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Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

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Research Paper

Long-term effects and development of a tree preservation program on tree T

condition, survival, and growth
Richard J. Hauera, , Andrew K. Koeserb, Stephani Parbsa, Jim Kringerc, Randy Krousec,

Ken Ottmanc, Robert W. Millera, David Sivyerc, Nilesh Timilsinaa, Les P. Wernera
College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 800 Reserve Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481, United States
University of Florida, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, 14625 CR 672, Wimauma, FL 33598, United States
City of Milwaukee, 841 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202, United States


Keywords: A long-term research study in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA investigated how construction (i.e., repairs to streets,
Long-term research curbs, and sidewalks) affected tree condition, survival, and growth compared to control trees outside con-
Street trees & construction struction zones and effects of a tree preservation program on reducing construction impacts. This study is di-
Tree condition rating vided into three periods: (1) a limited implementation period (1979–1989) prior to a formal tree preservation
Tree growth & longevity
program, (2) an intermediate implementation period (1989–2005) during the development and refinement of a
Tree preservation
Urban forest
tree preservation program, and (3) a full implementation period (2005–2018) after comprehensive execution of
the tree preservation program. During the initial limited preservation period, baseline measurements from 1989
showed trees in construction zones died at a higher annual rate (4.1% actual) and had a lower tree condition
rating (5.7% actual) in the limited implementation period (1979–1989) as compared to the other two periods.
During the intermediate implementation period (i.e. program under development), construction activities re-
sulted in a reduced effect on tree condition (2.4% actual) as measured in 2005. Tree survival and condition in the
full implementation period were similar between trees associated with construction zones and non-impacted
control trees measured in 2018. Results demonstrate the effect of a tree preservation program on promoting
healthy trees in construction zones. Significant findings also show the importance of growing space with trees
farther away from curbs and sidewalks having a higher tree condition and survival rate in all three periods.
Findings from this study can encourage city-wide-preservation programs elsewhere to protect public street trees
from construction.

1. Introduction (e.g., climate, material and installation quality, exposure to elements,

soils, and tree roots) acting upon the infrastructure (Costello,
Street trees are one of several urban infrastructure elements such as McPherson, Burger, & Dodge, 2000). Miller and Hauer (1995) found 3%
buildings, roads, sidewalks, curbs, belowground utilities (e.g., elec- of street trees were annually associated with construction activities in
trical, gas, telecommunications, sewer and water), and aboveground Milwaukee, WI USA. Assuming repairs occur evenly throughout the
utilities (Coder, 1998; Gibson, 2017; McPherson, Costello, & Burger, city, one could expect that a street tree location will experience con-
2001; Sydnor et al., 2000). Trees grown near streets, curbs, and side- struction on average once every 33 years. To put this into context, the
walks are routinely proximal to construction activities during the in- estimated median street-tree lifespan in Milwaukee, WI is 28.5 years
stallation and repair of these components (Day, Dickinson, Wiseman, & (Miller, Hauer, & Werner, 2015) – an estimate that is in line with the 19
Harris, 2010; Jim, 2003; McPherson et al., 2001; Morell, 1992). The to 28-year range of mean lifespan from Roman and Scatena (2011) in
design lifespan of infrastructure varies broadly with paved roads lasting their meta-analysis of 16 community studies throughout the United
10–20 years, sidewalks lasting 20–25 years, and water mains and sewer States. As such, a street tree located near these infrastructure elements
pipes lasting 50–100 years (Gibson, 2017). is likely to be present for at least one construction event. Tree survival
The service life of infrastructure may differ from the functional data provides a discrete metric for assessing a tree’s response to dis-
lifespans noted above. The repair frequency depends upon many factors turbance (Hilbert, Roman, Koeser, Vogt, & van Doorn, 2019; Roman,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.J. Hauer).
Received 15 June 2019; Received in revised form 19 September 2019; Accepted 22 September 2019
Available online 10 October 2019
0169-2046/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Battles, & McBride, 2016; Roman & Scatena, 2011). The annual mor- its current state of a full implementation period as described in the
tality rate, mean and median tree-life span, and tree-age mortality methods section of this paper. In addition to guidelines related to the
statistics provide further insight for assessing tree longevity (Miller establishment of non-disturbed protection zones and the use of less
et al., 2015; Roman et al., 2016). invasive construction techniques, contractors were required to use tree
Tree condition provides an estimate of tree health and insights into protection BMPs. Enforcement of contractual standards and fines to
future mortality. The visual observation of the roots, trunk, scaffold deter improper practice is an important part of minimizing damage to
branches, twigs, and foliage or buds is commonly used to evaluate tree trees in the Milwaukee program.
condition, with a 0 (dead) to 100% (excellent) scale typically used This study aims to test the outcome of a tree preservation program
(Bond, 2010; Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, 2000). Hauer on the condition, survival, and growth of street trees over a 39-year
and Peterson (2016) found nearly 90% of municipal tree inventories in period. The effects of the City of Milwaukee’s tree preservation policy
the United States included tree condition as a parameter. Measurements and management program were tested by comparing it to prior periods
of tree stem diameter, total height, crown spread, live crown ratio (i.e., before implementation of the program. To achieve this, the study
the proportion of total height that has foliage), and basal area (i.e., the monitors a cohort of street tree sites first inventoried in 1979, with
cross-sectional area occupied by tree stems) are also common metrics follow-up assessments in 1989, 2005, and 2018. The research questions
collected to rate a tree’s current biometric properties, to assess change central to this paper were: (1) do trees within a construction zone have
over time, and estimate ecosystem services and economic value similar growth, survival, and condition contrasted against comparable
(Morgenroth & Östberg, 2017; Nowak et al., 2008). Beyond the tree trees outside of these zones; (2) has a tree preservation program with
itself, planting location is often characterized based on tree lawn width, three distinct implementation periods resulted in different outcomes in
planting pit dimensions, soils (e.g., pH, bulk density, texture), presence tree condition, survival, and growth; and (3) what other site and tree
or absence of utilities, and climate (Miller et al., 2015). parameters beyond construction activity predict growth, condition, and
Trees are ideally selected for site conditions, properly installed, and longevity of street trees. We hypothesize no difference will occur be-
maintained as needed to provide decades of service life (Coder, 1998; tween trees within construction zones and control areas in the full
Hirons & Sjöman, 2018; Miller et al., 2015; Mullaney, Lucke, & implementation period. In contrast, we expect to observe a difference in
Trueman, 2015; Sanders, Grabosky, & Cowie, 2013; Vogt, Hauer, & tree condition and survival during the periods prior to the current tree
Fischer, 2015). Likewise, the design and repair of streets, curbs, and preservation program (Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser et al., 2013). We
sidewalks ideally considers the biological structure and function of trees further hypothesize that tree lawn width, tree stem diameter, and past
to minimize construction damage and reduce future conflicts as trees tree condition will significantly predict tree survival and tree condition.
grow (Baines, 1994; Coder, 1998; Day et al., 2010; Randrup, We also hypothesized that there will be species-specific survival and
McPherson, & Costello, 2003; Vogt et al., 2015). Large stature trees response to construction.
grown in proximity (e.g., 1.5–2 m) to a street and sidewalk may cause
infrastructure damage resulting in repair costs (Hauer, Miller, & 2. Methods
Ouimet, 1994; Kopinga, 1994; McPherson, 2000; McPherson & Peper,
1995, 1996; Östberg, Martinsson, Stål, & Fransson, 2012; Wagar & The condition, survival, and growth of street trees within con-
Barker, 1983). Similarly, tree damage from direct conflicts (e.g., ex- struction zones and nearby control trees not subjected to construction
cavator damaging tree roots, stems, and/or branches) with construction activities were evaluated. Trees were studied in three different periods
activities can result in reduced tree growth, survival, and condition, corresponding to the implementation of a tree preservation program; 1)
which translates into decreased urban forest value and increased re- a limited implementation period from 1979 to 1989, 2) an intermediate
moval and replanting costs (Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser, Hauer, Norris, & implementation period from 1989 to 2005, and 3) a full implementa-
Krouse, 2013; North, D'Amato, Russell, & Johnson, 2017; Watson, tion period from 2005 to 2018.
Trees in construction zones may have increased mortality, reduced 2.1. Trees & construction program
tree condition, and reduced growth (Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser et al.,
2013, Miller, 1994; North et al., 2017; O’Herrin, Hauer, Vander Weit, & The full implementation period involves a pre-construction tree
Miller, 2016). Arboricultural standards in Australia, Hong Kong, United assessment to evaluate tree stem diameter, condition, species, and re-
Kingdom, United States, and other locations provide specifications to quirements for tree protection as part of a developed construction plan
reduce the effects of construction on trees to promote tree survival and (Table 1). The plan guides pre-construction meetings with forestry staff,
health (AISWCD, 2017; British Standards Institute, 2005; Development city officials and construction contractors. Pre-construction tree
Bureau, 2015; Matheny & Clark, 1998; Standards Australia, 2009; Tree pruning occurs to provide clearance for construction equipment op-
Care Industry Association, 2012). The American National Standards erations. Additionally, changes in the full implementation period from
Institute (ANSI) A300 (Part 5) Management of Trees and Shrubs During past construction practices include:
Site Planning and the accompanying International Society of Arbor-
iculture (ISA) Trees and Construction Best Management Practices ▪ Removal of curbs occurs with the goal of minimizing root damage,
(BMPs) are industry-accepted practices for maintaining existing trees in especially structural roots growing against the curb (compared to
the presence of construction (Fite & Smiley, 2016; Smiley & Fite, 2016; the limited implementation period that involved soil removal and
Tree Care Industry Association, 2012). Reviewed every five years, A300 possible root damage at an approximate distance of 30 to 50 cm
standards are used by 60% of reporting communities when contracting behind the curb).
tree care in the United States (Hauer & Peterson, 2016). ▪ Construction equipment was modified as needed to reduce tree
Tree preservation practices along streets have evolved over the past damage such as adding a 90-degree elbow on the exhaust pipe to
three to four decades (Hauer et al., 1994; Matheny & Clark, 1998; Miller direct exhaust heat away from rather than upwards and towards tree
& Hauer, 1995; Watson, 1998; Watson, Hewitt, Custic, & Lo, 2014a, foliage.
2014b). The street tree preservation program in Milwaukee, WI USA is ▪ Slipform paver machines used to install curbs and gutters were
an example of this ongoing evolution (City of Milwaukee, 1996; customized to require less distance on the tree side from the stan-
Esposito, 2005; Ottman, Genich, & Boeder, 1996; Urbain, 2004). The dard 28.0 cm to 4.5 cm of clearance now needed for curb installa-
tree preservation efforts progressed from a limited implementation tion. Thus, nearly 24.0 cm of the tree root zone is no longer affected
period in the mid-1980s to an intermediate implementation period in by construction.
the mid-1990s to mid-2000s. By the mid-2000s the program evolved to ▪ The width of streets was reduced by the distance needed for

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Table 1
Development of a tree preservation program for street trees in Milwaukee, WI and key program implementation periods.
Implementation period Key program elements

No Implemented Program ▪ No program in place

Before 1979 ▪ 400 trees fall during a 1978 windstorm due to root severance from sidewalk damage prevention program
▪ Trees and construction program (aka tree preservation program) envisioned
▪ Pre-program tree inventory in 1979 (Miller & Sylvester, 1979)
Limited Implemented Program (LIP) ▪ Initial development of program with hiring of forestry inspector in 1981 to develop program
1979–1989 ▪ Program being conceptualized, developed, and applied on a limited basis by end of this period
▪ Concept of fines for non-compliance conceived as an approach to prevent damage to trees by contractors
▪ Initial study to quantify the baseline effects of construction on tree survival and condition developed
▪ Study implemented with trees subjected to construction from 1981 through 1985 compared to control trees outside of
construction zones
▪ First assessment of the effects of construction on street trees conducted in 1989 and published (Hauer et al., 1994;
Miller & Hauer, 1995)
Intermediate Implemented Program (IIP) ▪ Program practices becoming formulated within street and sidewalk construction standards manual (City of Milwaukee,
1990–2004 1996)
▪ During this period trees and construction practices used in the 2005 to 2018 period become refined and commonly
implemented (Ottman et al., 1996)
▪ By the end of this period, trees and construction practices are common and fully in place as a regular part of preventing
damage to trees during construction (Urbain, 2004)
▪ Monitoring and fines for non-compliance continues with compliance becoming more regular
▪ Second assessment of the effects of construction on street trees published (Koeser et al., 2013)
Fully Implemented Program (FIP) ▪ A pre-construction tree assessment occurs with tree stem diameter, condition, species, and requirements for tree
2005–2018 protection developed by forestry inspector
▪ The developed tree preservation plan used to guide pre-construction meetings among forestry staff, city officials and
construction contractors
▪ Removal of streets, curbs, and sidewalk occurs with the goal of no damage to structural roots
▪ Construction equipment such as concrete paver machines (slipform) modified to minimize tree damage by reducing the
distance needed for equipment operation from 28.0 cm to 4.5 cm
▪ Street width narrowed to accommodate new reduced distance (e.g., 4.5 cm) of paver machine
▪ Sidewalk widths narrowed, summits over structural roots sidewalks used, and arcing around tree roots used as needed
▪ Monitoring and fines for non-compliance continues with compliance becoming common
▪ Follow-up arboricultural treatments used in cases of tree damage
▪ Third assessment of the effects of construction on street trees (This paper)

equipment clearance (e.g., 4.5 cm for the modified slipform paver included street repair (surface replacement and utilities when needed),
machine) to avoid damage to roots. curb replacement, and/or sidewalk replacement, with one to all of these
▪ Sidewalk widths were decreased, arcing a new sidewalk around occurring during a construction event. All trees were maintained by
structural roots, and a raising (i.e., summit) the sidewalk over municipal forestry staff and were located between a sidewalk and curb
structural roots were implemented to avoid root damage. in tree lawns that varied between 58 and 724 cm in width. Trees were
▪ Monitoring and enforcement actions through fines for non-com- located primarily within residential neighborhoods of single and double
pliance provides a contractor an incentive to not damage tree roots, story homes. The study site has an extended history of urban tree
stems, and canopies as a proactive part of the construction process. management beginning in 1918 (Miller et al., 2015) and the 989 tree
For damaged trees, post-construction tree repair (e.g., pruning a planting locations (Fig. 1) included in our monitoring efforts were first
damaged branch) is part of the plan. inventoried in 1979 (Miller & Sylvester, 1979). Construction records
were maintained by the municipality and were verified with construc-
During the limited implementation period, the practices presented tion dates stamped in the concrete. Final verification of the construction
above were being conceptualized, developed, and applied on a limited dataset was conducted by the Urban Forestry Specialist from the City of
basis by the end of the time period in 1989 (Hauer et al., 1994). Within Milwaukee assigned to the construction location.
the intermediate implementation period, the practices listed above A total of 989 planting sites that were locations with a tree or
were becoming formulated within street and sidewalk construction currently vacant (not planted) were randomly selected and measured
standards (City of Milwaukee, 1996), were becoming more commonly across all three assessment periods (Fig. 1). A baseline inventory of
implemented over time (Ottman et al., 1996), and by the end of this these locations in 1979 (prior to any construction activities) found 845
period in 2005 were commonplace as a regular part of preventing da- of these locations were planted and 144 were vacant. Of the 845 treed
mage to trees during a construction project (Urbain, 2004; Koeser et al., sites inventoried in 1979, 432 had been subjected to construction ac-
2013). Further, contractor compliance became a regular occurrence by tivities between 1981 and 1985. (Hauer et al., 1994). The remaining
the late 1990/early 2000s due to fines for non-compliance (Urbain, 413 locations served as controls. All locations were reassessed in 1989
2004). Thus, the three study periods reflect the evolution of the pro- and 670 surviving trees from the original cohort were relocated. Given
gram from little done (limited), becoming more common (inter- ongoing planting and tree replacement efforts, there were 942 planted
mediate), and most recently commonplace (fully) with implementation. locations and 47 vacant sites in 1989. Of the 942 trees present in 1989,
256 were subject to construction between 1990 and 2004, while the
2.2. Study site remaining 686 served as non-impacted controls. In 2005, 762 of the
942 trees from 1989 survived. Given replanting and replacement efforts
Street trees occurring within construction zones (construction) or there were 883 sites with trees (91 vacant) in 2005. Fifteen locations
outside of construction zones (control) were studied to test the effects of near Miller’s Plank Road that had previously been within the public
a tree preservation program in Milwaukee, WI USA (43.0389° N, right-of-way had ownership transferred to a private entity by 2018 and
87.9065° W). The city adjoins Lake Michigan and experiences a humid are no longer tapped for future assessments. When assessed for this
continental climate (Chen & Chen, 2013). Construction activities latest study, 187 trees had been subjected to construction activities

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Fig. 1. Tree population flowchart during three periods: 1979 to 1989 a limited implementation period (LIP), 1989 to 2005 an intermediate implementation period
(IIP), and 2005 to 2018 a full implementation period (FIP) for tree preservation. Each planting site is a street tree planting location with the possibility to be vacant
(no tree), lost (no longer assessible), or planted (tree present).

between 2005 and 2017. In 2018, 701 of the 883 trees assessed in 2005 tree compared against the maximum of 20 possible points to generate
survived (Fig. 1, Table 2). Only locations with trees at the start of one of the 0 to 100 percent scale outlined by the Council of Tree and
the three study periods (e.g., 1979, 1989, 2005) were part of the ana- Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) (Neely, 1988). This system was used in
lysis during that study period. Trees planted during a study period were the previous study periods, and in the current study (Hauer et al., 1994;
not part of the analysis during that period but did become part of the Koeser et al., 2013). One evaluator conducted all tree condition ratings
subsequent study period. during the current study. This was consistent with past inventories in
1979, 1989, and 2005. Although a different evaluator was used during
2.3. Field measurements and data development each measurement year, the evaluator was trained by the authors of the
paper. Each evaluator was an undergraduate-trained forestry student.
Tree stem diameter (1.37 m above the ground surface, DBH), per- The mean annual tree diameter growth increment (cm) was calculated
cent tree condition, tree lawn width (distance between curb and side- as the change in diameter during a study period for each tree divided by
walk), tree species, home address, and applicable field comments were the number of years between measurement periods and an overall mean
recorded in May and June 2018, consistent with measurements in 1989 calculated from all trees. Likewise, the mean annual basal area incre-
and 2005. Tree condition was visually rated using a five-point scale ment was the change in cross-sectional stem area (cm2) at DBH for each
(1 = poor and 5 = excellent) with equal weight given each to roots, tree divided by the number of years between measurement periods and
trunk, scaffold branches, and foliage. The total summed points for each a mean basal area calculated from all individual trees.

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Table 2
Variables tested for their effect on tree survival and tree condition used in initial and final regression models.1
Variable Definition for Tree Measurement Sample (n) Mean (SE)

Construction89 1 if in construction zone 1981–1985, else 0 334 N/A

Construction05 1 if in construction zone 1990–2004, else 0 191 N/A
Construction18 1 if in construction zone 2005–2017, else 0 162 N/A
LawnWidth89 Lawn width as measured in 1989 (cm) 670 234.95 (4.79)
LawnWidth05 Lawn width as measured in 2005 (cm) 762 226.21 (4.36)
LawnWidth18 Lawn width as measured in 2018 (cm) 701 228.78 (4.50)
TreeCond79 Tree condition (%) in 1979 845 75.05, (0.49)
TreeCond89 Tree condition (%) in 1989 670 73.88 (0.46)
TreeCond05 Tree condition (%) in 2005 762 74.72 (0.51)
TreeCond18 Tree condition (%) in 2018 701 69.42 (0.46)
TreeDiam79 Tree diameter (cm @1.37 m) in 1979 845 18.95 (0.59)
TreeDiam89 Tree diameter (cm @1.37 m) in 1989 670 30.05 (0.54)
TreeDiam05 Tree diameter (cm @1.37 m) in 2005 762 41.95 (0.49)
TreeDiam18 Tree diameter (cm @1.37 m) in 2018 701 48.58 (0.60)

Variable Definition of Measured Tree Species Sample (n) 2018 Survival (%)

Basswood05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 23 82.6

GreenAsh05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 228 91.2
Honeylocust05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 113 91.2
LLeafLinden05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 57 63.2
NorwayMaple05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 347 73.5
SilverMaple05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 15 53.3
SugarMaple05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 7 28.6
WhiteAsh05 1 if present in 2005, else 0 30 80.0
Data was collected from Milwaukee, WI, USA inventory and construction data sets that spanned from 1979 to 2018 – a time frame that occurred before,
during, and after the enactment of a comprehensive city-wide tree preservation program. Total planting sites (n = 989) could be planted, vacant, or lost during
any measurement period. See Hauer et al. (1994) and Koeser et al. (2013) for species-specific statistics for the 1989 and 2005 measurement periods.

2.4. Statistical analysis decisions for statistical significance were made at the p ≤ 0.05 level.
The same approach was used for the limited and intermediate im-
Tree attributes (past condition, DBH, species) and site attributes plementation study periods.
(tree lawn width, construction) were modeled as independent variables Multiple linear regression models were used to detect attributes of the
on the dependent variables of current tree condition, tree survival, and study sites associated with present (2018) tree condition (dependent
tree stem growth (Table 2, Appendix Table A-1). Each location in 2018 variable) of surviving trees and test the a priori assumption of no effect of
was recorded as either a surviving tree, replacement tree, or vacancy construction on tree condition. Attributes (independent variables) in-
since the last 2005 monitoring. Tree survival was determined by com- cluded 2005 tree diameter (cm), 2005 tree condition (%), 2018 tree lawn
paring the current (2018) tree species and DBH to the previous record width (cm), construction (binary 1 = yes, 0 = no), and the eight tree
(2005). In the few cases that a determination of tree survival was not species. This same model approach was used for the dependent tree
intuitive (e.g., small diameter tree, < 15 cm, of same species) planting growth variables (e.g., DBH and basal area). A one-way analysis of var-
records and/or consultation with Milwaukee forestry staff correctly iance (ANOVA) was used to test for differences in tree condition between
determined tree survivability. The same process was previously used for trees later allocated to control and construction groups.
the 2005 and 1989 measurement periods (Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser In model building, a p ≤ 0.25 significance level was adopted for
et al., 2013). initial screening of variables and a p ≤ 0.05 significance level was used
A binary logistic regression model tested the effects of tree condition when deciding what variables to retain for the final multiple regression
(%) in 2005, tree lawn width (cm) in 2018, DBH (cm) in 2005, con- model in SPSS Version 25 (IBM Corporation, 2017). Assumptions of
struction binary variable, and tree species (only the eight most common normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity of model residuals were in-
species (n > 15) were included) on the dependent variable tree sur- spected using bivariate plots between independent and dependent
vival for the full implementation period timeframe. Seven of the tree variables, as well as plots of the standardized residuals and standar-
species were compared against the eighth (reference) and each was dized predicted values from the final multiple regression model. Mul-
coded as a series of species binary variables and added to the maximal ticollinearity in models was tested using variance inflation factor (VIF)
(full) models (Table 2, Appendix Table A-1). Norway maple (Acer pla- statistics with a lack of multicollinearity interpreted as the VIF < 4
tanoides L.), silver maple (Acer saccharinum L.), white ash (Fraxinus (Mertler & Vannatta, 2005; Neter, Wasserman, & Kutner, 1990).
americana L.), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh), honeylocust
(Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis (L.) C. K Schneid), American bass- 3. Results
wood (Tilia americana L.), and little leaf linden, (Tilia cordata Mill) were
tested against sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) as the reference 3.1. Tree condition
level species. A. saccharum was selected since it was the poorest per-
forming species in past models (Koeser et al., 2013). Tree survival was Tree condition of construction and control trees varied by the three
analyzed through the logistic regression model using the glm() function periods in the study area. Prior to any construction occurring in the
in R (R Core Team, 2017). Initial model simplification was conducted study area, an initial 1979 inventory (baseline) demonstrated a com-
using a backward and forward stepwise elimination function based on parable (F = 1.368, df = 1,843, p = 0.94) tree condition
Akaike information criterion (AIC). Any remaining non-significant (mean = 75.0%, SE = 0.5%) (Fig. 2). Tree condition was significantly
terms were removed one-at-a-time, with the initial and reduced models lower by 5.7% in construction zones during the limited implementation
being compared using the anova() function in R (Crawley, 2013). All period prior to implementation of the tree preservation program

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

100 Control Construction Fig. 2. Effects of construction on tree condition

measured in 1979 (pre-construction), 1989 a limited
90 p=0.04 implementation period (LIP), 2005 an intermediate
p=0.94 p<0.0001 p=0.24
implementation period (IIP), and 2018 a full im-
80 76.7 plementation period (FIP) for tree preservation (bars
75.0 75.1 75.3
72.9 are standard error; n = 845, 670, 762, 701 respec-
69.1 70.4 tively for 1979, 1989, 2005, and 2018).
Condition Rating (Percent)







1979 1989 2005 2018

Pre-construction (LIP) (IIP) (FIP)

(F = 36.424, df = 5,664, p < 0.0001, Adj R2 = 0.21) (Fig. 2, Table 3). species were excluded from this modeling to allow for a more direct
No effect (p = 0.556) of construction on tree condition was found in the comparison of these four variables. As reported above, construction was
intermediate implementation period (F = 8.830, df = 5,756, significant for only the limited implementation period with a 5.7%
p < 0.0001, Adj R2 = 0.06) through trees that survived construction greater tree condition for trees outside of construction zones
(Table 4). The multiple regression model, which controlled for tree (p < 0.001). As tree lawn width increased, tree condition increased
lawn width, past DBH, past tree condition, and species also showed no and varied over the three measurement periods between 0.007 and
effect (p = 0.97) of construction on tree condition in the full im- 0.014 for each cm (p < 0.001). Thus, a 300 cm tree lawn width (~10
plementation period (Table 5). The results suggest a tree preservation feet) would add ~2.1% to 4.2% to the overall tree condition when
program effectively reduced the impact of street, curb, and/or sidewalk holding other factors constant. Past DBH had a negative effect on tree
repair on tree condition. condition across all three periods, ranging between −0.075 and
Over three measurement periods, four independent variables were −0.104 per cm of DBH (p < 0.001). A tree with a 50 cm DBH (20 in),
found to be continuously significant (p < 0.001) – predicting between all other variables held constant, would reduce tree condition by
5 and 20% (based on adjusted R2) of the variability of the dependent ~3.6% to 5.0% compared to a small tree ~2 cm DBH (0.75 in). Past tree
variable tree condition in the multiple regression models (Table 6). Tree condition was also a consistent predictor across all three time-periods.

Table 3
Effect of construction, site attributes, and tree species on tree condition of surviving trees in 1989 in Milwaukee, WI, USA. Trees were subjected to construction
activities or were trees outside of construction zones that grew between 1979 and 1989 (a limited implementation period for tree preservation).
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t-test Statistics Correlations
Model Variables B Std. Error Beta t-value Sig. Zero-order Partial

Initial full Model (R = 0.238 R2adj =
0.233, std. error of est. = 10.521, F(13,656) = 669, p < 0.0001)
(Intercept) 43.745 5.361 8.160 0.000
Construction89 −6.502 0.874 −0.273 −7.439 0.000 −0.239 −0.279
LawnWidth05 (cm) 0.013 0.004 0.130 3.589 0.000 0.105 0.139
TreeCond79 (%) 0.436 0.045 0.335 9.673 0.000 0.358 0.353
TreeDiam79 (cm) −0.045 0.035 −0.057 −1.282 0.200 −0.106 −0.050
American Elm79 −6.413 4.639 −0.100 −1.382 0.167 −0.144 −0.054
Basswood79 0.249 4.548 0.004 0.055 0.956 0.018 0.002
GreenAsh79 −1.714 4.070 −0.063 −0.421 0.674 0.052 −0.016
Honeylocust79 −0.101 4.158 −0.003 −0.024 0.981 0.027 −0.001
LLeafLinden79 0.752 4.311 0.015 0.175 0.862 0.019 0.007
NorwayMaple79 −2.940 4.054 −0.120 −0.725 0.469 0.056 −0.028
SilverMaple79 −6.750 4.971 −0.086 −1.358 0.175 −0.067 −0.053
SugarMaple79 −9.843 4.567 −0.150 −2.155 0.032 −0.109 −0.084
WhiteAsh79 −7.466 4.585 −0.114 −1.628 0.104 −0.054 −0.063

Final a priori Model (R2 = 0.215, R2adj = 0.209, std. error of est. = 10.613, F(5,664) = 669, p < 0.0001)
(Intercept) 41.928 3.549 11.814 0.000
Construction89 −5.770 0.842 −0.242 −6.856 0.000 −0.239 −0.257
LawnWidth05 (cm) 0.012 0.003 0.120 3.380 0.001 0.105 0.130
TreeCond79 (%) 0.437 0.045 0.336 9.687 0.000 0.358 0.352
TreeDiam79 (cm) −0.084 0.028 −0.106 −3.028 0.003 −0.106 −0.117
SugarMaple79 −7.823 2.263 −0.119 −3.457 0.001 −0.109 −0.133

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Table 4
Effect of construction, site attributes, and tree species on tree condition of surviving trees in 2005 in Milwaukee, WI, USA. Trees were subjected to construction
activities or were trees outside of construction zones that grew between 1989 and 2005 (an intermediate implementation period for tree preservation).
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t-test Statistics Correlations
Model Variables B Std. Error Beta t-value Sig. Zero-order Partial

Initial Full Model (R2 = 0.069 R2adj = 0.053, std. error of est. = 13.861, F(13,748) = 761, p < 0.0001)
(Intercept) 70.995 5.147 13.792 0.000
Construction05 −0.672 1.142 −0.021 −0.589 0.556 0.008 −0.022
LawnWidth05 (cm) 0.018 0.004 0.072 1.915 0.056 0.059 0.070
TreeCond89 (%) 0.172 0.043 0.146 4.005 0.000 0.145 0.145
TreeDiam89 (cm) −0.160 0.046 −0.152 −3.496 0.001 −0.073 −0.127
American Elm89 0.708 6.661 0.005 0.106 0.915 0.016 0.004
Basswood89 2.825 5.248 0.032 0.538 0.590 0.093 0.020
Green Ash89 −5.554 4.302 −0.175 −1.291 0.197 0.072 −0.047
Honeylocust89 −4.770 4.404 −0.117 −1.083 0.279 0.057 −0.040
LLLinden89 −10.911 4.615 −0.193 −2.364 0.018 −0.070 −0.086
Norway Maple89 −9.129 4.261 −0.314 −2.142 0.032 −0.091 −0.078
Silver Maple89 −6.524 5.819 −0.064 −1.121 0.263 −0.060 −0.041
Sugar Maple89 −5.943 6.720 −0.040 −0.884 0.377 0.021 −0.032
White Ash89 −8.005 5.079 −0.098 −1.576 0.115 −0.036 −0.058

Final a priori Model (R2 = 0.055, R2adj = 0.049, std. error of est. = 13.889, F(5,756) = 761, p < 0.0001)
(Intercept) 65.889 3.276 20.110 0.000
LawnWidth05 (cm) 0.009 0.004 0.074 2.014 0.044 0.059 0.073
TreeCond89 (%) 0.166 0.042 0.141 3.947 0.000 0.145 0.142
TreeDiam89 (cm) −0.143 0.039 −0.136 −3.639 0.000 −0.073 −0.131
LLeafLinden89 −5.927 2.064 −0.105 −2.871 0.004 −0.070 −0.104
NorwayMaple89 −4.169 1.084 −0.144 −3.847 0.000 −0.091 −0.139

Table 5
Effect of construction, site attributes, and tree species on tree condition of surviving trees in 2018 in Milwaukee, WI, USA. Trees were subjected to construction
activities or were trees outside of construction zones that grew between 2005 and 2018 (a full implementation period for tree preservation).
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t-test Statistics Correlations
Model Variables B Std. Error Beta t-value Sig. Zero-order Partial

Initial Full Model (R = 0.326 R2adj
= 0.314, std. error of est. = 10.217, F(12,688) = 700, p < 0.001)
(Constant) 41.909 3.805 11.016 0.000
Construction18 −0.044 0.987 −0.001 −0.044 0.965 0.045 −0.002
LawnWidth18 (cm) 0.017 0.004 0.161 4.703 0.000 0.129 0.176
TreeCond05 (%) 0.328 0.041 0.259 7.992 0.000 0.282 0.291
TreeDiam05 (cm) −0.192 0.027 −0.247 −7.066 0.000 −0.115 −0.260
Basswood05 5.596 2.893 0.074 1.934 0.053 −0.003 0.074
Green Ash05 13.770 1.766 0.510 7.796 0.000 0.411 0.285
Honeylocust05 4.632 1.910 0.133 2.425 0.016 −0.070 0.092
LLeafLinden05 6.389 2.335 0.114 2.737 0.006 0.014 0.104
NorwayMaple05 −0.295 1.697 −0.012 −0.174 0.862 −0.312 −0.007
SilverMaple05 8.399 4.139 0.072 2.029 0.043 −0.017 0.077
SugarMaple05 −10.685 7.392 −0.046 −1.446 0.149 −0.041 −0.055
WhiteAsh05 2.338 2.628 0.034 0.889 0.374 −0.058 0.034

Final a priori Model (R2 = 0.323, R2adj = 0.315, std. error of est. = 10.213, F(8,692) = 700, p < 0.0001)
(Intercept) 42.019 3.362 12.498 0.000
LawnWidth18 (cm) 0.016 0.003 0.153 4.621 0.000 0.129 0.173
TreeCond05 (%) 0.327 0.040 0.258 8.114 0.000 0.282 0.295
TreeDiam05 (cm) −0.129 0.016 −0.245 −7.194 0.000 −0.115 −0.264
Basswood05 5.707 2.453 0.075 2.327 0.020 −0.003 0.088
GreenAsh05 13.880 0.934 0.514 14.865 0.000 0.411 0.492
Honeylocust05 4.711 1.182 0.135 3.984 0.000 −0.070 0.150
LLeafLinden05 6.467 1.810 0.116 3.573 0.000 0.014 0.135
SilverMaple05 8.557 3.769 0.074 2.271 0.023 −0.017 0.086

Tree condition in the full implementation period would be a 3.3% 3.2. Tree survival
higher for each additional 10% condition rating in 2005.
The residual effects of construction from a previous program period The effects of construction on tree survival varied over the three
were examined for surviving trees in a more recent program period with measurements periods. During the recent full implementation period,
no significant effect found (data not shown) on trees during a current no effect (p = 0.81) of construction on tree mortality was found when
measurement period. For example, construction that occurred during the controlling for tree species, lawn width, prior DBH, and past tree con-
limited implementation period had no detected residual effect on tree dition in the logistic model (Tables 7 and 8). Results from 2005 showed
condition in the intermediate implementation period. Likewise, in the full a negative effect (p = 0.01) of construction on tree survival in the in-
implementation period no residual effect of tree condition in the inter- termediate implementation period (Koeser et al., 2013). Trees in con-
mediate implementation period was found (data not shown). struction zones had 4.1% greater mortality (p = 0.004) during the

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Table 6 Table 8
Comparison of four independent variables and coefficients on tree condition Final modela and logistic regression results of street tree survival between 2005
from three multiple regression models over three-time periods that varied in and 2018 for trees subjected to construction activities before 2018 or trees
implementation of a tree preservation program: 1979 to 1989 (limited im- outside of construction zones. Data was collected from a Milwaukee, WI, USA
plementation period), 1989 to 2005 (intermediate implementation period), inventory and construction data sets spanning from 2005 to 2017 – a time
2005 to 2018 (full implementation period) in Milwaukee, WI, USA. frame that occurred during a highly developed city-wide tree preservation
program. (n = 824).
Independent Variable (unit) 1979 to 1989 1989 to 2005 2005 to 2018
Variable Coefficient Standard P value Odds 95% CI 95%
Lawn Width1 (cm) 0.011 0.007 0.014 Error Ratio Lower CI
Construction2 (0 = no, 1 = yes) −5.723 ns4 ns4 Lower
Past Tree Condition3 (%) 0.44 0.17 0.33
Past Tree Diameter3 (cm) −0.075 −0.104 −0.097 (Intercept) −7.423 1.153 < 0.0001 0.001 0.00005 0.005
Model Summary LawnWidth18 0.008 0.003 0.0021 1.008 1.003 1.013
Sample Size (n) 670 762 701 TreeCond05 0.066 0.008 < 0.0001 1.068 1.053 1.085
Adjusted R2 0.20 0.03 0.10 Basswood05 2.879 1.037 0.0055 17.81 2.541 170.6
Model Significance (p-value) < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 GreenAsh05 4.480 0.934 < 0.0001 88.26 15.16 704.1
Honeylocust05 4.131 0.943 < 0.0001 62.24 10.49 503.9
Measurement taken at the start of a measurement period. LLeafLinden05 2.631 0.937 0.0050 13.89 2.364 111.1
Measurement taken during a measurement period. NorwayMaple05 2.996 0.895 0.0008 20.00 3.692 150.5
Measurement taken at the end of a measurement period. SilverMaple05 2.033 1.041 0.0507 7.640 1.054 71.89
ns = Not significant. WhiteAsh05 3.425 1.005 0.0007 30.72 4.616 275.1

Tree survival in the absence or presence of adjacent road construction
Table 7 activities was modeled using multiple logistic regression. Positive coefficients
Full modela and logistic regression results of street tree survival between 2005 indicate an increased likelihood of survival (S). Negative coefficients indicate
and 2018 for trees subjected to construction activities before 2018 or trees an increased likelihood of death (D). For example, a Fraxinus pennsylvanica
outside of construction zones. Data was collected from a Milwaukee, WI, USA (species green ash = 1) is 88 times more likely to have survived this period than
inventory and construction data sets spanning from 2005 to 2017 – a time an Acer saccharum (sugar maple base level). Additionally, for each percentage
frame that occurred during a highly developed city-wide tree preservation increase of tree condition at the start of this time period in 2005, a tree is 1.068
program. (n = 824). times more likely to survive. AIC: 674.02
Variable Coefficient Standard P value Odds 95% CI 95% CI
Error Ratio Lower Lower was the greatest in the limited development program (1.24 cm) and
decreased to intermediate implementation period (1.12 cm) and full
(Intercept) −7.289 1.184 < 0.0001 0.001 0.0001 0.0064
Construction18 −0.066 0.267 0.8060 0.937 0.560 1.600 implementation period (0.84 cm). No difference (data not shown) was
LawnWidth18 0.008 0.003 0.0018 1.008 1.003 1.014 found in annual basal area increment for all three periods when con-
TreeCond05 0.066 0.008 < 0.0001 1.068 1.053 1.085 trolling for other factors (e.g., tree lawn width, past DBH, species, past
TreeDiam05 −0.013 0.018 0.4726 0.987 0.953 1.022 tree condition, data not shown). Mean annual basal area increment was
Basswood05 2.960 1.044 0.0046 19.30 2.720 186.8
GreenAsh05 4.523 0.938 < 0.0001 92.15 15.68 740.7
4.36 cm2, 5.82 cm2, and 5.72 cm2 for the limited, intermediate, and full
Honeylocust05 4.166 0.947 < 0.0001 64.43 10.78 524.9 implementation periods respectively per tree. Even though annual stem
LLeafLinden05 2.668 0.941 0.0046 14.42 2.433 116.2 diameter growth increment declined over time, the annual basal area
NorwayMaple05 3.026 0.901 0.0008 20.62 3.765 156.5 increment was greatest and constant in the two most recent time per-
SilverMaple05 2.238 1.081 0.0383 9.380 1.195 94.21
iods. Finally, the mean tree diameters increased over time (Fig. 6).
WhiteAsh05 3.480 1.011 0.0006 32.47 4.825 293.9

Tree survival in the absence or presence of adjacent road construction 4. Discussion
activities was modeled using multiple logistic regression. Positive coefficients
indicate an increased likelihood of survival (S). Negative coefficients indicate The study of construction impacts on street trees in Milwaukee
an increased likelihood of death (D). For example, a Fraxinus pennsylvanica
demonstrates how policy, management, and sustained monitoring fos-
(Species green ash = 1) is 92 times more likely to have survived this period
tered increased retention of trees and tree condition (City of
than an Acer saccharum (sugar maple base level). Additionally, for each per-
Milwaukee, 1996; Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser et al., 2013; Ottman et al.,
centage increase of tree condition at the start of this time period in 2005, a tree
is 1.068 times more likely to survive. AIC: 677.45 1996). The trees and construction program was initiated after hundreds
of trees with damaged roots from construction toppled after a wind-
limited implementation period (Koeser et al., 2013). Odds ratios were storm. Baseline tree data was collected before the program started and
calculated to show an effect of site and tree attributes (Tables 7 and 8; through three subsequent periods as the program evolved. The time-
Figs. 3 and 4). Trees with a higher tree condition were more likely to frame of this study also led to a more reasoned understanding of trees
survive construction. Odds of trees survival increases as tree lawn width and a program designed to reduce the impacts of construction on street
increases. Green ash, honey locust, and white ash had respectively an trees. Evaluation of a measurement period, without consideration of
88, 62, and 31 times greater odds of survival than sugar maple in the other measurement periods and management actions, will likely lead to
full implementation period. incorrect or incomplete conclusions.

4.1. Species, condition, survival, and growth

3.3. Tree growth
In this study, we investigated if trees in construction zones have
No difference (p = 0.129) in annual growth rate in DBH was found, similar growth, survival, and condition to trees outside of these areas.
when controlling for other factors (e.g., tree lawn width, past DBH, We also asked if other site and tree parameters predicted the overall
species, past tree condition), between control and construction trees for tree growth, survival, and condition of street trees. This question is
the full implementation period (Fig. 5). No difference was also detected important as approximately 6000 street trees (200,000 street tree po-
with the annual growth increment for surviving construction and con- pulation) in Milwaukee could annually be affected by construction and
trol trees in the intermediate implementation period (p = 0.62) and potentially damaged without a tree preservation program since con-
limited implementation period (p = 0.55). Annual DBH growth rate struction on average occurs once every 33 years at a location (Hauer

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Fig. 3. Effects of tree condition measured at the start of a study period on the odds of tree survival during three-time periods in Milwaukee, WI USA: 1979 to 1989 a
limited implementation period, 1989 to 2005 an intermediate implementation period, and 2005 to 2018 a full implementation period for tree preservation.

Fig. 4. Effects of tree lawn width on the odds of tree survival during three-time periods in Milwaukee, WI USA: in 1979 to 1989 a limited implementation period,
1989 to 2005 an intermediate implementation period, and 2005 to 2018 a full implementation period for tree preservation.

et al., 1994). We found no difference in survival and growth between susceptible to tree decline and will also reduce the financial value of the
trees in construction zones or trees outside these areas during the full tree population value as prescribed in the CTLA methodology (Council
implementation period, suggesting the current trees and construction of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, 2000; Miller et al., 2015). Thus, the
program in Milwaukee is effective at protecting trees. An initial 1989 current street trees and construction program has diminished potential
study by Hauer et al. (1994) found that trees associated with con- effects with no difference between trees in construction zones and
struction had lower survivability and reduced tree condition. A sub- control trees not associated with construction. Protection of trees pre-
sequent follow-up study in 2005 found a tree preservation program in vents mortality, maintains tree health, and should lead to greater eco-
an intermediate stage of development resulted in a reduced effect of system services and street tree value (Miller et al., 2015).
construction on tree survival and tree condition that was approximately The study also found the survival of commonly grown tree species
half the impact as discovered in 1989 (Hauer, 2009; Koeser et al., varied. Koeser et al. (2013) found sugar maple trees had the highest
2013). Hauer et al. (1994) found that approximately 350 street trees mortality of the species studied and were six times less likely to survive
died prematurely from construction and another 5650 trees experi- than American elm (Ulmus americana L.). In this same Milwaukee study,
enced a 5.7% (0 to 100% scale) reduction in tree condition in Mil- silver maple and honeylocust performed best with 14-times greater
waukee. Decreased tree condition (e.g., tree health) makes trees more odds of survival compared to American elm from 1989 to 2005.

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Fig. 5. Mean per tree growth (annual stem diameter

increment and annual basal area increment at
1.37 m) during three-time periods in Milwaukee, WI
USA: 1979 to 1989 a limited implementation period,
1989 to 2005 an intermediate implementation
period, and 2005 to 2018 a full developed program
period for tree preservation (bars are standard error;
n = 670, 762, 701 respectively for 1979 to 1989,
1989 to 2005, and 2005 to 2018).

Similarly, green ash and white ash tree were 6-times more likely to tolerance to construction and with decision making for trees to retain in
survive than American elm during this same time period (Koeser et al., a construction zone.
2013). Given these findings, we used sugar maple as a baseline when This study also documents the growth of trees over an extended
comparing species in this study. Results from species tolerance to street time. Our study found the annual stem diameter increment declined
tree settings are important for future planting and retention decisions. over time from 1.24 to 0.84 cm per year and the mean DBH increasing
Sugar maple performs poorly, or at least the genetic source historically over the study time period (Koeser et al., 2013). The current growth
planted in Milwaukee performs poorly as a street tree. Despite con- rate is like the 0.83 cm annual DBH growth rate in Baltimore, MD USA
firmation of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (emerald ash borer; EAB) in (Nowak, Kuroda, & Crane, 2004). Rather than a linear increase in tree
Milwaukee in 2012, ash survived at higher rates than the baseline size, basal area or basal area increment provides another way to
species from their site tolerance. The observed survival and growth monitor tree growth. North et al. (2017) used basal area increment to
rates support the current plan to protect existing ash species and tree assess the effects of site conditions and construction on trees and found
canopy through chemical control of EAB (Krouse, 2010; Sivyer, 2010; trees subjected to construction had a reduced basal area increment. We
VanNatta, Hauer, & Schuettpelz, 2012). found construction had no effect on basal area increment rather it has
The current condition of trees is an important predictor for future remained constant over the past three decades. These periods also
survival and tree health. This finding is consistent with Manion (1991) correspond to the intermediate and full implementation periods and an
and Clark and Matheny (1991) who presented models that explain important historical foundation for the current findings. However, only
factors associated with tree declines and death. Abiotic factors such as trees that survived between measurement periods were included in the
moisture stress, compacted soils, construction, and biotic organisms analysis and construction did result in increased tree mortality in the
may predispose a tree to reduced health and premature mortality. The limited and intermediate program periods. Thus, biomass would be
age or size of a tree is also a factor with young or smaller trees less lower for trees in construction zones in the initial two study periods, but
prone for predisposing factors than older or larger trees (Francis, likely not today since no difference was found in tree survival.
Parresol, & de Patino, 1996; Koeser et al., 2013). We found DBH had a
negative relationship with present tree condition on average. This effect 4.2. Historical foundation
became more pronounced in future measurement periods, presumably a
function of larger trees more recently (2018) than in the past (1989). The history of site and tree management efforts of the city were im-
This effect was also found in 2005 with tree mortality being nearly nine portant factors that contributed to the success of this long-term study. In
times greater for a 100 cm (~40 in) DBH tree than a comparison 25 cm response to Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Melin &
(~10 in) DBH tree (Koeser et al., 2013). Nannf.), the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Past tree condition was also an important predictor of future tree sponsored numerous urban forestry demonstration projects in the late
condition and was consistent through all time periods. For trees in fair 1970s and early 1980s including a pilot tree inventory in Milwaukee in
or poor condition, the importance of avoiding disturbances is more 1979 (Hauer, Casey-Widstrand, & Miller, 2008; Hauer & Johnson, 2008;
important to promote tree survival (Clark & Matheny, 1991). An odds Miller & Schuman, 1981; Miller & Sylvester, 1979). The initial baseline
ratios analysis for tree condition provides a useful way to make man- inventory from 1979 laid the foundation to test the effects of construc-
agement recommendations when tree health (tree condition) is con- tion. Municipal records on construction projects by the City of Milwaukee
sidered for tree retention in construction zones. We used a 50% con- were critical to assign trees to control groups or a tree cohort associated
dition rating (fair) tree as a comparison for the odds ratios of tree with construction (Hauer et al., 1994; Miller & Sylvester, 1979).
survival since a tree of that condition would likely be one an urban Prior to the implementation of its preservation program, the City of
forest manager would consider for removal and replacement (Bond, Milwaukee was losing urban forest value and incurring greater man-
2010; Miller et al., 2015). A tree with a 70% (good) condition would be agement costs associated with construction-related tree removals. An
nearly three times more likely to survive. A 90% (excellent) rated tree estimated reduction of $792,000 (1990 real USD) in urban forest value
would be over eight times more likely to survive compared to the 50% from construction-induced- mortality (4.1%) and lower tree condition
rated tree (Fig. 3). Thus, condition rating can be used as a predictor of (5.7%) was a significant outcome of the limited implementation period

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

Fig. 6. Change in tree diameter distribution in Milwaukee, WI USA, 1979 to 2018. Data from 1979, 1989, and 2005 adapted from Koeser et al. (2013).

(Hauer et al., 1994; Miller & Hauer, 1995). Adjusted for inflation 1996). Through a combination of methods to minimize tree damage
(Consumer Price Index), the 1990 impact would be $1.5 million in through alternative construction practices, modification of construction
2018. Results from that study supported the implementation of a tree equipment, fines, preconstruction meetings, and monitoring during
preservation program (City of Milwaukee, 1996; Ottman et al., 1996). construction, the program has reduced above and belowground damage
The tree preservation program costs approximately $235,000 annually to street trees and improved their long-term health and survival
in 2018, thus the program produces an estimated 6.4 benefit to cost (Esposito, 2005; Ottman et al., 1996; Urbain, 2004). No one solution
ratio (B/C) for the associated costs for pre-construction tree pruning fits all situations and all street and sidewalk construction plans must
(equipment clearance) and two full-time staff foresters (salary, fringe comply with applicable local, state, and national standards for acces-
benefits, and overhead costs) to implement the program. The benefit sibility (Costello et al., 2000; Dodge & Geiger, 2003; Fite & Smiley,
from the estimated retained urban forest value ($1.5 million) would be 2016; Seattle Department of Transportation, 2015). Understanding the
lost if construction practices in the early 1980s continued today. For tolerance of tree species to a given construction situation is also im-
decision-makers, the program produces at least six dollars for every portant when making retention or removal decisions (Koeser et al.,
dollar invested. This nearly 40-year story demonstrates how science and 2013).
policy, when implemented through urban forestry management activ-
ities, can result in a healthier and longer-lived tree population with an 4.3. Growing space and tree size
economically favorable outcome.
The City of Milwaukee implemented a program to prevent con- In this study, tree lawn width consistently and significantly pre-
struction damage to street trees several decades ago (City of Milwaukee, dicted tree survival over three different measurement periods. The

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

width of a tree lawn was positively related to tree condition. The result systems, the involvement of a qualified arborist was the least likely
is consistent with several studies that also found a positive relationship activity to occur during construction practices in wooded lots. The
with the distance between the curb and sidewalk (tree lawn width) and perception, knowledge, and importance of tree preservation approaches
tree growth, condition, and survival (Hauer et al., 1994; Koeser et al., by construction practitioners in street tree settings is not known, or at
2013; North et al., 2017; Scholz, Uzomah, & Al-Faraj, 2016). The least not found by the authors of this paper. Working with contractors
probability of tree survival through an odds ratios analysis provides a to develop modifications to construction practices was an important
way to comparatively assess management situations. Odds ratios from part of the tree preservation program now in place and led to reducing
the logistic regression analysis found a tree grown in a 3 m (10 foot) damage to tree root systems (Esposito, 2005; Ottman et al., 1996;
wide tree lawn was approximately 2.5 times more likely to survive than Urbain, 2004). Further, inspection and enforcement of tree preservation
a tree grown in a smaller 0.6 m (2 foot) wide tree lawn (Fig. 4). The requirements and fining those responsible for tree damage at a rate of
findings from our study were not surprising and consistent with $40 per cm of DBH ($100 per inch) is an effective part of the program to
Berrang, Karnosky, and Stanton (1985) who found trees growing in reduce contractor damage to tree stems, canopies, and root systems.
larger tree lawns had a greater tree condition in New York City, USA. The current study also shows the importance of long-term urban
Tree growth was greater in larger tree lawns in Minneapolis/Saint Paul, forestry research. The development and continuation of long-term re-
MN USA (North et al., 2017). The larger the tree lawn or distance away search studies in urban forests provide a mechanism to monitor change
from infrastructure the lower the risk of damaging tree stems, roots, and or lack thereof and the potential to develop policy and test management
scaffold branches during construction and likewise the infrastructure actions for an effect on trees (Driscoll et al., 2012). Long-term studies in
itself (Hauer et al., 1994; Scholz et al., 2016). urban forestry are uncommon but important to depict longitudinal
Maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5–2 m from a tree trunk at change and contributions of trees and associated vegetation through air
maturity to the edge of a sidewalk or curbs/street is one solution as pollution abatement, water quality improvement, energy conservation,
found in a temperate climate to decrease damage to the hardscape public health contributions, and other societal services (Bodnaruk et al.,
(Hauer et al., 1994; Johnson & North, 2016; Miller, 1994; North et al., 2017; Ko, Jun-Hak, McPherson, & Roman, 2015; Nowak et al., 2008;
2017; Scholz et al., 2016). This distance corresponds to the zone of Pataki et al., 2011; Roman, McPherson, Scharenbroch, & Bartens,
rapid taper for several temperate North American tree species (Perry, 2013).
1992). Halwatura, Jayawardena, and Somarathna (2013) found in
some tropical species that 4–11 m from the tree trunk might be needed 4.5. Study limitations
to avoid damage to buildings. Francis et al. (1996) also suggested
spacing large tropical trees at least 5 m or more away from structures to Tree condition is commonly evaluated visually, and a limitation is
avoid infrastructure damage. Buttress roots of tropical trees were cited internal wood conditions and below-ground root systems that were not
as a reason for these greater minimum spacing dimensions. Thus, de- evaluated in this study may affect tree health (Bond, 2010). This visual
signing tree planting locations to avoid damage to infrastructure varies assessment is adequate for most situations and routinely used in urban
by species, soils, and climate. This is more easily done when tree lawns tree assessments (Klein, Koeser, Hauer, Hansen, & Escobedo, 2019).
are first created. Retrofitting existing planting locations by arcing Visual observations or the scope of work may necessitate a more ad-
sidewalks around planting trees is an additional option (Ottman et al., vanced assessment of internal wood condition and below ground ob-
1996; Seattle Department of Transportation, 2015; Urban, 2008). servations. In this study, the time-consuming nature of more advanced
Findings from this study can also be used to prevent damage to trees assessment was deemed not important and any root system or internal
in non-street tree development areas. As remediation of construction conditions not observed were likely a source of error associated with
damage can be challenging and costly, BMPs for trees and construction both control and construction trees. Tree condition was evaluated by a
typically give guidelines for restricting the damage to tree stems and different person during each measurement period and inter-rater re-
branches, twigs and foliage, and root damage within a defined Tree liability is not known. Thus, potential differences in evaluator bias are
Protection Zone (TPZ). The TPZ varies given the standard used but possible and any potential source is not known. This study also used the
ultimately considers tree size and root area needed to sustain long-term CTLA tree condition evaluation system which uses both tree health and
growth. While protecting as large an area as possible is always ideal tree structure to develop a tree condition rating and the terms used in
from a tree health perspective, development constraints necessitate the this system may vary from other tree rating systems (e.g., ISA Tree Risk
definition of a critical root zone (CRZ) – the minimal root area that must Assessment Qualification rating system). The effects of construction on
be protected to avoid damage to the tree (Smiley & Fite, 2016). The CRZ tree health were one of several factors that affect tree survival, condi-
minimum distance of 6 to 18x DBH to restrict construction activities tion, and growth in this study. The avoidance of past construction
depends on a tree species susceptibility to construction (Smiley & Fite, practices has decreased the impact on annual tree mortality and tree
2016). Tree preservation BMP’s, standards, plans, and policies provide a condition which explained about 10% of the variability when com-
means to avoid tree damage and negate the potential effects of con- paring the model R2 statistic from 1989 and in 2018. Other factors not
struction (Miller et al., 2015). studied such as soil moisture content, soil bulk density, soil texture, soil
volume, tree genotypes, insects, pathogens, and cultural practices
4.4. Policy and ordinance would also likely increase model explanation of tree survival, condition,
and growth. The study sites were randomly selected within the City of
The development of regulatory and governance mechanisms Milwaukee and believed to be reflective of the street tree population,
through law, policies, ordinances, standards, and fines for non-com- nonetheless, we cannot say with 100% certainty this sample represents
pliance to follow required specifications should be part of construction all street trees.
projects (Fite & Smiley, 2016; Matheny & Clark, 1998; Miller et al.,
2015). Along with specifying what needs to be done through written 5. Conclusions
specifications, understanding contractor knowledge, and perceptions of
construction near trees is vital to tree preservation programs (Despot & This study suggests you can have construction and protect trees too.
Gerhold, 2003; O’Herrin et al., 2016). Contractor knowledge of correct Given the nearly 40-year period and implementation of management
practices of construction near trees has increased over the past several actions to reduce the effects of construction on trees, we conclude that a
decades in a regional study of builders in nearby Central Wisconsin, tree preservation program can successfully be implemented to promote
USA (O’Herrin et al., 2016). However, even though contractors gen- survival and maintain the condition of street trees in a construction
erally understand the importance of avoiding damage to tree root zone. A street tree preservation program can be economically

R.J. Hauer, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 193 (2020) 103670

advantageous compared to no program with a B/C > 6 in the Acknowledgements

Milwaukee program. A construction damage prevention program or an
often similarly labeled tree preservation program requires a well- The authors thank anonymous reviewers for their suggestions with
thought-out process that involves all parties from the design and en- the improvement of this paper. We thank the assistance of Jeff
gineering stages that include trees, monitoring and enforcement from Laufenberg (Urban Forestry Manager) and Kurt Klemstein (Urban
initial through the final stages of construction, and potentially follow- Forestry Crew Leader) for their logistical assistance with locating re-
up arboricultural treatments. This study demonstrates how the ob- cords and data collection. We are also grateful for the financial support
servation of a problem (e.g., tree construction and declines in tree from the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Grant from the
condition and survival) and implementation of management actions University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) Office of Research and
through a tree preservation program led to a healthier and longer-lived Sponsored Projects. We also thank the UWSP College of Natural
tree population associated with the repair of streets, sidewalks, curbs, Resources for Financial Support and sponsorship with the publication of
and other infrastructure. This would likely not occur without actions this paper. Finally, we sincerely thank the TREE Fund, Wisconsin
taken to reduce the effects of construction on trees. Communities can Arborist Association, USDA – Forest Service, and the USDA McIntire-
use findings from this study and program approaches to foster healthier Stennis Program for funding that was crucial for prior research asso-
and more sustained street tree populations. ciated with this project and was vital to this current effort.


Table A-1
Variables used in this study, the definition of the variable, and the measurement unit.
Variable Definition for Tree Measurement Unit

Construction89 Indicator that records if construction occurred between 1981 and 1985 Binary
Construction05 Indicator that records if construction occurred between 1990 and 2004 Binary
Construction18 Indicator that records if construction occurred between 2005 and 2017 Binary
LawnWidth89 Distance between curb and sidewalk measured in 1989 cm
LawnWidth05 Distance between curb and sidewalk measured in 2005 cm
LawnWidth18 Distance between curb and sidewalk measured in 2018 cm
TreeCond79 Overall condition of tree measured in 1979 %
TreeCond89 Overall condition of tree measured in 1989 %
TreeCond05 Overall condition of tree measured in 2005 %
TreeCond18 Overall condition of tree measured in 2018 %
TreeDiam79 Stem diameter measured at @ 1.37 m above the ground in 1979 cm
TreeDiam89 Stem diameter measured at @ 1.37 m above the ground in 1989 cm
TreeDiam05 Stem diameter measured at @ 1.37 m above the ground in 2005 cm
TreeDiam18 Stem diameter measured at @ 1.37 m above the ground in 2018 cm

Tree Species1 Definition of Measured Tree Species Unit

AmericanElmYY Indicator that American elm was present in 1979 or 1989 Binary
BasswoodYY Indicator that American basswood was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
GreenAshYY Indicator that green ash was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
HoneylocustYY Indicator that honeylocust was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
LLeafLindenYY Indicator that little leaf linden was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
NorwayMapleYY Indicator that Norway maple was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
SilverMapleYY Indicator that silver maple was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
SugarMapleYY Indicator that sugar maple was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary
WhiteAshYY Indicator that white ash was present in 1979, 1989, or 2005 Binary

The two digit code (YY) following the tree species in this study coincides with the measurement period: 79 = 1979, 89 = 1989,
05 = 2005, and 18 = 2018 (e.g., AmericanElm79 means this species was present in 1979 at the measured tree location).

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