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NAME: ___________________ R.NO: __________ SUBJECT: SCIENCE

CLASS: V ___ DATE: .02.2023


QI. Choose the correct option for the following:

1. Stars appears as dim points in the night sky because

a) are very near to us
b) are at large distance from us
c) are present in group
d) none of the above

2. Pole star has been useful to travellers to define the north direction because
a) It moves from south to north
b) moves from north and south
c) appears to remain fixed in one position
d) none of the above

3. Which of them together are known as gaseous planet?

a) Jupiter, Mars, Mercury
b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
c) Saturn, Mars, Earth
d) Uranus, Neptune and Mars

4. Which of the statement is not correct about artificial satellite?

a) It takes 28 days to complete its revolution around the earth.
b) It is used for communication.
c) It is used for weather forecasting.
d) It is used to collect information about other planets.

5. A fuel, which is not obtained by refining petroleum, is –

a) petrol b) diesel c) kerosene d) biogas
QII. Fill in the blanks:
1) The waste matter of animals and plants is known as ________.
2) ________ fuels are major cause of environmental pollution.
3) _________ can be thought of as a fuel of our body.
4) _______and _______ are examples of gaseous fuel.
5) ________that work through solar energy are used in devices like calculators and wrist
6) _________are celestial bodies that move around the sun.
7) The movement of earth around the sun is known as _________of the earth.
8) _______ is hottest of all the planets.
9) ________is known as the red planet.
10) ________ is third largest planet of the solar system.
11) Moon is a natural _________.
12) The constellation of Orion can be seen during _________evenings.

QIII. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Pole star or Dhurvtara is special star present in southern hemisphere.
2) A planet is closer to us than the stars that is why planets appear like tiny discs whereas
the star appears as points.
3) The 2 stars at the top of Ursa Major are called pointers.
4) Ursa Minor is visible in spring.
5) The sun appears to rise in the west and sets in the east.
6) The sun has its own light and heat.
7) Earth has its own three moons.
8) The Saturn is known as ringed planet.
9) Neptune is the hottest planet of all.
10) Solar energy is a non-renewable source of energy.
11) CNG powered vehicles causes more air pollution.
12) Kerosene and cow dung are cleaner fuels.

QIV. Answer the following questions:

1) How is crude oil formed?

2) Why do buses, auto rickshaw prefer to use CNG?
3) Name 3 main fossil fuels.
4) Which planets are referred to Jovian planets?
5) How is natural satellite different from artificial satellite?
6) Why do we see different phases of moon?
7) Which planets can be seen in the night sky without the help of telescope?
8) Even though sun is a star and is less bright than other stars still it appears brightest,
9) What causes the apparent movement of sun in the sky?
10) Name the planets that can be seen during early morning hours.

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