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The pandemic's effects on learning among young kids are seen in the distinct shifts in the

development of foundational reading abilities over the course of the past year. Everything is altered by
pandemics, but education is particularly affected. Every student's capacity to comprehend the lesson
and correctly spell a given word deteriorated. When a learner actively participates in the learning
process rather than passively receiving knowledge, learning becomes more effective.

Teachers in classroom settings ensure that the teaching methods employed for each subject are
adequate so that the students can understand the lesson being delivered and retain it for a long time.
Learning modalities are changing as part of the modern teaching and learning method in order to
accommodate the present environment. As a student intern, the researchers saw issues with poor
spelling ability among pupils. The researchers find it distressing that pupils are underperforming in class
because of their inability to spell a specific word. It is important to me as a student intern to encourage
students to actively participate in class discussions and activities because doing so will help them do
better in class and develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared for life's problems in the

According to some researchers, spelling is more than simply learning how to spell words
correctly; it also has something to do with how well you can read and write. The spelling requirements
depend on the skills they are acquiring. If the kids are learning to write, all they need are the basic
reading and editing abilities. The learner is influenced by spelling. Spelling promotes literacy and
reading. The development of reading skills from spelling skills is closely related. Spelling is a crucial
component of students' literacy development, so it is important to observe this through pedagogical
lenses. (Fern & Farnan, 2001).

Many teachers would concur that each student learns best in a unique style that is tailored to
their unique temperaments. Games thus serve as a useful addition to help pupils improve their spelling

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