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Presented by Negpod 10
Project Purpose
With the noticeable difficulties students, especially foreign ones, experience when seeking housing
opportunities in Kigali, from possible scams to unreasonable commission fees, no suitable housing facility, and
unfair contracts, our group decided to create a website that will have as the purpose of proposing reliable
housing opportunities as well as a tailored follow up of the customer throughout the whole process until his
contract signing

Project Overview
Our project is a Python-based website that currently has three pages incorporated, one that presents the
purpose of the website through a brief introduction, one with a few housing opportunities, and a contacts
page allowing people to contact us directly for any type of query or request one of our services
Prototype's features
Project's general
Our website uses Python, CSS, HTML, and javascript.
The website's code has been written in Python using
the Flask library. We created HTML files that were
used as templates for the design of the website's
different pages. The CSS and javascript files and a
few images were incorporated in the HTML codes to
add effects and suitable images to the website.

We started by creating a GitHub repository

for the project. Inside it, we created a virtual
environment (venv) for our Python project to
avoid any future conflicts by isolating it. We
then installed Flask in the virtual
environment. We created the web app's file
we called, where we imported Flask,
created an app route for each page, and had
them return the HTML files we created to
use as templates for the website and its
different pages. To make the website
requestable by anyone or any device, we
hosted it on a remote server on the render
Here is the code that runs the website with the different
app routes leading to the three existing pages of the web
app which are the home, display and contacts page

Here is Render, on which we are hosting our web app. It makes the
website accessible to whoever requests it just by using its domain
name. We linked the account owning the repository to the website
so that whenever a commit is made on the repository by any of the
collaborators, the changes report directly on the web app.

Here is our website, which currently has three pages. Home,

Display, and Contacts is only a prototype, but some housing
options are available on the display page.
It is acessible through this link:

We had a few challenges that made the whole task more difficult:
Among them is switching from a pure HTML website to a Python-based web app in a very short time
while maintaining our original idea, as it would have been extremely difficult to come up with
something completely new.
Finding a way to make the web app accessible by anyone, as it was originally limited to the person using
the local server the web was hosted on, leading us to seek a remote server to host it.
Modifying the HTML codes that served as templates to match them with the new format of the project
using Flask and Python by modifying the syntax of some code lines as the different images, CSS, and JS
files were not bringing any change to the web app's originally blank appearance due to some errors in
Also, the division of tasks as not everyone was at the same level of mastery of the different concepts
needed to complete the project.

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