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Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


Transportation is an essential aspect in our life, it is important like food, water, it is impacting our daily
lives, but needs to be managed by intelligent systems, one day in the future, it will be managed totally by
things not humans, in order to enhance safety, we need to start and improve the V2V and Vehicle-To-
Infrastructure “V2I” technologies.

Fig 1:Shows Visual Representation of V2V Communication.

Using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, a vehicle can detect the position and movement of other
vehicles up to a quarter of a kilometer away. In a real world where vehicles are equipped with a simple
antenna, a computer chip and GPS (Global Positioning System) Technology, your car will know where
the other vehicles are, additionally other vehicles will Know where you are too whether it is in blind spots,
stopped ahead on the highway but hidden from view, around a blind corner or blocked by other
vehicles.The vehicles can anticipate and react to changing driving situations and then instantly warn the
drivers with emergency warning messages. If the driver doesn’t respond to the alerts message, the vehicle
can bring itself to a safe stop, avoiding a collision.

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


The main objective is to exchange some crucial real time data between the vehicles using DSRC
(Dedicated Short Range Communication). Here, we are using infrared communication to achieve collision
avoidance on emergency breaking and a low power wireless transceiver to provide 360 degree information

Dedicated Short-Range Communication is the most reliable communication model in Vehicle To Vehicle
to supply wireless communications features for ITS programs within a 1 KM range at standard speeds of
the highway.

Fig 2: describes the high level of the V2V communication on Road.

The communication will be through the WIFI communication between nodes to simulate the real-life
events. WIFI and GPS based vehicle location and tracking system will provide effective, real time vehicle
location, mapping and reporting this information value and add by improving the level of service provided.
A GPS-based vehicle tracking system will inform where your vehicle is and where it has been, how long
it has been. The system uses geographic position and time information from the Global Positioning
Satellites. Dedicated Short-Range Communication has become evolved with a major goal of authorizing

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22

technology that assists programs for communication and safety between cars and infrastructure to reduce
collisions. DSRC-based devices can be installed directly in vehicles when originally manufactured, after
initial manufacture via an “aftermarket” installation, or could potentially be carried into vehicles by drivers
in the form of a handheld device (and perhaps eventually, even as a function on a smartphone).

Fig 3 : Shows the hardware components installed in the cars

The Components required for v2v system operation are V2V communication system requires components
located in vehicles and along roadways to enable complete system operation. For a V2V system, this
includes both the vehicle based components and road side equipment (RSE) units to provide security
updates and communication to the security management system. A V2I system would expand capabilities
by embedding additional RSEs, potentially, in traffic signals, signs, and other infrastructure-related
components. The following sections provide details on vehicle and non-vehicle based components. At a
minimum, V2V devices would require two DSRC radios120 and a GPS receiver with a processor to derive

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22

information such as vehicle speed and predicted path from the device’s GPS data. To improve the quality
of the data that vehicle-based components could use to issue warnings, an inertial measurement unit to
detect acceleration forces would be needed. In addition, a driver-vehicle interface would be essential for
issuing warnings to the driver. Such warnings could be audial or visual (with the corresponding required
hardware), or, for devices fully integrated into the vehicle at the time of manufacture (i.e., vehicles with
Integrated Safety Systems), the warnings could potentially be haptic warnings (e.g., tightening of the seat
belt, vibrating the driver’s seat). NHTSA also foresees the potential for V2V safety systems to be
integrated into an existing electronic control unit(s) during large-scale production of vehicles equipped
with these systems. Figure V-1 illustrates the vehiclebased components needed for an integrated V2V
system that uses integrated vehicle devices. (A V2V system with ASDs would only differ in its lack of
connection to the vehicle’s internal communications network.)

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


Fig 4: Shows Block diagram

In this project we are designing the vehicle to vehicle communication for safety on road. The vehicles
which are communicate with each other using different parameters like IR sensors and advance technology
like wifi or Zigbee and much more things. Basically wireless communication which controlling and
actuating parts should requires more accuracy for the better results.The main feature of this project is
arduino ATMEGA328 which perform the main
function of the controlling part in this project. The consolation which gives a better solutioncontrolling
the vehicle. The vision of the project which is totally depends on this controlling parts and their accuracy.
When the IR receiver module gets the IR signal from the transmitter then trough receiver module the
arduino functions the particular operation of relay operation and transmit the signal to actuate the actuator
in a specific time.

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


Fig 5: illustrate the work flow of V2V and V2I communication.

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


V2V communication based safety applications Information is transmitted between vehicles

Enables vehicles to know where the vehicles in its vicinity are and what they are doing Applications
include :
 Forward Collision Warning
 Emergency Electronic Brake Light
 Blind Spot/Lane Change Warning
 Intersection Movement Assist
 Do Not Pass Warning
 Control Loss Warning

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22



2.1.1 MERITS:

 Speeds up the adoption of usage-based insurance: As more and more vehicles come equipped
with this technology it will lead to drivers getting more usage-based insurance policies, eliminating
costly and unnecessary plans and features. This leads to more affordable insurance available to
more drivers, something that has often been an issue with so many uninsured drivers out on the
roads. It’s also likely that auto insurance companies would offer substantial discounts to drivers
whose vehicles are equipped with V2V communication capabilities.
 Reduce the Number of Accidents On the Road: The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration has said that by putting V2V communication in cars, the technology can help either
completely avoid or mitigate anywhere up to 70% to 80% of vehicle crashes involving unimpaired
drivers. The technology currently only includes information about safety but not anything
involving exchanging or recording personal information or tracking vehicle movements, it also
does not currently identify the parties involved. Obviously this is one of the largest pros to using
the technology, as a drastic reduction in car accidents will save a lot of lives and money.
 Heavy Traffic and Congestion: Another benefit of this shared communication system in cars is
the constant lines of communication allowing drivers to avoid high traffic and congestion. The
hope is that V2V communication would allow drivers to better navigate streets and detours
together and in turn reduce time spent sitting in traffic and better control the flow of traffic as well
both on highways and side streets.

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


 Still Too New: As with most budding technology, it’s still in more of a developmental and testing
stage as opposed to being widely commercially accessible. This means that most cars are
unequipped with fully functioning V2V communication capabilities, rendering the bigger benefits
and advantages a bit ineffective. Until the technology is more available it is likely not worth the
high cost of a vehicle equipped with it.
 Distracting to Drivers: The thought of a fully integrated driving experienced that is customized
to the driver is an enticing one but it could also result in more distractions while driving. The
process of actually communicating with another vehicle is being fine-tuned but would likely be
similar to talking on the phone or texting while driving, two of the most distracting things a driver
can do. Until the communication process is hammered out and hands-free it is likely another added
distraction behind the wheel.
 Privacy Issues: One area consumers are already uncertain about is their privacy and they’ve
already begun expressing concerns that an integrated driving experience can lead to authorities
tracking your movements and speed. Storing all of this information in a cloud server could also
lead to security concerns regarding identity theft and private driver information.

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


In USA, new rules and regulations will be applied toensure the implementation of the V2V
technology as amandatory requirement which will contribute positively inenhancing the traffic
management and the number of accidents.Also, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
anticipates that providing a full integrated ITS solution willdecrease the accidents rate up to 81
percent .

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


This project proposes a Vehicular Collision Warning Communication protocol to improve road safety. In
particular, it defines congestion control policies for emergency warning messages so that a low emergency
warning message delivery delay can be achieved and a large number of co-existing abnormal vehicles can
be supported. It also introduces a method to eliminate redundant emergency warning messages, exploiting
the natural chain effect of emergency events

Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22


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Vehicle to vehicle communication technology 2021-22

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