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The CDP I choose was ADOPT A PLANT. Trees are the
natural resource of food, shelter, and water. Tree
plantation is the main requirement for maintaining a
balance in the environment. Have you ever taken an
Aspirin? It comes from the bark of a tree! Through
their leaves and bark, they absorb harmful pollutants
and release clean oxygen for us to breathe.
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by
deforestation and fossil fuel combustion trap heat in
the atmosphere. Planting trees has many benefits to
all living beings. It has environmental benefits like
that it helps majorly to the environment as it
reduces the pollution and other toxic gases in the
atmosphere. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale
oxygen which helps the living organisms to breathe
for survival. Planting trees helps to increase the
oxygen level and reduce the unwanted gases. Finally,
it helps in decreasing the global warming effect. Why
is planting trees important? Trees are the major
source for a clean environment as they improve air
quality by producing oxygen and inhaling carbon
dioxide. The roots of trees hold the soil firmly, which
aids in fighting erosion that are responsible for
landslides. Why is tree planting important for the
environment? Trees are the major source of
livelihood for human beings. Other living creatures
depend on trees for their food, shelter and survival.
Hence trees should be planted and protected for
future generations. How can planting trees protect
the environment? Trees help a lot in protecting the
environment. They reduce the global warming effect
by reducing the toxic gases in the atmosphere. The
speed of winds is also reduced by trees, and cool air
is supplied by reflecting the heat back through their
leaves. In a previous year I went to my maternal
grandfather house , he has an farm of fruits and
vegetables . There I planted a Neem plant with my
father and maternal grandfather because it gives us
shadow and provide medicines, I used to brush with
a neem stick and it leaves detox the body. After
words I dug a hole I planted tree and water it.
Water is the most critical factor in transplanting trees.
Keeping the soil moist, though water is the best avenue
to ensure survival and growth of your transplanted tree.
Transplanted trees require more water than they did in
the nursery. Frequent watering of transplants provides
more benefit than applying large volumes of water
infrequently because of the smaller root system. Drip
irrigation systems and water reservoir devices can
facilitate watering. Proper water management is the key
for establishing transplants quickly.), Mulch(Apply mulch
2 to 3 inches deep
on the surface of the
planting hole and
extending perhaps 2
or more feet beyond
the perimeter of the
hole. ; allow better
infiltration of water
into the soil during rainfall events or watering and helps
to prevent weeds. Do not place mulch against the tree
trunk or apply mulch too thickly. The larger planting hole
and loosened backfill expedites root growth. Addition of
Soil Amendments, Backfill planting holes with existing
unamended soil. Differences in soil pore sizes will be
created, causing problems with water movement, water
retention and root growth between the root ball,
planting hole and surrounding soil. Trees are helpful in
removing excess water for preventing soil erosion.
Planting trees around our home can have tremendous
benefits on the environment. Not only will you help
restore life quality in your community. Trees are helps
water to drain away.

 The importance of planting trees

Trees contribute to their environment by providing

oxygen, improving air quality, climate
amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil,
and supporting wildlife. During the process of
photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and
produce the oxygen we breathe.
 The effectiveness of planting tree
In the Panchmahal district (the location of our first
planting program), a study found that the villagers
would have to spend 40% of their cash income on
cooking fuel alone if they did not get twigs and
branches from trees.
Trees clean the air, remove dust and particulates,
absorb ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide
and other pollutants, through the stomata in the
leaf surface,
trees can reduce social service budgets, decrease
police calls for domestic violence, strengthen
urban communities, and decrease the incidence of
child abuse.
Trees create jobs, provide flowers, fruit, fodder
and fuel to communities and living creatures, offer
shade to nomads and their livestock, give shelter
to birds and animals, prevent soil erosion and
flooding, improve water catchment, generate
oxygen, reduce pollution and benefit posterity
while decarbonizing the atmosphere.
Many countries across the world are beginning to
realize the importance of afforestation. Several
local bodies, private citizens and non-
governmental organizations are working tirelessly
to mitigate the damage inflicted over the years. In
India, tree planting is usually carried out during the
monsoons, which is from June to September. Van
Mahotsav or Tree Plantation Day is celebrated
during the first week of July every year. There are
a number of steps that can be taken to conserve
forests. Cutting down of trees can be regulated
using methods like clear-cutting, selective cutting,
and shelter cutting. Large scale commercial
deforestation should be avoided. Forest fires can
destroy large tracts of green cover. Measures
should be taken to avoid forest fires. These
include making fire lanes, clearing dry leaves and
trees, and spreading chemicals to control fires.
Also, better farming practices can be adopted. It is
necessary to avoid slash and burn farming,
overgrazing by cattle, and shifting agriculture. The
concepts of national parks and game sanctuaries
have become popular over the past years. This
method of developing forests as tourist centers
can not only protect forests but also earn foreign
exchange. Several countries have developed their
forests as tourist centers.


Trees plays an important role in our daily life, they
have huge impact on us. They are decreasing day by
day due to this the world is lacking enough amount
of oxygen. Because of deforestation global warming
increasing day by day . we need to plant more as
per our convenience.

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