p7 SST and Re

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1. Mention any one place where a wind sock is found

2. State any one way in which forests improve people’s health.
3. Name the political party that led Kenya to independence.
4. What was the great trek?
5. Mention any one way through which poverty can be reduced in your community.
6. How is Lake Victoria and Lake Chad similar in terms of formation?
7. What moral lessons do we learn from the legend of the spear and the bead?
8. Name any one common market in which Uganda is a member.
9. Name the part on the Stevenson Screen which helps in the circulation of air.
10. What term is used to refer to the steady increase in the number of people in an area?
11. What time is it at town X which is located 45 0 east, if it is 6:00 AM at Greenwich?
12. In which way was Semei Kakungulu helpful to the British in Uganda?
13. How is pyrethrum useful to rural farmers?
14. Mention one factor that makes lumbering to be done in Democratic Republic of Congo.
15. Give the meaning of the term, “vegetation”.
16. Give any one reason why it was necessary for the East African countries to revive the East
African Community.
17. Which ministry is responsible for building and maintaining roads in Uganda?
18. Why did Germany lose Tanganyika as her colony?
19. How many countries make up the current East African Community?
20. Give any one importance of coral reefs.
21. Which problem was faced by the Kenya-Uganda railway builders in Tsavo?
22. Name the national game park in Uganda which is known for crocodiles.
23. State any one example of primary industries.
24. Name the tree grown for the production of tannin.
25. How is a national identity card useful to a citizen of Uganda?
26. Name one human activity that positively affects the climate of an area.
27. State any one way in which the missionaries contributed to development of African countries.
28. Which type of leaders come to power through elections?
29. Why is land considered to be the most important natural resource?
30. State any one modern means of communication.
31. Why is it not good to settle on the slopes of active volcanic mountains
32. Name the railway line that connects Zambia to the East African coast.
33. Name the group of foreigners who built Fort Jesus at Mombasa.
34. State any one advantage of having many foreign tourists in a country.
35. Name the arm of the Great East African Rift Valley that passes through Kenya and Tanzania.
36. How to plantation farms contribute to the development of the areas where they are located?

From questions 37 to 40, answer either Christianity or Islam, but not both.

37. Either: Give the reason why Christians close their eyes when praying.
Or: Give a reason why muslims perform wudhu?

38. Either: Where did Jesus perform the miracle of calming the storm?
Or: State any one miracle performed by Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H).

39. Either: Why did God choose Aaron to go with Moses to Egypt?

40. Either: Who was Musa’s father?

Or: State any two of the human rights.


41. What is a government?

a) Name the people that head the following organs of a democratic government.
i) Legislature
ii) Judiciary
iii) Executive

42. Match the personalities below to their contributions to the East African Community.

i) Peter Mutuku Mathuki – Current speaker of EALA

ii) Joseph Ntakirutimana - Current secretary general of the E.A.C
iii) Evariste Ndayishimiye – Led D.R.C to join the E.A.C
iv) Felix Tshisekedi – Current chairman of the E.A.C

43. What are lagoon lakes?

a) Name one city in Africa which was built of lagoon islands.
b) Why does the coast of West Africa have many lagoons?
c) State any way in which lakes are important to people.
44. Name any one famous ruler of the Nyamwezi.
a) How were the Ruga-Rugas important to the Nyamwezi chiefdom?
b) How did the Nyamwezi chiefdom benefit from the long distance trade??
c) State any one way in which kingdoms and chiefdoms were able to expand their territories.
d) What type of family consists of parents and their biological children?
45. Name the type of vegetation which grows well in salty water along the coast.
a) Why is timber from the type of vegetation you have named above suitable for ship building?
b) Apart from the type of vegetation you have named in (a) above, name any other two vegetation
zones of Africa.
46. Study the sketch map below and answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the features marked by the following letters:
b) Name any one other in Africa that ends in the same way as the river marked C above.
c) How is the part marked A economically important to Nigeria?
d) Give any one reason why the discovery of fire was important to the early man.
47. Name the body which is responsible for organizing elections in Uganda.
a) Mention any two materials used during elections.
b) State any one reason why elections are important to a country.
48. In which country did the Maji-Maji rebellion take place?
a) State any two causes of the Maji-Maji rebellion.
b) Mention any one positive effect of the Maji-Maji rebellion.
49. Which type of crops grow well in the Mediterranean type of climate?
a) Name any two countries which experience the Mediterranean type of climate in Africa.
b) Apart from the Mediterranean type of climate, mention any other climatic zone which is not
experienced in East Africa.
50. Name the type of farming where crops are grown throughout the year without being affected by
a) In which areas of Africa is the above type of farming practiced?
b) Name any two examples of crops that are grown under the type of farming named in ‘a’

In questions 51-55, answer either Christianity or Islam but not both.

51. Either
a) Name the missionary who introduced the fast growing cotton seeds in Uganda.
b) State any one way in which missionaries helped to stop slave trade.
c) Write C.M.S in full.
d) How did Ludwig Krapf speed up the spread of Christianity in East Africa?


a) Name the group of foreigners who introduced the Islamic religion in Africa.
b) Name any three Islamic denominations.

52. Either
a) Who was the mother of Jesus Christ?
b) State any two ways in which Jesus Christ showed friendship to people.
c) Mention any one way a Christian can show friendship to others
a) Who was the mother of Prophet Muhammed ? (P.B.U.H)
b) State any two ways in which Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) showed friendship to people.
c) Mention any one way a Muslim child can show friendship to others.
53. Either
a) Name the town where Jesus entered during Palm Sunday.
b) Mention any two in which the Christian of above named town welcomed Jesus Christ.

54. Either: “You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the three that gives knowledge
of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die
that someday?
a) Who said these words?
b) Where was the tree that is talked about?
c) What caused death?
d) Why did God put Adam in the garden?


a) Where was Adam living before Allah sent him away?

b) Why did Allah get annoyed with Adam and Hawa?
c) What happened to Adam and Hawa after annoying Allah?

55. For both

a) Give the meaning of the term sexual deviations?
b) List any two examples of sexual deviations.
c) State any one danger of sexual deviations.

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