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Final Confidential Peer Evaluation

Evaluate each group member’s contribution to the assigned tasks for 1) student-led discussion, 2) group
project, and 3) preparation of the final presentation, respectively. List and assign a percentage of contribution (0-
100% for each member) to all members (including yourself), and describe each member’s specific contribution in
terms of tasks assigned and completed. Consider quality of work, as well as quantity. The information provided on
this form and the instructor’s personal observations will provide the basis for assigning and adjusting the final grade
for individual group members. This is a confidential evaluation; you do not need to indicate your name anywhere
on the form except for including yourself in the list of group members.

Student-led Discussion
Member Name % Contribution Specific Tasks / Comments
杨金燕 100

王艺璇 100

Group project (Term paper)

Member Name % Contribution Specific Tasks / Comments

Final presentation prep

Member Name % Contribution Specific Tasks / Comments

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