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Directions: Read the item carefully. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. ________ is an affective feeling towards a person or group member based solely on that
person's group membership.
A. bias B. prejudice C. cyberbullying D. bandwagon
2. A gerund is a form of a verb that acts as a/an _____
A. adjective B. adverb C. noun D. pronoun
3. What is the gerund in the sentence Travelling across France should be a rite of passage
for all writers?
A. across B. be C. for D. travelling
4. What is the function of the gerund when it follows a noun or other substantive and
renames it using a different word or words?
A. appositive B. complement C. object D. object of preposition
5. Examine the following sentence and identify the function of the underlined gerund.
The doctor suggested drinking warm milk for sleeping through the night.
A. appositive B. complement C. object D. object of preposition
6. Which of the following is not a function of infinitive?
A. Adjective B. adverb C. noun D. verb
7. What is a group of words consisting of an infinitive and words that complement or
modify it?
A. infinitive phrase B. phrase C. prepositional phrase D. verb phrase
8. What is the infinitive in this sentence? Maria is coming to attend my party.
A. attend my party B. is coming C. Maria is coming D. to attend
9. Which of the following is the infinitive that completes this sentence? People are required
________ masks when going out.
A. in B. the wear of C. to wear D. wearing
10. Which of the following sentences does not have an infinitive?
A. The lockdown provides us the time and opportunity to create beautiful gardens.
B. We began to appreciate the joy of gardening.
C. Gardening is proven to benefit our mental and emotional well-being.
D. Gardening has become the source of income to some plant enthusiasts.
11. Which scene in the play Romeo and Juliet considered as the most famous?
A. ball scene
B. death scene
C. balcony scene
D. wedding scene
12. When Romeo said, “My life were better ended by their hate, than death prorogued,
wanting of thy love.” What does he mean by that?
A. I would face death for loving you.
B. I would rather die than live without your love.
C. I will have many haters for expressing my love for you.
D. I will be hated and killed by your family if they see me here.
13. It is a skill which refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and constructing meaning
from visual images.
A. listening B. reading C. speaking D. viewing
14. Which of the following phrases contains participle?
A. reading alone
B. reading glasses
C. reading the book
D. reading under the tree
15. His broken leg is the reason why he cannot join the national competition. What is the
participle in the given sentence?
A. join B. leg C. competition D. broken
16. What does Paris think has upset Juliet so much?
A. Mercutio’s death C. Tybalt’s death
B. Romeo’s banishment D. The nurse’s betrayal
17. How does Juliet respond to Paris?
A. with indifference C. with scorn
B. with affection D. with humility
18. It is a type of text which tries to persuade the readers to agree to their point of view.
A. Narrative text C. Expository text
B. Argumentative text D. Informative text
19. How does Juliet surprise her parents?
A. By announcing her marriage to Romeo
B. By ratting out the nurse
C. By saying she was in love with Tybalt
D. By agreeing to marry Paris
20. What is Friar Lawrence’s plan for Juliet?
A. She will marry Paris but continue to see Romeo.
B. She will fake her own death and run away with Romeo.
C. She will go to Mantua and write to her parents of her marriage.
D. She will kill Paris and frame Benvolio for the murder.
21. Which element of a one-act play means the words/lines that the characters say?
A. Character C. Dialogue
B. Climax D. Theme
22. What element of a one act play is described as the “highest point of interest” where a
question is usually raised?
A. Plot C. Dialogue
B. Climax D. Theme
23. It is a play that has only one act.
A. Comedy C. Musical
B. Drama D. One-Act Play
24. Which term tells us about the people involved in the story?
A. Character C. Plot
B. Exposition D. Setting
25.Which one is the definition of rising action?
A. The complication is presented.
B. The situation with which the story begins.
C. The situation with which the story ends.
D. The solutions to the problem are presented.
26. Which of the following is NOT a definition of fallacy?
A. It is a key in creating good arguments.
B. Fallacy is an argument that appears to be valid, but is not.
C. It is an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.
D. A fallacy is a common error in reasoning that undermines the logic of one’s
27. This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you
irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument.
This statement defines which type of fallacy?
A. Ad Hominem B. Red herring C. Slippery Slope D. Straw Man
28. The statement, “No one can actually prove that God exists; therefore, God does not
exist.”, falls within the fallacy of relevance. Which of the following does it fall to,
A. Appeal to Authority C. Appeal to Ignorance
B. Appeal to Emotions D. Non Sequitur
29. Lucille Fletcher’s Sorry, Wrong Number, was originally written and presented as what
kind of media?
A. documentary B. movie series C. radio play D. television show
30. Which of the following events DID NOT occur in Sorry, Wrong Number ?
A. Mrs. Stevenson’s husband went home and stop the crime from happening.
B. Mrs. Stevenson wanted to prevent the crime, so she began a series of calls.
C. Mrs. Stevenson heard footsteps coming upstairs with an intention to break inside.
D. Mrs. Stevenson accidentally overheard a conversation between two men plotting
a crime.
31. At the very end of the film, Miss Daisy is in nursing home due to her failing health. Hoke
goes to visit her, and he is shown helping her eat something. What is it that Hoke is helping
Miss Daisy eat?
A. Applesauce B. Cake C. Pudding D. Pumpkin Pie
32. What is the name of Miss Daisy’s son?
A. Andrew Werthan
B. Boo Werthan
C. Boolie Werthan
D. Martin Luther Werthan
33. What event led to Miss Daisy’s needing a personal driver?
A. She backed her car into the neighbor’s yard.
B. She lost her vision.
C. She was driving drunk.
D. She ran over a child.
34. Which of the following statements is TRUE about synopsis.
A. A synopsis is really useful for any work of considerable length.
B. All synopsis are one paragraph long.
C. Synopsis is the same as planning outline.
D. Writing a synopsis requires your personal point of view on the events happened.
35. The following statements are things you need to do or consider in writing a synopsis
except for one.
A. commentary and floweriness
B. spoilers sweetie
C. stick to the point
D. trim to the bone
36-50. Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct spelling of words
36. yvlaiidt-
37. ytliaiber
38. tanvrlee
39. belrecid
40. thtur
41. cenreefre
42. cseours
43. wens
44. lajourn
45. ilttengirg esitengearil
46. badnongwa
47. kefa wens
48. lismieangd
49. ninformtaio
50. seraesrche

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Asst. Principal II
Answer Key ENGLISH 9
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. C
29. C
30. A
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. A
Directions: Read the following questions carefully then copy the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is not true?
A. Staring or gazing at others can create tension and pressure.
B. The eyes communicate more than any other part of the human body.
C. Arms and hand gestures should be made below your elbow and away from your body.
D. Gestures may be polite in one country/culture but may not be in another.
2. Which of the following gestures show ignorance, perplexity, or irony?
A. clasped hands B. clenched fist C. crossed arms D. shrugging of shoulders
3. Which of the following is not true about the characters in the epic “Ibalon”
A. Baltog was born in Baltavara to the brave clan of Lipod.
B. Sarimaw was a serpent with a beautiful voice and could change an image to deceive
C. Bantong killed Rabot, the giant who turned people into rocks.
D. Handiong built a town in Isarog and a season of progress followed.
4. These are the appropriate expressions used when inquiring, except________.
A. I wonder if... B. What do you mean by... C. without a doubt... D. Do you agree that...
5. Gian wants to express his opinion about the issue of corruption in the locality. Which
expression is best to start his point?
A. To sum it up...
B. What do you think of....
C. But what about...
D. If it were up to me...
6. Crossing your arms is a gesture that conveys a message that you are________.
A. nervous B. ready C. defensive D. paying attention
7. Your colleague asks to open the window, saying: ________ you mind If I open the
A. Would B. Do C. Could D. None of the above
8. Who defeated and carried the Tandayag and hung it on a talisay tree in front of his house
in Tondol?
A. Handiong B. Baltog C. Rabot D. Oriol
9. Avoid the following gestures when speaking, except:
A. hands on chin B. rolling your eyes C. stand with confidence D. sway
10. Hannah: Do you believe that friends must be completely honest with each other? Leah:
Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me. He was a really good friend, and I just felt
completely betrayed.
It destroyed the friendship.
In the dialogue, Leah is _________
A. inquiring B. disagreeing C. summarizing D. offering explanations
Read the Passage 1.
“I am a Filipino, I came from islands rippled with sun
Where days are green fires and nights are warm
With moon and stars. Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk
For I was born of sultans, rajahs, kings,”
11. What does the writer say about the Filipino?
A. He is loyal.
B. He is of noble origin.
C. He is basically generous.
D. He is a victim of injustice.
12. What is reflected in the poem?
A. characteristics of a Filipino
B. equality in being Filipino
C. pride in being a Filipino
D. none of the above
Passage 2
But success made me restless. Wanting wide areas of land, I cleared more forest.
When the soil became poor with constant use, I abandoned my farms. Neglecting to
replenish the vegetation, I laid the soil bare to wind, rain and sun
13. How would you describe man in the above passage?
A. destructive B. greedy C.selfish D. all of the above
Passage 3
Man’s gregarious nature cannot be denied. No matter how masterfully he handles himself,
he cannot live alone; he needs to associate with others. But living in a society entails
problems, and problems call for solutions – a situation which is actually a challenge in itself
14. The paragraph tells us that:
A. Man denies his need for others.
B. Man is basically a social being.
C. Man lives in a society that is full of problems.
D. Man needs to live with others although problems go along with it.

Passage 4
“I hope you will not think of this as a great bother, “Julio continued, trying his best to
phrase his thoughts. He had a vague fear that Ka Ponso might not favorably regard
his letter. But he wrote on, slowly and steadily, stopping only to read what he had put
down. “We shall repay you for whatever you can do for us, compadre. It’s true we
already owe you for many things, but your comadre and I will do all we can indeed to
repay you.”
15. What Filipino value is shown in the paragraph?
A. pakikisama
B. utang na loob
C. ningas kugon
D. pakikipagkapwa-tao
Directions: Read each passage and its response to the question carefully then choose the
appropriate explanation as referenced from the text. Write your answers on a separate
of paper.
For items 1-3.
Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the
floor and plopped onto the couch. After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII, he ate some
pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle
came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report
card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside
down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it. As he plopped down on
the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller.
16. Why is Kyle distraught? He probably got bad grades. How do you know this?
A. He ate some pizza and fell asleep.
B. He played on his computer for six hours.
C. He balled up his report card and hides it.
D. Kyle ran into the house and plopped onto the couch.
17. Why do you think Kyle put his report card in the soup can? He is trying to dispose of the
evidence. He doesn’t want anyone to know. How do you know this?
A. He ate some pizza and fell asleep.
B. He played on his computer for six hours.
C. Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him.
D. He goes through great lengths to conceal the report card.
18. Was Kyle’s report card good or bad and why was it like that? Kyle’s report card was
probably bad because he plays too many video games. How did you know this?
A. In the text, he plays video games for six hours and sleeps after eating
pizza, and does not even open his book bag.
B. In the text, Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw
his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch.
C. In the text, he balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in
the garbage.
D. In the text, when Kyle came home from school the next day, he was
noticeably distraught.
For items 4-5:
Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was
weeping mournfully, and her clothing was disheveled. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia
cried out a name: “Oh... John...” And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her
purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened the message
and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastasia threw her
head into her arms and continued sobbing.
19. What relationship do John and Anastasia have? They are boyfriend and girlfriend. How
did you know this?
A. They are arguing about something.
B. They are talking about buying a jacket.
C. They appear to be going through a break-up.
D. They appear to argue about the jacket.
20. Why is Anastasia sad? John and she are breaking up. How did you know this?
A. John calls Anastasia.
B. John wants his belongings back.
C. Anastasia is crying by the fountain.
D. Anastasia receives a text from John.
21. How do you define inferencing?
A. Inferencing is pointing out key details in the text.
B. Inferencing is making a complete guess from one’s imagination.
C. Inferencing is about explaining facts and details found in the story.
D. Inferencing is predicting a possible outcome or happening based on details found
in a text.
22. In inferring, readers must _________________________.
A. refer to the author’s background
B. pay attention to the important details
C. jump into conclusion without citing pieces of evidence
D. make predictions based on his or her understanding
23. Which among the following is not true about inferencing?
A. Inferencing is getting the gist of the story.
B. Inferencing is predicting outcomes using baseless claims.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.
24. A sudden notice of lockdown was announced in your barangay. What do you think
A. One of your neighbors contracted the virus.
B. There is a vaccine available in the health center.
C. Your neighbor was released from the quarantine facility.
D. None of the above.
25. The class was suspended and there were police around the school. What do you think
A. There was a fire.
B. There is an important visitor in the school.
C. There is a commotion happening in the school.
D. The principal and teachers are having a meeting.
Directions: Study the following items and give what is needed. Use a separate sheet of
paper for your answers.
26. Which of the following is not an assertion?
a. I think the government is doing its best to cater to the needs of every citizen.
b. Should people blame the government for the rising number of casualties?
c. The Filipinos are worth dying for.
d. I believe in the power of prayers.
27. Which of the following is NOT a function of assertion?
a. to express ideas or feelings directly
b. to persuade the readers to agree with the author’s belief
c. to let the readers know the author’s thoughts and beliefs about an issue
d. to express author’s self-affirmation and rational thinking
28. Which of the following is NOT a polite way of disagreeing to a statement?
a. You are absolutely wrong!
b. The statement seems to have a fair point, but I have to say that I disagree...
c. I have a completely different opinion on that.
d. I respect your point but, in my opinion, ...
29. What should you remember when reacting to assertions made by the author in a text:
a. Read and understand the texts.
b. Analyze the assertion made by the author.
c. State your reaction clearly.
d. All of the above.
30. Which of the following expressions is used for a positive reaction?
a. I couldn’t agree more...
b. I agree up to a point, but....
c. That’s one way of looking at it, however...
d. I’m not sure I go along with that view...
Directions: Read the following items carefully then write T if the statement is true and F if
it is false. Use another sheet of paper for your answers.
31. You only need opinions to support your claim.
32. Citing your references properly avoids plagiarism.
33. Textual evidence can only be presented using quotation marks.
34. It is important to read the text comprehensively before making inferences or
35. Supporting your claim with evidence makes your argument more powerful and
36. An assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong belief on a
certain topic.
37. Reaction should focus on what is asserted by the author.
38. You can react without reading the text.
38. Facts and opinions can be used to support a reaction to a given statement.
40. Reacting to a text is one of the skills a reader develops when doing critical reading.
41. A panel discussion is a more formal way of discussing issues, problems, or topics in
front of an audience.
42. There are three members of the panel discussion namely: moderator, panel, and
43. The audience does not play any role in the discussion and they are not allowed to
raise questions.
44. Creative questioning is the key to a meaningful discussion.
45. The members of the panel discussion do not need to conduct research before the
46-50. Read and analyze the questions below then write GREAT if you think the question is
challenging or provoking and SIMPLE if it is not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
46. Do you know anyone, or have you heard about anyone who has been cyber-bullied?
47. When did you first hear about cyber-bullying?
48. What springs to your mind when you hear the word “cyber-bullying”?
49. Do you think online bullying is worse than or not as bad as physical bullying? Why or
why not?
50. Do internet companies and mobile phone companies have a duty to stop cyber-
bullying? Why do you say so?

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Asst. Principal II
Answer Key ENGLISH 7
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. B
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. F
32. T
33. F
34. T
35. T
36. T
37. T
38. F
39. T
40. T
41. T
42. F
43. F
44. T
45. F
46. G
47. S
48. S
49. G
50. G

1. Ito ay isang uri ng akdang patula na ang layunin ay manlibak, manukso, o mang-uyam at
may himig na nagbibiro.
a. Awiting Panudyo c. Palaisipan
b. Bugtong d. Tugmang de Gulong
2. Ito ay isang pahulaan sa pamamagitan ng paglalarawan at binibigkas ito nang patula.
a. Awiting Panudyo c. Palaisipan
b. Bugtong d. Tugmang de Gulong
3. Ito ay ang mga paalaala o babala na kalimitang makikita sa mga pampublikong sasakyan.
a. Awiting Panudyo c. Palaisipan
b. Bugtong d. Tugmang de Gulong
4. Ito ay may layuning pukawin at pasiglahin ang kaisipan ng mga taong nagkakaumpukan
na kadalasan ay nakalilito.
a.Awiting Panudyo c. Palaisipan
b. Bugtong d. Tugmang de Gulong
5. Ito ay tumutukoy sa makabuluhang yunit ng tunog na karaniwang tinutumbasan ng titik o
a. Ponema c. Segmental
b. Ponolohiya d. Suprasegmental
II. Panuto: Isulat ang titik sa sagutang papel ang wastong pagpapahayag na tumutugon sa
sitwasyon sa bawat bilang.
6. Ipinakilala mo ang iyong guro sa iyong ina.
a. Nanay ang aking guro, si Gng. Patricia Pascual.
b. Nanay ang aking guro, Gng. Patricia Pascual.
c. Nanay, ang aking guro, si Gng. Patricia Pascual.
d. Nanay ang aking guro si Gng. Patricia Pascual.

7. Ibinalita mo sa iyong kaibigan na may pagsusulit kayo bukas.

a. May pagsusulit tayo bukas.
b. May pagsusulit tayo bukas?
c. May pagsusulit tayo bukas!
d. May pagsusulit, tayo, bukas.

8. Nangatwiran kang hindi si Patrick ang kumuha ng pera.

a. Hindi, si Patrick ang kumuha ng pera.
b. Hindi si Patrick ang kumuha ng pera.
c. Hindi si Patrick ang kumuha ng pera?
d. Hindi si Patrick, ang kumuha ng pera!

9. Isang uri ng panitikan na nagkukuwento tungkol sa mga pinagmulan ng mga bagay-bagay

sa daigdig.
A. Alamat C. Maikling kuwento
B. Kuwentong-bayan D. Mitolohiya

10. Isang kuwentong nagpasalin-salin na sa dila mula sa katutubo hanggang sa kasalukuyan,

masasabing halos ipinakikita rin nito ang tradisyon ng isang lahi. Karaniwang tinatalakay ang
mga diyos at nagbibigay ng mga paliwanag hinggil sa mga likas na kaganapan.
A. Alamat C. Maikling kuwento
B. Kuwentong-bayan D. Mitolohiya
11. Ito ay mga salaysay hinggil sa mga likhang-isip na mga tauhan na kumakatawan sa mga
uri ng mamamayan, katulad ng matandang hari, isang marunong na lalaki, o kaya sa isang
hangal na babae.
A. Alamat C. Maikling kuwento
B. Kuwentong-bayan D. Mitolohiya
12. Ang sumusunod ay ang mga sikat na tauhan sa mitolohiyang Griyego, maliban sa isa.
A. Aphrodite B. Athena C. Malakas D. Zeus
13. Ito ay karaniwang tinatalakay sa kuwentong mito.
A. mga anito C. mga hari at reyna
B. mga diyos at diyosa D. mga hayop
14. Ano ang mahihinuhang mangyayari sa buhay ng isang taong nagtigis ng pawis?
A. magkakasakit B. papayat
C. matatapos lahat ang gagawin D. magiging matagumpay sa buhay
15. Ang mga taong magaganda ay tila nagiging mayabang. Ano ang salitang ginamit sa
A. magaganda B. mayabang C. nagiging D. tila

16. Aling uri ng sanaysay ang nagtataglay ng makatotohanang impormasyon, piling mga
salita at pahayag na maingat na tinatalakay?
A. pormal na sanaysay B. di-pormal na sanaysay C. Wala sa nabanggit

17. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng liwanag?

A. Mula ng siya’y sumikat, lumaki na ang kaniyang ulo.
B. Sama-samang nagsisimba ang buong mag-anak nina Kiara.
C. Gingamit ni Kokoy ang kaniyang mga anak na mamalimos para
D. Hindi pinahihintulutan ni Ben ang kaniyang mga anak na lumabas ng
bahay upang may mautusan siya.

18. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi pahayag sa paghihinuha ng mga pangyayari?
A. ang tingin ko ay... B. di kaipala... C. pwede nga... D. sa palagay ko...
19. Ito ay isang maikling salaysay hinggil sa isang mahalagang pangyayaring kinasasangkutan
ng isa o ilang tauhan at may iisang kakintalan o impresyon lamang.
A. Dula B. Maikling Kuwento C. Mito D. Sanaysay
20. Si Mabuti ay isang guro. Lagi siyang tumatangis sa loob ng silid-aklatan at iyon ang
naging usap-usapan sa paaralang kanyang pinagtuturuan. Ang pangungusap ay halimbawa
ng ____________.
A. anapora B. di pormal C. pormal D. katapora
21. Tapos na ang digmaan nang siya ay bumalik sa Pilipinas. Gayunpaman, tumulong si
Donya Aurora kay Pangulong Manuel A. Roxas na mapagtibay ang kalayaan ng Pambasang
Krus na Pula. Ang tinutukoy ng panghalip na “siya” sa unang pangungusap ay
A. Donya Aurora C. Pambansang Krus na Pula
B. Manuel A. Roxas D. Pilipinas
22. Ang pahayaga na ito ay ang nagpapakita ng kataporik
A. Patuloy na dinarayo ng mga turista ang Dos Palmas Resort sa Palawan dahil sila’y totoong
nagagandahan dito.
B. Siya ay isa sa mga dayuhang turista na patuloy na pumupunta sa Dos Palmas Resort sa
Palawan dahil ayon kay Gracia Burnham ang paborito niyang pasyalan.
C. Nang bumagsak ang Bataan at Corregidor, ang pamilya Quezon ay pumunta sa Amerika.
Doon ay tumulong siya sa American Red Cross at patuloy na nakipag-ugnayan sa mga
pinunong bayan.
D. Wala sa nabanggit.

23. Ang mga sumusunod ay halimbawa ng panghalip maliban sa isa

A. dahil C. niya
B. kanila D. siya

24. Ang katangian ng balita na naglalahad ng mga datos ng bawat panig ng isang
kontrobersyal na isyu na may timbang at walang pinapanigan.
A. Kaiklian C. Katotohanan
B. Katimbangan D. Kawastuhan

25. Ang karaniwang ginagamit sa pagsulat ng balita kung saan makikita ang pagpapahalaga
sa bahaging nais itampok.
A. Inverted Pyramid C. Pamatnubay
B. Katawan D. Panghuling Bahagi na Pangungusap
26. Uri ng talambuhay na binibigyang-pansin ang mga layunin, adhikain, simulain,
paninindigan ng isang tao, at kung paano nai-uugnay ang isang tao sa kaniyang tagumpay o
A. Talambuhay na Di-karaniwan C. Talambuhay na Pang-iba
B. Talambuhay na Karaniwan D. Talambuhay na Pansarili

27. Anyo ng panitikan na nagsasaad ng kasaysayan ng buhay ng isang tao hango sa mga
tunay na tala, pangyayari at impormasyon.
A. Anekdota B. Bugtong C. Sanaysay D. Talambuhay

28. Uri ng talambuhay na naglalahad ng mga kaganapan sa buhay ng isang tao na isinulat ng
ibang tao.
A. Talambuhay na Di-karaniwan C. Talambuhay na Pang-iba
B. Talambuhay na Karaniwan D. Talambuhay na Pansarili

29. Ito ay maikling tulang nakasulat sa mga pampublikong sasakyan na kawili- wiling
A. Salawikain C. Palaisipan
B. Sawikain D. Tugmang de Gulong

30. Ang mga sumusunod na manunulat na propagandista at repormista mula sa Luzon

maliban sa isa.
A. Dr. Jose Rizal C. Pedro Bukaneg
B. Marcelo H. Del Pilar D. Mariano Ponce

31. Isang uri ng panitikang nasusulat sa anyong tuluyan na karaniwang pumapaksa sa mga
kaisipan at mga bagay-bagay na sadyang kapupulutan ng aral at aliw ng mga mambabasa.
A. Palaisipan C. Talambuhay
B. Sanaysay D. Tula

32. Ang kadalasang tema ng mitolohiya.

A. Kababalaghan C. Katatawanan
B. Kalokohan D. Pag-ibig
33. Ang bilang ng rehiyon na bumubuo sa pulo ng Luzon.
A. apat C. walo
B. anim D. sampu

34. Inihuhudyat o sinisimbolo ito ng mga notasyong ponemik upang matukoy ang paraan ng
pagbigkas ng isang salita o isang pahayag.
A. Antala B. Diin C. Suprasegmental D. Tono
35. Ang mga sumusunod ay ang mga angkop na pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagsulat ng isang
talata na may panimula, gitna, at wakas, MALIBAN SA ISA:
A. At B. Noon C. Subalit D. Sumakatuwid
36. “Pagkalulong sa social media ang sa palagay kong isang dahilan ng mga bata kaya hindi
natatapos sa tamang oras ang pagsagot sa mga modules.”Ito ay ang panandang ginamit sa
paghihinuha ng pangyayari.
A. dahilan B. kaya C. sa palagay ko D. sa tamang oras
37. “Malaki ang naging epekto nito sa ating kalusugan maging sa ating ekonomiya at marami
ng namatay. Ito ang Covid 19.” Ang pangungusap ay halimbawa ng:
A. Anapora B. Katapora C. Ponema D. Tono
38. Kung ang tugon mo sa mensahe/balita ay Oo, Ito ay ang angkop na pahayag na iyong
A. Hindi totoo...
B. Ikinalulungkot ko...
C. Sang-ayon ako subalit...
D. Tunay ang sinabi...

39. Ito ay nangangahulugang paghinto o pagtigil ng pagsasalita na maaaring panandalian (sa

gitna ng pag-uusap) o pangmatagalan (katapusan ng pangungusap).
A. Antala B. Diin C. Tono D. Sukat

40. Nasa unahan ang tinutukoy at nasa hulihan ang naglalarawan sa tinutukoy.
A. Anapora B. Katapora C. Ponema D. Tauhan
41. Nasa hulihan ang tinutukoy at nasa unahan ang naglalarawan sa tinutukoy.
A. Anapora B. Katapora C. Ponema D. Tauhan
42. Ito ay kadalasang ginagawa ng isang matalinong mambabasa upang
mabatid ang kahihinatnan ng mga sitwasyon sa isang akda.
A. Paghihinuha
B. Paglalarawan
C. Panghihikayat
D. Patalastas

43. Ito ay paraan ng pagbigkas na maaaring malambing, pagalit, marahan, o

kaya’y waring laging aburido kundi man nasasabik.
A. Antala B. Ponema C. Suprasegmental D. Tono
44-50. Panuto: Basahin ang balita sa ibaba pagkatapos sagutin ang mga sumusunod na
MAYNILA - Binawi ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ang kautusan na magkaroon ng face- to-face
classes pagdating ng taong 2021. Plano sana itong gawin sa mga paaralan sa lugar na may mababang
banta ng pagkalat ng coronavirus. "I will not allow face-to-face classes of children until we are
through with this... The nature of the germ we are confronting,” ani Duterte sa isang meeting.
Naghahanda na sana para sa dry run ang Department of Education. Pero giit ni Duterte, may
pangambang posibleng kaharapin ang mga kabataan na papapasukin sa mga paaralan sa susunod na
taon. "I am cancelling the order I gave few days ago to Sec. Briones of the Education Department to
suspend everything, all activities of children especially face-to-face classes," ani Duterte. Iniutos ito
ni Duterte matapos matuklasan ang bagong strain ng coronavirus disease sa United Kingdom, na
pinaniniwalaang mas nakahahawa.
44-45. Tungkol saan ang balitang binasa?

46-47. Kung ikaw ang tatanungin, sang-ayon ka ba sa desisyon ni Pangulong Duterte na

suspendehin muna ang face-to-face classes? Ipaliwanag ang sagot.

48-50. Ano ang pinakamagandang balita na natanggap mo sa iyong buhay? Ano ang

naging epekto nito sa iyo?


Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Asst. Principal II
Answer Key Filipino 7
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. D
30. C
31. B
32. A
33. C
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. A
41. B
42. A
43. D
Panuto: Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot at isulat sa sagutang papel.
1. Ang _______________ ay nagsimula sa taong 1996 at nagpapatuloy hanggang.
a. Kontemporaryong panitikan c. Kontemporaryong awit
b. Kontemporaryong salita d. Kontemporaryong sayaw

2. Ang ___________________ ay mga kasangkapang may malaking ambag upang

maitaguyod ang kontemporaryong panitikan.
a. kompyuter at wifi c. connectivity at signal
b. Mass media at internet d. gadgets at wireless

3. Umunlad ang panitikan at naging daluyan ng mga tula, kuwento, nobela at iba pang
akdang pampanitikan sa tulong ng radio, kompyuter at _______________.
a. telenobela c. teleserye
b. telekomunikasyon d. telebisyon

4. Ang makabagong anyo ng ____________ ay sumasabay sa kasalukuyang pamumuhay

ng tao sa lipunan.
a. pamumuhay c. paniniwala
b. panitikan d. pananampalataya

5. Ang hugot lines, spoken word poetry, youtube at k-pop ay kabilang sa panitikang
a. populasyon c. popular
b. puhunan d. possible
6. Ito ay mga salitang kilala at saklaw lamang ng pook na pinaggagamitan nito.
A. balbal B. banyaga C. kolokyal D. lalawiganin

7. Ang mga salitang karaniwan at palasak na ginagamit sa mga pang-araw- araw na

pakikipag-usap at pakikipagsulatan sa mga kakilala at kaibigan ay kabilang sa ________
A. banyaga B. balbal C. impormal D. pormal

8. Mga salitang ginagamit sa pang-araw-araw na pakikipagtalastasan ngunit may

A. balbal B. banyaga C. kolokyal D. lalawiganin

9. Tinatawag sa Ingles na slang.

A. balbal B. banyaga C. lalawiganin D. kolokyal

10. Ito ay mga salita mula sa ibang wika.

A. banyaga B. balbal C. kolokyal D. lalawiganin

11. Sa komentaryong panradyo, ito ang mga dapat na isaalang-alang maliban sa isa.
A. nararapat na magsaliksik ukol sa paksa
B. magsaliksik tungkol sa kapapanayamin
C. maging maingat sa mga bibitawang salita
D. pilitin na magsalita kahit labag sa loob ng kapapanayamin

12. Bakit kailangang magsaliksik tungkol sa topiko ng komentaryong panradyo?

A. upang maalam ka sa pag-uusapan
B. upang may masabi lamang sa talakayan
C. upang sarilihin ang buong oras sa pagtatalakay nito
D. wala sa nabanggit
13. Lahat sila ay mga komentarista, maliban sa isa.
A. Maja Salvador B. Papa Jackson
C. Ted Failon D. Magkakapatid na Tulfo

14. Bakit kailangang pag-aralan ang komentaryong panradyo?

A. upang maging epektibong tagapagsalita
B. upang maalam sa kahulugan ng komentaryong panradyo
C. upang makilala lahat ng mga komentarista sa radyong pinapakinggan
D. upang may mibahagi sa mga kaibigan tuwing kayo ay nagsasama-sama.

15. Ano ang ginagamit sa komentaryong panradyo upang maging mabisa?

A. konsepto ng pagsang-ayon
B. konsepto ng pagsalungat
C. konsepto ng pananaw
D. konsepto ng katotohanan

16. Ang makabagong anyo ng panitikang sumasabay at nagpapakita sa kasalukuyang

pamumuhay ng tao sa lipunan (way of life).
a. Matandang Panitikan c. Panitikang Popular
b. Makabagong Panitikan d. Sinaunang Panitikan

17. Ang mga sumusunod ay katangian ng panitikang popular maliban sa isa.

a. Nanunuot sa kalamnan.
b. Pasulpot-sulpot sa isipan
c. Parang toxic na umiigpaw sa isipan.
d. Umiilanlang sa kaisipan at tumatagos sa budhi.

18. Isang sistemang telekomunikasyon para sa pagpapahayag at pagtanggap ng mga

gumagalaw na mga larawan at tunog sa kalayuan.
a. cellphone c. laptop
b. telebisyon d. wifi connection
19. Ang Children Show ay isa sa mga kategorya ng Kontemporaryong Programang
Pantelebisyon. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang halimbawa ng Children Show?
a. Bandila c. Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho
b. Going Bulilit d. Pinoy Explorer

20. Ang TV Patrol ng Kapamilya Network at 24 Oras ng GMA ay mga halimbawa ng

Kontemporaryong Programang Pantelebisyon. Anong kategorya nabibilang ang mga
programang ito?
a. Educational Program c. Talk Show
b. News Program d. Travel Show

21. Ang mga ekspresyong __________ ay mga hudyat na ginagamit sa paglalahad ng

iniisip, sinasabi o pinaniniwalaan ng isang tao.
a. ayon, batay, para, sang-ayon sa/kay c. mula kay, sa tingin ko, sa aking pananaw
b. sa isang banda, sa kabilang dako d. kumbinsido ako, naninindigan ako

22. Ang ipinapahiwatig na pananaw ng mga ekpresyong sa isang banda, sa kabilang

dako, samantala _______________
a. Parehong pananaw c. Pag-iiba ng paksa o pananaw
b. Pananatili sa paksa ng pananaw d. Pagkuha ng pananaw sa iba

23. “Sa tingin ko, wala nang gaganda pa sa lugar na ito.” Ang pahayag na ito ay
ng ______________________.
a. pananaw b. pangangatwiran c. proposisyon d. pakikipag-argumento

24. “Sa isang banda, mabuti na rin sigurong nangyari iyon upang matauhan ang mga
nagtutulog-tulogan”. Ang ekspresyon ng pananaw na ginamit sa pahayag ay __________
a. mabuti na rin c. upang matauhan
b. siguro d. sa isang banda
25. “Sa ganang akin, kailangang palawigin pa ng mga pamahalaang lokal ang
pagpapatupad ng Curfew Hour dahil sa lumalalang krimen”. Ang ginamit na ekspresyong
pananaw sa pahayag ay __________________.
a. kailangan dagdagan c. sa ganang akin
b. ang pagbabantay d. dahil sa lumalalalng krimen

26. Elemento ng pelikula kung saan nakapaloob ang mga eksena at dayalogo ngn mga
tauhan at artista.
a. produksyon c. iskrip
b. sinematograpiya d. musika

27. Isang uri ng pelikula na aktuwal ang pagkuha ng mga pangyayari upang higit itong
mas maging makatotohanan.
a. Dokumentaryo c. Independent Film
b. Short film d. Romantic Film

28. Isa sa mga kinikilala at tinitingalang pangalan ng direktor sa paggawa ng Independent

a. Noli de Castro c. Brillante Mendoza
b. Rory B. Quintos d. Antonette Jadaone

29. Ang nagpapalutang ng bawat tagpo at pagpapasidhi ng ugnayan ng tunog at linya ng

a. iskrip b. actor c. tagpuan d. musika
30. Ang mga pelikulang gawa ng mga estudyante o mag-aaral na inilalahok sa mga
a. Independent Film Production c. Metro Manila Film Festival
b. Student Independent Film d. Guillermo Film Festival
31. Ang tawag sa pag-uugnay ng mga konsepto upang lalong maging makahuluganang
diwang hatid nito.
a. konsepto ng pananaw c. konsepto ng pagpapakahulugan
b. konsepto ng kaugnayang lohikal d. konsepto ng pangangatwiran
32. May mga konseptong higit na nagiging makahulugan kapag pinag-ugnay o
pinagsama. Ang kaisipang ito ay ____________.
a. tama c. hindi sigurado
b. mali d. wala sa nabanggit
Hanapin sa Hanay B ang pinakaangkop na kaugnayang lohikal ng mga konseptong
nasa Hanay A. Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa sagutang papel.
33 Nag-aaral siyang mabuti a. upang makasama siya sa lakad ng barkada.
34. Nagpaalam siya sa kanyang
b. sana’y hindi ka nasasaktan ng ganito.
35. Kung nakinig ka lang nang
mabuti sa mga magulang mo
c. kaya naman natuto siya nang husto.
36. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hakbang na kailangang sundin sa pagsulat ng social
awareness campaign?
a. Alamin kung anong pamamaraan ng iyong gagamitin sa pagsasagawa ng
iyong kampanya.
b. Magsaliksik ng ilang datos o impormasyon hinggil sa isyu o paksang nais
c. Pumili ng isang napapanahong isyu.
d. Lahat ng nabanggit

37. Kailangan ng mahusay na pagpaplano kung paano isakatuparan ang pagbuo ng

a. tama c. hindi sigurado
b. mali d. wala sa nabanggit
38. Ang mga sumusunod ay mga mahahalahang paalala at hakbang sa pagbuo ng
campaign material maliban sa isa.
a. Gawing magkakaugnay ang bawat diyalogo o eksena upang higit na maging
mabisa ang iskrip.
b. Hindi na kailangng maging tiyak kung sino ang partikular na tao o grupo ng
taong iyong pinatutungkulan sa pagsulat ng diyalogo.
c. Magbigay ng mga konkreto o mga tiyak na halimbawa.
d. Maging malikhain sa pagbuo nito.

39. Ang mga kampanyang ito ay nakatutulong upang mabigyang-kabatiran ang mga tao
tungkol sa isang tiyak na isyung nangyayari sa lipunan.
a. Broadcast media c. Social awareness campaign
b. technology d. Social media

40. Ang mga sumusunod ay halimbawa ng mga popular na babasahin maliban sa isa.
a. Kontemporaryong dagli c. Islogan
b. Komiks d. Magasin

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Asst. Principal II
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. B
32. A
33. c
34. a
35. b
36. d
37. a
38. b
39. c
40. c

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