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Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune


B. A. Social Sciences

Study of Specific Social Problems

(Common paper For Economics, Sociology, Political

Science and Geography)

THIRD YEAR - Semester V and VI


No. of Copies : 200

Read the following instructions carefully before
writing Home Assignments and follow them.

t Home Assignments are an integral and compulsory part of the programme.

t Home Assignments help you even in preparation for annual examination.

t There is separate passing for internal assessment.

t For essay type question you are supposed to write an answer of 40 to 50

lines and short answer of 20-25 lines.

t Answers with proper introduction and conclusion are treated as ideal.

t Your answer should cover all points and sub-points of the related topic.

t Attach the supplements with proper sequence.

t Your Assignments should reach us before the scheduled time.

t As per the norms of U. G. C. the question of Field Work is included in the

assignment, extra reading and observation of current situation is needed for
the attempt.

t Please note that the assignments for Semester V and Semester VI are
combined in the booklet.

Dates of Home Assignment Submission

Semester Without Late Fee With Late Fee

Five 15th Oct. 2017 31st Oct. 2017

Six 28th Feb. 2018 15th March. 2018

Study of Specific Social Problems (BADSE-506)

Semester 5

Chapter 1 to 5

(Common paper For Economics, Sociology, Political Science and Geography)

Q. 1. What is Education? Explain interrelation between education and


Q. 2. What is Industrialization ? Write the changes, which took place in

traditional Indian Society due to industrialization.

Q. 3. Take a review of problems in industrial sector due to industrialization.

Q.4. Answer the Following questions in 25 to 30 lines. (any two).

a) State the problems in present Indian Education System.
b) Discuss the problems of Primary Education.
c) Explain the problems of Urbanization.
d) Make a note on "Water Pollution".

Q.5. Write short notes. (any two)

a) Education Commission (Kothari Commission)
b) New Education Policy
c) Industrialisation and Economic Development
d) Environmental Hazards


Study of Specific Social Problems (BADSE-606)

Semester 6

Chapter 6 to 12

(Common paper For Economics, Sociology, Political Science and Geography)

Q. 1. Explain the issues related to National Integration in Indian context.

Q. 2. State the social, economic, Political problems of Scheduled Castes.

Q. 3. Discuss the problems of Women. Suggest solutions thereon.

Q.4. Answer the Following questions in 25 to 30 lines. (any two).

a) Explain the role of media in National Integration.
b) Explain the provisions related to secularism in Indian Constitution.
c) Discuss the positive Factors in Hinduism for Secularism.
d) Discuss the problems of tribals.

Q.5. Write short notes. (any two)

a) Government and Secularism
b) Tribal Welfare programme
c) The general problems of disabled persons
d) The problems of Aged persons


Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune


B. A. Social Sciences

Science & Society

(Common paper For History, Sociology, Political

Science and Geography)

THIRD YEAR - Semester V and VI


No. of Copies : 200

Read the following instructions carefully before
writing Home Assignments and follow them.

t Home Assignments are an integral and compulsory part of the programme.

t Home Assignments help you even in preparation for annual examination.

t There is separate passing for internal assessment.

t For essay type question you are supposed to write an answer of 40 to 50

lines and short answer of 20-25 lines.

t Answers with proper introduction and conclusion are treated as ideal.

t Your answer should cover all points and sub-points of the related topic.

t Attach the supplements with proper sequence.

t Your Assignments should reach us before the scheduled time.

t As per the norms of U. G. C. the question of Field Work is included in the

assignment, extra reading and observation of current situation is needed for
the attempt.

t Please note that the assignments for Semester V and Semester VI are
combined in the booklet.

Dates of Home Assignment Submission

Semester Without Late Fee With Late Fee

Five 15th Oct. 2017 31st Oct. 2017

Six 28th Feb. 2018 15th March. 2018

Science & Society (BADSE - 505)

Semester 5

Chapter 1 to 11

(Common paper For History, Sociology, Political Science and Geography)

Q. 1. Write information in detail about Civilizations in the ancient world.

Q. 2. Make a note in detail on "Progress of Indians in Mathematics"

Q. 3. Discuss the main scientists during the awakening period.

Q.4. Answer the Following questions in 25 to 30 lines. (any two).

a) Explain the use of science in everyday life with the help of following points.
a) Clothing b) Health c) Electricity
b) Why did Indian Sciences suffer a setback?
c) Explain the achievements of the Athenian Thinkers.
d) Why is the Medieval Period also called period of "Dark Ages" ?

Q.5. Write short notes. (any two)

a) Consequences of the Crusades
b) Major Inventions of Modern Times
c) Concept of Science
d) Science - a continuous process


Science & Society (BADSE - 605)

Semester 6

Chapter 12 to 17

(Common paper For History, Sociology, Political Science and Geography)

Q. 1. Explain the change in Indian Society.

Q. 2. Describe computers and their uses.

Q. 3. Discuss some of the important problems caused due to the

development of science

Q.4. Answer the Following questions in 25 to 30 lines. (any two).

a) How has knowledge of science brought social changes?
b) State the classification of science. Explain the nature of science.
c) Describe Ground Effect Machines.
d) State the use of radio-activity in different fields

Q.5. Write short notes. (any two)

a) Internet
b) LASER rays
c) India's progress in Atomic Science
d) Organ Transplantation And BioEngineering



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