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Notes Biology 1.1 Whatis life The scientists who study biology are called biologists The SEVEN characteristics of living organisms Movement Reproduction Sensitivity Growth Respiration Excretion Nutrition Nogsene 1.3 Classification and Species Classification is a scientific sorting of organisms into groups using their similarities and diffrences. A species is a group of organisms that can reproduce to produce fertile offspring Naming species Binomial nomenclature- two names Genus name and species name Eg, Lion : Panthera Leo Common Chimpanzee: Pan Troglodytes Tiger: Panthera Tigris Grey Wolf: Canis Lupus Horse: Equus Caballus Black-Backed Jackal: Canis Mesomelas Donkey: Equus Asinus Zebra: Equus Quagga Human: Homo Sapien Coconut palm: Cocos Nucifera Classification is important so scientists around the world know which organisms they are discussing, and so we know how many species there are. 1.4 Classifying invertebrate animals Invertebrates are animals without backbones. Invertebrate animals are divided into smaller groups to identify them. Arthropods Arthropods all have a hard outer skeleton and they have jointed legs. They are divided into four smaller groups. Insects: 3 Segments to their bodies Ahead, thorax and abdomen Allhave 6 legs A pair of atennae on their heads Many have wings geers Arachnids: Two segments to their bodies Blogs Many of them spin webs Include spiders,scorpins and ticks Bena Crustaceans 1. Atleast 10 legs 2. Eg. crabs, prawns and shrimps Myriapods 1. Long segmented bodies 2. 1 or2 pairs of legs on ech segments Echinoderms These animals have spinny skins. They are star- or ball- shaped and include sea urchins and starfish. e.g. tarfish, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sand dollars, and crinoids Molluscs Molluscs have muscular bodies and no legs, but they may have tentacles. Molluscs often have a shell, inside ot outside their bodies. Some species, such as slugs and sails, ive on land. Others, like squids, octopuses and many shellfish, live underwater Cnidaria This group of animals all live in the sea. They include jellyfish,sea anemones, and coral. They have no legs, and stinging tentacles around their mouths e.g. corals, hydras, jellyfish Worms These animals have no legs, and long bodies. They may be flat, round or segmented ( with lots of rings or sections to their body). Some types have hooks and suckers. Examples are flukes,tapeworms, and earthworms 1.5 Simple keys When we wantto identify a strange animal or plantwe use a dichotomous key. What is a key? Akey identifies organisms using simple questions about their features. 1.6 Classifying vertebrates Vertebrates are animals with backbone Fish They have scales covering their bodies They lay eggs in water to reproduce They have gills for breathing in water They have fins and a tail Cold-Blooded Amphibians They have moist,smooth skin They lay eggs in water to reproduce They have four legs They breathe through their skin and their lungs when they are adults Cold-blooded Reptiles They have dry scaly skin They lay eggs with leathery skins on the land to reproduce They have legs, except for snakes They use lungs for breathing air Cold-blooded They all have feathers and beaks They lay eggs with hard shells on the land They have two legs and two wings-even if they cannot fly They breather air using lungs Warm-blooded Mammals They all have fur They give birth to live young and make milk to feed them They have four limbs. They breathe air using lungs Warm-blooded

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