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Science Activity


Percent Composition, Emperical Formula,

Molecular Formula

Gabriel Marco K. Natividad

11 - St. Bernadette Soubirous
Science Activity
1.) Percent Composition
G: C - 12.01 g
H = 1g
O = 16g
R: Mass Compound and Percent Composition

E: Mass Element/Mass Compound or Sum of the mass of all


12,01g x 2 = 24.02g
1g x 6 = 6g
16g x 1 = 16g
C - 24.02/46.02g = 0.413 x 100 = 52%
H - 6g/46.02g = 0.034 x 100 = 13%
Science Activity
2.) Empirical Formula
G: Pb = 38.43g
C = 17.83g
H = 3.74g
R: mol Pb, mol C, mol H
Empirical Formula
E: mol(elem. symbol)/amu(elem. symbol)
S: Pb = 38.43g mol Pb/207g Pb = 0.19 mol Pb/0.19 = 1
C = 17.83g mol C/12.01g C = 1.49 mol C/0.19 = 8
H = 3.74g mol H/1g H = 3.74 mol H/0.19 = 20

A:C H Pb
8 20
Science Activity
3.) Molecular Formula
G: EMF = P2O5
MM = 283.89g/mol
amu: P = 30.97g
O = 16g
R: Molecular formula
E: MM(given)/MM(EMF)
S: P = 30.97g x 2 = 61.94g
283.89g/mol / 141.94g = 2
O = 16g x 5 = 80g

A: Molecular Formula = P4O10

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