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1. Tenacious: persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.

Example: a tenacious memory.

2. Archaic (adjective)
Definition: very old or old fashioned
Example: Record players are archaic!
3. Zephyr (noun)
Definition: a brief gusty wind
Example: There was a nice zephyr outside today.
4. Quiescent (adjective)
Definition: peacefulness, dormant, inactive
Example: It is nice to have a quiescent day to spend with friends and family.
5. Plethora (noun)
Definition: excess, a large amount
Example: The young girl has a plethora of pebbles in her collections.
6. Degust (verb)
Definition: to eat slowly to appreciate the taste
Example: Mary degusted the incredible chocolate cake from grandma’s secret recipe.
7. Poignant (adjective)
Definition: touching and moving
Example: The Pursuit of Happiness is a memorable and poignant movie.
8. Abate (verb)
Definition: to become smaller
Example: It seemed that over time, the wins of the football team began to abate.
9. Sycophant (noun)
Definition: a person who flatters to gain personal favors
Example: We all become sycophants when a cop pulls us over for a speeding ticket!
10. Ravenous (adjective)
Definition: extremely hungry
Example: Goldilocks was ravenous, but she could not eat the first two bowls of porridge!
11. Defunct (adjective)
Definition: no longer existing or functioning
Example: Funky music, hair, and clothes from the 1970s are now defunct!
12. Munificence (noun)
Definition: being extremely generous, the quality of being lavishly generous
Example: The king’s munificence helped feed thousands of the poor, starving villagers.
13. Juxtaposition (noun)
Definition: two different, contrasting things being compared side by side
Example: Today, I juxtaposed the difference between Mac and Windows computers.
14. Alacritous (adjective)
Definition: brisk or lively
Example: The alacritous young boy jumped into a pile of leaves.
15. Magnanimous (adjective)
Definition: very generous or forgiving
Example: Despite their struggles, the couple was magnanimous and had a long and
happy marriage.
16. Cachinnating (verb)
Definition: to laugh loudly
Example: Olivia and Alyssa were up cachinnating long past their bedtime.
17. Obsolete (adjective)
Definition: no longer used
Example: New technology can quickly become obsolete as new technology comes out.
18. Polychromatic (adjective)
Definition: multicolored, showing a variety or change of color
Example: The beautiful painting was polychromatic.

19. Albeit (conjunction)

Definition: although
Example: Tom began painting the fence, albeit with a grumpy attitude.
20. Incandescent (adjective)
Definition: giving off light after being heated, someone brilliant
Example: The incandescent lightbulb shone brightly in the whole room.
21. Banal (adjective)
Definition: boring and lacking in originality
Example: That new pop song is so banal!
22. Disparate
Definition: a distinct kind
Example: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.
23. Eclectic
Definition: deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources
Example: My university is offering an eclectic mix of courses.
24. Egregious
Definition: reprehensible or outrageously bad
Example: It is an egregious abuse of copyright.
25. Embezzlement
Definition: misappropriation of funds
Example: He has charges of fraud and embezzlement.

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