863 Agenda863-72

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‘T2 MEETING OF BRIDGE & STRUCTURES STANDARDS COMMITTEE (November, 2000) ITEM NO. 863 Subject : Pipeline crossings under the Railway track. BSC Reference; ~—_—. Itemno, 654 of 56th BSC. File No. : CBS/DCP/L Agenda, : To review the existing criteria for pipeline crossings under 1 12 railway track and to make recommendations. NOYES BY SECRETARY Draft criteria for pipeline crossings under railway track were discussed in 56th ‘meeting of BSC vide Item No. 654, Based on committee’s recommendations and as. approved by Railway Board, criteria for pipeline crossings under railway track were finalised and sent to the Zonal Railways vide RDSO's letter no, CBS/DCP/1 dated 18.4.81 ( Copy enclosed as Annexure-1/863), The above criteria for pipeline crossings covers following cases: ) pets cousins somryig sk.arraenor-cfter lzrge mm’ of lines will le:a to difficulty in inspectior and muintencnce of the pipe Mites 4.2 Inst2llation of the carrier-pine irside the casing pe under rdlwy treck shill follow spproved corstruc- ‘oh prretices, which should be the gime on raiiwiy lind as for pipelines or either side.of-rsilwy land. The out- side of the eirrier pipa and ‘both sides of the cising pipe shaild be tre=ted with sAti-corrodve p-int. The pipe shvll be inst-lied with sufficiat sl.ck so that it ts rot in ten- sion. Skp*nsior joirts re not recomended. Rio Oe: 4,3 ° The e=sirz pipe shall be/apnreved mruf-etirirg pmic= tice ond of cdemate_strength to wthst-nd the lo-d of mil- wy traffic. steel pipe m2rufictured fram steel plites corfomirs to 1S: 226 or 182.20@ 2nd of thickness indien- ted in Tale cbove nay be used =s ctsirg pipese The ¢2sirg pipe shvIl be so anmifrictured 2s to pre- vent lee ye of wry acteritl inside the milway bouracry &Xcept 2t the eds were the ends re left open, or through the Vent pipe wie: the ends of the exsins pipe ire sevlet to the outside of tie ctrrier pipe. In the tter ese, the casirg pipe sh-ll te cxprble of withstindirg 1 pressure eqmil to that of @he atin carrier pipe, with = fretor of s-faty of threes Where screwed or Cotipled joirts cre used, the joints ghould be welded, to the pipes =t both ends ~lorz the cir- cunfereice 45 % se-l ir the avert of let throush the threcds. he Cush: AL ¢ irstilled wth ever becring The inside diameter of the csing pipe skull be suffi- ciertly large to pemit ecsy withdrwil of the cirier pipe without disturbing the mulw-y fomtior. The closest potrt of the © sig pipe under the trick suell rot be less than J-2.n fron the bottog of the, slee— Pers ind ot other portidrs of railwiy Indwhere the c2sirg pipe ts rot directly teneath xy trick the depth frai tre ~ surt-ce of reilwey lard or fron botton of drains to the top of. the etsirg pipe sh: be rot less tin 6.9 o. The horizontal dstantes fran the centrs Knes of the nerrest outside, trick to éach end of. the er sirg pipe s!.-1l te et least 14 ti, norms) to guch trek eentre lim. 44 . Whore the eds of the e-sirg pipes are below the -round) they soll be suitably serleé to the outside of czrrier pipe ard nroperly vented qtove tha round vith vent pipss not less thor 6 nm im disneter ard exterding rot Jess thon 12 mabove ground lwel. The Vent pipe 2t tho low end of ‘the cising pe shell be corneted with the side or bottom of the clsing And the wert pipe °t the hish erd shcll be connected with the top of the ¢-sizz, The top of the vont pipe shu1l be fitted wath 2’ down-tuimed oltow properly serewed:. there the: cnds of c’ sing pipes are at or above the ground surf:ce 1rd stocld be pliecd te low the bridze deck lavel. it) afi) av) v> The pipe Hno should be deskincd for the spceific stracturc, “rd them] stresses wd stresses due ed son the bridje jrowided for i th2 designe Morually opertted stmt off volves shill be instilled to close off the flow in ctse of + leak in tho-plpe lino. Adequyte armngaisnts, sliould be atde for cortimously guardir, such rilw-y bridzes'so thrt the possibility of dwmrge by s7voteze is elinin tod Notet Instmetidns cortcined in Rad lvny Boird's Letter No.61/Wi/PL/10(Vol IL) ated 4.5.73: ard 7.7.76 (ArrexureI2Ii)shill be followds RG a0 AFL TT SSS INT ao cere WOE a AONE MT Bren AOD ae Ae RT a? ARPT IE Ave Tre at a eon OM TE OW RE RT Be SAND 2 OEE SY POENTAT TaeAalie MON SAGEY SENT ONSID 0 ORR 200 Fase carte coir ITE E ausknenz [p03 ‘{(itefa No. 963) Wo.85/W1 /2L/1 TiS ISRges aSaaSS The Director General, ‘BDSO, Tucknow.. Sub:.Oriterta for pipeline crossings under railway track conveying natural ges. 0-71-85 2080 vide thei letter Wo.0BS/OP/1 dated 3.4.85) haa Farculated the criteria for pspeline crossing s® railway spracks. aa tees epiadioee it was interalia prascetted that ‘or pipes larger than 600 mm con rtrolew, ol & cas, jehe crossings should be arranged. Teck @ calvert of: adequate Ce: Board have re-examined this provigo in tho comers the proposed gas pipeline from Hasira pear Surat to Babraln U:Bs gud gyur Tiets to. delgt Badiowig Sa eathan & vegtiapar jn U.P, 4n-conmiltation with Ministry of Petroleum, Gas Authority of India Itd., and RDSO. Gas Authority of India ‘Itd. have explained that HBJ pipeline is being designed and will be Zabricated/constructed, tested and thereafter operated and maintained in accordance with ANSI/ASME Code for gas ‘tranemisoion and distribution aysten of B 31.8/1982 ae amended til date and would fully mect the zoquizekent of Petroleum Rules, 1976. It was aleo explainod thet pipeline will be burried Binimm 1.0 ot, below the ground level, and crossing. of tracks TLL be Shrough a casing pipes Thase would be adoqute proces. “eiona against cortosion, ‘ouch ae gvoctoning, aad crying of vatural gaa before transportation Ehrough the, pipeline, cost ing of pipeline with Poly Bthylens and will protected against corrosion by impressed current system. A copy af the note submitted by Gas ority of India Uta. through Ministzy of Hotealsun 15 enclosed: Taking above into consideration and that constructin of @ culvert instead of, or in addition to a casing piper in uch cases would be of fo advantage, Scara have dectice that creasing of gas pipelines of largor than 600 mm, De also pornitted without provision Of Celvert #ibjecr to the following guideliness- i) he gas pipeline crossing the railway track will comly “ith the provisiona of API recommended practice 1162, ausi/ 451 Code for gos tranamisaion and dist=ibution, B-31.8/1962 ta, anended tilt date. ii) Pipeline under the railway track shall be encased ine casing pipe as shom in Fig.1.. Number of tracks $0 be exoated ahonld bo ae fey a8 posaibie and no eressing under @ mjor yard.with @ large number of lines will be permitted, Tha Oacing pipe will be minimum 1.2 mte. below She formation level ané'0-9 mta, below the natural ground level. The Casing pipe will extend for a minimum length of 14 mts. from the ce: line of the nearest track and will be provided with Went pipe arrangement to permit escape of gas at both the ends. 441) “The dlanctre of the Casing pipe, vis-a-vis, the @4azetre of carrier pipe and thickness of the Casing pipe to be provided shall ba ae under: _Dianetre of Dianctre of Minimum thicknese carrier pine casing Pipe of casing pipe to bo provided(New Tine pe of APTW5E Or. 1B! tee 24 Os375" 248 30" 02575" 308 Se 0.4068 5a 4en 0.469" : pated 2 2, sv) “tne pipe Line will te ested with Poly FtbPLene and will be protected against. corrosion by impressed ~ current cathodic protection system. Galvanic and/or ribbms anodes would be used at cased crossing to supplement imprecoed cuttent factiitias- evientea *) Caskitg pipe, shall bo, of agrecygd manufacturing Zed the notions AER HA 8 Sea eal inside the ds iy exce ‘through the ones dards Set ate este striae oe TeEt Selene cl dite Ge wills Soon temted to 1.1 designed pressure. fhe casing pipe will be installed with even bearing # gut its longth,whore the ends of the gag pipe are below the ground, they shall be suitably coalod to the outside of camier pipe and properly vented above the with vent pipes not lees than 50,mm in diametre and wing not less than 1.2 mt, aboveground level. The Vent pipe at the lo end of the casing pipe aiall be connected with the site or bottom of the casing & the vent pipe et the high end shall be connected with the top Sf the easing. The top of the vent pipe shall be fitted with a dows—tamed elbow properly screwed. The ands cf casing pipes shall be sealed. ‘end- ¥ii) Pipelines shall, where practicable, be located to eros tracks at approximtely right angles, unless other wige agreed to end shell not be closer than 14 m to any bridge, building or cther important structure. Vid4l Pipelines, a3: sipe, and vert pipes shall be Seder EMS, Traced) tao eat sie wires and shall be suitably insulated from underground conduits carrying electric wires on railway land. (4x) Pipeline crossing under the track will be carried cut by Gas Authority itd, by using atiger type, boring device with cutting bead to drill a horizontal bars, The hole drilled will be of the sizes to accamodats. the casing steel pipe and casing pipe will be pushed in the boré-as it progresses:to keep the formation supported and prevent any settlement’ of/track. The work will be onc under the supervision of the railway engineers under specific sanction and subject to such SP€9d restrictions and precautions.as may be stipulated by the Hailwaye.. ( Hindi version will follw ) oD. ot Ad tt DAzas above ( Bikage PRAKASH y—— DIEBCTOR, CIVIL EMINEKRING. Sopy toz— All Chief Engineers for informetion. CGRS/IKO for information with 20 spares. Principal, Inlet, Pune. . Principal, Eeilway Staff College, Baroda. CMD, GAIL, SAMRA? HOTEL, WSY DRT. s1-baza.conso3 wore team AINDORES [265 Ue sees apanatestsiws (Item No. 863 ) RAILIANAK, Lucknow FS - 22601 asi200 0720 ‘Gonermen fli Misty of Rainey 350867 (010) SEE cerc Digs Sindarin ‘No. CBS/DCP/1 ‘om eFs. 6.2000 = The aes ‘Manager (Engg /Works), Central Railway, Mumbai CST-400 001 . Easter Railway, Farte Place, Calcutts-700 001. Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001. North Eastem Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001. North East Fronticr Railway, Maligacn, Guwahati-781 011. South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad-500 025. South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Caleutta-700 043. Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai -400 020. eee wae Sub: Criteria for pipeline crossings under Railway track carrying water under pressure. Ref: This office letter no. CBS/CP/] dt. 18/21.4.81 Vide letter cited under reference, this office had circulated the criteria for pipeline crossing under railway track. In these guidelines, it was interalia prescribed that for pipes larger than 600mm dia conveying water, sewage or other effluent under pressure, the crossing would be arranged through a calvert (bridge) of adequate design. As desired by Railway Board vide their leter no. 2000/CE I/Misc dt. 29.5.2000, the issue of crossing of pipeline carrying water under pressure, having diameter larger than 600mm, has been examined. After considering various aspects i.e. current techniques available for laying pipelines, the guidelines issued by Railway Board for pipelines carrying gas vide letter uo. 85/W1/PLI dt. 10.7.85 and detailed discussions with representatives of M/s RITES, it is considered that crossing of pipelines larger than 600mm. diameter under track can also be provided through casing pipes ie. without provision of culvert (bridge), subject to fulfillment of the following conditions. This shall be applicable for pipelines carrying water under pressure, i) Pipeline under railway track shall be encased in casing pipes as shown in the enclosed sketch no. CBS-0008 . Number of tracks to be crossed shall be as few as possible. Therefore, crossing under any yard shall be avoided. i) iff) iv) vy) vi) Casing pipe and carrier pipe shall be of Mild Steel. These pipes shall be fabricated as per (S:358%. from steel plates conforming to IS: 2062. The casing pipe shall be designed for MBG loading standard or any other current loading standard as defined in IRS Bridge Rules. The field welds (of casing pipe as well as carier pipe) shall be tested cent percent radiographically as per IS: 1182. The diameter of carrier pipe vis-a-vis diameter of casing pipe and minimum thickness of the casing pipe to be provided, shall be as under: (am) (mm) (mm) 700 1200 16 800 1300 18 900 1400 20 1000 1500 20 1100 1600 20 4200 1700 20 For insertion of casing pipe, boring shall be carried out by auger type boring device with cutting head to drill a horizontal bore. The whole drilled shall be of suitable size to accommodate casing pipes. The casing pipe shall be inserted alongwith boring to keep the formation supported, to prevent any settlement of track. The casing pipes will be installed with aven bearing throughout its length. The work will be done under the supervision of railway engineers under suitable speed restriction and precautions as may be stipulated by the Railways. The casing pipe will be minimum 1.2m below the formation level and 0.9m below the natural ground level. The length of casing pipe shall be upto the end of railway land boundary to accommodate laying of tracks in future. Casing pipe shall be provided with minimum 50mm dia vent pipe(G.D, as shown in the sketch no. CBS-0008. The ends of casing pipe shall be suitably sealed. vii) Care shall be taken to isolate the pipeline crossing installation from aerial electrical wires and shall be suitably insulated from underground conduits carrying electrical wires. viii) The pipeline shall be tested for specified test pressure to check for any leakage. ix) To protect casing pipes as’ well as carrier pipe against corrosion, following action will be taken: a) Outer surface of casing pipe as well as carrier pipe will be coated with polyethylene tape system. b) Inside surface of carrier pipe as well as of casing pipe shall be painted with High Build Epoxy to RDSO Specification NoM&C/PCN/I11/88 to a dry film thickness of 250 microne. ©) Suitably size spacers of high density polyethylene or other similar material shall be installed in between carrier and casing pipe to prevent carrier pipe forming metallic contact with casing pipe. x) The Sluice valves shall be provided away from Railway land, to facilitate the closer of flow of water supply, whenever required. xi) The alignment of pipeline shall be so decided that it crosses track nearest to right angle. xii) Pipe line crossing shall not be located in close vicinity of existing bridges, buildings and other type of structures. ae (AK. Harit )\¢ Executive Director/B&S, Enel: Sketch no.CBS-0008 of Director General le

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