% for 2 Stars & 6% for both 1 & 5 Star.

5.2 Conclusion

The study concludes that Internet advertising offers increased awareness of

companies, an easy method to allocate information, advanced procedures of
targeting consumers, an instant and direct line to the consumers. Online
advertisement pampers sellers directly with targeted consumers. The
advertisement should not be invasive and distractive in nature. Such
advertisement should be innovative to attract more and more customers. With
the improved adoption ad fission of the Internet, World Wide Web is becoming
gradually a standard advertisement platform. The necessity is to understand the
target consumers and then plan prudently in order to gain maximum out of this
new medium.

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Questionnaires on the Impact of online Advertisement on Consumer Buying


Personal Details: Name (Optional)

Your answer .

18 or under
Above 50

Do you like Online Advertisements?


Do you watch online Advertisement Daily?


The best media for advertisement according to you?

News papers

Which mode of advertisement is effective according to you or influence you?
News papers

How much influence do you feel advertisement have over your buying
Large influence
Medium influence
Not sure

If you have even bought an item after being influenced by online advertisement
and that item has met your need?

Strongly Agree NeutralDisagree Strongly

agree disagree
o o o o o
By Online
By other o o o o o

Which of these factors influenced your purchasing?

The Advertisement was interesting
Curious about the product
It was a familiar product or brand
The price discount they offered
Was already planning on the purchase of that particular product

Have you recently changed your mind after seeing an online advertisement and
have decided that I should buy it!

What kind of goods do you purchase by influenced by online advertising?

Electronics products
Clothing items
Grocery products
Other house hold items

Level of satisfaction regarding the purchase of any product by seeing online


1 2 3 4 5
Highly Unsatisfied ooooo Highly Satisfied

Do you think advertisement is an effective decisive factor for online shopping?


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