Prakhar COI

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Constitution of India

Assignment: - 5 |

Name: Prakhar Sharma

Reg No.:- RA2211003011017

| Class: - N1

Q1) What do you think could be the purpose behind establishing this third tier of
government? Reflect over it in minimum 80 words.

| A third level of government, also referred to as municipal government, can be established
| for a number of reasons. By offering more flexible and localized administration, it can, first
and foremost, bring the government closer to the populace. As a result, decisions can be
made with greater responsibility and openness, and programmers and policies that are
specifically crafted to meet the requirements of local communities can be implemented more

The third level of government can encourage participative democracy by giving people chances
to participate in decision-making directly. Local governments can involve the public in local
planning and decision-making through a number of different channels, |
including town hall
gatherings, public forums, and community involvement programmers.

Local governments can promote economic development by offering resources,
services, I and facilities that will draw in business and promote economic expansion. They can
I encourage entrepreneurship and employment development by assisting local companies. I

Creating a third degree of government can aid in advancing democratic ideals, local
economic growth, and sound governance. It can help create a more just and prosperous
community by giving local groups more power and control over their own concerns.
Q2) Collect facts and information, and write about State Election Commissions

State Electoral Commissions (SECs) are autonomous bodies responsible for conducting
ballots for elected offices at the local and state levels. In India, the SEC is established under Section
243K of the Constitution, which stipulates that the State Electoral
| Commission supervises, directs and controls the preparation of electoral rolls and the I
administration of all panchayat and municipal elections.

Here are some key facts and information about state election commissions in India.


The SEC is usually headed by a state elections commissioner appointed by the governor. The
SEC usually consists of one or more additional election commissions appointed by the state
election commission.

Permissions and functions:

The SEC is responsible for a variety of election-related tasks, including compiling voter
I rolls, conducting elections, and resolving election-related disputes. It also has the power
I issue guidelines and instructions to election administrators, political parties and
| candidates on how to conduct elections.


| The SEC is designed as an independent agency, free from political interference. They are
| given a great deal of autonomy so that they can perform their duties fairly and effectively. I


State election commissions are responsible for conducting elections for local governments and
state elections offices, and state governments provide the necessary funding for the
│commission's activities.
Role in Electoral Reform:

| State election commissions also play an important role in state election reform. It can
advise state governments on election laws and procedures and campaign for free and fair


| State Election Commissions have national jurisdiction and are responsible for conducting
elections for all local bodies and elected offices at the state level.

State Electoral Commissions are important bodies that play a vital role in ensuring free and fair
elections in India. Independent of political influence and operating with considerable I
autonomy, they work to ensure that elections are conducted transparently and
fairly and I that the electoral process is accessible to all citizens.

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