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Me and the Philippine

Maureen U. de Dios
Among the popular culture that has been in
place, what is the most influential to you and
how were you influenced by it?
Plantito, Plantita, or by taking good care of a houseplant. Every
aspect of our lives has been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic,
including our social ecologies, economics, and health. We have been
confined to our houses due to quarantine procedures, which has
pushed us to adjust to a "new normal" of existence. The increasing
involvement in gardening is one activity that I've noticed since the
lockdown began and continues today. Home gardening quickly grew
widely in both urban and rural locations. The terms "plantito" (used
for men) and "plantita" (used for women) refer to those who
appreciate taking care of plants. They defined a "plantito/plantita" as
a plant caretaker and lover, and said that home gardening was a
psychiatric therapy that allowed us people to connect with nature.
Home gardening became my source of solace during the pandemic
since it was related to being deemed productive, which refers to
growing large quantities of food crops in our house and making the
most of my time during quarantine by keeping myself busy. I was
motivated by my lola since she has several plants in our house and I
usually assist her in caring for them.

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