Golden Heroes - Supervisor's Screen

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PUSHING, LIFTING, THROWING & TEARING APART. WEIGHT DESTAOY/ | MINSTRENGTHTO SIZE| RANGE EXAMPLE TEAROFF | Push | Lift |Throw/ | Lessthanikg | Stone, Paperweight THTK T[14kg | Brick,rock chair HTK 2 | 5-25kg__”| Typewriter, bicyele, TV set, tat T4HTK 3126-80kg | Cooker, fridge, moped, (average person) = HTK | B1-195kg) ‘Motorbike, safe, upright piano, washing machine 5 | 196-445 kg si 6 | 446-1000 kg 7] 1001-2150 ka 8 [2151-4650kg | Limousine, van, space capsule z 9 | 4.651-10tonnes _| Interceptor fighter, coach, truck, rescue helicopter, (elephant) 70 [10.1-21.5ton | Strikefighter, lorry, bulldozer mT 11 | 21.6-46.5ton | Passenger et, heavy lorry, railway carriage, dumper truck 12 | 46.6-100ton | Tank, diese! locomotive, bomber E 13 | 101-215ton | Heavy bomber, steam locomotive, hovercraft ferry, (blue whal 14 | 216-465ton__| Jumbojet, coast [15 | 466-1000t0n | Minesweeper __ 16 | 1001-2150ton | Frigate, submarine 7 50ton | Destroyer, rocket {18 | 4651-10000ton | Cruiser, cargo vessel 19 | 10001-21500 ton | Heavy cruiser, cargo liner 20] 21501-4650010n | Battleship, passengerliner 21 | 46501-100000ton| Aircraftcarrier,o-rig, spaceship [22+ 1 = 100000ton Size! Supertanker (Size 24: 300000-400000ton), starship z + 8 218/2\8/2\5) ~I3) t | aie 24 full-colour, stand-up Cardboard Characters of the Villains & Vandals in the Supervisors Book plus three Thugs; 21 full-colour File Cards detailing those Supervillains; and an A4 Pad of 30 Character Sheets, 10 Combat Sheets and 10 Campaign Record Sheets. es, cAMs WORKSHOF LTD 01035 ABOUT THIS PLAY AID This play aid augments Golden Heroes the role-playing game of Superheroes iecontains: full-colour, Supervisors Sereen with all the combat tables for easy reference 5 Hortg21!a10356 HAND-HURLED MISSILES Hand-hurled missile weapons which are also balanced for Melee Combat have a normal range of 10 metres. Those designed only to be thrown have anormal range of 20 metres. Normal range may be increased by 2 metres per full Strength points above 15 of the thrower (or, for objects size 4 or greater, per full 5 Strength points above that required to throw them) LIGHT PROJECTILE WEAPONS These have a normal range of 100m and extreme range of 200m. Projectiles from hand-drawn weapons have @ normal range of ‘40m plus 2 metres per full 5 Strength points ofthe firer above 16. EXTREME RANGE All missile and projectile attacks can be used at extreme range (up to twice the normal range) with a Strike Modifier of — 1 per fifth, or part thereof, of the normal range increase. |Weapon Types (note: One-Handed Weapons tal PROJECTILE WEAPONS Light Projectiles (Damage: 1d6+3HTC; 246+3HTK) Examples ‘Special Notes Pistol None /ShotguevRifle None Arrow/Crossbow Bolt None ISMG/Assault Rifle Dodge at -1 Laser WC2; dodge at ~2; parryas Energy: Attack; ~1 to both Damage Dividers, WC2; parry as Energy Attack; ~2to Damage Dividers. Damage can vary. Blaster 1 Frame to strike. All other weapon types take 1 Action.) PENETRATIVE WEAPONS Qne-Handed Penetrative Damage; 1d6HTC; 246HTK) ‘Special Notes e None None None None None Examples Knife/Dagger Claws Fangs ick 1d-Axe joken Bottle ‘Two-Handed Penetrative Examples ‘Sword/Cutlass Scimitar Large Axe Pickaxe Soythe Spear Hand-Hurled Examples Knife Dagge Broken Bottle Throwing Ax Spear. 9: IABHTC; 246+3HTK) ‘Special Notes None None None None : 1ABHTC; 246+3HTK ‘Special Notes All hand-huried missiles do. the| above damage: Damage Modifiers lfor Strength, etc) only apply to ng 1 kg or mor Heavy Projectiles (Damage: 246+3HTC; 346+3HTK) Examples: ‘Special Notes Bazooka All Heavy Projectile Weapons are Rocket dodged at ~3; parried as Energy| Shell Attack; and reduce both Damage. Dividers by2. These attacks are usually WC2 at least COMBAT ' Tohandie » combat quichly and simply through thie check for eats Round! 1: Start naw Round, Make 2 note at start of tho Round for hose characters wth any power thet fies a imited amount of nergy to Beaxpended vera cerain number of Rounds (eg. ENeryy Stacks, Magic ond Psi Powers). 2: Both sides rll 1610 for intiative to se@ who ‘00s fst 3: The side with the higher intiaive roll goes fst ‘whtheir'-8 Frames of intatve 4: Anyone on the sige winning an naive of tor 3 Frames may waive the odd Frame uni step 12, below 5: The supernowered character with the highest ester nthe side thatwonthe nit frat ond can move andor attack de Whether they nave enouph Frames o accomplish ths They nlay wave their nght to go frat and blow ethers on ther eld to go before ther the character going first attacks, thon the SS Cravesindenes the Weapon Claes of the otack athe Defence Claes ol thetargeton the Ske {able to find the. number the atacker tusk core wath thoi trike roll suecosstully hie the target" The player controling the atacker then falls 1d20 and adds any Site Modifiers for {hor fora "ne tote equa or xcaads ne umber indicated by the Srke Table, then the backs sueconstl 7: The target, if superpowered, may attempt to ieosvoid any damage from ® succeasfu iby edging, parnaing or ane ater for of Combat Reapenee, dally atthe expense of future Frames they do so, you must mark off the future Frames Uead up in advance on the Combet Sheet £: The attacker rolls the appropriate dice for HTC “nd HTK damage fr the successful ateck This SSrmoditied by any Damage Modifiers stacker might have, ond sry Damage Dividers the target may have or by the woul of successful Combat Reaponce by the target The final ote Ste deducted from te trgePa current HTC ond Aik totae. 9: Hftho srtackar hos enough Frames oftheir turn lef, they may attack again, may attack again, resolved as for stops 6 10: When the frst atacker has finished, the second fds, and s010n uni all onthe side whe had the Iniative have ueod or waived tei Frames. Nor Superpowered eharactarsarethe let o at ard Goleo nthe last 2 Fromes af tat sida turn 115 The side that lost the initiative now get their Frames forthe Round less any sready used up In advance by a Combat Response. They may Move or atack as above steps 510) 12: When all the side who los the initiative have teen these that wan the Inge may oc ‘pei using up any remainder of heir Frames {erthot Round that they might have. They Move or attack es before [stops 810), 3: The next Frome starts: return to step 1, moking Ure" that you. have marked off any” future Framer for those characters who uted Up any with Combat Rasponees, ceostnharitde pennardindbacnt ieee cocina recta INITIATIVE TABLE ‘The winning side receives some of ther Frames in which they can act before the opposition ean act. ‘The numberof Fame determined by the intatve ie rolle as follows. the lower score is docucted from the higher, with the folowing results: [Result | Each Member of Winning Side Got Nor2 | 1 Frame jaord | 2Frames Bore | 3Frames Formos |4Frames ACTIVITY TIMES ‘The combat tine in Frames thet takes for various activities e 98 follows: Te] Only characters with Superspeed can use 2's Frame, Thos Frome canonly beused for Moverant, the character moving UB te thar Movement Thum in Acton 8 ‘Stpwrspeed could Move for.‘ Frame aitock with 8 fig taking 1 Frame’ and then Move egaintor oFrame ‘Any character can: Move up othe t; | Movement vai attack wih fs Onehanded | footOne Handed Weapon: use any Weopen’. | Superpower effect sted in the ‘Simpie | description as taking t Frame; use Aathiy | sey Combat Option "sated {lng | Frame: ofpertrm a smple Batty such as ing an object. Shouting. instructions, smashing If Anysharatrmay Aetion Nove up to twice (@eongeautiverrames | Hor Movenen use ‘Movemon Tworhanded Attack ‘Use Superpower by combat Qoton, ‘opontype, Spar ‘Aaack, Maple Spal ‘ase Two Handed Wespontype et NOTES ON ACTIVITY TIMES Sai shore wagpons categorised a, One handed (Gee Combat: Weapons) ean be used In| Frome ‘Atacks with all other weapon types take? Action Unloss otherwise stated in the Superpowers sac {onal uses af» Superpower take 1 Acton. Powers that must be switched on will usualy take *Retonto = Powers that are permanently ‘switched on’ wil tke DEFENCE CLASS: [1 mesa ® | HIRE [amet soe 2 [EURSENGIE | TS (amotea Ba ede [ay Armour ate. ane | poe erin ToughStn Grade urea 4 [Rowblrtogetstyin| HT Q mourning a | HTC [rs ghana E] ana | ped costumer a |seales, shest metal. ae @ [SanderdSupetero | HIKO | Sianeosumeste | HTD Sipareroviinn not | HTEO 7'0lincomume;thugs | HTCIO_ id faz|Sonsepepowered | HTC 1-12 pd ge _| Hr [o=nnet Dodoo Osta ‘with bullets r knives. ‘We! attacks, or from attacks with bullets or knives. WEAPON CLASS: ca Castos 13 taka nether HTC nov HTK dar rom any WCO or WC’ attacks, or from attacks 1 Clas 4 takes no HTK damage from WCO ot WC Description Now rod_characiors wih on Inmprowsedwespon of nane atoll Nor suzerpowaradcharaciors wh weapon 2 [Superheroesivilans with an attack form that [does natal ntoany othareategory (eg | Various superpowered attacks as detaiiod in ne power descriptions leg Energy Attacks, Martial arts Grades 2, ete) Wanoussumrpowered tact aaa line power descriptions, iso, Weoporstil [GrontalMariatAre Grede3ete) Power improvement are) PARRY TABLE Light & Heavy Projectiles are detailedin the section ‘ATTACK MODE 1/2/3)4/5/6)7)8/9/10/11/12 on Derren g: WeEpore, ‘x indicates that is TS impossible to parry that Ba fa2|a2| sz] 12] 12/11/10 9[ 8 [7] 6] 5] foseoroeny.” al 218 Ss B/S /s ee ae Ae <3] 10) 10/ 10/10/10] 9 | 8 | 7.)6)5 | 4) 3 2/i|5 5{8/8/8)/8/8/7/6)5|)4/3)2\2 ‘Strike & Modierto trite Rol 2 wt a 3 to ~10(depending on exentot cover 2_5 a 3 = 7) Weapon skit & Shield 7] 5 <1. B) Handhurled | x inte exceotion of ewe marta a Ske Moda srocum 2 TLigntPr 7 pag leteae mated aeanatan ears ; ‘2S Yoo unaware a al bonus of "7% be added t at sie ol Energy Attack: |-x: CRITICAL MISS TABLE CRITICAL HIT TABLE MAGIC A ie Atace 19 slow: arget can immediately use| ‘barr nea Frames up tothe number that te fac hat issedog: TheyeneyuseaComba Rosponce, mover atk fi eeeteeenotensien ee ere Es "| ‘Knock fe of balance: thay must spond inir ‘ext Frome recovering ond ating ele TO | Cnoose osu ol again or devise your own] Grabbing usualy roqures a striko against OCB for ‘Superpoered targets or DCiOTornon superpowored vp Cars nachna normal ‘a 3 superpowered characters, Ned for Ron auparpewtrea characters. Strike mes aracor might hove a arent Wor Strike Mobster foreach hand) ‘You can vary the strike requirements forthe grab {cording 12 paricular eteummances by ‘ther ly, attempts to grab objects to idofa window eilwh nye Wotthe tase Stackers fra sore Stews ‘A Mental Attack s madein exactly the sare way 98 ‘8 Maghe Attack fabovel, ancopt thatthe forgot may [RESISTING MENTAL ATTACKS may ciel to east Mental Bconacious ti Act na mont be at before th die 12h resisting the target gains “bon t foll but must use up ther ext Frames m advance ‘causa ofthe contentration Involved ‘ GD Glancing Blow: [ae above); or Successful Dadgewhichruses up | addtionalfuure rare ueccessful Dodge” No damage whatsoever is When a characte attempts te dodge a hand nriad Imus the dodge sufers a Dodge. Wor of ‘minus one fifth the Size of the object (rounded down) acceorin the Tabla n Combat Options) im those forge objocts si ick reconsidered to knock the vet: PUSHING, LIFTING, THROWING & TEARING APART TABLE Successful grab must be mad fst, ‘WEIGHT [DESTAOY’ | MINSTRENGTHTO} DIEROU Ize, RANGE. EXAMPLE TEAROFF t= Dex Ben “TT Loesthaninig | Stone, Paperweight THK 114i ‘Brick ack cha DHT 1] 2| 3 | _eFFecTONoPrONENT Oe es Throw fi 2680 ‘Cooker ridge, moped, average perso) eee —| [a Tarstg | Motorbike, safe, uright piano, washing machine 2 wis Toei | Soeedtes.cooen 3 [1 | - | wrownandicesthenen Frome |Z8[:otatn —[Sporscer smal ieteei satis > 00121804 | Seloonca!. ight arcrt own andlosetheirnex Frame) _ |i) 215TAe60kg | Limousin van space cipal = 9 | 485110 lnnes_| rere gh och, Wk rescue hele oephar 5] 5 [1 | thrownondiosetheinentFreme| [01 t01.21810n | Site ory. ular = z | Passenger je naa ly, relay eaiage, umer ck andtake SUOHTE ane STR : |" Thrown jose thei next Frame and 5 [3 | thedsenTe sng tate ae bv [ax | Town losethernexttwoFrames | [15 | 46-10001on andtake 246HTE and NTE [Reem ee oe ean beaatieg teva wb ran {4861-10001 [ruse cargo vostal go Pushbacks) wattand sdjacenttotwe [a HAND -HURLED MISSILES Hand hurled: missile weapons which are Go balanced for Melee Combat have anormal range ot TOmetres: Those designed only to bo thrown have normal range of 26 metres. Normal range may be Ineroseed by 2 metres por full 5 above ts ofthe thrower (ofr ob itr per tal 8Strength points bow mth points ore esnormal range of 100m and extreme Tange of 200m. Projectiles. from nand:rawn twegpons have anormal range of 40m plus er a's Strength points of fe ver above [EXTREME RANGE Ai miosis ard projectile attacks can be used. at fxtrome range (uptotwice ne normal rango) wih 3 {per ffin, or par thereat ofthe [Weapon Types wore. ov. 1 Frame tite Aother weapon ypes tat Acton] cONcUSGIVE WEAPONS PENETRATIVE WEAPONS Sette tansneDanage: 2761-0) Gragnansrinene ana: 288) FaPet in EB Ree Suni Nard Ae euramp etm;-Ziostie,cangapoe Broken Bote Twotande oun Damage: 26+GKTC: 1HTH) Tondo Daman: ATC: 248+ 3HT) Esser pt on "pasate Seeker Non a Peon None 24643470: 1&HTR) and ule Penettve Damage: 4OHTC:246+3HTK Soroee porate Samper Species ae Re Rant es mais ate fea ee ed te sre fer tor Suength. etc ony apply Throwing Axe fer or Strength ec) only soph pRovecrus WEAPONS pc oft Demge: 46+ HTC; 246K aas-ane;248 +3470 Esmpioe "Seca res Eechuntite es rewiCettowaon Ne Suet lose andy Bee mage cnvar

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