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Full Name: MACAPUGAY, MEIDEN N. Date: 03/07/2023
Section: TOU201 Course Code: GEITE01X

General Directions:
 Read and understand each direction carefully.
 Place your answer on a word document. Rename the file using this format:
 Submit the PDF copy of your answer to the provided drive.

I. Define the following terminologies:

1. Hacking -refers to activities aimed at jeopardizing digital devices such as computers, smartphones,
tablets, and even entire networks. Hackers are motivated by personal gain, making a statement, or
simply having fun.

2. Malware -is a file or code that, when delivered over a network, infects, explores, steals, or performs
virtually any behavior an attacker desires. Because malware comes in so many varieties, there are
numerous ways to infect computers.

3. Pharming -a combination of the words "phishing" and "farming," is an online scam similar to
phishing in which the traffic on a website is manipulated and confidential information is stolen. It is
essentially the criminal act of creating a bogus website and then redirecting users to it.

4. Phishing -the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from
reputable companies in order to persuade people to reveal personal information such as passwords
and credit card numbers.

5. Ransomware -is a type of malware that locks a user out of their files or device and then demands
payment to regain access. Ransomware attackers target both businesses and individuals.

6. Spam -is unwanted, unnecessary, or repetitive content that clogs inboxes and clutters social media
feeds. Since the early days of the Internet, the term "spam" has been used to refer to unsolicited

7. Spyware/Adware -are programs that monitor your entire computer activity, from which
applications you use to which websites you visit. Adware is software that displays advertisements
and offers based on the websites you visit.

8. Trojan Horses -a type of malware that masquerades as legitimate code or software. Once inside
the network, attackers can perform any action that a legitimate user would, such as exporting files,
modifying data, deleting files, or otherwise altering the device's contents.

9. Virus -is a type of malware that attaches to another program such as a document and can replicate
and spread after the user runs it on their system for the first time.

10. Wi-Fi Eavesdropping -Wi-Fi eavesdropping, also known as a "evil twin" attack, is a type of man-in-
the-middle attack that tricks unsuspecting victims into connecting to a malicious Wi-Fi network.

11. Worm -After breaching a system, is a subset of Trojan horse malware that can propagate or self-
replicate from one computer to another without human intervention. A worm typically spreads across
a network via your Internet or LAN.

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