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Bangus Street corner Apahap Street

Barangay North Bay Boulevard South, Navotas City

Course Title: Personal Effectiveness

Name of Faculty: Lilia D. Padilla
Module Number: 1
Lesson Title Topic: : Self Awareness
Week Number:

1. identify personal goals for further development of self-awareness of your own qualities and feelings
2. Use an appropriate technique to evaluate your own qualities and feelings in a specific context 3.
Gather opinions from another person about your own qualities

1. Worksheets
2. Notes
3. Textbooks
4. Power point presentation

What Is Self-Awareness?
Self-awareness is where you can recognize your emotions and feelings as well as your abilities and preferences.
You also have an understanding of how your thoughts impact your behavior and how your behavior impacts
You understand how your feelings can create certain behaviors which will then have an impact on those around
you. When you can learn to recognize and become aware of what emotions and reactions you have, you can
work on any that you think are negative and try to improve.

Types of Self-Awareness

Psychologists often break self-awareness down into two different types, either public or private.
1. Public Self-Awareness
This type emerges when people are aware of how they appear to others. Public self-awareness often emerges in
situations when people are at the center of attention, such as when giving a presentation or talking to a group of
This type of self-awareness often compels people to adhere to social norms. When we are aware that we are
being watched and evaluated, we often try to behave in ways that are socially acceptable and desirable.
Public self-awareness can also lead to evaluation anxiety in which people become distressed, anxious, or
worried about how they are perceived by others.
2. Private Self-Awareness
This type happens when people become aware of some aspects of themselves, but only in a private way.
For example, seeing your face in the mirror is a type of private self-awareness. Feeling your stomach lurch
when you realize you forgot to study for an important test or feeling your heart flutter when you see someone
you are attracted to are also examples of private self-awareness.
Self-Consciousness: A Heightened State of Self-Awareness
Sometimes, people can become overly self-aware and veer into what is known as self-consciousness. 5
Have you ever felt like everyone was watching you, judging your actions, and waiting to see what you will do next? This
heightened state of self-awareness can leave you feeling awkward and nervous in some instances.

In a lot of cases, these feelings of self-consciousness are only temporary and arise in situations when we are "in the
spotlight." For some people, however, excessive self-consciousness can reflect a chronic condition such as social anxiety
People who are privately self-conscious have a higher level of private self-awareness, which can be both a good and bad
thing. These people tend to be more aware of their feelings and beliefs, and are therefore more likely to stick to their
personal values. However, they are also more likely to suffer from negative health consequences such as increased
stress and anxiety.
People who are publicly self-conscious have a higher level of public self-awareness. They tend to think more about how
other people view them and are often concerned that other people might be judging them based on their looks or their
actions. As a result, these individuals tend to stick to group norms and try to avoid situations in which they might look bad
or feel embarrassed.

How do we increase self-awareness?

∙ Self-awareness requires self-examination. Be aware, though, that an honest, non-judgmental self-analysis isn’t easy.
We tend to berate ourselves for our failings or fantasize about how great we are, when neither is actually the case.
∙ We all have a unique mix of “good” and “bad” traits, but we are largely unaware of them. In order to self-reflect
objectively, we need to quiet our minds and open our hearts, forgiving ourselves for our imperfections and
offering ourselves kudos, but only where we deserve them.
∙ Increasing self-awareness of false attitudes or inappropriate behaviors requires peace of mind, time, attention and
focus. Knowing ahead of time that we can indeed change in positive ways through deeper self-awareness makes it
worth working on those personal qualities we most value. But first we must look within ourselves through self
examination to see what’s there, which is often less obvious than we think.

How Self-Awareness Makes You More Effective

Skill development. Improvement projects should normally begin with an assessment of the gap between the current
situation and the desired future situation. Having an accurate sense of who you are helps you decide what you should do
to improve. Often, self-awareness will reveal a skills gap that you want to work on.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness helps you exploit your strengths and cope with your
weaknesses. For instance, if you are someone who is good at "seeing the big picture" that surrounds decisions, but not as
good at focusing on the details, you might want to consult colleagues and subordinates that are more detail-oriented when
making major decisions. Cooperation between big-picture-oriented decision makers and detail-oriented decision makers
can produce high quality decisions.
Developing intuitive decision-making skills. Leaders with well-developed emotional self-awareness are more effective
intuitive decision makers. In complex situations, intuitive decision makers process large amounts of sometimes
unstructured and ambiguous data, and they choose a course of action based on a "gut feeling" or a "sense" of what's best.
This type of decision making is becoming more important for managers as the rate of change and the levels of
uncertainty and complexity in their competitive environments increase. Managers who are highly emotionally self-aware
are better able to read their "gut feelings" and use them to guide decisions.
Stress. Jobs that don't suit your personality tend to give you more stress than jobs that are more compatible. This is not
to say that you should never take a job that conflicts with your personality. However, be aware that you will need to work
extra hard to develop the skills for that job, and there are jobs that would be less stressful for you. Motivation. It's very
difficult to cope with poor results when you don't understand what causes them. When you don't know what behaviors to
change to improve your performance, you just feel helpless. Self-awareness is empowering
because it can reveal where the performance problems are and indicate what can be done to improve performance. In
addition, awareness of your psychological needs can increase your motivation by helping you understand and seek out the
rewards that you really desire such as a sense of accomplishment, additional responsibility, an opportunity to help others,
or a flexible work schedule.
Leadership. When we understand "what make us tick"--what gets us excited, why we behave the way we do, etc.-- we
also have insight into what makes others tick. To the extent that other people are like you (and, of course, there are
limits to the similarity), knowing how to motivate yourself is tantamount to knowing how to motivate others.

Key Areas for Self-Awareness

Human beings are complex and diverse. To become more self-aware, we should develop an understanding of
ourselves in many areas. Key areas for self-awareness include our personality traits, personal values, habits, emotions,
and the psychological needs that drive our behaviors.
Personality. We don't normally change our personalities, values and needs based on what we learn about ourselves. But,
an understanding of our personalities can help us find situations in which we will thrive, and help us avoid situations in
which we will experience too much stress. For instance, if you are a highly introverted person, you are likely to
experience more stress in a sales position than a highly extroverted person would. So, if you are highly introverted, you
should either learn skills to cope with the demands of a sales position that requires extravert-type behavior patterns, or you
should find a position that is more compatible with your personality. Awareness of your personality helps you analyze
such a decision.
Values. It's important that we each know and focus on our personal values. For instance, if your first priority is "being
there for your children" or "your relationship with God," it's very easy to lose sight of those priorities on a day-to day,
moment-by-moment basis. During the workday, so many problems and opportunities arise that our lists of "things to do"
can easily exceed the time we have to do them. Since few (if any) of those things pertain to what we value most, it's easy
to spend too much time on lower priority activities. When we focus on our values, we are more likely to accomplish what
we consider most important.
Habits. Our habits are the behaviors that we repeat routinely and often automatically. Although we would like to
possess the habits that help us interact effectively with and manage others, we can probably all identify at least one of
our habits that decreases our effectiveness. For example, if you are a manager who never consults your staff before
making decisions, that habit may interfere with your ability to build your staff members' commitment to the decisions
and their decision-making skills as well.
Needs. Maslow and other scholars have identified a variety of psychological needs that drive our behaviors such as
needs for esteem, affection, belongingness, achievement, self-actualization, power and control. One of the advantages of
knowing which needs exert the strongest influence on our own behaviors is the ability to understand how they affect our
interpersonal relationships. For instance, most of us have probably known people who have a high need for status.
They're attracted to high status occupations, and they seek high status positions within their organizations. Such people
also want the things that symbolize their status. Needs cause motivation; and when they aren't satisfied, needs can cause
frustration, conflict and stress.
Emotions. Emotional self-awareness has become a hot topic of discussion recently because it's one of the five facets of
emotional intelligence. Understanding your own feelings, what causes them, and how they impact your thoughts and
actions is emotional self-awareness. Person with high emotional self-awareness understands the internal process
associated with emotional experiences and, therefore, has greater control over them
Why Is Self-Awareness Important?
Self-awareness allows you to recognize your own feelings and character. In this way, self-awareness is crucial for
manifestation practices; it allows us to understand our actions and thoughts.
The Law Of Attraction itself is always reacting to our thoughts and vibrations. We should, in turn, also know why we
react the way we do and why we think the way we do. Consequently, we can then start to control our feelings and tune
into different and ideal vibrations. Only after understanding ourselves can we start to maximize our manifestation
potential. It is only when we are self-aware can we know how to improve ourselves.

7 Benefits of Self Awareness

1. Living as a self-aware individual allows you to live in the present, knowing who you are and what you want.
2. You find it easier to let go of toxic people as you know what you deserve.
3. Aware people welcome mistakes as stepping stones to success. They are not deterred by failure as they know
what they are capable of.
4. Gratitude goes hand-in-hand with awareness. You are grateful and thankful for who you are. 5.
You understand your own boundaries and limitations. Therefore, you are comfortable saying no. 6.
Self-awareness boosts your confidence
7. Productivity is another benefit of self-awareness. Being able to control your emotions means you replace
reactivity with proactivity.
How to Develop Self Awareness
Some great ways that you can start to develop your self-awareness.
1. Meditate
Meditation can really help you to focus on being more self-aware. When you meditate, you are in a calm and pleasant
state of mind, where you can really focus on being present. This may be through your breathing or just by visualizing
while you are meditating.
Once you are starting your meditation session, you can start to practice becoming aware of any thoughts and feelings you
have. You could also ask yourself questions during your meditation, or reflect on things you have done that have affected
your feelings or behaviors.
Through meditating, you can develop a clearer understanding of yourself and your emotions, making it easier to develop
your self-awareness.
2. Ask Yourself Questions
Asking yourself questions is a great way to develop a better understanding of yourself and your actions. When you ask
yourself questions, you can start to look at the bigger picture, why you feel a certain way, or why you reacted to
something the way you did etc.
Questions that you could ask are:
Why do you avoid this certain thing?
What are you trying to achieve?
How are you feeling right now, and how is that affecting you?
How do others perceive you and feel about your actions?
In doing this, you can start to find out things that perhaps you do not even think twice about in day to day life, and this can
be a great way to start developing your self-awareness.
3. Keep A Log or Journal
If you can keep a journal or log of some sort, this can really help you when trying to understand your attitudes and
actions. There are many ways that you can keep a journal, but perhaps the easiest would be to write in each day your
thoughts, feelings, and actions in a way that you can understand.
You can then look back at your journal on important dates, such as a new year or your birthday. You can reflect on what
you have written and work on improving anything that needs to be changed.
4. Ask Your Friends and Family
When you can be open and honest with your friends and family, and they can do the same, you can really get some great
advice and points from them that can help you to develop your self-awareness.
If you can ask your friends or family to honestly give you their critical and objective perspective on you and your
feelings/behaviors, you can get a great insight from the people closest to you.
If you ask a question about how they perceive you, you may want to add that they can be as open and direct as they need
to be and it won’t upset you. You can then take in what they say to you and use it to improve and strengthen your self
Live in The Moment and Analyze Your Emotions
When we learn how to live in the present moment, we also learn to stop worrying about the future or the past. You can be
completely in the moment and focus on what is happening to you at present
This can be great when trying to improve your self-awareness, as it is the one thing you can focus on, and not any other
worries or thoughts that may be crossing your mind.

Lilia D. Padilla, MAEd

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