Skills Audit 2

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Skill Personal Strategy to Close Gap

Rating (1-5)

 Technical
Marketing & Promotion 5 N/A
Microsoft Office 4 Keep using Microsoft office
when working to ensure that I
keep up to date with how to use
all the features.
Strategic Planning 4 Continue to make sure I am
planning in the most efficient
way rather than the easiest way.
Negotiation Skills 1 I am an introverted person so I
sometimes struggle with making
points that others might not like,
so to improve my negotiation
skills I will have to think of
what's best for me or whom I'm
representing over others. I need
to put myself in situations where
I will need to negotiate to give
myself more practice.
Understanding of industry 3 Go to more industry events and
read reports and music news to
keep up to date with what’s
happening in the industry.
Enthusiasm for emerging artists 5 N/A
Flexible to working across time 5 N/A
Public relations skills 4 Continue to put myself in
situations where public relations
skills are necessary.
Networking 2 Go to more networking events.
Make a list of industry contacts
that I can talk to if I need help or
information about a certain
Social media skills 5 N/A
Press releases 4 Create new press releases
frequently and research ways to
make press releases more
Financial skills 4 Keep practising working with
finances efficiently by creating
budgets and spreadsheets.

 Behavioural
Communication skills 4 Be clear when talking to others
and make sure they have my full
attention when in a discussion.
Time Management 5 N/A
Teamwork 3 Listen to others and ensure that
I am always having an input on
decisions being made.
Listening Skills 5 N/A
Problem solving 4 Make sure that I have
confidence in what I am doing
and encourage myself to come
up with solutions to problems
that arise.
Organisational skills 4 Continue to keep all documents
organised and creating plans to
ensure that I always have the
information needed to hand.
Motivation 4 Make sure I am always enjoying
what I am doing to ensure that I
always feel motivated. Set goals
to reach to keep motivation
levels high.
Critical thinking 3 Use critical thinking throughout
all classes so ensure that I am
always thinking in a critical way.
Decision making 4 Take on more responsibility with
making decisions. Make sure I
am not passing the decision
making onto other people.
Working under pressure 4 Try and stay calm and ensure I
have all knowledge needed to
help keep stress levels low.
Self-management 5 N/A


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