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Meiden Macapugay


Communication in the
Digital World
Almost 80% to 90% of people spend their time on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok,
Shopee, YouTube, etc. This is because social media becomes part of our daily lives, it becomes
our entertainment and a source of information, and because of this, we are updated about the
trends and issues we have in our surroundings also we are updated about everyone's life.

In social media, we meet new people, and new friends, sometimes this is where we meet our
boyfriend, girlfriend, or kamutual understanding. Social media makes our life easier, we can
communicate with our loved ones easily, we can share our thoughts and emotions with our
friends without a hassle, and we can communicate with our parents that is far away from us
for example they are ofw you can talk to them in just one tap on your phone, and even though
your parents are away from you, they can monitor your safeties, they can know what is
happening to you or with your lives even though they are far they can still be a responsible
mother or father because in just one tap they can see you digitally and remind you what is
right or wrong and advice you to what you need to do to make it right. Because social media
transfer information in just a second that you can say what you want to say to anyone
anywhere they are.

Communication in the digital age makes the lives of everyone easy, and communication
becomes very effective because with just one tap you can communicate with anyone you want.
With technology everything becomes easy it transfers information faster, we are connected
globally, and we can reach people easily. Communication is only at the tip of your finger, and
we are social being the more information we have the more, the easier it is to communicate
with anyone. The world is smaller with technologies.

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