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A AM Instructional Planning Cycle ae Upyecives —, Aesessment Reslection Srategies hetructing| a. ities aa Skills, knowedge or values Sound in dhe _curculum Aocutert. ¢¢ e Henchers need th idertity how can the learners demonstrate heir undertanding and/or achievement of ‘ i leaning atiectives. vie ¢ eacher egins 10. tpitk about how to teach his) her leanne. fhe Teachers reiects about hia] her teaching - Tnstructional Planning Models or Teaching English Onalysi ADE WL - me bee bai pe "RE fous of Ate designer tn NOTES: eX fr ft ao phase = addresses she folowing sues and ul he ‘ype back eG he eet {6/ particapanto nfo wil oe dhe progtan’ ? Fornal od edutptoal Ne ion, ch 95, ae {i J riences “al me chotld be delermned. Nhat ie target aroup AS. 5 fast ce | leiels, age, Tet “dt, si ie ed tae etfs wel 1 ernie t “te wae she py: \ he ie wed? hk will be req it forma op le, ifeligen, outladk, physic Baie \bgieal action= eau are Ae deived ‘leaning oufeones erm. of an ae, i, des, behavioar, alk mq fare aehot Heng ved arand tke ubjed ond Yaling a. look ona need +b he dpc and impracd view. of av, intuct ye Holegies ‘a Tyee? Ate they, adeqace ? ital aspects tea i, ied ond « Mifroed un? "5 Diy faigek objects the prec What inetuckonal goals does Ane, projec tous on 6. ig esos ailaoee with respect to (earing covironment What ia he most itt ae erwrontient? A conbinakon Ot lire oF oiling, dlegcuscions? t,he proe_anl_ ons baleen online. ord class aed oa Me “dy ation 16 40 be chosen? What, 4yje or [earning envionment preferred ? 1. Dekwinitg ining chisel goal or he _priject. What it Sackors exiet wlth tespet 10 resourtes, | itdudig Hetnicl, ar 4imc, human sources, technical: salle sinancial toders, at ort ass? his stage deleinines —all_qoals, fools fo be used 0 4 PeFormance,various teste, a ject matte analysis, planning an fesources. Dorin he design tage, the IDS need to determine: a see sa z pes media to be used. Audio, Naeo and ae, 4. Ditgeert Pir pry Oe a coon tee f m aching fearing “nokral? anil Wer The Design phase help us deuide specyic Vearmng objecties, Stuctire af e aut, hevtal Pocetree needled! by Pakopa- mis need “tp ttinin, beet’ thols 10 use, nideor or gaplics Greate, the ke 4 the tne for cach Kescon; Just 10 hame a few Of the eccemtals. in the previous design phase, the conkaf ideas shoul/ have ali been Ted Your job in Whe dbrchp- ment phase to bring thse conten! ideas to Me. This means laying ouf He carter! vicualy, erecting graphits, trcording videos, carepully selecting tons aind dolore, building the cource in “he Elearang caurtoring tool. daything thot has -b do with aeahng He actial “end: pradiec} for your kearners. The vast ngjory of problems tha} [earnes anoounen are hated fo” how fhe chume was build sa fe har ng fa € yustating hing iz hal j$ can o¢eq be eonethyiag tery fee thal wof Y chuitoaal egnen nites becauce hey did of Yect He cutce. fon ADDIE'S pain goal ig +o ? courses and. you are gaan sae OM you have — com \ is “k hey ore ou Ahem vith the feauter. The decisions’ nade ine gs Phase will inghrente how his is achtally carried out. oilde a structured method of creating raining programs is alco, how- Cite, A powersul model cor ~jmprowing the way in whit gue itaotons ae clskd” i ae matey asped of He courses is teally important so thal you Cam improves ond tevised “He gotient Nhat Fo focus on: Did we meet he goal as tee set in dhe analysis phase? *Take feedback and placeback in +o the analysis phase. © \dentify other training requirements , * Possible change in media Types or approach. NOTES: Differenticted STRUCTION In TEACHING English IETS \nhis leon, you ‘oH ae able a ie ee ee ae shatges used in » i ierechakd instucton in Ite ctevelypment of je HeSS0N. Lach Cade comes ty school, riot only with unique academic. needs, but also wth unique batkground experiences, 7 laa spel iMkrects, ond attudes foward” Jhece gashors effect in a classroom, - oe ddjuct, oF Stile heir an mech students OMNINGON and WREANS (2oI0) esutbe —_ digrere mi creat Puls aes academic eee siden. Ne ee They su Sha his bal achieved by modi Bier al oun + CONTENT “PROCES ie - skills that students need to learn em e ent bei PRO et Sf te oi gh iret students demonstra what they have learned. the fecings ond atudes that agged chides omiy. These —curiulum=relled fads on students needs In hte aa: “READINESS : “ dg Preparation for learning specific information or “INTERESTS wi Appeals ty students and thus motivates hem “LEARNING ihe sae GINSTRUCTIISN, 5 a that aoe We AD ip heir a featn. (ons aaa Ve (dea that qeople. actively —conchust or make thr _ an Me and tal realidy is determined by your experience as a. learne Principles of ConcAruertvicm Knowledge 5 tunctucted. This i Ne basic prinuiple means a ae is build a ofher inate dae. , y * ese, lean to tearm, as they avn. Learning indies constructing Meaning gnd — systems of mae mae is an active process. \eartiing 1 a sodal activity. tock of learning. ae is contectual- ( oe Is personal. Learning aisist in Ahe ind. S + evan ts the ey to kearning. ~ COLLABORATIVE. LEARIEN Types of collaborative learning eee 4 auiie feauning and dbbre i 4 ve fea iolre- Aled Ohara, Cuda uch tek Sloan, oma he ideas to peers, eatsider peer resgoncec, and share hot dliseuscio4 in & way that besine to sytthesize on cxcharye. Probe BASED LERRHING Or (POL) yntnduies a specigic qroblem ty students. Usually in. groups, om on eel eid," anh ‘hore oh “hey ade “AC pin nA Propose a response or soliton. ery Ce ds students 4h they work dk q Of TOL, teaas students through as work on prod. So, i, instance, groupe might do sina ; raat and rept bat Simuttancousty , Idettigy staeholdelc” and ret bark simultane ously, ‘perpose. Comprimises and report bark sinultaneously, etc. SIMULATIONG ask stdente ty adept toes ac hey pergorm the work ga ‘problem - sclving group. PEED TEACHING = hae Sea oa 6 Y recht means por ¢ tude. Ae. Aglaia to ton ais concepts. a” PER DMNG ides studettc as they review cath —ohere AS or wit wt the foundation of tte oat of auadenic ane Sentes +0 teath yr NOTES ‘a fr fy AY buh editor (sho ct Keun 4 ead ely and communicate aaticism) of tie {rte nus} ea + adie , evaluat, and incorporate peed back) SIGCAW S1RATE GY breas prkems Inte a smal atts and assign qarle ty aa 0 Leport atk Cottibwting a pice of fe puri es * eet Collaborative approaches, bear in mind “Do not si wt stidertls in groups with vague ditections Mice a topic. al : * Organize groupe with a porpuce.« a * Always require a produc op Groupe work, even if is not Tngarmal a5 a brief summary) “og hem digguasston. S Cotcider wayc ascigning tales, bul tesict appointing a ae Upon whom more recponci bay wall, Fal "hat his Or her peers. «hs with ony method 3 + Awaye prepare and disiowke a fees tubric for cildborohive pede “th al be guid

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