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GST 201 EXAMINATION, FEB, 2022, Caleb University, Imota,

Lagos State

Instructions: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal mark.Time Allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

Points: 0/100

1. Write Your Name

Enter your answer

2. Write Your Matriculation Number

Enter your answer

3. Write your Department

Enter your answer

4. Since we now recognize that some natural resources will eventually be depleted,
(1 Point)

Developed countries should maximize energy consumption

Developed countries should minimize energy consumption !

Developed countries should maximize resources consumption

Developing countries should increase and intensify natural resources


5. One of the following is not the traits or characteristics of human being

(1 Point)

ability to walk on two legs

ability to produce and use tools and equipment

ability to communicate effectively with language

ability to have a closed larynx !

Option 2

6. One of these was not agreed upon: the SDGs was agreed upon by the whole
world to
(1 Point)

Ensure sustainable environment for the present and future generation

To provide more funding to eradicate poverty, unemployment and inequality

in developed countries !

Enhance our ability to be conscious of environmental hazards

Increase the awareness of depletion of the world’s natural and mineral

7. The environment and sustainable development Programme strives to adhere to
the following guiding principles except:
(1 Point)

To be relevant to, and based on, the working mandates of the UN and its
specialized agencies

To focus on developing countries

To work independently of the Unite Nations and its subsidiaries !

To assist in making informed decisions on environment and sustainable

development issues

Further multinational and multidisciplinary research collaborations.

8. Technology is an equalizing agent

(1 Point)

Because it makes available in one place, what is lacking in another place !

Because it reduces the tendencies to grow economically

Because it reduces the intensity of science

Because it is not based on scientific research

9. One of the following is not the characteristics of human being.

(1 Point)

ability to walk on two legs

ability to produce and use tools and equipment

ability to communicate effectively with language

ability to communicate effectively with language

ability to have a closed larynx !

10. Sustainable development excludes:

(1 Point)

Tree planting

Wild life conservation

Dampening fossil fuel consumption

Fossil fuel consumption intensity !

Campaign against plastic bottle consumption intensity

11. Which of these statements describes the tropics ecosystem?

(1 Point)

Temperate and Grasses

Numerous species of plant and animals !

Densely Desert


12. Waste materials are usually moved across oceans through

(1 Point)


rain current
rain current

rain torrents

Ocean current !

13. With respect to both biotic and abiotic factors, how would plastic pollution be
(1 Point)

Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the

environment that adversely affects human habitat !

Plastic pollution involves decomposition of plastic products in the environment

that favorably affects human habitat.

Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the

environment which does not affects human habitat

Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the

environment that increases longevity

14. How does the National; Geography define the ecosystem?

(1 Point)

“An ecosystem is a geographical area where birds and animals dominate life”.

“An ecosystem is a geographical area where natural resources abound to lead


“An ecosystem is a system that runs the affairs of man”

“An ecosystem is a geographical area where plants, animals and other

organisms, as well as, weather and landscape work together to form a !
bubble of life”.
Option 5

15. Life in the urban centers would become more interesting if

(1 Point)

More trees are planted !

More plastics are consumed

If fossil fuel can become cheaper

If more nuclear power plants can be built for efficient electricity generation

16. The correct statement of fact about cost effectiveness

(1 Point)

Hydro electric power is possible in every region of the world

The nonrenewable energy remains the cheapest energy source currently !

Currently, the renewable energy source is more cost effective than non-
renewables energy

The nonrenewable energy will become outdated by year 2030 target of the
sustainable development goals

17. The Seabird chicks are the most vulnerable to plastic ingestion since,
(1 Point)

their digestive system is micro

they swallow only grassupper

they eat dead mammals

they eat dead mammals

they live independently of their parents

they can't regurgitate like the adult seabirds. !

18. Which of these is the most correct statement?

(1 Point)

Environmental protection is good for man only

Environmental protection is good for animal only

Environmental protection is good for biotic factors

Environmental protection is good for both biotic and abiotic factors in the
ecosystem !

19. Evidence from science revealed that

(1 Point)

All planets are temperate

Life also exists in all other planets

Mars ecosystem is similar to earth ecosystem

It appears till now, no biotic factors in known planets !

20. According to Brundtland Report, 1987, sustainable development means

(1 Point)

“Satisfying present needs by compromising the ability of future generations to

meet their own needs”
“Satisfying present needs without compromising the inability of future
generations to meet their own needs”

“Satisfying present needs without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs” !

“Satisfying present needs and that of the future generations needs by

maximizing consumption of large resources presently.”

21. Plastic debris can kill the sea turtle by obstructing the ________
(1 Point)


Option Liver

Esophagus !



22. Ponds, lake and other fresh water aquatic environment can be referred to as
(1 Point)

Lentic environment !

Lotic environment

Terrestial environment

Planet environment

Lenetic environment
Lenetic environment

23. Nuclear power waste can emit radiation

(1 Point)

for many years !

5 years

10 years

15 years

20 years

24. The long run implication of rapid deforestation on rural dwellers does not
include one of the following:
(1 Point)


Environmental degradation

Resource depletion

Environmental resuscitation !

25. Renewable source in Nigeria will include all except

(1 Point)

Geothermal !



26. Which pollution particles would be found in a sea bird?

(1 Point)

A fish swallowing Nurdles !

A fish swallowing worm

A fish swallowing fish

A fish swallowing meat

27. It appears that developing countries

(1 Point)

have moved towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production

have moved towards more economic reliance on sustainable development

Are not likely follow the United Nations prescribed solutions set for
sustainable development !

have moved towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production

of renewable energy

28. The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development might
have started in
(1 Point)

2005 !




29. Nurdles is actually not a type of

(1 Point)

Manure !

threat to see animal

Poisonous food

Dangerous food

It damages marine life

30. The tundra systems can be found in:

(1 Point)


South-South Nigeria America


Europe !

31. ------------------- is not an oceanic debris

31. ------------------- is not an oceanic debris
(1 Point)

Plastic bags

Fertliizer particles !

Food containers


32. Plastic pollution is not one of these

(1 Point)

Logs !



Nylon waste

33. Textile waste may be defined as:

(1 Point)

material that is deemed usable for its original purpose by the owner.

waste material that is reserved for some special purposes.

material that is deemed unusable for its original purpose by the owner. !

waste material that is deemed unusable for its primitive purpose by the homo
34. Man has been affected by the environment
(1 Point)

Since World War II

Since World War I

Since his creation or evolution !

Since the global economic meltdown

35. Inter-Linkages: Synergies and Coordination among Multilateral Environmental

Agreements (MEAs) is good because it
(1 Point)

promotes greater rural-urban migration in the ecosystems and the societal

promotes greater separation between ecosystems and societal performance

promotes greater connectivity between ecosystems and societal

performance x !

negatively affect the greater connectivity between ecosystems and societal


36. According to the SGDs, the two most pressing problems facing humanity today:
(1 Point)

Affluence obesity

Unemployment and inequality

Abstinence from entertainment

Poverty and the deterioration of our natural environment !

Poverty and the deterioration of our natural environment !

37. Technology does not necessarily remove the impact of natural resistances like
all except
(1 Point)



Volcanic eruption


38. A critical characteristic of fossil source of energy

(1 Point)

Finite !



Too expensive relative to other energy source

39. The global environmental problems are all but one of these
(1 Point)




40. Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment include

(1 Point)

Understand the nature of catastrophic floods in different countries in the

Asia Pacific !

Understand the rotational consequences of the earth

Understand the sun presence

Understand the nature of catastrophic floods in different planets

41. Which of these statement would likely be untrue?

(1 Point)

80 per cent of the world’s resources are consumed by 20 per cent of the world’s

Some 1.3 billion people worldwide live on less than US$1 per day

20 per cent of the world’s resources are consumed by 80 per cent of the
world’s population !

There is limitation to earth’s resources.

42. Innovative Communities Initiative is important because

(1 Point)

Change and innovation at the state level are critical to creating a sustainable

Change and innovation at the federal level are critical to creating a sustainable
Change and innovation at the federal level are critical to creating a sustainable

Change and innovation at the United Nations level are critical to creating a
sustainable society

Change and innovation at the community level are critical to creating a

sustainable society !

43. Automobiles that use --------- are likely more eco-friendly

(1 Point)


Battery !



44. Identify the statement of fact about the universe

(1 Point)

The universe contains billion of stars !

The universe is home to thousand of stars

The universe is home to thousands of galaxies

The universe is home to earth and moon alone

45. In the humid climate of West Africa,

(1 Point)

There cannot be other energy save and clean like solar !

There cannot be other energy save and clean like solar !

There cannot be other energy save and clean like coal

There cannot be other energy save and clean like natural gas

There cannot be other energy save and clean like peat

46. Which of these comes first in history?

(1 Point)


Artificial environment

Abiotic factor !

Science and technology

47. The United Nations set to

(1 Point)

take relent action to combat climate change and its impacts

take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts !

take laxity to maintain climate change and its impacts

take lenient action to combat climate change and its impacts

48. There has never been any time clamoring of environmental protect so
important like
(1 Point)
16th century and 17th century

17th century and 18th century

18th century and 19th century

19th century and 20th century

20th century and 21st century

49. Which of these statements is untrue?

(1 Point)

The protection of the environment is very essential to avoid being destroyed

and to preserve life on earth.

The protection of the environment is very essential to living factors

The protection of the environment is more essential to abiotic factors than

the biotic factors !

Option 4

50. The world rural poor depend on natural resources for their survival
(1 Point)


True !


51. Environmental pollution associated with fuel consumption include
(1 Point)



Greenhouse gases !

corona virus

52. With the rate of growth of the renewable energy, the world will catch up and
abandon Fossil fuel by year 2025
(1 Point)


False !


I can't say

53. Technology is a balancing agent

(1 Point)

Because it reduces the tendencies to grow economically

Because it spreads nature's resources !

Because it reduces the intensity of science

Because it is not based on scientific research

54. One of these is not likely a Land polluted area,
(1 Point)

The desert

The earth crust !

The tundra

The Rain forest

55. One of these would be the most relevant statement: Automobiles, chemical
inputs, machineries and artificial environment are all possible because of the (i)
the ecosystem harmony (ii) Advancement in environmental protection (iii)
Antiquities (iv). Science and technology
(1 Point)

(i) only & (iii)

(ii) and (ii) only

(iv) only !

(i), (ii) and (iv) only

(iii) only

56. Plastic waste has effect on all organism

(1 Point)

True !


57. Which statement is most true about Covid-19 disease?

(1 Point)

Water borne disease

Food disease

Airborne disease !

Malaria-like disease

58. In year 2016,

(1 Point)

the SDGs replaced the MDGs !

the MDGMs replaced the SDGs

the SMGs replaced the MSGs

the GSMs replaced the MDGs

59. To some degrees, chlorinated plastic allows some level of permeation of liquid.
(1 Point)

True !



60. The only system in the solar system which can accommodate the living factor
(1 Point)



Earth !


61. The solar system is a system

(1 Point)

Whereby everything is moving around the moon

Where by everything is solar powered by the sun

Where by the earth is the center of the universe

Whereby everything is moving around the sun !

Where by everything is revolving around the universe

62. In fact, plastic pollution is unlikely in

(1 Point)

West Africa

The Caribbean
Moon !


63. Which tier of government is responsible for waste management in Nigeria?

(1 Point)



Local !


64. The nutritious quality of the lantern fish is dampening by

(1 Point)

Ocean current

Whales invasion

The lantern fish debris intake !

Crocodile Prey

The lantern fish orange intake

65. Sustainable urbanization will not include continuation of one of the following:
(1 Point)

Environmental sanitization awareness

Innovative Communities Initiative

Innovative Communities Initiative

Environmental fragility awareness

Environmental desecration awareness !

66. Which of the following pollution factor might be unlikely recycled?

(1 Point)

Nuclear waste !

Plastic waste


Glass bottles

67. Refer to environment and sustainable development, management of fragile

ecosystem relative to land resources will include all of these except:
(1 Point)

Managing Agro-diversity

Sustainable Land Management in Drylands

Hewing trees !

Mountains and Forests Conservation

68. Man couldn’t have originated from any of the following except;
(1 Point)

South America

Africa !


69. The correct statement here is that:

(1 Point)

Plastic pollution is very common in the 21st century !

Plastic pollution is very common in the 18th and 19th unlike 20th century

Rapid increase in population is limiting the tendency to increase plastic


By year 2030, the UN must have cleared all the plastics fragments on earth

70. Which of these United Nations addresses the environment the most?
(1 Point)



SDGs !


71. The nutritious quality of the lantern fish is limited by

(1 Point)

Ocean current
Ocean current

Whales invasion

Crocodile Prey

Large plastic intake !

Large oil intake

72. Management of fragile ecosystem encompasses all except:

(1 Point)

Sustainable Land Management in Drylands

Mountains and Forests conservation

River and Lake Basins dehydration !

Water crises management

73. Mountains and Forests are important in the ecosystem for the provision of
(1 Point)

source of water for all the world’s population

source of water for none of the world’s population

Dangerous habitation for the world’s population

home to some 600 million people !

74. Concerning the environment and economic growth,

(1 Point)
(1 Point)

Environmental pollution can be an aid to economic growth

Environmental degradation retards economic growth and development !

Economic development and sustainable development are independent

The Nigeria's economic growth and development has been compromised and
contaminated by serene environment

75. Our responsibility concerning environmental protection is to

(1 Point)

Misunderstand the agency for environmental protection campaign

cooperate with the agency for environmental protection campaign !

Malice the agency for environmental protection campaign

dissociate with the agency for environmental protection campaign

76. Refer to environment and sustainable development, management of fragile

ecosystem relative to water crises include all except:
(1 Point)

Ocean debris !

International River and Lake Basins Management

Managing Basin Water Cycle for Sustainable Water Resources Development

Terrestrial and Coastal Hydrosphere

77. Identify the odd one out of the distribution of plastic debris
(1 Point)

Trade routes

Ocean current

Pluto !

Urban area

78. What would be odd one out of the origin of man is

(1 Point)


God’s creation

The flood x !

Evolution theory

Option 2

79. The West Africa savanna ecosystem is characterized with

(1 Point)


Prairie vegetation


Humidity !
80. Eradication of poverty and diseases are part of the agenda of
(1 Point)

Millennium Development Goals only

Sustainable Development Goals only


Both MDGs and SDGs !

81. One of these statements would be unlikely true about Nigeria concerning
environmental protection
(1 Point)

Nigeria population growth rate is high and therefore poses a threat to

environmental protection

Most cities in Nigeria are congested and as well will induce more social menace
like environmental pollution

The Nigerian high population growth rate in the city has no direct
relationship with environmental pollution !

The city of Lagos Nigeria has the highest tendency to environmental pollution

82. Our environment is unsave

(1 Point)

If we follow the principle of environmental protection

If we follow the principle of recycling of waste product

If we follow the principle of green revolution

If we follow the principle of fossil consumption intensity !

83. Sustainable development excludes:

(1 Point)

Tree planting

Wild life conservation

Dampening fossil fuel consumption

Fossil fuel consumption intensity !

Campaign against plastic bottle consumption intensity

84. Both the biotic and abiotic factors are elements of

(1 Point)

earth's !



Other planets

85. Environmental Governance and Information for sustainable development

should incorporate all of the following apart from:
(1 Point)

Forum for Globally-Integrated Environmental Assessment Modelling (GLEAM)

Diverse views and unilateral agreements !

Inter-Linkages Synergies and Coordination

Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

Option 2

86. Which is a correct amazing fact about beached whales?

(1 Point)

Large amounts of salt water have been found in their stomachs

Large amounts of plastics have been found in their stomachs !

Large amounts of fish have been found in their stomachs

Large amounts of eggs have been found in their stomachs

They are dangerous to swimmers

87. One of the issues United Nations University seeks to contribute would be
(1 Point)

Limiting awareness about ocean surge

Combating the world environmental challenges !

Trivializing ocean seismic activity

Give impetus to ocean debris

88. Which of these statements is correct about plastic?

88. Which of these statements is correct about plastic?
(1 Point)

Plastic is a derivative of hydroelectric power plant

Plastic is a derivative of hydrocarbon !

Plastic is a by-product of nuclear power plant

Plastic is a product of cocoa plantation only

89. Concerning sustainable development, by year 2030,

(1 Point)

The UN set to achieve MDGs

The UN set to achieve SAPs

The UN set to achieve multiple goals to reach other planets

The UN set to achieve SDGs !

90. Which of the following vision might possibly be accomplished by year 2030?
(1 Point)

The whole world would be reconciled with God

The SAP goals

The Millennium Development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals !

91. Most earth resources are finite, therefore,

91. Most earth resources are finite, therefore,
(1 Point)

They are renewable

They are replaceable

Limited !

They are sufficient

92. The system where by the planets are moving round the sun is called
(1 Point)

Sokola system

Solar system !

Sunlight system

Milky way system

93. The natural environment of man can not be improved through

(1 Point)

Creating artificial environemnt

Creating man-made terrestrial environment !

Creating Technically advanced utilities

Scientific method

94. Identify the correct statement relative to environmental sustainability

94. Identify the correct statement relative to environmental sustainability
(1 Point)

Utilize natural resources economically is sustainable !

Maximizing the depletion of natural resources is sustainable

Usage of the natural resources to cause pollution is sustainable

Avoiding resources consumption is sustainable

95. All of these are natural resistance except

(1 Point)


Florae !


Volcanic eruption

96. The United Nations set to

(1 Point)

take relent action to combat climate change and its impacts

take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts !

take laxity to maintain climate change and its impacts

take lenient action to combat climate change and its impacts

97. Which statement is true about the solar system?

97. Which statement is true about the solar system?
(1 Point)

The solar system is in the outer universe

The solar system is part of the planet mars

The solar system is made up of about 20,000 galaxies

The solar system is a sub-system in the universe !

Our Solar system is the only system in the Universe

98. Question
(1 Point)

Option 1

Option 2

99. Some marine animals simply mistaken _________ for _________ and swallow
(1 Point)

Plastic, polyester

Plastic, food !

Polyester, meat

Fish, beef

100. obvious correct statement about Nigeria; Nigeria contains

(1 Point)
(1 Point)

Both biotic and abiotic factors !

Only biotic factor

Very Clean atmosphere

Nordles and and nuclear waste

101. The possible cheapest renewable energy source in a humid climate of West
Africa would be (i) Nuclear power (ii) water and Sun (iii) Water and
geothermal (iv) Coal and Geothermal
(1 Point)

(i) only

(ii) only !

(ii) & (iii) only

(iv) only

(i) & (iv) only

102. Plastic pollution has negative effect on (i) land, (ii) waterways (iii) oceans
living organisms, (iv) atmosphere
(1 Point)

(i) only

(ii) only

(iii) only

(i), (ii) and (iii) only !

(i), (ii) and (iii) only !

103. The largest phenomenon in the list is:

(1 Point)

Milky way galaxy


Universe !


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