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Course Format: MCC539

Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit
DC MCC539 Advanced DBMS 3 0 0 9

Course Objective
To provide knowledge of advanced DBMS.
Learning Outcomes
They will able design data bases used for Data Analytics.

Unit Lecture
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
Object oriented model: Nested relations, 9 At the end of this unit, students will be able
modelling nested relations as object model, to write complex data querries in SQL on
extension of SQL, object definition and relational database models, set triggers, and
1 query language (ODL, OQL), object learn about data storage ance access
relational database model, storage and
access methods. Active databases, Advanced
trigger structures, SQL extensions.
Security and Integrity: Discretionary and 11 At the end of this unit, students will be able
mandatory access control; Facilities in SQL, to write their first web application based on
access control models for RDBMS and a distributed database.
OODBMS. Distributed Database: Basic
2 Structure, fragmentation algorithms, trade-
offs for replication, query processing,
recovery and concurrency control; Multi-
database systems; Design of Web Databases.
Data Mining and Warehousing: Association 11 At the end of this unit, students will be able
Rule algorithms, algorithms for sequential store and access data from various database
patterns; Clustering and classification in storage systems and mine ana analyze
3 data mining; Basic structure of a data databases for making business decisions.
warehouse; Extension of ER Model,
materialistic view creation.
On line analytical processing and data cube. 4 At the end of this unit, students will be able
Deductive databases, recursive query design deductive and logical databases and
4 construction, logical database design and
data log. write recursive queries.

One or more of the following topics: (i) 4 At the end of this unit, students will be
Temporal database, (ii) Multimedia well-versed with the topics that are selected
5 database, (iii) Text retrieval and mining, (iv) for teaching.
Web mining, and (v) Any topic of current

Text Books:
1. Database System Concepts, Korth, Silberschatz and Sudarshan, McGraw Hill

Reference Books:
2. Database: Principles, Programming, Performance, P. O'Neil, Morgan Koffman
3. Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, J.D. Ullman, Computer Science

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