Research Article Pore Architecture of Di

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Copyright © 2006 American Scientific Publishers Journal of

All rights reserved Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Printed in the United States of America Vol. 6, 1–8, 2006

Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules:

Potential Nanostructured Membranes for
Molecular and Particle Separations
Dusan Losic,1 2 ∗ Gary Rosengarten,3 James G. Mitchell,2 Nicolas H. Voelcker1
School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, Flinders University, Bedford Park, Adelaide 5001, SA, Australia
School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, Bedford Park, Adelaide 5001, SA, Australia
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne 3000, Vic, Australia

Diatoms produce diverse three-dimensional regular silica structures with nanometer to micrometer
dimensions and hold considerable promise for biological and biomimetic fabrication of nanostruc-
tured materials and devices. In the present work, we describe the ultrastructural characterisation
of porous structures in diatom biosilica and discuss their potential as membrane filters for diffusion
based separations. The frustules of two centric diatom species Coscinodiscus sp. and Thalassiosira
eccentrica were investigated using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Their
morphological features including pore size, shape, porosity, and pore organization are described.
We observed that although pore organization in frustules of Thalassiosira eccentrica and Coscin-
odiscus sp. is in reverse order, a striking commonality is the size range of the smallest pores in
both species (around 40 nm). The consensus lower pore size suggests that frustule valves have a
common function at this size of excluding viruses or other deleterious particles and that the pore
size and organization is optimised for this purpose. We suggest and implement an experimental

approach to study the potential of diatom frustules for diffusive separation of molecular or nanopar-
ticular components in microfluidic or lab-on-a-chip environments.
Keywords: Diatoms, Frustules, Porous Nanostructures, Membranes, Molecular Separation,
Particle Separation, Microfluidics.

1. INTRODUCTION amorphous silica.9 Each of the estimated 105 diatom spe-

cies has a specific frustule shape decorated with a unique
The exploitation of biological processes, in particular pattern of nano-sized features (pores, channels, ridges,
biomineralisation, can lead to interesting alternative routes spikes, spines etc.).7
towards high tech materials.1–2 Since biological fabrication A variety of potential applications for diatom frustules
operates on the nanoscale in a bottom-up fashion, nano- including optics, photonics, catalysis, nanofabrication, bio-
structured materials with unusual properties (mechanical sensing, drug delivery, filtration, bioencapsulations, and
or optical) are frequently found in nature.3–4 Nanocharac- immunoisolations have been proposed and explored.10–19
terisation tools are just starting to unveil such structural Most of these applications rely on using the unique and
elements that give rise to these properties of biological ordered porous structures of frustule valves. Porous matter
materials.5 The obtained data sets enable researchers to is omnipresent in nature for functional reasons and the
suggest models proposing so far unknown functions.6 In material properties of pores provide a large scope for
some cases these functions have been confirmed in an exploitation. Micro- to macroporous membranes are fre-
experiment with microfabricated analogues or products of quently used for separation processes, and there is
biomimetic synthesis.3 In virtually all aqueous environ- currently intensive research exploring several novel nano-
ments an exceptional variety of silica-based structures are materials based on zeolites, metallo-organic composites,
generated by aquatic micro-algae known as diatoms.7–8 inorganic oxides, and polymers.20–22
These diatoms are single-celled photosynthetic microor- Considerable effort has gone into studying and creating
ganisms that possess exoskeletons (frustules) comprised of microstructures within microfluidic channels both for fil-
tering, trapping, and sorting nanoparticles.23–24 One partic-

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ularly challenging problem is the incorporation of porous

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2006, Vol. 6, No. 4 1533-4880/2006/6/001/008 doi:10.1166/jnn.2006.174 1

Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations Losic et al.

membranes into microfluidic components or lab-on-a chip particles, resulting in localized concentrations of particles
systems.25–26 In contrast, the biological production of on ridged areas surrounding areolae. A second, prima
amorphous silica proceeds under mild physiological con- facie, approach consists of using frustule nanopores and
dition, and yet leads to a remarkable diversity of nano- their membrane properties as the basis for molecular or
to microstructured frameworks.9 Diatoms can routinely be particle separation. Following this rationale, diatom frus-
grown to more than 106 cells/ml of culture therefore offer- tules or corresponding biomimetic structures could find use
ing the possibility of cheaply producing nonporous silica. as separation components in micro-fluidic and lab-on-a-
In addition, because diatoms live in a complex environ- chip systems. To prove this concept, we firstly investigated
ment with continuous flow where they are exposed to the detailed porous architecture of centric diatom frustules
living and nonliving Brownian particles, ranging from over a range of scales from the whole valve (Figs. 1a–b),
nutrient molecules to deleterious bacteria and viruses, their to the nanometer size pores. The detailed description and
nanomorphologies are preadapted and evolved to passively comparison of the frustules’ porous structures is essen-
sort a myriad of particles. Diatom domination of marine tial for understanding the principles of separation through
environments is testament to their successful and adap- the frustule membrane. Using these results, we identified
tive metabolism and their resistance to infection, which is a geometrical model of frustule pores for the two diatom
likely to be related to an optimised filtration and separa- species and we designed an experiment which could be
tion of particles. Hence, diatoms are promising candidates applicable for microfluidic systems. We present results for
for membrane applications, especially in combination with molecular and particle diffusive transport through a single
microfluidic systems.27 frustule valve within a microfluidic environment.
In our previous work, we have shown that particle sorting
and separation is feasible on diatom frustules.27–29 It was
found that the microtopography of frustule surfaces con-
trols particle movement in very specific ways that appear Two diatom species Coscinodiscus sp. and T. eccentrica
consistent with surface-induced drag. The surface struc- were obtained from CSIRO, Marine Division (Hobart, Tas-
ture alters the diffusion and advection of submicrometer mania, Australia). The cultures were maintained at 20  C
using a 12 hour light/12 hour dark cycle. GSE medium was
used to culture Coscinodiscus sp. and Guillard’s medium
(f/2) was used for T. eccentrica.30 The live diatoms were

harvested after 2–3 weeks of culturing and cleaned using

a procedure described elsewhere.31 Organic material from
the frustule surface was removed using concentrated sul-
phuric acid or surfactant (2% SDS in 100 mM EDTA).32
These treatments cause the separation of the diatom frus-
tule into the 2 frustule valves and girdle band. Cleaned
frustule valves for both procedures were stored in 100%
ethanol. The structural characterisation of frustules was
performed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and atomic force microscopy (AFM). One drop of cleaned
frustule suspension was deposited onto freshly cleaved
mica or silicon wafers previously coated with polylysine
(from 0.01% aqueous solution of polylysine). Samples
were dried in a gentle stream of nitrogen for 1 minute.
Frustules settled on the substrate surface exposing their
inner surface (concave) or exterior surface (convex).
SEM images were acquired using a Philips XL 30
field-emission scanning electron microscope operated at
2–10 kV. Silicon wafers with diatom frustules were
mounted on microscopy stubs with carbon sticky tape and
coated with a thin platinum layer.
AFM imaging was performed using a Nanoscope IV
Multimode SPM (Veeco Corp., Santa Barbara, USA).
Images were acquired in air using contact and tapping
modes. Oxide-sharpened silicon nitride probes (NP-S,
Fig. 1. Acid cleaned frustule valves of two centric diatoms, (a) Coscin- Veeco Corp.) of spring constant k = 015 N/m were used
odiscus sp. and (b) T. eccentrica. for contact mode experiments. Olympus silicon probes

2 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6, 1–8, 2006

Losic et al. Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations

(TESP, Veeco Corp.) were used for tapping mode experi- gently cleaning of frustules but removed by acid treatment
ments. These probes were cleaned in water plasma (6 mA as described in the experimental part. Figure 2a shows a
source, 0.05 Torr water) for 3 minutes and characterised whole frustule with intact valves, followed by two SEM
using a silicon calibrating grating (TGT 01, Silicon-MDT images (Figs. 2b–c) with details of the cribellum surface
Ltd., Russia).33 Different parts of the frustule from the cen- and its pores. The cribellum surface consists of about
tral to the peripheral areas were scanned on the inner and 2 m diameter porous domes hexagonally packed across
outer frustule surface. A minimum of ten different frus- the frustule. A more detailed AFM image of a dome is
tules of each species was imaged to account for minor presented in Figure 2d. The basic porous feature of this
shape variations. All values of pore size are the average layer is an array of 5–7 small pores, as shown in Figure 2e.
of at least fifty individual measurements performed on There are approximately 20 arrays per one dome with each
at least five different frustules ± the standard deviation. array surrounded by six other ones giving rise to a hexag-
Image processing was performed using Nanoscope off- onal pattern. The average pore diameter is determined as
line software (Veeco Corp.) and SPIP (Image Metrology, 45 ± 9 nm and a pore-to-pore distance of 68 ± 12 nm.
Denmark). This corresponds to a porosity of only 7.5 ± 1.2%. In
For the permeation experiment, cleaned diatom frustules Coscinodiscus sp., the cribellum represents the sieve plate
(Coscinodiscus sp.) were attached on the top of a micro- in contact with the external environment, hence the porous
capillary tube (single hole optical fibre with internal diam- features may have evolved for optimal nutrient uptake and
eter of 15 m, supplied by Optical Fibre Technology for defence against bacterial and viral attack. The observed
Centre, Sydney, Australia) and glued with UV curable glue pore size suggests that this layer is a mechanical barrier or
(NOA-60, Norland, USA). Manipulation and attachment filter that allows passage for particles smaller than 40 nm.
of an individual frustule onto the end of a microcapil- Particles below this size are unlikely to be of viral nature
lary tube was initially performed using a Newport Auto and more likely to be salubrious.
Aligner (USA). The attachment using a micromanipulator A second porous layer, the cribrum, is exposed on
(Micromanipulator Co, USA) and an inverted microscope frustules prepared by acid cleaning which removed the
equipped with two cameras (bottom and side view) proved thin (<50 nm) and delicate cribellum layer only weakly
to be sufficient to perform this procedure. For the mea- bonded to the underlying silica layer. A series of SEM and
surement of molecular transport of small molecules across AFM images of the cribrum are shown in Figures 2f–k.
a microcapillary tube mounted frustule, a fluorescein The SEM image of a whole frustule valve displaying the
(Sigma-Aldrich, USA) solution (1 mM) was used. The per-

cribrum surface is shown in Figure 2f, followed by detailed
meation experiment toward particles was performed using images (Figs. 2g–i). In these images a honeycomb topog-
fluorescent nanoparticles (FluoSpheresTM ) with 20 nm and
raphy of hexagonally packed holes is evident covered by a
100 nm diameters supplied from Molecular Probes, Invit-
dome-shaped porous silica membrane slab 1620 ± 130 nm
rogen, USA. The permeation of molecules and parti-
in diameter. The pores are shown with more detail in AFM
cles across the frustule was monitored using a minia-
image (Fig. 2j) followed by an AFM image of a single pore
ture fibre optic fluorescence spectrophotometer USB 2000-
(Fig. 2k). About 20 cribrum pores with a pore diameter of
FLG (Ocean Optics, USA) and an LED light source with
192 ± 35 nm decorated each dome and domes are self-
emission maximum at 470 nm (Ocean Optics). The trans-
similar to the cribellum pore arrays. The porosity of the
port data are processed as plots of moles of fluorescein
cribrum layer (25.2 ± 2.5%) is significantly higher than
molecules in the permeate versus permeation time and the
that of the cribellum. Cribrum pores and cribellum pore
permeation flux is calculated from the slope.
arrays appear to be overlaid. The high-resolution AFM
image of the cribrum membrane (Fig. 2k) also shows that
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the biosilica consists of fused nodules with average size of
74 ± 8 nm.34 These are presumably the result of colloidal
3.1. Characterisation of the Coscinodiscus sp. Frustule
silica incorporated into the biomineralising frustule.8
SEM and AFM images of the Coscinodiscus sp. frustule SEM and AFM images of the third porous (internal)
from the external to the internal surface including their layer are depicted in Figures 2l–r. The large-scale image
profile structures are presented in Figure 2. Three porous in Figure 2m shows the presence of the large pores (fora-
layers are identified in this frustule. The outer porous layer, men), which are radially organised in lines from the cell
known as the cribellum is followed by a second porous centre to the edge. The foramen holes are 1150 ± 130 nm
layer, called the cribrum which is connected to the internal in diameter with an average spacing of 603 ± 41 nm.
(third) porous silica plate containing the so called foramen This yields a porosity of 35 ± 3%. The porosity hence
holes. Structural details of these layers and their porous increases from the outer to the inner membrane. At the
properties are given below. bottom of the foramen holes the cribrum layer is visible
Figures 2a–e show a series of SEM and AFM images in both SEM (Figs. 2n–o) and tapping mode AFM images
of the delicate cribellum layer, which is preserved upon (Figs. 2p–r). Cross-sections imaged by AFM allowed us

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6, 1–8, 2006 3

Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations Losic et al.

Fig. 2. Structural characterisation of frustule Coscinodiscus sp. SEM images of the outer layer (cribellum) of a whole frustule valve (bar scale 20 m)
in (a) and pore structures with more details in (b–c); AFM image (tapping mode in air) shows cribellum pores in (d) with details of an individual pore
array in (e); SEM images of the second layer (cribrum) of a whole frustule valve, (bar scale 20 m) in (f) and pore structures with more details in
(g–i); AFM images show cribrum pore structures in (j) with detailed structure of one pore in (k); SEM images of internal surface of frustule show a
whole frustule valve (bar scale 20 m) in (l) and images of foramen openings in (m–o); AFM image of pore structure (foramen) with corresponding
cross-section graphs is shown in (p–r); SEM cross-sections are shown in (s–u).

to visualise chambers (areolae) of 359 ± 62 nm depth arrow 3) are integrated into a single multilayer membrane
formed by the foramen holes and capped by the cribrum. of 1–1.2 m thickness.
Interestingly, AFM images also show that the edge of the
foramen holes are elevated by 75 ± 14 nm above the silica 3.2. Characterisation of the T. eccentrica Frustule
plane (Fig. 2p). These circular elevations enclose channels SEM and AFM images of the outer surface of the frus-
radiating from the centre of the frustule to the periphery. tule of T. eccentrica are presented in Figures 3a–e. The
Whether these elevations fulfil a specific function or are first image (Fig. 3a) shows the whole frustule valve, fol-
artefacts of the biomineralisation process is not clear at lowed by higher resolution SEM images (Figs. 3b–d).
this point. Here, foramen pores are organised in a hexagonal pat-
Images of the internal porous structure taken from the tern. Their diameter is determined from AFM images as
gently (surfactant) cleaned frustule are shown in Figure 2s 770 ± 38 nm, spaced 473 ± 55 nm apart (Fig. 3e). The
and those of acid cleaned frustule are shown in porosity of this layer is 37 ± 3%. This external frustule
Figures 2t–u. These images also confirm that all porous structure is very similar to the internal frustule structure
layers (cribellum, arrow 1, cribrum, arrow 2, and foramen, of Coscinodiscus sp. in terms of the porosity and the pore

4 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6, 1–8, 2006

Losic et al. Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations

Fig. 3. Structural characterisation of frustule T. eccentrica. SEM images of the external layer show a whole frustule valve (bar scale 10 m) in (a)
and pore structures with more details in (b–d); AFM image (tapping mode in air) shows structure of an individual pore in (e); SEM images of internal
frustule surface show whole valve (bar scale 10 m) in (g) and closer view of pores structures in (h–i); AFM image of pore structure (foramen) with
a corresponding cross-section graph is shown in (j–k) and SEM cross-sections in (l–m).

patterns. However, T. eccentrica foramen pores are not frustule (Figs. 3a–e). The irregularities of the array shape
radially organised like the foramen holes on Coscinodiscus (circular, ellipsoidal, quasi-rectangular) might be related
sp. (Fig. 2m). Rather, they follow a concentric arrange- to suboptimal culturing condition. High-resolution SEM
ment (Fig. 3b). High-resolution AFM images of the silica and AFM images and cross-sectional graphs of the porous
wall between two openings show granular nanostructured part are shown in Figures 3i–k. The pores (43 ± 6 nm
topography with individual silica nodules of 40 ± 6 nm diameter) are highly ordered into hexagonal packing as the
diameter.34 We attempted to image the inner silica plate Fourier transform analysis from the AFM images shows.
at the bottom of the foramen openings by AFM, but this Due to the large spacing between pore arrays, the poros-
could not be achieved due to the significant depth of the ity of this layer is only 10 ± 2.5%, again similar to the
foramen pore in T. eccentrica and the insufficient aspect porosity of the cribellum layer of Coscinodiscus sp.
ratio of the AFM tips used. Cross-sections of T. eccentrica frustules are presented
SEM and AFM images of the inner surface of the frus- in the SEM images in Figures 3l–m. The foramen walls
tule of T. eccentrica are presented in Figures 3f–k. The first form chambers, which are capped on one side by the pore
image (Fig. 3f) shows a whole internal frustule surface, arrays of the internal membrane. The internal shape of
followed by SEM images at higher resolution (Figs. 3g–i). pores is hexagonal with sharp edges, which is in stark con-
Characteristic arrays of pores with size 780 ± 90 nm diam- trast to the internal pore shape of Coscinodiscus sp. where
eter, arranged in hexagons but with rather irregular bound- rounded shapes are dominant. The thickness of the frustule
aries are observed (Fig. 3h). The pattern is centripetal in structure ranged between 0.9–1 m, slightly thinner than
relation to the foramen openings seen on external part of the Coscinodiscus sp. frustule.

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Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations Losic et al.

At 30–40 m in diameter, T. eccentrica are approx- plate. Pores in T. eccentrica are grouped together in large
imately half the size of Coscinodiscus sp. although the groups with hundreds of pores per array. In Coscinodiscus
thickness of the silica plate is similar (around 1 m). We sp. frustule pores are organised in groups of 5–7 pores per
note that the foramen hole size in T. eccentrica is also array (cribellum layer), which are regularly dispersed. It
approximately 50% of the size of foramen holes in Coscin- is intriguing to postulate that the different nanostructured
odiscus sp. However, the most prominent differences are features on the diatom frustule and their organization has
the presence of three porous layers in the Coscinodiscus been optimized by evolution for tasks such as uptake of
sp. frustule versus two porous layers in T. eccentrica and nutrition, sorting particles, defense, communication or a
the inversion of their structural layers as discussed earlier. combination of the above. But how can this be reconciled
Whilst the Coscinodiscus sp. frustule pore size decreased with the fact that there are such significant differences in
from the outside of the cell (cribellum, smallest pores) to the organization of the layers as the complete inversion
the inside (foramen, largest pore size), in T. eccentrica the of the pore gradient? Possibly, the thick silica plate form-
order is reversed. Figure 4 summarises these differences ing the areolar chambers is responsible for the mechanical
showing a schematic model of a pore structure on the stability of the frustule whilst the comparatively thin mem-
surfactant cleaned and acid cleaned frustule of Coscin- branes of cribrum and cribellum have developed for filtra-
odiscus sp. (Figs. 4a–b) as well as on the T. eccentrica tion and separation. Interestingly, for both diatom species
frustule (Fig. 4c). Another major difference is the orga- investigated here the size of the small pores (ca 40 nm)
nization of the pores for these two species in the sieve is consistent. This consensus might imply that this pore
size is the species comprehensive size exclusion limit for
separation of salubrious particles and molecules (<40 nm)
and deleterious particles like virus and bacteria (>40 nm).
Therefore the location of the small pore layer (internal or
external) might not be critical to the sorting and separation

3.3. Potential of Diatom Frustules for

Membrane Based Separations

The structural characterisation of the frustules for both

diatoms shows the potential as a blue-print for advanced
nanostructured membranes. The dimensions of the small-
est pores, their organization on the membrane and the
thickness of this membrane are arguably optimised for
sorting and separation. However, the shape of the areo-
lar chamber and/or the curvature of the domes might also
affect these processes.
Due to the tiny dimensions of the diatoms, and because
they live in very slow moving environments the Reynolds
number associated with flow around the frustules and
the particles and macromolecules that diatoms digest is
extremely low (<<1). Viscous drag is then the only sig-
nificant competing force with thermal (Brownian) motion.
This paves the way for diffusion based transport phenom-
ena for filtering that can be achieved using a tangential
flow geometry ensuring the correct flow velocities. There
is also a possibility of a Brownian ratchet-type separa-
tion mechanism occurring, with ocean pressure fluctua-
tions and diatom tumbling motion producing a periodic
driving potential, and the three-dimensional pore structure
with large diameter variations offering the asymmetry that
is required.35
Without doubt, the complex architecture of frustule
Fig. 4. Schematic model of frustule pore architecture for the two inves-
pores is quite distinctive from the simple architecture of
tigated diatoms. (a) Gently cleaned Coscinodiscus sp.; (b) acid cleaned artificial membranes with long cylindrical or conical pores
Coscinodiscus sp. and (c) acid cleaned T. eccentrica. and a moderate to high dispersity in size and density.36–37

6 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6, 1–8, 2006

Losic et al. Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations

It is recognised that more complex shapes such as asym-

metrical pores can improve molecular separation efficiency
and selectivity.38 In the area of microfluidics, the large
surface area to volume ratios and need for small pore
sizes in separation layers creates large back pressures, fre-
quent clogging or very low flow rates. The structure of
the diatoms suggests how tangential flow systems could be
implemented in a microfluidic device where separation is
achieved through diffusion based transport phenomena.
The using of diatom frustules for selective membrane
separation has been suggested in the literature, but has not
yet been explored to our knowledge.10 13 17 The key to
exploit the diatom’s separation and transport properties is
the ability to manipulate individual diatom frustules and
integrate them in microfluidic channels. Our first attempt
to manipulate frustule in PDMS channels using a micro-
manipulator were not met with success due the high
fragility of the frustule structure. However, we have instead
achieved the attachment of an individual frustule to the
end of a microcapillary tube (Fig. 5a). A schematic of our
experimental set-up is shown in Figure 5b. We have subse-
quently been able to measure diffusion based transport of
molecules and nanoparticles through frustules. Figure 6a
shows the typical transports plot versus time of fluorescein
molecules permeating through the frustule membrane.
From the slope of these graphs, the flux of fluores-
cein molecules was calculated as 1.02 ± 0.20 nmoles
min−1 cm−2 (n = 3). We also have calculated theoreti-

cal flux of fluorescein through diatom membrane using
modified Fick’s law and membrane model with a similar

Fig. 6. Permeation study of molecules and nanoparticles through

diatom frustule. (a) Time-lapse transport study of permeation of fluores-
cein; (b) Fluorescence emission spectra of 20 nm fluorescent particles
in feed solution and (c) in permeate solution after 8 hours of diffusion
through diatom membrane; (d) Fluorescence emission spectra of 100 nm
fluorescent particles in feed solution and (e) in permeate solution after
8 hours of diffusion.

size and area of pores to those of the diatoms.39 The result-

ing flux of 5.5 nmoles min−1 cm−2 is in reasonable agree-
ment to the measured flux from the experiment, which
shows that the behaviour of the complex geometry of the
diatom frustule is consistent with diffusive theory.
To probe the size selectivity of diatom frustule toward
nanoparticles with different size, we used fluorescent nano-
particles with two sizes (20 nm and 100 nm) in the feed
solution. A single-component permeation experiment is
performed for 8 hours and fluorescence spectra in feed and
Fig. 5. (a) Diatom frustule (Coscinodiscus sp.) mounted on the top of permeate solution are presented in Figures 6b–e. The fluo-
a microcapillary tube; (b) Experimental set-up for separation study using rescence signal of smaller particles (20 nm) were detected
diatom frustules in a microfluidic system. in the permeate solution after 8 hours (Fig. 6c), but not

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Pore Architecture of Diatom Frustules: Potential Nanostructured Membranes for Molecular and Particle Separations Losic et al.

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Received: 10 November 2005. Revised/Accepted: 18 January 2006.

8 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6, 1–8, 2006

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