Art Appreciation, Pre-Test & Activity 2.0

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How does this painting affect you? What purpose does it serve?

The painting bespeaks about the violence that engulfs

and occurs in every corner of the society, specifically race
relations. Everything starts at home- learning, love,
understanding, and respect. The way we treat others is the
reflection of our true selves. This work of art remind the youth
that as future leaders should be setting a good example to
others for a good leader yields good members.

The painting shows the true essence of art. It doesn’t just

impresses audience, it expresses truth, leaves a message and
an impact for a difference. Most of all, it transcends beyond the
ordinary purpose of art which is the aesthetic.

This implies that art isn’t just merely based on the

aesthetic purpose it gives, but it could also tackle physical,
social or personal issues that are very close to your heart and
issues that you wish to shed light on.
Learning Activities- Activity 2.0
A. Direction/s: Write Aesthetic if the function of the work of art is aesthetic.
If the answer is Utilitarian, write the specific category, physical, social, or
Utilitarian- Social Function 1. Tatsulok by Bamboo
Utilitarian- Personal Function 2. Starving Child and Vulture, 1993 by Kevin Carter
Utilitarian- Personal Function 3. Seam by Pyotr Pavlensky
Aesthetic 4. River Flows in You by Yiruma
Aesthetic 5. Hypnosis by Iris Van Herpen
Aesthetic 6. Composition A,1923 by Piet Mondrian
Utilitarian- Social Function 7. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo by Dr. Jose
Aesthetic 8. Swan Lake-Ballet Dance
Aesthetic 9. San Miguel Corporation Headquarters by Arch. Francisco Mañosa
Aesthetic 10. The Lava gown by Mak Tumang

B. Direction/s: Express your opinion regarding the quote from Mao Tse
Tung. Do you agree with him? Defend your ground.
Literature and art are two inseparable things. Both are integral in carrying
traditions, culture, and way of living in a certain community, or even a country. Their
influences are incredibly huge as it bring out the best in people with the different fields
it entail. In this day and age, where tradition and love for culture are going down the
drain due to the negative effects of the new media, we must beef up our drive on
conserving and promoting the importance of art and literature.
Our number one enemy here is our divisiveness. If only we could learn to bring
back together the spirit of camaraderie with the help of art and literature, then we could
make a better world where art and literature is stronger than those of weapons of war
and violence. With that, we could learn to be united and rekindle old hatreds.
So I stand with Mao Tse Tsung in the pursuit of promoting art and literature into
uniting and educating people, and hopefully end any violence in the society.

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