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Affirmative Negative Question

Subject + verb + compliment Subject + auxiliar (-) + verb + compliment Auxiliar + Subject + verb + compliment?

I play football I don’t play football Do I play football?

You play football You don’t play football Do you play football?
He plays football He doesn’t play football Does he play football?
She plays football She doesn’t play football Does she play football?
It plays football It doesn’t play football Does it play football?

We play football We don’t play football Do we play football?

You play football You don’t play football Do you play football?
They play football They don’t play football Do they play football?

THIRD PERSON SINGULAR IN AFFIRMATIVE (La 3ª persona del singular a l’afirmatiu)

En anglès quan el subjecte de la frase, qui fa l’acció, és 3ª persona del singular (He, she, it o un nom singular) afegim “–s” al verb.
I play football  He plays football You drink water  She drinks water They speak French  Janet speaks French

*Amb el verbs que acaben en -s, -sh, -ch, -x i –o per fer la 3ª persona del singular afegim “–es”:

I pass  he passes I wash  he washes I watch  he watches I fix  he fixes I do  he does

* Amb els verbs que acaben en “consonant+y” per fer la 3º persona del singular afegim “–ies”

I fly he flies I study  she studies


Do you study English?  Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Does he work in a bank?  Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

Does she get up at 6 o’clock?  Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t
Does Peter have lunch at school?  Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t
Does school start a nine o’clock?  Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t

Do they tidy their room on Saturdays? Yes, they do / No, they don’t
Do students listen to the teacher? Yes, they do / No, they don’t

SEMPRE que la pregunta comenci amb “Do…” s’ha de respondre amb “Yes … do” o “No… don’t”
SEMPRE que la pregunta comenci amb “Does…” s’ha de respondre amb “Yes … does” o “No… doesn’t”



WHAT: Què (coses o accions) What do you study?  I study English

WHERE: On (llocs) Where does Susan live?  She lives in New York
WHEN: Quan (temps) When does Tom go to the swimming pool?  He goes to the pool on Friday
WHAT TIME: A quina hora What time do they get up?  They get up at half past eight
HOW: Com How does Carol go to school?  She goes to school by bus
WHO: Qui (persona) Who do you live with?  I live with Anne
WHY: Per què…? Why does Tom get up early?  Because he starts school at eight o’clock
HOW OFTEN: Amb quina freqüència… How often does Peter brush his teeth?  He always brushes his teeth after the meals

Utilitzem els frequency adverbs per dir amb quina freqüència fem alguna cosa.

SEMPRE col·loquem els frequency adverbs davant del verb. Ex:

I always do my homework
She never runs in the park
They don’t usually go to the theatre

EXCEPTE quan el verb principal és to be (am, is, are) Aleshores van després del verb Ex:
I am always happy
Tom is usually busy
They are never late


once a day/week/month… (un cop al dia/setmana/mes…) every day (cada dia)
twice a… (dos cops al…) every week (cada setmana)
three times a… (tres cops al…)
four times a… (quatre cops al…)

Sempre van al final de l’oració. Ex: She goes to the dentist every year They do sport once a week
Everyday objects
A laptop: un ordinador portátil a mobile phone: teléfono mòbil an mp3 player: reproductor mp3
A ticket: un bitllet a bus pass: una targeta d’autobús an ID card: una targeta d’identitat
Sunglasses: ulleres de sol keys: claus money: diners
A wallet: una cartera a purse: un moneder jewellery: joies
Make-up: maquillatge an umbrella: un paraigües clothes: roba
A bag: una motxilla

watch TV: mirar la tele listen to music: escoltar read magazines: llegir revistes
Meet friends: quedar amb els amics play computer games: jugar a videojocs collect things: coleccionar objectes
Study: estudiar

Go shopping: anar a comprar buy things on the internet: comprar per internet
Give presents to: donar regals a… spend money on: gastar diners en spend time doing: passar temps fent
Save money: estalviar need: necessitar wear: vestir


I prefer verb-ing
don’t mind
don’t like
can’t stand

Ex: I love reading She doesn’t like cleaning They prefer dancing

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