Rules and Regulations: Dress Code

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Rules and Regulations

 Attendance for value education classes is mandatory and essential for a

favorable character certificate.
 Students are advised to consult the college notice board everyday.
 DRESS CODE : Every student shall follow the dress code of the College:
Formal uniform dress for girls and boys on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday. On Wednesday and Saturdays students have to wear the
college T shirt uniform. Students must be neat and clean in their dressing
and appearance. The dress code has to be maintained on all working days
including days of examinations.
 ID CARD : All the students are to bring daily, their identity card and the
handbook to the college. They should put on the ID Card in an explicit
manner on their body always, while they are in the college/campus.
Appropriate action will be taken on students who fail to do so.
 Smoking, chewing gum, chewing pan and use of any addictive substance is
strictly prohibited within the campus. (Cf. Government of India Order:
F.No.T 21015/25/08 NCD16.07.2008). Studetns who are found involved in
such act may be immediately dismissed with.
 Active participation in politics is not allowed. Students are forbidden to
organize or attend any meeting within the college or collect money for any
purpose or to circulate among them any notice or petition of any kind or
paste such objects on the College notice board without the written
permission from the principal. They must not join any club or society or
make any engagement that would interfere with their studies without the
permission of the principal.
 Students should preserve with them the fee receipts issued from the college
for future reference. Duplicate fee receipts will not be issued in any case.
 Admission ticket for PUE Department examination will not be issued
unless all the dues are cleared.
 Only those students who register the minimum required attendance at the
end of the academic year and score the minimum pass mark in the
examinations conducted by the college as per the norms laid down by the
college will be permitted to appear for the annual examinations.

 Ragging is a cognizable offence and those who indulge in it or even encourage it

will behanded over to the police, as per G.O.Ed 122 URC 96 dated 16.01.1997.
 Use of cellular/mobile phones in the college campus is prohibited. If students are found
using the same for any purposed in the campus, their cellular/mobile phones will be confiscate
 The students are advised not to come with costly ornaments, nor to bring money in
excess to their requirements to-the campus.
 Industrial visits and educational tours may be organized with the prior permission
of the Principal. Students need to get written permission from their parents to take
part in such events.
 No student is allowed to leave a lecture hall without the lecturer’s permission or until
the class is dismissed.

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