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How to Play

You state what you want your hero to do. The GM will tell you the number you have
to roll or higher on a D6 to succeed.
Rolling a 1 is always a failure
Rolling a 6 is always a success
Boons: Roll an extra die and keep the best result.
Certain heroes will have specific training that can provide boons when rolling to
succeed at an action or task.
Banes: Roll an extra die and keep the lowest result.
Certain actions or tasks are so problematic or have an added complication that it
requires a bane.
Assist: You can assist another hero or they can assist you with a given task or
action. This will allow the hero that is assisting to roll an extra die and add it
to dice pool for that action or task.
Hero Die: At the start of each session your hero gets a hero die. This can be used
anytime in the game to re-roll a die (even if you rolled a 1). It can be reacquired
again by spending 5 karma.
Karma: At the start of each session you are awarded 3 karma. Karma is like the
hero's luck. Karma can be used to improve any die roll by one pip per point spent.
Karma cannot modify a 1 (but a hero die can). Karma cannot be used on magick or
miracle rolls. Note, anytime your hero fails a task they gain a karma.
Health: For most heroes it will be 3 strikes and you are out. Magick and special
abilities can help heal your hero, however you can recover 1 strike naturally by
eating a meal and resting for the night. Events such as falling, fire, poison, or
crushing rocks will require a miraculous save roll and will inflict one strike for
each failed roll. Your hero may be caught in a certain death situation. Heroes
still get a miraculous save but only survive with one strike remaining.
What can I do on my turn?
On your turn you get a move, a turn action and a free action. Move
Turn Actions
Free Actions
Move up to 30'
Attack, Cast a spell, Use a scroll, Run (move further) Pick up an item, Arm a
shield (warrior)
Speak, Take a potion, Draw/Sheath a weapon
Combat: Unless surprised all heroes take their turn first in any order. If your
attack is successful (roll equal or higher than target number) then you will do 1
strike of damage.
Rolling a 6 in combat is a crit. Continue rolling one die, for every follow on 6
rolled inflict another strike. (Karma can boost rolls to 6s). Surplus strikes can
be used on adjacent or nearby enemies. Armour allows your hero to make an armour
save after each strike they take. A successful roll avoids that one strike.
Circle of the Sorcery: The circle you choose defines the type of spellcaster you
want to play.
Casting a Spell: When your hero casts a spell they must decide the power level
(1d6/2d6/3d6) they want to use. The caster must equal or beat the resistance
number. Most enemies or heroes resist spells with a 1d6 and will always be rolled
before deciding the power level. If any of the caster's power dice rolled are 1s
the spell fails. Spellburn: The caster can sacrifice a 'strike of damage' for each
1 rolled to continue to cast the spell.
Praying for a Miracle: Miracles cannot harm or cause damage. Only one miracle can
be asked once per situation. Roll up to 3 urgency dice. Rolling a 1 will
automatically end the miracle. Offerings made to deity will allow a re-roll of all
the dice once per day. The GM will decide the number of dice to roll as resistance
to the prayer and will always be rolled before deciding the urgency of the prayer.

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