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University of Antique


Sibalom, Antique

Reflection about Special Topic Orientation

Jesril C. Lumbo

Last September 9, 2022 we conducted

our very first orientation about special topics,
which attended by Fourth year students of
College of Teacher Education. It was held at
University of Antique pAghiUsa hall, Sibalom. I
am motivated to attend the seminar because I
know that it will help me and I also I know that I
will learn more things. The purpose of this
orientation is to prepared us for our future
endeavors as a future educator and also to
prepared us for our field study, and to know
what are the things we should do during our observation in an actual classroom setting.

The first topic was discussed by Ma'am Bolivar which all about the assigned topics that
will be given to each program of fourth year of CTE students. In addition, the second topic was
discussed by Professor Tagle, which all
about the vision, mission, and core values
of UA as well as the vision, mission of our
department namely, the CTEM. Prof. Tagle
reminds us that we should instill in our
hearts and minds the vision, mission and
core values of UA and as well as our
department. Next topic was discussed by
Professor Saylo which all about the Do's
and Don’ts during our seminar and during
our observation in the school that we will
deploying. It was followed by Prof. Bennie Cervera which he discussed the different committee
in organizing the seminar. Furthermore, the last topic was discussed by Prof Gambi, which all
about our Portfolio including the format in doing our Portfolio.

Overall, the orientation is really helpful for us because it shows and remind us on how to
be a good pre service teacher in the school that we have to assigned. Also, this orientation is
given us an idea to know more what should a teacher to possess and also what are the things
we should do in actual classroom. Lastly, it reminds us that we always look for the vision,
mission and core values of UA as well as our department namely the CTE.

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

How to Prepare for A “Job Cover Letter”

Jesril C. Lumbo

As a graduating student, I was able to appreciate on what is being talking about on this
seminar and yet excited to know more about this topic. This very first special topic seminar was
held at UA covered gym, sponsored by the BSED 4A students. The objective of this seminar is to
prepared us for our job and to learn to write a cover letter or application letter when applying a

The topic which entitled “How to Prepare for

a Job and Cover Letters” was discussed by Prof.
Nonato. He mentioned and explained the 7C's in
writing. The first one is clarity which means that we
should clear in writing the application letter and
also, we should use simple word only. Second is
coherence, then next is the completeness which
means that we should know the address of our
receiver and we should research about the
information of our receiver. The fourth is consciousness which means that the shorter, the
better in writing a cover letter. The fifth one is correctness; then next one is courtesy and lastly
consideration. Furthermore, he explained to us that the purpose of having an application letter
is to supplement our biodata, it supports and provide a detailed about us. In addition, he
discusses to us in writing an application letter is the first thing to do is to research the company
or office or the personnel. I had learned that why we need to research the company or hiring
personnel because according to our research speaker it will create an impression. The resource
speaker also discussed what are the format in writing a letter and lastly, he discussed about the
resume, what should be included in doing a resume. At the end of his speech, he concluded
that we should oud be different in a good way just like a bulb that shine brightly among others.

This seminar provides a lot of opportunity for us

especially when applying a job or looking for a company. It
helps us to be prepared for our future endeavors specially
we are a future teacher, be always confident in what we
are doing. Also, I realized that knowing on how to make a
cover letter is gives us an opportunity to elaborate our
story and a chance to exhibit our qualifications for the job
and explain what about our current situation. This seminar
really a great help for us because we are preparing for what think we should do when we
applying a job.

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Proper Dress Code

Jesril C. Lumbo

As a future educator, it is extremely

important for us to know and learn what is
the proper dress code for the teacher and
during applying a job. Having a knowledge
on what to wear is very important, in a way
that it can create a positive atmosphere
inside the classroom as well as to your

The topic "Proper Dress Code” was

discussed by Professor Jeselyn Gambi during
our second seminar. He opened his message
with this quote "You never get a second chance to make a first impression", and by that I was
really excited to listen. She discussed the important ingredients when having a job interview
which are the knowledge, skills, we should respect company culture, have spent time doing
your research, committed to making the best impression and you have made every effort for
the job interview. In addition, Prof. Gambi also discussed what are the tips for choosing the
right clothing also when we have a job interview, we should plan ahead, consider where the
school is or the company and planned early to get there. Lastly, he discussed to us the most
important part of his discussion which is the proper dress code. He explained the Do's and
Don’ts in wearing a dress code. Prof. Gambi in her last discussion she reminds us that we should
Comfortable of our dress so that your we are confident and good looking.

This seminar provides a lot of

opportunity for us especially when applying a
job or looking for a company. It helps us to
be prepared for our future endeavors
specially we are a future teacher, we should
be aware and careful of what we wear and
also be always confident in what we are
doing. This seminar really a great help for us
because we are preparing for what think we
should do when we applying a job.

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Integrative Teaching Strategies

Jesril C. Lumbo

Last October 12, 2022 we conducted

our second seminar in our course Special topics
which attended by Fourth year students of
College of Teacher Education. It was held at
University of Antique Covered gym. I am
motivated to attend this said seminar because I
know that it will help me and also, I know that I
will learn more things about this seminar. The
purpose of this seminar is to prepared us for
our future endeavors as a future educator and
how to communicate with the students, and to
know what are the things we should do during our observation in an actual classroom setting.

The topic was discussed by Mark Francis B. Natividad which titled Integrative teaching
strategies. He starts the seminar with a game that really fun and enjoyable. After the games, he
started to discuss what teacher should do in a classroom, how a teacher should teach in order
the students to listen. Moreover, he also tackled what strategies we should possess in the
classrooms and how we apply the topic in a real-life situation. Also, he shows us on how to be
creative in order the students will understand and meaningful the lessons. In addition, when we
making a lesson plan, we should always write in the objective parts the values or he reminds us
that we always put in the lesson plan an objective that build a character. His topic is All about
how to be good teacher, how to be flexible and apply the different subjects in one lesson.

In summary, this topic is really a

great help for us as a future educator. It
guides us on how to teach inside the
classroom, how we deliver our topic to the
classroom and what are things we should
consider in teaching especially dealing with
a student with special needs. Also, this
topic, it ensures that pupils learn more and
are fully prepared for the next steps in the
education ladder

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Education 4.0: Advanced Educational Technology

Jesril C. Lumbo

This seminar is about Education 4.0

Advanced Educational Technology, it is really
interesting because we are now in a modern
world so it is important for us specially, we are
future teachers to know and have a knowledge
about the use of digital learning technology.
this seminar is something that shows the
modern technology in teaching.

The topic was discussed by Van Helen S.

which Education 4.0 Advanced Educational Technology. He discussed about technology that can
be used in teaching. He demonstrates us on how to use the different apps for teaching like
Techer Kit and Zip grade, Furthermore, he discussed about the 2st century skills that should
possess by the future teacher. He emphasis that we should always develop the 4'cs, we should
always remember this because it is a big help for us as a future teacher. Also, he discussed to us
that this topic is about transforming the future of education using advanced technology and
automation. This seminar made me realize that educational technology in education is
important because it helps today’s teacher to integrate new technologies and tools into their

In summary, this topic is really a great

help for us as a future educator. Moreover, it
is helpful to us because we are exposing to a
new technology in teaching. Because of this
seminar I able to know that many apps that
could help us, an apps that help us to our
works to become easier. Also, it will surely
have a positive impact to us as a future
educator, this will result in a better
understanding of the concepts and overall a
better result. Using an advanced educational
technology, it will improve the learners mentally and physically. Using technologically advanced

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

tools enhances cognitive and learning skills. As a result, students realize better academic
performance and physical health.

“Sustainable Development Goals and Contextualization, Localization, Indigenization for the

Enhancement of 21st Century Skills”
Jesril C. Lumbo

This seminar gave us an idea and background on

how we apply this topic inside a classroom setting. The
topic of this seminar is all about Sustainable Development
Goal (SDL)and Contextualization, Localization, and
Indigenization (CLI)by Remiflor B Paguntalan PhD.

Ma’am Remiflor B. Paguntalan talked about the 17

sustainable development goals. Each of goal are
interesting because it addresses the need of the world and a key for a better world and a better
Earth. Example of this goals that really important right now are no poverty, zero hunger, good
health and wellbeing, quality education and of course about taking care of our nature. I really
appreciate this topic because it helps us to informed on what is happening right now in our
world, what are the problems we are facing right now. By these 17 goals it can improve and
support the lives of everyone. It can help the country that suffered from poverty, from virus and
diseases as well as providing a quality education.

Furthermore, the first speaker also discussed about

Contextualization Localization and Indigenization (CLI). She
first defined what is contextualization and explained to us
how it is related to the curriculum and how it may use inside
the classroom. In addition, he also explained to us what is
localization, he provided us an example how localization can
be used to the classroom like teaching festival or fiesta; first
we should know what are the festival here in our barangay or
municipality before to proceed in the different festival in the Philippines. Lastly is
indigenization, in this lesson it focused on how to show respect and support to the indigenous
students. This first topic is showed to us about the behavior, classroom management and how
to handle every student. In the end of her lesson, she reminds us by a simple quotation which
"Knowing how, when and why to say, what to whom"

In conclusion, this topic is providing us an idea on how to deliver a quality education and
promote a better classroom. Also, it showed to us on how to help our fellowmen in facing the

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

challenges inside and outside the classroom. Lastly, it provides us an insight on how to be a
great teacher once we are in an actual classroom.

“EVIDENCED BASED STRATEGIES: Key to Successful Teaching and Learning Process”

Jesril C. Lumbo

This seminar is very important for us as a future

teacher because it shows what strategy to be used in
teaching and some techniques in order to have a better
learning process for the students. This seminar is about
"Evidence Based Strategies: Key to Successful Teaching
and Learning process which discussed by Mr. Frank S.
Emboltura, our speaker.

I am quite impressive because our speaker is

promising and a good speaker because he delivered the
lesson well. He showed to us what strategies we can
used in an actual classroom like maximize structure in a
classroom, actively engage students, and establish and
teach expectations. Furthermore, he reminds us when
we dealing with a student’s we should act in a proper way and be careful because according to
him students nowadays are easily get emotional and need our care especially to the elementary
students. In addition, he gave us an example of social-emotional activities that can be used in
the classroom for example is morning meetings, community building activities, kindness
challenge and partner and group work. This second topic is making me realized that we should
always be creative and prepared in dealing with the students and in the classroom.

In conclusion, this topic is providing us

an idea on how to deliver a quality education
and promote a better classroom. Also, it
showed to us on how to help our fellowmen in
facing the challenges inside and outside the
classroom. This topic enables the teachers to
identify starting points for further teaching
and learning and to ensure that each student
is given learning opportunities at an

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

appropriate level of challenge. Lastly, it provides us an insight on how to be a great teacher

once we are in an actual classroom.

Child Protection Policy

Jesril C. Lumbo

This another seminar value my time

again because it gives me an encouragement
and widen my knowledge to cope the different
problem that I have been facing. It gave us an
insight on how to address the stress and how
we handle our mental health. The goal of this
seminar is we are helping on how to cope and
manage the academic stress and also to our
future endeavors as a future teacher. and
what ways we can avoid it. Also, this seminar
provides an awareness for us on how to
handle the students and to keep them safe

The topic "Child Protection Policy." was discussed by Mr. Lazaro Petinglay, a provincial
head of provincial social welfare
development office (PWDO). At first, he
discussed about the importance of this topic
to us especially we are a future teacher, we
should listen to him in order we can use this
to the classroom. Moreover, he explained to
us that we should always create a positive
and a safe environment as well as taking our
duty and responsibility in dealing with the
students. In addition, he discussed to us on
how safeguard children from harm and
makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection of children. Lastly, in his topic he
showed to us and explained the law and legislative that helping the children to treat equally,
keeping them safe and appreciate them.

This seminar makes us to be aware and keep us safe. It reminds us that we should
always stay healthy and always think positive of what we doing in our life. We should always

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

look for the right path so that we can achieve our goals in life Also besides that, it showed to us
on how to be a good educator to the children or to the students., Besides that, it also guided us
and telling us on what to do for a successful person. Lastly, I learned that ourselves is the key
for our success and to be free from mental health problem.

The Truth Mental Health Issues

Jesril C. Lumbo

The Truth is our upcoming theme. Behind Mr. Kian

Evan A. Batacando’s discussion of Mental Health Issues. It
was wonderful to attend a symposium on mental health
concerns and to reflect on how crucial it is for students to
treat their mental health.

Given that we'll be graduating students, this

session serves as a reminder of the steps I must take to
safeguard my mental health. It is beneficial to us as we
currently embark on our internship experience. Due to pending obligations, schooling, and
other academic needs, which frequently make me feel overwhelmed, my mind has been
completely taken over. I experience pressure, fatigue, and tension. This session taught me that
minimizing the effects of mental issues requires identifying what stresses a person out within.

However, issues, worries, anxiety, and other mental health issues are commonplace
aspects of life. Not just this one is the center of my universe. I think about a solution that is
already a part of my coping techniques for similar
problems. I let I bawl out loud by myself until the
weight of it, too, felt incredibly lifted and light. I
sought assistance from my friends, classmates,
and other close friends as well as from our
omnipotent God when circumstances became too
difficult for me to bear on my own. I’ve come to
understand that in a world filled with. Admitting
that I need aid from someone else is necessary
when faced with uncertainty and difficulties.

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Stress Management in a Fitness Exercise Approach

Jesril C. Lumbo

This another seminar value my time again because

the seminar gave me an encouragement and widen my
knowledge to cope the difference problem that I have been
facing. It gave us an insight how to address the stress and
we handle our mental health.

"The truth behind mental health” is our topic for the

seminar which discussed by Prof. Pamela F. Guevara. In this
topic, I am really overwhelmed because I know it can help a lot to me because sometimes, I
suffered from mental stress due to many works and problem. At first, our speaker talked about
what is mental health, she enlightened us that mental health is a state of complete not just the
absence of sickness or weakness. She also discussed the characteristics of a mentally healthy
persons; which includes of a person is comfortable with his/her self, feels right towards others
which simply means that a person is interested to others and love him as well as showing
friendship that is satisfying and lasting. It makes me realized that caring a person and showing
them a love is a satisfaction and make your mind free from problems. I had thought that r, he
also explained the cause of mental health problem and that is feeling very sad, worthless, and
hopeless. Also, he suggested some healthy habits that improve our mental health for example
is laugh a lot as well as adopt a mantra or a motivation every day. After the discussion, we had
an exercise that I am quite enjoyed. This exercise simple helped us to cope and prevent mental
stress. In the end everyone is happy and relaxed. The speaker leaves a message which really
catch my attention and that is he described that a success means that you are happy in your
life, is not all about having a beautiful house, having a degree or other things.

This seminar makes us to be aware and keep us

safe. It reminds us that we should always stay healthy
and always think positive of what we doing in our life.
We should always look for the right path so that we can
achieve our goals in life Also besides that, it showed to
us on how to be a good educator to the children or to

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

the students., Besides that, it also guided us and telling us on what to do for a successful
person. Lastly, I learned that ourselves is the key for our success and to be free from mental
health problem.

"Thesis Documentation and Formatting"

Jesril C. Lumbo

"Thesis Documentation and Formatting" this topic in our

seminar, was discussed by Dr. Runato A. Basañes, the college dean of
our department widens our perspective about the proper procedure
and ways on how to write the research paper as well some techniques
in doing a research paper. This said seminar was held at University of
Antique covered gym last December 1, 2022. It was eight o clock in the
morning when our seminar started, sponsored by the BTVTED fourth
year students.

Our speaker, first talked his experienced during his travel in South Korea together with
our President of our University. He said to us that the University they have attended was really
big and advance in terms of teaching, also he talked to us that there are many beautiful places
in south Korea. After that, he proceeded to our main highlight of our seminar which is to
discuss to us the exact thesis documentation and formatting. He showed to us a sample
research paper and then he explained to us each part of the research paper. He started from
the front page of the research paper, and then what should be included in the front page.

Furthermore, he discussed to us that when writing

a statement of the problem it should only not more than
four. Additionally, he also discussed to us the chapter 2 of
the research paper which is the review of related literature
and where we can find a related literature or studies in a
website. He also talked the chapter three of the research
paper like the research design, locale of the study,
respondents of the study, and the data analysis procedure.
He proceeds to the chapter four as well as to the chapter five. After that he gave us some
insights about doing a thesis for example is when writing an abstract, he looked in the scope
and limitations of the study. Also, he added, before to write an abstract be sure that your
research is already defended. Moreover, there is at least 5 findings, conclusion and
recommendations, if your findings of the study are three then your statement of the problem

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

should be also three, one major of conclusion and one major recommendation in an abstract.
Lastly, in every chapter must start in another page.

Labor Education for Graduating Student

Jesril C. Lumbo

Being a graduating student, it is very

important to know about labor education or
having a background about labor education for
graduating students. Our topic for our seminar is
all about LEGS or Labor Education for Graduating
Students which discussed by Professor Mary Jane
C. Tamba.

Labor Education for Graduating Students (LEGS), which aims to prepare graduating
students in entering the world of work. This seminar made me realize that it helps a lot for to
become familiar with DOLE’s services on employment facilitation, workers protection and social
security coverage for the employees. Furthermore, this seminar highlights the importance or it
helps to know how to handle grievances
as well as how to negotiate contracts
while ensuring health and safety on the
job with exercising labor and human
rights. Such an education is helpful to
understand politics and economy of the

Being a future teacher, it is

important to know what things to do
when we are having a works or job,
attending this seminar is a way for have
brighter future for our works.

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar

Jesril C. Lumbo

This activity or seminar is a good opportunity to

listen to the experiences of the speakers and to capture
ideas relevant to our chosen path. Our speaker, Mary
Ann U. Magbanua discussed the topic which entitled
Pre- employment status.

At first, she discussed what is Pre- employment

and that is pre-employment screening plays an
important role in allowing recruiters to make an
evidence-based selection of candidates and hire the right candidate for a position, while
speeding up the recruitment process. Moreover, she discussed on the payment of wages and
other benefits of an employee like holiday pay,
overtime pay and leaves provided in companies. She
also discussed about the working hours and the
deductions that are unauthorized by the law.

This seminar reminds us that to consider the

knowledge learned from this seminar. r and use
them well to succeed in the future. As a future
educator, this seminar will could help un us as well
as we will informed regarding to our doing soon.


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