Arab Times Issue 18070-24-AUG-2022

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Established in 1977 / Page 14

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 / MUHARRAM 26, 1444 AH emergency number 112 NO. 18070 16 PAGES 150 FILS

Deal seen as Iran pulls

non-starter N-demands
Pact must meet national interests, says US
WASHINGTON, Aug 23, (Agencies): The US Depart- of weeks,” he said.
He indicated that the EU had based its proposal on the March text and
ment of State affirmed the US would only sign off on presented to Iran.
a deal with Iran that meets its core national security “In turn, responded with several comments. This is why it has taken us
interests. some additional time to review those comments and to determine a response
KUNA photo “We stated in March when thereafter -- after months of painstaking of our own,” he clarified.
His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah re- diplomacy and dialogue -- we arrived at the text, essentially of a deal Price stated that the US is currently consulting with its partners before
ceived Tuesday a letter from Qatar’s Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani ad- responding to Iran’s comments.
that we were prepared for a mutual return to full implementation of the “At the same time, we are engaging with our partners with the EU, with
dressed to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
JCPOA based on that text that was on the table at the time,” Spokesman our European allies on the way ahead. These consultations have taken place
for US Department of State Ned Price said in a press briefing. at various levels.” he said.
He noted that Iran turned down the proposed text and was not prepared to He unveiled that Iran had dropped in its new response the demand to lift its
sign it. Revolutionary Guards Corps from the US Foreign Terror Organizations list.
Opinion “The EU did table a (new) text more recently. That is the text that has been
the topic of some discussion between the various parties over the past couple Continued on Page 3

O leaders of the new era … Here

are some hotbeds of corruption
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Newswatch
UNDOUBTEDLY, there are many files
that the new era is supposed to work on in
order to achieve transparency in the man- KUWAIT CITY: A Kuwaiti delega-
agement of public money, and to combat tion will head to the Iraqi capital –
corruption that has struck the roots of al- Baghdad – this week to resume the
most all institutions in the country. Kuwaiti-Iraqi negotiations on Khor
One of the most important of these Abdullah and to strengthen coordi-
files, of course after “wasta” and the cor- nation to address pending issues as
rupt job appointments, is the cost of state the negotiations stopped for almost
projects. This needs a complete review two years due to the Corona pan-
demic, reports Al-Anba daily quot-
from the last three decades until today ing sources.
because of the manipulation that cannot Sources disclosed the delega-
be condoned. tion includes Undersecretary of the
In this regard, there is an anecdote cir- Ministry of Communications Eng
culating in the country. An American offi- Kholoud Shehab, Assistant Under-
cial met a Kuwaiti official, and while they secretary for the Transportation Sec-
were talking, the American said, “Look at tor Eng Jamal Al-Kandari, and some
that project. It cost us a million dollars, other officials.
which is a very high cost, we think”. Sources said Khor Abdullah is im-
Months later, the American official portant as it is the navigation channel
visited Kuwait and met the same official. between the Kuwaiti islands – Bubi-
The Kuwaiti official said to him, “Look at yan and Warba and Iraq’s Faw
that project”. The American said, “I don’t peninsula. Sources stressed the need
see any project. It is an empty land”. The to complete the demarcation of mari-
Kuwaiti said, “That’s right. This project time borders with Iraq.
cost us KD20 million”. Sources affirmed the political lead-
The American commented, “Now I ers of both countries are keen on fi-
know why the Arabs are not advancing”. nalizing this step without affecting
relations between these countries. Soldiers stand by as supporters of Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr protest in front of the Supreme Judicial Council, in Baghdad, Iraq, Aug. 23,
The Kuwaiti’s response was, “This is an
Arab industry. A road does not cost more ❑ ❑ ❑ 2022. Dozens of supporters of al-Sadr, an influential Shiite cleric in Iraq, rallied on Tuesday in Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone, demanding
than KD 300,000, but commissions and KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait Ministry the dissolution of parliament and early elections. The demonstration underscored how intractable Iraq’s latest political crisis has become. (AP)
change orders increase the price. Because of Foreign Affairs expressed sorrow
we need to maintain it every year, we over the landslide incident that oc-
put bad asphalt, and so everyone siphons curred in Iraq’s Karbala Governo- Iraq judiciary suspends work
from the project”. rate, which resulted in the death and
In one of the reports issued by the injury of a number of people.
Arabian Gulf Center for Studies and Re-
search on the overt and covert corruption
in Kuwait, a total of 20 sectors were con-
The Kuwaiti ministry offered con-
dolences to the Iraqi leadership, peo-
ple and the victims’ families, wishing
the injured speedy recovery. (KUNA)
Sadrists demand Assembly dissolution
sidered as most wasteful of public money
and systematic looting. The most promi- ❑ ❑ ❑ BAGHDAD, Aug 23, (Agen- The Coordination Framework
cies): Hundreds of supporters of has said that parliament would
nent of them is the Ministry of Public
Works, as it wastes not only money, but
also time. This increases the consequent
KUWAIT CITY: A limited fire broke
out at the outer layer of the new ex-
tension of Kuwait 360 Mall on Tues-
Conviction of Ukraine loses 9,000 an influential Shiite cleric in Iraq
rallied on Tuesday in Baghdad’s
have to convene to dissolve itself.
On Tuesday, it urged al-Sadr’s

Najib upheld soldiers during war

losses in the various institutions of the day afternoon and was timely put out, heavily fortified Green Zone, de- camp to “retreat from occupying
country. Kuwait Fire Force (KFF) said. manding the dissolution of par- constitutional state institutions,
There are projects that are priced more Fire brigades from Sabhan, Far- liament and early elections. and return to the forces that be-
than two or three times their cost. This waniya and Mishref managed to NIKOPOL, Aug 23, (AP): Russia’s invasion The demonstration outside the lieve in peaceful and democratic
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 23, (AP): of Ukraine has already killed some 9,000 Supreme Judicial Council and solutions.”
is due to the fact that some of those in subdue the blaze after evacuating the Malaysian ex-Prime Minister
Mall partially as a precaution, accord- Ukrainian soldiers since it began nearly six parliament buildings in the Iraqi On Tuesday, al-Kadhimi left
charge of it have “a wide liability”. They Najib Razak began his 12-
ing to a statement from the KFF pub- months ago, a general said, and the fighting capital underscored how intrac- a regional meeting of leaders
are anchored by quotas, which means that year prison sentence Tuesday Monday showed no signs that the war is abat-
this company obtains a specific project lic relations and media dept. table Iraq’s latest political crisis in Egypt to return to Baghdad
The Mall will resume normal op- after losing his final appeal in ing. has become. following the developments.
after it pays “handouts” to other compet- eration soon, the statement said, not- a graft case linked to the loot- At a veteran’s event, Ukraine’s military
ing companies, and compensates for this The followers of the cleric, A statement from his office
ing that investigations are underway ing of the 1MDB state fund, chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said many of Muqtada al-Sadr and his politi- warned that suspending the judi-
with change orders, and the poor quality to determine the cause of the fire. with the top court unanimously Ukraine’s children need to be taken care of
of the materials used, while there are oth- cal rivals, the Iran-backed Shiite ciary could push the country into
(KUNA) upholding his conviction and because “their father went to the front line groups, have been at odds since “grave dangers” and called for
er projects that are monopolized by some ❑ ❑ ❑ sentence. and, perhaps, is one of those almost 9,000 he-
companies. after last year’s parliamentary calm and resumption of political
Najib, 69, was whisked away roes who died.” elections. talks.
According to estimates, the annual ISLAMABAD: An Islamabad court to Kajang prison on the outskirts In Nikopol, across the river from Ukraine’s
losses incurred by the public money an- Tuesday summoned former Prime Al-Sadr won the largest share Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mo-
of Kuala Lumpur after the ver- main nuclear power plant, Russian shelling of seats in the October vote but hammed al-Halboosi tweeted ap-
nually amount to hundreds of millions Minister Imran Khan to appear next dict. He became the first former
week to answer contempt charges wounded four people Monday, an official failed to form a majority govern- peals to protesters not to quarrel
of dinars, which go to friends and loved prime minister to be imprisoned, said. The city on the Dnieper River has faced
ones. over his verbal threats to a judge at ment, leading to what has be- with the judiciary, which he said
a weekend rally. Police meanwhile four years after he was charged relentless pounding since July 12 that has come one of the worst political was crucial at a time of crisis.
Kuwait suffers from this systematic with corruption following his damaged 850 buildings and sent about half its
looting of public money, whereas Bah- registered another case against him crises in Iraq in recent years. His The United Nations also
on charges of defying a ban on rallies election ouster. population of 100,000 fleeing. supporters in late July stormed sounded the alarm on further po-
rain, the Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia in Islamabad. The five-member Federal “I feel hate towards Russians,” said the parliament and have held fre- litical paralysis in Iraq.
and Oman have remedied the matter a The latest development indicated Court panel said it found the 74-year-old Liudmyla Shyshkina, standing quent protests there. “The right to peaceful protest
long time ago. that Pakistan’s government is step- High Court judge was right in his on the edge of her destroyed fourth-floor Caretaker Prime Minister is an essential element of democ-
In the UAE for example, when officials ping up pressure on Khan, who has judgment and that Najib’s appeal apartment in Nikopol that no longer has Mustafa Al-Kadhimi last week racy. Equally important is the
discovered that a company had tampered been holding mass rallies, seeking to was “devoid of any merits.” walls. She is still injured from the Aug. 10 called a meeting of senior politi- assertion of constitutional com-
with a project, they arrested all of its own- return to power. Separately, police “This is a simple and straight- blast that killed her 81-year-old husband, cal leaders and party representa- pliance and respect for state in-
ers and referred them to the court, which raided overnight the apartment of forward case of abuse of power, Anatoliy. tives to find a solution - but al- stitutions,” it said in a statement.
sentenced them to prison and reimbursed Khan’s close aide Shahbaz Gill in criminal breach of trust and “The Second World War didn’t take away Sadr’s party did not attend. “State institutions must operate
the sums they had taken from all the pro- the Pakistani capital, and took him money laundering,” said Chief my father, but the Russian war did,” noted The firebrand cleric’s support- unimpeded in service of the Iraqi
jects it had executed in the past years. away in handcuffs for interrogation. Justice Maimun Tuan Mat, who Pavlo Shyshkin, his son. ers pitched tents outside of the people, including the (Supreme
In Saudi Arabia, the issue of recovering (AP) read out the verdict. The U.N. says 5,587 civilians have been Supreme Judicial Council and Judicial Council).”
looted money through projects is well “We are unable to conclude killed and 7,890 wounded in the Russian carried banners calling for the Al-Sadr last Wednesday gave
known. that any of the findings of the invasion of Ukraine that began on Feb. 24, authorities to dissolve parliament, the judiciary a week to dissolve
In all these countries, the method of
awarding and supervising tenders was Day by Day High Court, as affirmed by the
Court of Appeal, were perverse
although the estimate is likely an under-
schedule early parliamentary
elections, and combat corruption.
parliament, to which it responded
saying it has no authority to do
reconsidered, and project costs were re- or plainly wrong so as to warrant They decried what they say is the so. His supporters stormed par-
duced, which saved tens of billions, but appellate intervention. We agree politicization of the judiciary in liament in late July.
in Kuwait, the oversight bodies are still THANK YOU, leaders of the new
era for your decisive action on the that the defense is so inherently favor of the Coordination Frame- On Saturday, he called on his
“staggering”. inconsistent and incredible that work, an alliance of Iran-backed followers to be ready to hold
Perhaps these oversight bodies were issue of donations.
Yes, it is no secret that money it does not raise a reasonable parties and al-Sadr’s Shiite rivals. massive protests all over Iraq
also infected with the disease of corrup- from donations including zakat doubt on the prosecution case,” The Supreme Judicial Council but then indefinitely postponed
tion, and they also need treatment, as is money have been misused, ma- she said. and Federal Supreme Court in them after Iran-backed groups
the case with other corrupt sectors. nipulated, spent abroad (no one The court ordered Najib, who a statement said they have sus- called for similar rallies the same
O leaders of the new era, addressing knows for whose benefit), distrib- has been out on bail pending ap- pended court sessions after re- day, saying he wants to preserve
this matter is the first step in the path uted honestly or is spent on the peals since his sentence in 2020, ceiving “threats over the phone” peace and that “Iraqi blood is in-
of transparency. Dealing with it firmly ‘beloved’, the partisans or for the to begin his time behind bars. He to pressure them to dissolve par- valuable” to him.
increases the citizens’ reassurance that purpose of ‘nikah al-misyar’ – a also must pay a 210 million ring- liament. That step would leave Iraq’s outgoing President Bar-
we have entered a new era, especially type of marriage contract permis- git ($47 million) fine. Iraq with both a paralyzed parlia- ham Salih on Tuesday called for
after the bold measures that followed sible by some Muslims but consid- 1MDB was a development ment and judiciary, and a care- cooler heads to prevail after the
the decisive speech of His Highness the ered forbidden by others. fund that Najib set up shortly af- taker government that can only country’s judiciary suspended
Amir. We repeat, thank you leaders of ter taking power in 2009. Investi-
the new era for issuing an order to perform some of its duties. its activities, saying the move
Email: the concerned authorities to pay gators allege at least $4.5 billion Al-Sadr’s Baghdad office in a should not be a catalyst for fur-
this money to the needy in Ku- was stolen from the fund and statement called for the resigna- ther unrest.
Follow me on: laundered by Najib’s associates. tion of the chief of the Supreme The dormancy of the judiciary
wait -- in a country where 180,000
people are banned from travel for Najib was found guilty in 2020 of In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Judicial Council, which has is- risks putting the country on a
failing to pay ‘meager’ debts. seven charges of corruption for Presidential Press Office, honour guard sued arrest warrants for three “dangerous” path, he said in a
… Yet, tomorrow is another illegally receiving $9.4 million soldiers prepare to raise the Ukrainian na- members of al-Sadr’s party, ac- statement, underlining “peaceful day. from SRC International, a former tional flag during State Flag Day celebra- cused of threatening the judi- protest and freedom of expres-
Zahed Matar unit of 1MDB. tions in Kyiv, Ukraine, Aug. 23, 2022. (AP) ciary. sion” as constitutional rights.

Expected weather for the next with light to moderate northwest- Jahra 49 35
Prayer Timings erly wind with speeds of 10-38
24 hours: Salmiyah 40 35
Fajr ........ 03:57 Asr .......... 15:25 By Day: Hot with light to mod- km/h. Ahmadi 40 35
Sunrise .. 05:20 Maghrib .. 18:21 erate freshening at times north- Station Max Exp Min Rec
Zohr ....... 11:51 Isha ........ 19:42 westerly wind with speeds of 12- Kuwait City 44 35 Nuwaisib 43 31
40 km/h. Kuwait Airport 46 35 Wafra 46 30
By Night: Hot to rather hot Abdaly 47 30 Salmy 45 29


Photo by Mohammad Morsi

Kuwait’s main tourist attraction the Kuwait Towers sitting on the edge of the blue sea. It is a group of three towers that symbolizes Kuwait’s economic resurgence. They were inaugurated on February 26, 1977.

Park proposal rejected

Decision to establish walkway More ex-MPs join poll run

to serve Daiya area cancelled ‘Decision on petitions in 48 hours’
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The Minister ister of Municipal Affairs on June 29,
of Municipal Affairs Dr. Rana Al-Fares 2021, as per which the Head of the Mu- By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh
has canceled the Municipal Council’s de- nicipal Council Abdullah Al-Mahri sub-
cision to establish a walkway within the mitted a proposal to establish a public Arab Times Staff
boundaries of Zain- park for recreational sports activities to KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The General De-
ab Primary School serve the people of Daiya area in part of
for Girls, reports Al- the premises of a school located in the partment for Election Affairs at the Min-
Qabas daily. area. istry of Interior has asked the concerned
In a letter she Accordingly, the Ministry of Educa- citizens to closely monitor its decisions on
sent to the director tion was addressed for its opinion on the petitions regarding the electoral rolls as per
general of Kuwait proposal. The ministry sent a letter on
Municipality, Dr. June 27, 2022 with its disapproval of the clauses two, three and four of Article Nine
Al-Fares rejected issuance of the decision to establish the (bis) of decree number 5/2022 on amending
the proposal of the walkway, as well as its disapproval of Elections Law number 35/1962.
Head of the Mu- the proposal to establish a public park for The department disclosed that these petitions will be
nicipal Council Ab- Dr Al-Fares recreational sports activities to serve the reviewed within 24 hours for submission and they will
dullah Al-Mahri to people of Daiya area. This is because the be referred to the First Instance Court, which will issue
establish a public park for recreational school building is included in the min- a decision within 48 hours.
sports activities to serve the inhabitants of istry’s construction plan for demolition The following police stations have been tasked to receive
Daiya area. and reconstruction. The design of a typi- electoral roll petitions:
She referred to the letter of the Min- cal school building has been taken into ● First Constituency: Daiya Police Station
istry of Education regarding the Munici- consideration, including a yard for sports ● Second Constituency: Shamiya Police Station
pal Council’s decision issued on May activities, a walking track, outdoor play- ● Third Constituency: Khairan Police Station
27, 2021 to approve the construction of grounds and parking lots. ● Fourth Constituency: Omariya Police Station
a walkway within the boundaries of the This comes in the sense that it provides ● Fifth Constituency: Adan Police Station
Zainab Primary School for Girls based on an educational, sports and recreational Meanwhile, several former MPs announced their plan to
the approval of the Ministry of Education service for students in the morning peri- contest the elections: Adel Al-Damkhi and Saleh Ashour for
at the meeting of the State Property Pro- od. It is allowed to be used by the people the First Constituency, Ahmed Al-Hamad and Muhammad
tection Committee held on November 30, of the area after official working hours Al-Abduljader for the Second Constituency, Ahmed Asskar
2020. and on official holidays without deduct- and Ammar Al-Ajmi for the Third Constituency, Fayez Al-
Dr. Al-Fares explained that the deci- ing any space from the total spaces of the Jomhour and Musaed Al Ardi for the Fourth Constituency KUNA photo
sion was approved by the former min- school. and Nayef Al Merdas for the Fifth Constituency; in addition Kuwait’s new Ambassador to the United Kingdom Bader Al-Awadhi presents his
to Kuwait Engineers Society Chairman Faisal Duwaih Al- credentials.
Atel for the Fourth Constituency.
‘8-year-old youngest to die’ Regarding the performance of the previous National As- New Kuwait envoy to UK takes charge
sembly, 44 MPs submitted a total of 1,322 proposals -- 930
in the first year of the 16th parliamentary term and 392 in
‘406 committed suicide in 4 years’ the second year; covering important issues like education,
economy, retirees and healthcare.
Kuwait’s new Ambassador to the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland Bader Al-Awadhi on Tuesday
Al-Awadi conveyed to Mrs. Busby the
greetings of the political leadership of
Kuwait and officials of the Kuwaiti Min-
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: An explora- Professor of Psychology at Kuwait Uni- On education, the proposals include canceling the con- presented a copy of his credentials to istry of Foreign Affairs.
tory study prepared by the Kuwait Human versity, Dr. Amthal Al-Huwaila, said sui- dition for master’s degree students to devote full time for Director of Protocol and Vice-Marshal of Both sides reviewed the friendly rela-
Rights Office sheds light on the spread of cidal behavior has existed since the history their studies, allocate a special section in the Students the Diplomatic Corps at the Foreign and tions and expressed desire to further ce-
suicidal behavior during the past four years of mankind living on this earth. Affairs Deanship to process the transactions of disabled Commonwealth Office Victoria Busby. ment the strategic partnership between
and called for the need to expand the scope Al-Huwaila added: “The causes of suicide students and providing health insurance for scholarship During the meeting, Ambassador both countries in all areas. (KUNA)
of work for citizens and residents, both are different, some of them are for economic, students.
adults and children, especially those who emotional and social, and sometimes they On the economy, the proposals include forming a higher
are prone to end their lives when faced with
difficulties, reports Al-Qabas daily.
are attributed to personal disorders in addi- committee in the Council of Ministers to monitor markets Respite for ‘deceived’ expats
tion to drug abuse of various kinds.” and intensify efforts to control prices, in addition to sus-
The study, which covered 2018 until pending the collection of loan payments from the owners of
2021, revealed 406 people have ended their
lives, most of them males and 17 children
small and medium enterprises (individuals and companies).
On retirees, the proposals include expanding the cover- PAM opens visa transfer window
in their late teens, 52% of them Kuwaitis. age of health insurance for retirees (Afia) by adding more
The study added the youngest of those who KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: While the Pub- tee in various regions of the country, during
diseases and medicines; as well as adding Kuwaiti house lic Authority for Manpower announced the the first half of this year.
committed suicide was an 8-year-old Ku- wives and elderly women to the beneficiaries of Afia and
waiti who died on August 3, 2021. opening of the door for workers to transfer Al-Mutairi said that the tripartite commit-
hiring some retirees to fill vacancies in Kuwaiti embassies their work permits – workers who were af- tee was able to seize 600 domestic workers
The nationalities of the children who com- and consulates.
mitted suicide varied according to the order fected due to fake or closed companies, af- working in the private sector, whether they
as -- 10 Kuwaitis, two Indians, 2 bedoun, one On health care, the proposals include the establishment of ter submitting complaints and taking legal were registered as absconders or not work-
British, one Yemeni, and another Syrian. an integrated hospital for the elderly and the establishment measures, responsible sources explained ing with their original sponsors.
The study showed an increase in the of an emergency unit in every primary clinic. that this procedure will benefit hundreds of Al-Mutairi added that legal measures
number of cases of attempted suicide for ❑ ❑ ❑ deceived expatriates, who were brought in were taken against 2,029 violating work-
children during 2020, during the height of ‘Nazaha’ statistics: Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority by companies and then closed their files af- ers who were arrested during the inspection
the Corona epidemic and the accompanying ter their entry into the country which is seen tours by the Tripartite Committee, in addi-
(Nazaha) is currently reviewing 88 corruption reports; while as this is not the fault of the affected work- tion to the registration of other violations
health precautions, and the number of Ku- the Public Prosecution is dealing with 10 corruption reports
waitis was the biggest. ers, reports Al-Qabas daily. by the Inspection Department of Establish-
The study said 88% of the suicide cases referred by the authority, reports Al-Rai daily. The Data Recording Monitor at the In- ments and non-compliant employers.
in the four years on which the study was The daily obtained a copy of the latest statistics from the spection Department of PAM, Bashayer Al-Mutairi called on business owners to
based were for non-Kuwaiti ‘residents’, authority, which revealed that the Court of Cassation issued Al-Mutairi, stated that the authority gives update the data and ensure that the work-
while 35 Kuwaitis committed suicide and four convictions and two acquittals on cases filed by the au- the worker brought to Kuwait on closed or ers are given their rights and prevent them
13 bedoun. thority, while one case is still pending. non-existent facilities the right to transfer from working for others to avoid violations,
The data showed a noticeable increase Also, one case is currently in the Criminal Court (first his residency, calling on any worker affect- stressing that if the facility was permanently
in the cases of attempted suicide for those instance) and another in the Court of Appeals. The First ed by this matter to review the authority to closed and there was no real work, there are
over the age of 21 between the two time pe- KUNA photo Instance Court issued two convictions and two acquittals complete legal procedures against violating financial fines of up to 2,000 dinars mini-
riods (2018-2019) and (2020-2021), where A limited fire broke out in the outer layer by the Court of Appeals. and non law-abiding employers. mum for each worker and up to 3 years in
in the first period it was 57 cases, and in the of the extension work at 360 Mall. Time- In addition, a case is pending in the investigation commit- PAM revealed that it has recorded 1,314 prison, noting that strict measures are being
second period it jumped to 101, with an in- ly arrival of firemen prevented the fire tee for the trial of ministers, while an acquittal ruling was labor violations, during 73 inspection cam- taken against any sponsor who shelters vio-
crease of 56%. from spreading. issued by the Ministers Court. paigns carried out by the Tripartite Commit- lators of the residence and labor laws.



‘Political waste being recycled to satisfy those with family, tribal link’
“I AM afraid that some countries and regimes will be motivated to establish satisfying others based on family, tribal or sectarian affiliations.” “Here, a legitimate question is raised about the procedures for appointing
ministries and create an official structure for political waste with a large-sized and selecting officials, evaluation and production criteria, and justifications for
banner, with colors and decorations and the banner ‘The Ministry of Political Also: referring them for retirement.
Waste Recycling welcomes you’ will be placed on the main gate,” columnist “The threats posed by drug dealers from outside Kuwait to the loyal and “Is there a law that protects the rights and decisions of officials, and guarantees
Khaled Ahmed Al-Tarrah wrote for Al-Qabas daily. well-known police officers, whether in the anti-drugs department or in the Cen- objectivity and equality in decisions regarding the appointment, evaluation and
“A bureaucratic and financial burden that people bear and that states and tral Prison must be taken into consideration by senior officials because they re- privileges of officials, since they assumed office by virtue of Amiri decrees as
regimes that have left behind politically, socially, culturally and scientifically ally mean what they say. The issue for them is either a murderer or a murdered per the nomination of ministers and approval of the Civil Service Commission?
will become a legacy whose weight is known only to those affected and those person, that is to say a matter for survival to be or not to be,” columnist Talal “It is undiplomatic to release media statements from time to time about re-
who are waiting to realize what was promised to them promising will wait for Al Saeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily. ferring officials for retirement, instead of thanking them after their retirement
transformations. “Whoever is arrested among them knows the verdict against him, so no one without holding them solely liable for mistakes that they are not directly re-
“A remarkable political phenomenon of Arab origin, will be allowed to hinder his access to millions, and put him in prisons awaiting sponsible for.
which is summarized in the immortalization of what is execution. “If the media depicted them in a bad way after being in the headlines of
called in the encyclopedia of senior officials and offi- “The drug dealers in Iran and Afghanistan have strong and long arms inside Ku- news about their institutions, I think that the document on referring them for
cials in the state, including ministers and ambassadors, wait, and these arms must be cut sooner than later. The strong message was deliv- retirement under the pretext of pumping young blood is not a trump card when
so that they are not dispensed with at all, but of course ered by burning an officer’s car, threatening to burn his house and killing him, and talking about improving the government’s performance.”
with great selectivity, which is made by known and the this matter is not an isolated incident, as their arms in Kuwait facilitate their task. ❑ ❑ ❑
known only to market the unilateral government deci- “It may be one of the arms inside the prison itself, where the prison is an im-
sions. portant market for drug dealers, and from the prison the information is passed “For the sake of the future of their children and the next generations, citizens
“Ministers and representatives, some of whom de- to Iran, including names, phone numbers and addresses, and I do not think that must support the action of the political leadership — the most recent of which
serve to be honored and benefit from them developmen- this information is hidden from the concerned authorities or that I added to them was changing the rules of the political game in Kuwait,”columnist Sami Abdu-
tally, culturally and scientifically are dispensed with by new information. latif Al-Nisf wrote for Annahar daily.
a reckless government decision and with extreme selec- “They know a lot that we do not know but we are talking about what the “These rules were close to being bad and destructive, similar to the experi-
Al-Tarrah ence of Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Libya whose citizens were pushed into
tivity when they step down from their work after giving Kuwaiti street is obsessed with, and we demand the cutting off the arms of
and leaving a wealth of achievements and transformations in various fields. rivalry, exacerbation and poverty. They lost awareness of the dangers and con-
drug dealers inside Kuwait, who carry out threats cooked abroad, especially
“It is customary in Kuwaiti governments not to embrace competencies, while spiracies around them.
in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with which we must have serious cooperation “In the past decades (not only in recent years), we experienced what has been
others, who have modest experience are embraced and official positions are dis- to combat this scourge, and its cultivation and distribution centers that are no
tributed among them, as if they were the decision makers throughout life which happening in the abovementioned countries. We were exposed to security risks,
longer a secret to anyone. the most serious of which were the invasion, economic disasters, climate, other
were imposed on people without practical, scientific and professional standards. “There is a scheme from outside Kuwait to destroy our youth and at the
“I came to the conclusion that we are facing the phenomenon of political crises and political blockages. People in and outside the country paid the price.
same time obtain money to finance the wars in Yemen and Syria, and support “What do you, the proud people of Kuwait, want in the coming days and
waste recycling, a tumorous phenomenon that is swollen politically and so- the party in Lebanon, so they will not stop at a certain point, and they have no
cially, but the people do not have the right to object, as governments see what years? Do you want to return to the years of strife, destruction and brink of a
objection to turning Kuwait into a battlefield for their interests. conflict that neither stays nor leave due to our choices in the elections?
the people do not see. “The concerned authorities are under obligation to take the initiative and
“Yes, there is an Eastern and Arab phenomenon in particular that is preva- “Kuwait is at a crossroads. Despite the constructive public response to the
activate the administrative deportation of the suspects, not just the culprit, and new political approach of the leadership and the reward for charity, we have
lent in underdeveloped societies and countries, when the arms of governments show neither mercy nor pity. Enough is enough, the knife has reached the bone.”
are very generous and affectionate in embracing the deterioration caused by seen nothing but crises, blockage, fighting over projects in the public and pri-
❑ ❑ ❑ vate sectors, and spread of corruption under pretext of combating it.
senior officials and former ministers but they continue to play the politically-
motivated musical chair. “The statement of a reliable source about the referral of unproductive of- “This time, are we going to choose national, sober and sane faces that believe
“Instead of succeeding in recycling waste in a way that is beneficial and use- ficials for retirement, which was published on a website, brought a smile to in the principles of cooperation with the authorities?”
ful to countries and peoples, political waste is being recycled with the aim of people’s faces,” columnist Dr Hind Al-Choumar wrote for Al-Anba daily. — Compiled by Ahmed Al-Shazli

Parents role ‘vital’ to curb Other Voices

At last the Minister of Social

drugs spread in their kids Affairs takes the ‘right’ step
By Ahmad alsarraf money that the charity society will
collect from the gullible and those
Awareness fair opens in Avenues Mall A fter a long wait, the Minister of
Social Affairs has issued a cir-
looking for heavenly reward go.
For half a century, many have ex-
cular to regulate charity work and ploited charitable work to meet their
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23, (KUNA): The Di- putting emphasis on charities that illegitimate ends, including personal
rector-General of the General Department they submit studies and reports on and partisan enrichment, and the fi-
their projects, nancing of suspicious foreign parties.
of Relations and Security Media at the Min- for approval, The testimony of former MP Ah-
istry of Interior, Major General Tawhid Al- complete with mad al-Fadhl, in the National Assem-
Kandari, stressed the great role of the family a bank state- bly’s records, is the best evidence.
in educating their children about the dangers ment showing In one of them, he showed how
transactions charity societies were able in a rela-
of drugs and raising their level of awareness. and transfers, tively short period to collect more
This came in a press statement Tuesday, on the occa- including those than 720 million dollars, of which
sion of the opening of the awareness exhibition (Weyak) coming from only 10% was spent inside the coun-
to prevent the scourge of drugs, which is organized by abroad. try and the rest went where no one
the General Department of Relations and Security Me- The innova- knows and for what purpose, and no
dia at the Ministry of Interior in the Avenues Mall, in tive Minister one knows anything about it till to-
cooperation with Zain Communications Company and Fahd Al-Shari- day.
the Kuwaiti Cartoon Society. aan has also issued an important cir- We also wish the honorable min-
Major General Al-Kandari called on parents to inform the cular to all charities, especially those ister to prevent charity societies,
concerned authorities about their children suffering from drugs that are suspicious about the actions whether openly or secretly affiliated
and substance abuse for effective treatment and rehabilitation, of their boards of directors, of the with political or military organiza-
without considering this incident as a criminal precedent. necessity of directing unconditional tions, Shiite or Sunni, and even those
He pointed out that the administration’s doors are open to charitable work revenue inside the affiliated with clubs and associations
parents to answer inquiries related to drugs, pointing to the state to fund necessary service pro- of public benefit, to refrain complete-
possibility of receiving inquiries through the emergency num- jects, according to a previous deci- ly from participating in any way in
KUNA photo ber 112 or through the hotline of the General Administration sion of the Council of Ministers. supporting any candidate or move-
The Director-General of the General Department of Relations and Security Media at for Drug Control at 1884141 or through the ministry’s official The issuance of the latest decision
the Ministry of Interior, Major General Tawhid Al-Kandari, during the opening of the ment in the upcoming elections, and
accounts on social media. came as a shock to the senior super- prevent spending their money on any
‘Weyak’ awareness exhibition to prevent the scourge of drugs. He said that the exhibition comes in implementation of the visors of the projects of charitable kind of advertising and other things,
directives of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense associations outside Kuwait, and to
and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al- and issue a stern warning, if proven
Emirates and Bahrain, his office said, the army of their partners who often
Deal seen as world powers and Iran seek to end 16 Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah to intensify various activities to belong to the same religious-political
guilty, they will face the music.
The sources of funding for reli-
months of negotiations over the revival raise awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic sub- party that runs these associations,
Continued from Page 1 stances on members of society. gious political parties that use charity
of Tehran’s landmark nuclear deal. knowing that these charitable asso- funds to support their candidates in
“We are encouraged by the fact that El-Sisi and Emirati President Mo- He added that the exhibition aims to enhance awareness of ciations belong to only two religious
the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances on the in- the elections must also be monitored.
Iran appears to have dropped some of hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan re- parties and the reports and scandals Other government agencies, as
its nonstarter demands such as lifting ceived King Abdulla II of Jordan, Iraqi dividual and society, as well as enhance communication with of the their countless fictitious pro-
caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa Al- the public in order to achieve integration in the efforts exerted we and our colleague Badr Khaled
the FTO designation of the IRGC. But jects involving huge money. al-Bahr demanded, must restrain the
as you’ve heard from us over the past Kadhimi and Bahrain’s King Hamad between official agencies and community institutions. In light of this government awak-
bin Isa Al Khalifa at the airport in the He pointed out the ministry’s keenness to cooperate with so- supervisors of the funds of the Min-
couple of days, there are still some out- ening, we also call on the Minister of
standing issues that must be resolved,” Mediterranean city of el-Alamein. ciety groups and institutions to confront the drug scourge and istry of Awqaf and its independent
spread awareness and ways to prevent and address it. Social Affairs to monitor the fund- affiliates to stop their support for any
he elaborated. The UAE leader arrived at the coastal raising activities which are spreading
Price affirmed that the US administra- city a day earlier and held separate talks electoral campaign, in addition to the
and increasing in the media and hold necessity of seeking to impose cen-
tion is working as quickly as possible to with his Egyptian counterpart that fo- accountable those responsible, and
put together an appropriate response to
the Iranian paper.
cused on ties between the regional allies,
el-Sissi’s office said.
Customs seizes 10 kilos of punish their misguided claims that
sorship on the only charity society
that is not subject to the supervision
donating ten dinars, for example, will of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
“I can guarantee you that we will not
take one day longer than is necessary to
The five-party talks focused on con-
solidating ties and cooperation between hashish at Abdali border turn a person’s bad deeds into good,
without evidence. ❑ ❑ ❑
provide our response to the EU. As I said their countries, according to an Egyptian
statement, which did not elaborate. KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The customs officers manning the There is no mention of where the e-mail:
before, we have been prepared, going
back to last spring, to return to compli- Earlier in the day, an Iraqi statement Abdali port have arrested an unidentified man coming from
ance with the JCPOA on a mutual ba- said the talks would discuss regional Iraq for attempting to smuggle into the country more than 10
sis,” he stressed. security along with energy, investment, kilos of hashish, reports Al-Anba daily.
He reiterated that the US was dealing and climate change. The daily added the narcotics were neatly hidden inside an
with Iran’s nuclear program as a national The meeting took place in el-Alamein, “electric heating device”.
security challenge and is consulting in- the scene of one of the fiercest battles The Director of the General Administration of Customs,
ternally with partners as well through World War II that helped decide the con- Suleiman Abdulaziz Al-Fahd, has given instructions to cus-
the lens of foreign policy and national flict’s outcome. toms officers to check all goods and shipments arriving in the
security. Neither statement mentioned Iran and country, by air, land and sea, and during the regular inspection
Price argued that Iran became had the ongoing efforts to revive its 2015 nu- of people arriving into Kuwait on one of the transport buses
been emboldened when the last admin- clear deal with the world powers. from Iraq the passenger’s luggage was placed on a detector
istration opted to abandon the JCPOA. Many of the Gulf nations - Saudi Ara- and officers discovered something was amiss and ordered a
“The pace of Iran-backed attacks af- bia, in particular - have grave concerns thorough check and the drugs were found hidden inside an
ter the last administration abandoned the about Iran’s activity in the region. They electric heating device.
JCPOA went up by about 400 percent,” fear that reviving the 2015 deal would The suspect and the contraband have been referred to the
he said. include economic relief for Tehran’s General Department of Drugs and Alcohol Control.
Price described the former president hard-line regime, allowing it to expand ❑ ❑ ❑
Donald Trump’s policy of maximum its meddling in their internal affairs. ‘Kratom seized’: The customs officers thwarted an attempt
pressure on Iran as a demonstrable fail- Iraq has hosted several rounds of talks to bring 140 kilos of the narcotic substance (kratom) into Ku-
ure. between Iran and its regional rival Saudi wait recently through the Air Customs Administration, reports
“So, the idea that a new strategy of so- Arabia, whose ties worsened consider- Al-Anba daily.
called maximum pressure would some- ably in 2016. That’s when Saudi Arabia According to a customs statement, the suspicious shipments
how cow Iran into submission, not only removed its diplomats after protesters were monitored and subjected to strict inspection, and 140
in the nuclear realm, but also when it attacked its embassy in Tehran and con- kilos of kratom were found. The contraband arrived from an
comes to its support for terrorist groups sulate in Mashhad in retaliation for the unidentified Asian country.
and proxies, that has been a demonstra- kingdom executing a prominent Shiite Kratom is forbidden in Kuwait because people who use
ble failure,” he pointed out. cleric. kratom report both stimulant-like effects (increased energy,
He, however, suggested that the out- There were also talks recently between alertness and rapid heart rate) and effects that are similar to
come of the ongoing discussions still Iran and Egypt as both governments opioids and sedatives (relaxation, pain relief and confusion)
remains uncertain “as gaps do remain”. explore ways to ease decades-long ten- The Director General of Customs, Suleiman Al-Fahad,
sions. Diplomatic relations between praised the joint cooperation between the Ministry of Interior
Also: Egypt and Iran were frozen after Egypt represented by the Anti-Narcotics Department and the Gen-
CAIRO: President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi signed its 1979 peace treaty with Israel eral Administration of Customs represented by the Customs
of Egypt met Monday with the lead- and Iran underwent its Islamic Revolu- Research and Investigation Sector, which resulted in the arrest
ers of Iraq, Jordan, the United Arab tion. of the accused and their referral to the competent authorities.


Books delivered to Dept of Supplies

& Stores for distribution to schools
MoE signs over 6 contracts to supply school furniture
MPW opens bidding for supply, installation 23: The Director of
the Supply and Stores
& maintenance of surveillance cameras Department at the
Ministry of Education,
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The submitting bids is on Sept 12, the Central Agency for Public Matrouk Al-Mutairi,
Ministry of Public Works re- while the preliminary meeting to Tenders. confirmed that the pro-
cently opened the bidding for inquire about the bidding is sched- On the other hand, statistics is- cess of preparing to
the supply, installation, opera- uled for Aug 29 at the ministry’s sued by the ministry showed that
tion and maintenance of sur- head office. the asphalting of internal roads provide the school’s re- KUNA photo
veillance cameras in its sites, Sources revealed the project from Aug 10-17 in Abu Fatira, quirements, including HH the Prime Minister receives the Deputy PM and Minister of Foreign Affairs
reports Al-Anba daily quoting was offered to local companies Sabah and Firdous health districts textbooks, furniture of Qatar.
sources. specialized in the abovemen- covered an area measuring 22,440 and labor, is underway
Sources said the deadline for tioned works and registered in square meters. HH Premier receives Qatari Deputy PM
and will be completed
before the start of the
new school year, re-
ports Al-Jarida daily.
HH the Crown Prince receives
He explained, that text-
books have begun to grad- minister of oil and KPC’s CEO
ually reach the Department KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23, (KUNA): leum Corporation (KPC) Sheikh
of Supplies and Stores for His Highness the Crown Prince Nawaf Saud Nasser Al-Sabah.
distribution to schools. Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Meanwhile, His Highness the
Regarding the distribution Al-Sabah received at Bayan Palace Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad
of books for the educational on Tuesday Deputy Prime Minister, Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah received
stages in the various educa- Minister of Oil, Minister of State for Tuesday Qatari Deputy Prime Min-
tional regions, Al-Mutairi Cabinet Affairs Dr. Mohammad Al- ister and Foreign Minister Sheikh
stated that the distribution of Fares. Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al-
books for the primary stage His Highness also received Chief Thani on the occasion of his visit to
has been completed for the Executive Officer of Kuwait Petro- the country.
Capital, Mubarak Al-Kabeer,
Jahra and Hawalli regions,
and for the intermediate
stage, books were distributed
to schools in the Mubarak
Al-Kabeer, the Capital, Jahra
and Hawalli regions, and for
the secondary stage, books
were distributed in the Capi-
tal, Mubarak Al-Kabeer and
Jahra regions.
He added, the distribution
process is being completed to
the rest of the schools in the
educational areas for all stu-
dents before the start of the
new school year.
With regard to school fur-
niture, Al-Mutairi stated that
more than 6 contracts for
school furniture have been Musallam Al-Subaie Fahd Al-Shariaan
signed, and part of these con-
tracts have been fulfilled, and Al-Shariaan okays use of Mobile ID
the entire quantity will be
supplied in the coming days
-- distributing new furniture
to schools which urgently
Complete all transactions as
need them due to the increase
in the number of students, or soon as possible: Al-Subaie
to replace damaged furniture.
As for the service contracts KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The Acting
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social
for guarding and cleaning
the schools, Al-Mutairi indi-
Affairs and Community Development, Technical failure
Musallam Al-Subaie, has canceled the
cated that the signing of all
contracts for guards for the
prior appointments for the visitors in vari-
ous departments of the ministry, reports
in France delays
schools of all educational
districts have been com-
Al-Qabas daily.
The ministry said in a statement that issuance of visas
pleted, with the exception of the step came “in line with the directives
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The
the Mubarak Al-Kabeer edu- of the Council of Ministers to facilitate
French Embassy in Kuwait said
cational area, which will be the work mechanism within the various
the pace of issuing visas will be
signed in the coming days. sectors of the state, in order to facilitate
slow this week due to a technical
the visitors’ transactions, and on the in-
With regard to cleaning structions of the Minister of Commerce failure in France, and expressed its
contracts, Al-Mutairi indi- and Industry and the Minister of Social deep regret for the circumstances,
cated that contracts have been Affairs and Community Development what it called, beyond its control,
signed for all educational Fahd Al-Shariaan.” reports Al-Qabas daily
districts, except for the Capi- The source stated that the undersecre- “We regret to inform you that
due to a technical failure in France,
tal Educational District, and tary directed “not to specify or restrict the
visa issuance will be slower this
they will also be signed in the visitors with specific dates, but to receive
them on a daily basis and to complete all week, and we thank you for your
coming days. understanding,” the embassy said
Al-Mutairi praised the ef- their transactions as soon as possible in
accordance with the established laws and on its Twitter account.
forts of all employees in the regulations.”
administration to complete Meanwhile, Minister Al-Shariaan has Al-Shariaan issued a circular to all State
the requirements of schools approved the use of digital civil identi- agencies based on Cabinet Resolution
to prepare for the new school fication card (Mobile ID) in all govern- No. 1008 (51 of 2020) on using the ‘Mo-
year despite the difficult cli- mental agencies, reports Al-Rai daily. bile ID’ application for processing gov-
matic conditions. In a bid to ease procedures for citizens, ernmental transactions.


Sudanese govt expresses thanks and appreciation to Arab countries

Kuwait makes final arrangement in support of Sudan: envoy

KHARTOUM, Aug 23, (KUNA): the air bridges and the aid provided ters that affected six states, namely states by torrential rains and floods.
Kuwait’s Ambassador to Sudan, during the past two years. River Nile, Gezira, White Nile, West Osman said “we announce mobi-
Dr. Fahad Al-Dhafiri said on Mon- He added that Kuwait, as a center Kordofan, South Darfur and Kas- lization of the popular and official
day that the process of support and for humanitarian work in the world, sala. effort to help the affected people and
assistance that Kuwait will provide will spare no effort in supporting During their meeting, the Council strengthen early warning and follow-
to Sudan in the face of the rain and brotherly countries, especially Su- stressed importance of mobilizing up systems in order to avoid poten-
torrential crisis will start within two dan, and providing a helping hand popular efforts to attract internal and tial damage, explaining that rains
days. and assistance in facing the crisis. external humanitarian support from had caused severe damage to citi-
Al-Dhafiri said in a statement to Campaign official and popular bodies to pro- zens, as well as in the field of health
Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that vide a helping hand and assistance and education, and the collapse of
within the framework of the helping He stressed that “the embassy is to those affected by the situation in schools and institutions, which re-
hand provided by Kuwait to vari- in contact and coordination with the the states. quires urgent intervention.
ous brotherly and friendly countries, Sudanese Foreign Ministry and the The cabinet meeting directed the For his part, Acting Interior
“the delegation of the Kuwaiti Red Sudanese Red Crescent Society to National Civil Defense Council to Minister, Lieutenant-General An-
Crescent Society will arrive in Khar- find out the most important needs carry out its role in coordination nan, affirmed that the losses were
toum within the next two days to and materials required in the relief with the emergency committee of confined to six states, most notably
make final arrangements to start the campaign that will be implemented the Sovereignty Council through its River Nile, Gezira, White Nile, West
KUNA photo
aid process, which will take place in by the Kuwait Red Crescent Soci- Dr. Fahad Al-Dhafiri, Kuwaiti ambassador to Sudan branches in the states, the allocated Kordofan and Kassala, saying, “we
two phases, the first includes provid- ety.” budget, the support coming from in- have distributed all our supplies and
ing food and shelter assistance. The Sudan declared a state of alert and ing the spirit of cooperation that pre- of rain and floods rose to 83 deaths side and outside and the humanitar- humanitarian aid, and the convoys
second relates to health and environ- emergency regarding the disasters of vailed in the joint meeting with Arab and 36 injuries, in addition to the de- ian organizations. will go to those states in the coming
mental support.” rain and floods and the damage that af- ambassadors, during which the extent struction of more than 43,000 homes Acting Minister of Cabinet Affairs days.”
Al-Dhafiri pointed out that the fected the country, while the Sudanese of the damage and losses as a result of and 127 facilities and shops. Osman Hussein Osman, affirmed He reviewed the extent of damage
Kuwait Red Crescent Society gained Foreign Ministry expressed in a state- the rains and torrents. Sudan’s Council of Ministers de- opening of an account in local and in the states, especially collapse of
great experience in dealing with the ment its thanks and appreciation to the In this context, the Sudan Civil clared on Sunday a state of alert and foreign currencies to attract support houses and the number of deaths and
rain and flood crises in Sudan after Arab countries for their support, prais- Defense Council said that the losses emergency regarding the flood disas- and stand beside those affected in the injuries.

Commerce preparing to issue decision linking payment

of institution’s share to giving approval for holding AGMs
Companies must pay 1% of their annual profits
The companies listed on
the KSE market (stock ex-
change), particularly the
shareholding companies
must be prepared once
again or show their com-
mitment to pay 1 percent
of their net profits annually
as a condition for holding
their annual general as-
sembly meetings, since the
Ministry of Commerce and
Industry is expected to is-
sue in the near future, a new
procedural amendment re-
lated to the requirements
for holding general assem-
bly meetings for companies
particularly the sharehold-
ing companies, reports Al-
Rai daily.
The Guest Show poster In this regard, the daily has
learned from relevant sources
TGS presents Dr Nair that the ministry officials are
preparing to issue a ministe-
This Thursday The Guest served in a team of doctors rial decision linking the listed
Show (TGS) presents Dr Su- responsible for managing on- companies’ commitment to pay
sovana Sujit Nair, a medical cologic patients suspected of
oncologist with the Kuwait Can- having COVID-19. the share owed by them to the
cer Control Center since 2011. Dr Nair is a very interesting Kuwait Foundation for the Ad-
Dr Nair is a well-known medical person. Apart from practising vancement of Sciences.
professional in Kuwait who’s medicine, she is also a very
also very closely involved in good singer and she’s ready to Contribution
spreading community aware- share her music with you if she According to the expected deci-
ness and organizing medical has the time.
health camps. In 2019, she Dr Nair grew up in a small sion, the annual general assembly
won the Nari Udyami Award town in India. Before coming to meetings of joint-stock and hold-
for her extensive community Kuwait she worked in Vellore, ing companies that have not paid
work centred on breast cancer Chennai and Pondicherry. their share to KFAS, which are es-
awareness. On The Guest Show, she will tablished in accordance with Law
Dr Nair is very active with share her experience of work- No. 46 of 2006 regarding zakat
the Indian Doctors Forum, a ing in India, her activism in
premier social-cultural organi- spreading cancer awareness, and the contribution of public and
zation association of Indian cancer detection and treatment closed joint-stock companies to the
medical professionals in Ku- in Kuwait and dangers of smok- state budget of one percent will be
wait. During the lockdown, she ing, and her life journey. suspended.
Kuwaiti companies do not pay
direct taxes, but they are obliged
Citizens and residents purchase to pay a percentage of their prof-
its to support national labor and
nine tons of ‘gold’ in six months the Kuwait Foundation for the
Advancement of Sciences, and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Abdullrahman Al-Muatiri, with the President of the 76th UN General Assembly
KUNA photo

and Maldives’ Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid.

KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: Gold pur- coins, while the ready-made jewelry an additional percentage as za-
chases by citizens and residents in Ku- accounted for 76.7% of the total gold kat on money, estimated in to-
wait from January to the end of June
2022 was about 9 tons of bullion, coins
purchases or 6.9 tons.
This is in view of the global geo-
tal at 4.5 percent, while foreign
companies pay profits estimated
of closed joint-stock companies
at 1 percent zakat and 1 per cent
Kuwaiti, UN officials discuss
and ready-made gold works, which is political factors in addition to the
the same value as purchases during the
first half of 2021, but there are clear
economic variables, on top of which
comes the high inflation rates and the
at 15 percent according to a
legislative amendment made in
2008, which is a lower rate than
of the institution’s share.
Over the past years, Commerce
Ministry had disrupted this obliga-
‘youth empowerment’ efforts
changes in the policy acquisition as it subsequent successive increases in in- the previous rate, which was up tion, as companies were no longer KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23, (KUNA): Affairs said that Al-Mutairi, also
increased in bullion and coins that are terest rates by the US Federal Reserve, obliged during that time to provide
treated investment only, while it rela- which increased the attractiveness of
to 55 percent. Minister of State for Youth Af- Minister of Information and Cul-
tively decreased in purchase jewelry the dollar and the tendency towards Taxes are imposed on the prof- proof that they had paid the insti- fairs Abdullrahman Al-Muatiri and ture, and Shahid focused during
wear, reports Al-Anba daily. saving. its of joint-stock companies, tution’s share in order to acquire President of the 76th UN General their meeting on ways to enable
The World Gold Council said Ku- However, the gold market in Kuwait which come at about 1 percent the date to hold their annual gen- Assembly, Maldives’ Foreign Min- youths to achieve their dreams and
wait’s purchases during the first half translated this into increases in the zakat, 2.5 percent to support eral assembly meetings, so that ister Abdulla Shahid discussed in a aspirations.
of 2022 were relatively distributed acquisition of bullion and gold coins, national labor and 1 percent as the Ministry at that time had an meeting Tuesday ways to empower Members of Shahid’s accompany-
by 23.3% or 2.1 tons for the coun- which reached its peak during from a share to the institution, while opinion that argued that the link the youth. ing delegation were present at the
try’s purchases of bullion and gold April until the end of June 2022. taxes are imposed on the profits between the two issues was illegal. The Ministry of State for Youth meeting.

5 scout associations partake Arab Scout Course

KUWAIT CITY, Aug 23: The activities of Scout Region and the Arab Scout Organiza- Sibai, said that the course included present- principles of adult education, and evaluation
the Arab Scout Course to develop the capa- tion, with wide Arab participation, was con- ing 16 training programs aimed at improving of impact and results.
bilities of trainers (training assistants and cluded over a week, reports Al-Rai daily. the scout movement, including leadership Training, as well as recent trends in train-
leaders), which was hosted by the State of The Deputy Regional Director and Direc- qualification systems approved and applied ing adults and determining the training needs
Kuwait, represented by the Kuwait Scout tor of the Educational Methods Department in five scout associations, the life cycle of an of occupants of scouting missions, noting
Association, in cooperation with the Arab of the Arab Scout Organization, Rifaat Al- adult leader in scouting, the foundations and that the course also included a program on
the skills of a successful coach, methods of
counseling, the role of the mentor with the
individual and the group, the organization,
management and evaluation of the training
session, and the steps of preparing, design-
ing and implementing the training package
and other things.
He stated that the last day witnessed the
participants presenting 12 training sessions
prepared and presented by representatives
of 5 Arab scout associations from Tunisia,
Algeria, Kuwait, Libya and Egypt, pointing
out that the course program was implement-
ed within 42 hours.
Al-Sibai expressed his sincere thanks and
appreciation to the Kuwait Scout Association,
president, members and affiliates, for their
sincere efforts in favor of the Kuwaiti Scout
Movement in particular and the Arab Scout
Al-Rai photo Movement in general after the return to normal
Participants in the course during the closing ceremony. life as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Berkshire Hatha-
way Chairman Buffett company likely to boost stake in Occidental
and CEO Warren
Buffett smiles dur-
ing an interview Warren Buffett’s company has received broader sell-off Monday and as specula- Berkshire’s Occidental purchases and a
in Omaha, Neb., clearance to boost its 20% stake in Occi- tion cooled over the potential for Berkshire $20 billion investment in Chevron shares
with Liz Claman dental Petroleum to as much as 50%, but to buy the entire company. early this year allowed Buffett to capital-
on Fox Busi- it’s not immediately clear how many more Berkshire doesn’t typically comment ize on the surge in oil prices after Russia
ness Network’s shares Berkshire Hathaway plans to buy on its stock investments beyond what it invaded Ukraine. Edward Jones analyst
‘Countdown to the or whether it will consider buying the entire is required to disclose, and Buffett didn’t Jim Shanahan said he thinks it’s likely
Closing Bell,’ May company. respond to questions about Occidental that Berkshire will keep buying Occidental
7, 2018. Buffett’s Shares of the of the oil producer soared on Monday. But Buffett told shareholders shares when the price drops below $60
company now has nearly 12% Friday after the Federal Energy at the company’s annual meeting in April again. The shares are up 13% in just the
clearance to boost Regulatory Commission revealed that it that he started buying Occidental shares in past 30 days, and up 130% this year. But
its current 20% had approved Berkshire’s request to buy late February because what the CEO was he doesn’t think it’s likely that Berkshire will
stake in Occiden- up to 50% of the Houston company. telling investors then “made nothing but try to acquire the whole company unless
tal Petroleum up Shares slid 3% to around $69 amid a sense” to him. Occidental shares fall significantly. (AP)
to 50%. (AP)

Market Movements 23-08-2022

Change Closing pts Change Closing pts
PAKISTAN - KSE 100 +540.12 43,366.78 SAUDI - Tadawul -139.71 12,420.77
UAE - DFM -15.42 3,392.69
JAPAN - Nikkei -341.75 28,452.75
EGYPT - EGX 30 -108.35 10,137.89
PHILIPPINES - PSEi -86.03 6,618.38

Global shares mixed amid speculation about Fed rate hike

US stocks waver day after big stumble

NEW YORK, Aug 23, (AP): US stocks wa- spending and the employment market remain pockets of
vered in afternoon trading on Wall Street strength. The Fed has been raising interest rates to pump
the brakes on the economy to bring inflation under control.
Tuesday, but remain in the red for the week Wall Street is concerned that the Fed could hit the brakes too hard
following the biggest pullback in the S&P 500 and veer an already slowing economy into a recession. Minutes last
since mid-June. week from the Fed’s July board meeting affirmed plans for more
The S&P 500 fell 0.1% as of 12:08 p.m. Eastern. rate hikes Investors could gain more insight into the Fed’s future
The benchmark index is down 2.2% for the week fol- plans at the annual meeting this week, which starts Thursday and
includes a speech by Fed Chair Jerome Powell on Friday.
lowing a sell-off on Monday. Global shares were mixed Tuesday amid speculation about
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 127 points, or another interest rate raise by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
0.4%, to 32,935 and the Nasdaq rose 0.1%. Benchmarks in Asia finished lower in Japan, Australia, South
Energy stocks made solid gains as U.S. crude oil prices rose Korea and China, but European indexes were mixed, rising in
3.7%. Exxon Mobil gained 3.8%. France and Germany while falling in Britain. Oil prices rose.
Health care stocks fell broadly and checked gains elsewhere
in the market. Eli Lilly fell 1.7%. Europe
Investors had several earnings reports to focus on as the lat- France’s CAC 40 added 0.2% in early trading to 6,391.76.
est round of corporate financial results comes to a close. More Germany’s DAX rose 0.3% to 13,265.61. Britain’s FTSE 100
than 95% of companies in the S&P 500 have reported earnings, fell 0.4% to 7,503.25. U.S. shares were set to drift higher with
with overall growth of about 6%, according to FactSet. Dow futures up 0.3% at 33,145.00. S&P 500 futures were up
0.3% at 4,153.25.
Forecasts Investors are grappling with uncertainty over when the
Macy’s rose 5% after beating Wall Street’s second-quarter highest U.S. inflation in decades will ease significantly, how
financial forecasts and J.M. Smucker gained 3% after reporting much the U.S. Fed will have to raise interest rates in order to
strong earnings. Zoom Video slumped 15.1% after cutting its get it under control and how much the rate hikes will slow the
profit and revenue forecasts for the year. economy.
Twitter slipped 5.3% on reports that a former head of secu-
rity filed whistleblower complaints with U.S. officials, alleg- Asia
ing that the company misled regulators about its cybersecurity Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 1.2% to finish at 28,452.75.
defenses and its problems with fake accounts. The allegations Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 slid 1.2% to 6,961.80. South Korea’s
come amid the ongoing dispute with billionaire CEO Elon Kospi dipped 1.1% to 2,435.34. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng shed
Musk, who is trying to withdraw his $44 billion takeover bid 0.8% to 19,503.25, while the Shanghai Composite was little
for the social media company. changed, inching down less than 0.1% at 3,276.22.
Investors are looking ahead to the Federal Reserve’s annual “Investors are being cautious as continuous risk-off flows
meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, later this week as they have hit global markets,” said Anderson Alves at ActivTrades,
grapple with uncertainty over inflation, the economy and the noting that rising gas prices were a big risk, especially for Eu-
central bank’s plan to fight high prices. Worries about infla- rope.
tion and recessions globally have brought the euro below parity The Euro sculpture stands in front of the former European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, on July 13, 2022.
with the dollar, breaking a psychological barrier in the markets. Oil The euro has fallen below parity with the dollar, diving to its lowest level in 20 years and ending a one-to-one ex-
Bond yields fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury slipped In energy trading, benchmark U.S. crude rose $1.25 to change rate with the US currency. (AP)
to 3.00% from 3.03% late Monday. It remains below the yield $91.61 a barrel. Brent crude, the international standard, added
on the two-year Treasury, a gap viewed by many investors as a
potential signal for a coming recession.
$1.01 to $97.49 a barrel. Who wins ... who loses?
Inflation remains at its hottest level in four decades and Currencies
that is straining businesses and consumers. The U.S. econ- In currency trading, the U.S. dollar fell to 137.26 Japanese
omy shrank during the first half of 2022, though consumer yen from 137.49 yen. The euro was little changed at 99 cents.
One-to-one exchange rate ends
NEW YORK, Aug 23, (AP): The euro has fallen below parity in 2002 as large trade deficits and accounting scandals on Wall
with the dollar, diving to its lowest level in 20 years and ending Street weighed on the dollar.
a one-to-one exchange rate with the U.S. currency. Then as now, what appears to be a euro story is also in many
It’s a psychological barrier in the markets. But psychology is ways a dollar story. That’s because the U.S. dollar is still the
important, and the euro’s slide underlines the foreboding in the world’s dominant currency for trade and central bank reserves.
19 European countries using the currency as they struggle with And the dollar has been hitting 20-year highs against the curren-
an energy crisis caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine. cies of its major trading partners, not just the euro.
Here’s why the euro’s slide is happening and what impact The dollar is also benefiting from its status as a safe haven
it could have: for investors in times of uncertainty.
■ It means the European and American currencies are worth ■ Many analysts attribute the euro’s slide to expectations
the same amount. While constantly changing, the euro has for rapid interest rate increases by the U.S. Federal Reserve to
dropped just below a value of $1 this week. combat inflation at close to 40-year highs.
A currency’s exchange rate can be a verdict on economic As the Fed raises interest rates, the rates on interest-bearing
prospects, and Europe’s have been fading. Expectations that investments tend to rise as well. If the Fed raises rates more
the economy would see a rebound after turning the corner from than the European Central Bank, higher interest returns will
the COVID-19 pandemic have been replaced by recession pre- attract investor money from euros into dollar-denominated
dictions. investments. Those investors will have to sell euros and buy
More than anything, high energy prices and record inflation dollars to buy those holdings. That drives the euro down and
are to blame. Europe is far more dependent on Russian oil and the dollar up.
natural gas than the U.S. to keep industry humming and gener- Last month, the ECB raised interest rates for the first time
ate electricity. Fears that the war in Ukraine will lead to a loss in 11 years by a larger-than-expected half-percentage point. It
of Russian oil on global markets have pushed oil prices higher. is expected to add another increase in September. But if the
And Russia has been cutting back natural gas supplies to the economy sinks into recession, that could halt the ECB’s series
European Union, which EU leaders described as retaliation for of rate increases.
sanctions and weapons deliveries to Ukraine. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy looks more robust, meaning
Energy prices have driven euro-area inflation to a record the Fed could go on tightening - and widen the rate gap.
8.9% in July, making everything from groceries to utility bills ■ American tourists in Europe will find cheaper hotel and
more expensive. They also have raised fears about govern- restaurant bills and admission tickets. The weaker euro could
ments needing to ration natural gas to industries like steel, make European export goods more competitive on price in the
glassmaking and agriculture if Russia further reduces or shuts United States. The U.S. and the EU are major trade partners, so
off the gas taps completely. the exchange rate shift will get noticed.
The sense of doom increased as Russia reduced the flows In the U.S., a stronger dollar means lower prices on imported
through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany to 20% of goods - from cars and computers to toys and medical equip-
capacity and said it would shut it down for three days next ment - which could help moderate inflation.
week for “routine maintenance” at a compressor station. ■ American companies that do a lot of business in Europe
Natural gas prices on Europe’s TTF benchmark have soared will see the revenue from those businesses shrink when and if
to record highs amid dwindling supplies, fears of further cut- they bring those earnings back to the U.S. If euro earnings re-
offs and strong demand. main in Europe to cover costs there, the exchange rate becomes
“If you think Euro at parity is cheap, think again,” Robin less of an issue.
Brooks, chief economist at the Institute of International Fi- A key worry for the U.S. is that a stronger dollar makes
nance banking trade group, tweeted Monday. “German manu- U.S.-made products more expensive in overseas markets, wid-
facturing lost access to cheap Russian energy & thus its com- ening the trade deficit and reducing economic output, while
petitive edge.” giving foreign products a price edge in the United States.
“Global recession is coming,” he said in a second tweet. A weaker euro can be a headache for the European Central
■ The euro was last valued below $1 on July 15, 2002. Bank because it can mean higher prices for imported goods,
The European currency hit its all-time high of $1.18 shortly particularly oil, which is priced in dollars. The ECB is already
after its launch on Jan. 1, 1999, but then began a long slide, being pulled in different directions: It is raising interest rates,
falling through the $1 mark in February 2000 and hitting a re- the typical medicine for inflation, but higher rates also can slow
cord low of 82.30 cents in October 2000. It rose above parity economic growth.

Pilot shortages on horizon in Mideast

WFS to focus on reshaping airline resilience

GENEVA, Aug 23: The International Air Transport Associa- operations. This vital symposium will bring together financial
tion (IATA) announced that the 2022 World Financial Sym- leaders from airlines and our many supply chain partners to
posium (WFS) will focus on reshaping airline resilience. The discuss and debate the path forward and the challenges to be
event will take place from19-22 September in Doha, Qatar, overcome.”
with Qatar Airways as the host airline. A highlight of the WFS Opening Plenary will be an onstage
Following the greatest shock to aviation in history,the indus- discussion with Akbar Al Baker and Willie Walsh on the theme
try is emerging rapidly from the pandemic and government- of the industry’s future.
mandated travel restrictions of the past two years. Industry
losses are expected to reduce to $9.7 billion this year from Also:
nearly $180 billion in red ink in 2020-21. As travel barriers fall DUBAI: In a newly released update on pilot shortages in
in most regions,very strong demand is supporting expectations the aviation sector, global management consultancy Oliver
for a recovery to pre-COVID-19 traffic levels by 2024, with Wyman found that, as air travel demand continues to recover
profitability a possibility in 2023. this year, demand for airline pilots will outstrip supply in most
At the same time airline debt levels have soared as carriers regions globally between 2022 and 2024 – with the Middle
borrowed to stay aloft during the crisis. And finance depart- East feeling the effects first.
ments across the industry will face challenges as the industry According to André Martins, Partner – Head of IMEA
achieves its 2050 fly net zero commitment. Transportation and Services at Oliver Wyman, “We expect the
“Airlines are resilient. Now is the time to build on the hard Middle East to be the region affected soonest by the shortage
work and difficult restructurings of the past two years to seizeop- outside of North America, driven by a projected sharp increase
portunities coming out of the crisis. in air travel demand over the next few years, new players en-
Finance will play a vital role in supporting the ongoing recov- tering the market and big tourism developments happening in
ery while creating a sustainable capital structure to support our the region”.
ambitious environment agenda,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Di- The new figures from Oliver Wyman show that this spike in
rector General. demand for air travel coincides with flat then declining supply of
Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. pilots in the region, due to a combination of lay-offs during the
Akbar Al Baker said: “We are honored to be hosting the first COVID-19 pandemic, a falling number of newly-certified pilots,
in-person WFS since 2019 during our milestone 25th year of and retirements eventually outstripping new pilots.


Musk subpoenas former Twitter CEO Dorsey

Technology entrepre-
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has Twitter has subpoenaed a significant number of employees. sonal wealth resides, lost more neur and former Twitter
subpoenaed his friend and for- host of tech investors and en- Musk’s team expects more infor- than $100 billion of their value. CEO Jack Dorsey leaves
mer Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey trepreneurs connected to Musk, mation about the bot numbers to The subpoena was served after his talk with French
as part of an effort to back out including prominent venture be revealed in the trial court dis- last week. It asks Dorsey for President Emmanuel
of his $44 billion agreement to capitalist Marc Andreessen and covery process, when both sides documents and communica- Macron at the Elysee
acquire the company Dorsey David Sacks, the founding chief must hand over evidence. tions related to the acquisition, Palace in Paris on June
helped found, according to court operating officer of PayPal. Twitter argues that Musk’s as well as information on the ef- 7, 2019. Tesla CEO Elon
documents. Musk has claimed that Twitter reasons for backing out are just fect of fake or spam accounts on Musk has subpoenaed
Twitter and Musk are headed failed to provide adequate infor- a cover for buyer’s remorse. Twitter’s business and its meas- his friend Dorsey in his
for an Oct. 17 trial in Delaware mation about the number of fake, Shortly after Musk agreed to pay urement of daily active users. legal fight to get out of his
that should determine whether or “spam bot,” Twitter accounts, 38% above Twitter’s stock price, A lawyer representing Dorsey $44 billion commitment to
or not Twitter can force the bil- and that it has breached its ob- the stock market stumbled and did not immediately respond purchase Twitter. (AP)
lionaire to go through with the ligations under the deal by firing shares of the electric-car maker to a message for comment on
acquisition. top managers and laying off a Tesla, where most of Musk’s per- Monday. (AP)

Talks on new funding from IMF

4 firms shortlisted for Egypt’s $2b industrial project

CAIRO, Aug 23, (Agencies): Anchorage Investments, which process which included strict criteria and a scoring system. are looking to strengthen their presence in Egypt.” Monday the talks between his government and the Interna-
develops, implements, and operates industrial projects in the The successful contractor, selected in the final stage of the He added: “More than 20 international companies with tional Monetary Fund on new loan agreements have entered
chemicals and blue hydrogen sectors, has shortlisted four tender, will be responsible for executing the Front-End Engi- high credit ratings will participate in the Anchor Benitoite the final stage.
international contractors in the second phase of the EPC neering Design (FEED) phase, followed by the full engineer- project, including reliable foreign financial institutions and “Egypt pursues an effective economic reform program
(engineering, procurement, and construction) tender for the ing, procurement, construction, commissioning, and launch commercial banks.” which helped secure high growth rates but the coronavirus
Anchor Benitoite project. of operations. The project is in line with the Egypt’s plans to promote pandemic and the war in Ukraine acted as a brake on these
The USD 2 billion project comprises a chemicals com- Scheduled to be completed within three years after the foreign direct investment, which has increased significantly rates,” he regretted.
plex that will be built in the industrial zone of the General FEED phase, the project aims to contribute to Egypt’s GDP, in recent months. The prime minister made the comments during the Youth
Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) and increase its chemical exports and foreign direct invest- Several Saudi Arabian companies signed agreements in Forum, being hosted by New Alamain city northwest Egypt,
in Egypt. ments. June to invest USD 7.7 billion in Egypt, with Saudi Arabia according to a statement from his office.
The four shortlisted companies are HYUNDAI Engineer- Dr. Ahmed Moharram, Founder and Managing Director of expressing its intention to allocate USD 30 billion of invest- He noted that Egypt is one of the few countries that still
ing & Construction Co., Ltd. (HDEC), SAMSUNG Engi- Anchorage Investments, said: “The international companies ments in the North African country. Gulf states have pledged offer subsidy to staples and pursue housing programs geared
neering Co., Ltd. of South Korea, TECHNIP ENERGIES, that qualified for the second phase are world-class contrac- more than USD 22 billion to support the Egyptian economy, for low-, and medium-, income people.
S.p.A. of Italy, and TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. of Spain. tors who have proven track records and global experience. including billions in industrial projects. The government works with the Central Bank of Egypt
Each company is experienced in the applications of propane Our selection reflects how Anchorage Investments is keen to to contain the rising inflation which proved to be a global
dehydrogenation (PDH) and polypropylene. make the Anchor Benitoite project a lighthouse project that Also: problem, Madbouli said, voicing hope the signs of recovery
The firms were selected based on a thorough evaluation meets international standards and delivers for investors who CAIRO: Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli said would appear in the few months ahead.

the bottomline
ROME: Pope Francis on Tuesday imposed an Oct. 1 deadline flights are delayed or cancelled, according to Hungary’s state
for all Holy See offices and Vatican-linked institutions to de- news agency MTI.
posit their assets with the Vatican bank. Other complaints included Wizz Air failing to provide ac-
Francis’ decree follows his decision earlier this year to commodation and rebooking for affected passengers, failure
entrust management of all Vatican assets to one office - the to respond to consumer complaints within 30 days and operat-
patrimony office known as APSA - in a bid to end decades ing a paid customer service line, which violates Hungarian law
of mismanagement that culminated with a scandal over a 350 and consumer rights, the ministry said in a statement. (AP)
million-euro investment in a London property. Ten people, ❑ ❑ ❑
including former Vatican officials and external brokers, are SOFIA: Bulgaria’s interim government signaled its readiness
on trial in the Vatican tribunal on finance-related charges re- to negotiate with Russian energy company Gazprom on the
lated to the deal. resumption of natural gas deliveries, the caretaker energy
The Vatican’s economy ministry in July issued a new in- minister said Monday.
vestment policy requiring all Vatican departments to transfer Rosen Hristov didn’t set a date for talks with the firm,
their assets and investments to APSA via its accounts at the but said that the gas demands of the industry and heat-
Vatican bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works, ing companies were forcing the government to begin talks
or IOR. No specific deadline was given, but the decree pub- with Gazprom to renew supplies which he called “inevi-
lished Tuesday says all assets must be transferred by Sept. table.”
30. (AP) Bulgaria’s contract with Gazprom expires at the end of
❑ ❑ ❑ 2022, but Russia halted deliveries in late April after the pre-
vious pro-Western government in Sofia refused Gazprom’s
VILNIUS: Lithuania’s foreign minister said Tuesday that if demand to pay for it in rubles.
the EU won’t agree on a visa ban for Russian tourists, he
won’t rule out looking for a regional solution that could in- ❑ ❑ ❑
volve the Baltic states, Poland and possibly Finland. DHAKA: Schools in Bangladesh will close an additional day
Gabrielius Landsbergis said Tuesday he prefers “a Euro- each week and government offices and banks will shorten
An offshore drilling rig is seen in the waters off Cy- bolsters Europe’s efforts to secure alternative energy pean solution because it’s the most sustainable and legally their work days by an hour to reduce electricity usage
prus’ coastal city of Limassol, July 5, 2020, as a sail- sources, the Cypriot energy ministry said on Mon- correct.” amid concerns over rising fuel prices and the impact of the
boat sails in the foreground. A new gas discovery day, Aug. 22, 2022, as a supply crisis triggered by “If such a solution is not found, we do not rule out looking Ukraine war.
off Cyprus’ southern coast that’s estimated to con- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to trouble the for a regional solution,” Landsbergis said. He didn’t elabo- The reduced hours take effect Wednesday. In Bangladesh,
tain around 2.5 trillion cubic feet of the hydrocarbon continent. (AP) rate on what that might be. (AP) most schools are closed on Fridays, but now will also close
❑ ❑ ❑ on Saturdays, Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam
Move to secure alternative sources BUDAPEST: Hungary’s government has ordered an inves-
said Monday.
He said government offices and banks will cut their work
tigation of domestic low-cost carrier Wizz Air over what days to seven hours from the previous eight hours, but that
it calls possible breaches of consumer protection laws, the private offices will be allowed to set their own schedules.

Cyprus says new gas discovery second such investigation it has launched against an airline
since June.
The probe, ordered by Hungary’s Ministry of Justice
comes after the ministry said it received an increase in com-
Supply disruptions caused by the Ukraine war have led to
soaring world prices for energy and food.
Bangladesh has been taking measures in recent weeks
to ease pressure on its declining foreign currency reserves.

‘aids’ Europe’s energy search

plaints against the Budapest-based airline over its failure Last month, fuel prices were raised by more than 50%.
to provide information and assistance to customers whose (AP)

NICOSIA, Aug 23, (AP): A new natural provide further gas supply to Europe.”
The Cronos discovery brings the number of deposits found
gas discovery off Cyprus’ southern coast off Cyprus to four - two by Eni-Total, one by ExxonMobil
that is estimated to contain around 2.5 tril- and partners Qatar Petroleum estimated to hold 5-8 trillion
lion cubic feet of the hydrocarbon bolsters cubic feet of gas and another by Chevron and partners Shell
and Israeli NewMed Energy that contains up to 4.4 trillion
Europe’s efforts to secure alternative en- cubic feet.
ergy sources, the Cypriot energy ministry The Energy Ministry said the Eni-Total consortium’s drill
said Monday, as a supply crisis triggered ship Tungsten Explorer has now relocated to a new well tar-
get to “assess the quantities of gas with greater precision.”
by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues The Cypriot government has said that Russia’s invasion
to trouble the continent. of Ukraine provided an additional impetus to the search for
The ministry said in a statement that the discovery alternative fuel sources, especially after the European Union
by partners Eni of Italy and France’s Total was made confirmed that natural gas could act as a bridge fuel until
at the Cronos-1 well 160 kilometers (100 miles) off 2050 as part of the bloc’s transition to cleaner energy.
Energy Minister Natasa Pilides said the EU’s drive to
the coast in 2,287 meters (7,500 feet) of water inside wean itself off Russian gas further entrenches Cyprus’ inclu-
Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone and is the second sion into the 27-member bloc’s energy planning.
deposit that the Eni-Total consortium has discovered Pilides said the fact that the new discovery is in an area
there. adjacent to where ExxonMobil is drilling could pave the way
The consortium hasn’t provided any estimates regarding for cooperation with the Eni-Total consortium.
how much natural gas is contained in the initial “Calypso” She added that the most likely scenario for getting gas to
field found in 2018. But Eni said in a statement Monday that European markets remains conveying it through a pipeline to
the Cronos-1 discovery “can unlock additional potential in Egyptian processing plants for liquefaction and then trans-
the area” and is part of the company’s “successful effort to porting it by ship.

Developers seek mineral rights leases

Twin Metals sues Biden administration

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug 23, (AP): The developers of a pro- and analysis and is rooted in the most environmentally so-
posed copper-nickel mine upstream from the Boundary Wa- phisticated design, which is tailored for our project location
ters Canoe Area Wilderness in northeastern Minnesota sued and mineral deposit. It deserves a fair evaluation by federal
the Biden administration Monday to seek the reinstatement regulators based on its merits.”
of federal mineral rights leases that are crucial to the $1.7 The moratorium proposal would “withdraw” 352 square
billion project. miles (912 square kilometers) within the Rainy River watershed
Twin Metals Minnesota alleged in its lawsuit, filed in fed- in the Superior National Forest from new mineral leasing for 20
eral court in Washington, that the Department of the Interior years. That threatens to doom Twin Metals. But it would not af-
acted illegally earlier this year when it canceled the leases. fect a separate project, the proposed PolyMet mine near Babbitt
The company asked the court to declare that those leases re- and Hoyt Lakes, which lies in a different watershed.
main valid and in force, so that it can proceed with the envi- The U.S. Forest Service issued a draft environmental as-
ronmental review and permitting process. sessment in June to lay the foundation for the moratorium,
The proposed underground mine, southeast of Ely near saying it aimed “to prevent further negative environmental
Birch Lake, is struggling to survive amid shifting political impacts from future mining operations.” The public com-
winds. The Obama administration, in its final weeks, chose ment period closed Aug. 12. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland
not to renew the two leases, which had dated back more will make the final decision.
than 50 years. The Trump administration reversed that deci- Environmental groups have been fighting Twin Metals for
sion and reinstated the leases. But the Biden administration years, saying the risk of acid mine drainage poses an unac-
canceled the leases in January after reviving a potential 20- ceptable threat to the country’s most-visited federally desig-
year mining moratorium in that area that the Obama admin- nated wilderness area.
istration tried to launch. “The Trump administration illegally reinstated these min-
After the change in administrations in 2021, the lawsuit eral leases,” Chris Knopf, executive director of Friends of the
alleges, Interior officials “exacted a tightly coordinated set of Boundary Waters Wilderness, said in a statement. “After care-
unlawful actions” that culminated in the loss of Twin Metals’ ful consideration of law, policy, and science, the Department
leases. “This coordinated campaign constituted nothing less of Interior properly prevented this illegal mining operation
than an unlawful attempt to rewrite the policy choices that from going forward. This frivolous lawsuit puts profits over
Congress has made about the proper balance between envi- people and threatens the clean water of the Boundary Waters.”
ronmental concerns and the availability of mining on public Twin Metals, owned by the Chilean mining company An-
lands,” the lawsuit says. tofagasta, contends that its underground design and other
Officials with the Interior Department declined to com- features would prevent acid formation by limiting the expo-
ment on the lawsuit. sure of the sulfide-bearing ore to the effects of air and water.
“We are standing up for our right to a fair and consist- It was in the early stages of of seeking state permits when
ent environmental review of our proposed mining project,” the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources shut down
Dean DeBeltz, Twin Metals’ director of operations, said in its own environmental review process in February, citing the
a statement. “Our plan is backed by decades of exploration company’s loss of its federal leases.


The Hyundai company

logo is displayed Sunday, fire risk prompts recalls Dutch govt under fire
Sept. 12, 2021, in Littleton,
Colo. Hyundai and Kia are Hyundai and Kia are telling owners of some of their large SUVs Dutch lawmakers broke into their summer vacations Tuesday
telling owners, Tuesday, to park them outdoors and away from buildings after a series of to debate the government’s contentious plans to slash nitrogen
Aug. 23, 2022, of some fires involving trailer hitch wiring. emissions that have sparked angry protests by farmers.
large SUVs to park them The Korean automakers are recalling more than 281,000 vehi- The debate was called after Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra
outdoors and away from cles in the U.S. because of the problem, but they haven’t figured said in a newspaper interview that the goal of reducing emis-
structures after a series out how to fix it yet. The automakers reported 25 fires or melting sions by 50% by 2030 was not set in stone. Hoekstra’s Christian
of fires involving trailer incidents in the U.S. and Canada caused by the problem, but no Democrats party, which traditionally wins votes among farmers
hitch wiring. The Korean crashes or injuries. The recalls cover more than 245,000 Hyun- and in rural communities, has been losing support in polls since
automakers are recalling dai Palisade and over 36,000 Kia Telluride SUVs from the 2020 the government published its nitrogen targets.
more than 281,000 vehi- through 2022 model years. Hoekstra’s comments caused friction in Prime Minister Mark
cles in the U.S. because In documents posted Tuesday by the U.S. National Highway Rutte’s four-party ruling Cabinet and led to lawmakers backing a
of the problem, but they Traffic Safety Administration, the companies said debris and call for a debate that will be the first major test of unity since the
haven’t figured out how to moisture can accumulate in a circuit board in the tow hitch wiring. coalition took office in January after the country’s longest ever
fix it yet. (AP) That can cause an electrical short, which can lead to a fire. (AP) government formation negotiations. (AP)

The Conversation

Big gaps exist between rural and urban areas

Six benefits that metaverse offers to colleges

By Nir Kshetri
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, discussion and agree on the correct diagnosis. more naturally.
analysis and commentary from academic experts. Virtual cadavers don’t degrade and are easy to maintain. Additional features, Professors and students at the University of Chicago and the University of
❑ ❑ ❑ such as surgical procedures and comparative learning between humans and ani- Pennsylvania use virtual meeting space Gather, which mimics features of real-
mals, can be added over time. life interactions. Users create avatars and navigate a virtual map that represents
E ven though it’s unclear what exactly the metaverse is and whether it even
exists, colleges and universities have jumped onto the metaverse bandwag-
on. They have augmented in-person and remote video learning with features
Virtual training provides an effective means of visually demonstrating con-
cepts with step-by-step instructions to illustrate tasks. They provide opportuni-
the physical environment, such as a building. The proximity chat feature make
users feel that they are running into other students and professors in the hall. Us-
such as gamified interactive virtual worlds, virtual reality and mixed reality. ties for learning by doing. Immersion in games can increase engagement in ers see and hear video and audio feeds of participants close to them. When they
In one of the largest efforts thus far, 10 U.S. colleges and universities have learning activities. move away, the sounds cannot be heard and the video disappears. Unlike on
teamed up with U.S. technology company Meta and Irish virtual reality platform Atlanta’s Morehouse College has piloted a metaversity that involves courses Zoom, users aren’t forced to be in a single conversation. They can move fluidly
Engage to create 3D digital versions of their campuses, known as a metaversity. in world history, biology and chemistry. The college found that virtual reality between conversations as speakers or listeners.
Students will engage in learning wearing immersive virtual reality headsets. classes increased student satisfaction, engagement and achievement compared The University of Pennsylvania’s computer and information science depart-
In my recent research, I have examined the metaverse and how it affects or- to traditional and online formats and increased students’ academic performance. ment used Gather to recreate Levine Hall, which is home to the department. The
ganizations and societies. I see six benefits that the metaverse offers to colleges. For instance, the virtual reality world history class had a 10% increase in stu- virtual building’s layout mimics classrooms, laboratories, elevators, stairwells
Colleges are facing budget constraints and lack access to resources necessary dents’ GPAs compared with the same class taught via Zoom and face-to-face and other features of Levine Hall. The student-run hub of technological innova-
for learning. The metaverse can help them overcome such constraints. the year before. tion, Weiss Tech House, has also been recreated virtually.
For example, Nashville, Tennessee-based Fisk University hasn’t purchased The internet performs well for sending emails, spreadsheets and PDFs from The Gather space accommodates 200 students and supports multiple conver-
cadavers due to high costs and maintenance challenges. The university is en- one device to another to be reviewed or modified independently and asynchro- sations simultaneously. There are six virtual spaces that correspond the build-
hancing its pre-med program with virtual reality cadavers, which are a more nously. It wasn’t built for person-to-person type live and interactive experi- ing’s six floors. Small groups can branch off into subgroups to work on tasks or
affordable alternative. ences, especially with many participants. Likewise, virtual spaces such as Zoom engage in conversation.
In the virtual reality lab, a human heart can be pulled out from a cadaver’s mostly allow a single conversation. In physical events, participants can move In some situations, learning in real-world environments, such as those involv-
chest cavity. It creates the sense that students can feel the weight of the heart in fluidly from one conversation to another. ing chemical experiments and flying airplanes, is risky. In such cases, special
their hands and examine it. They can enlarge it. The class sees and touches the Some universities are using metaverse technologies to overcome limitations equipment, such as virtual reality headsets, software and special gloves for hap-
ventricle walls. Students can compare different hearts to understand the results of the internet and video meeting tools. Metaverse-related technologies bridge tic responses, can create immersive simulations of real environments. Learners
of health decisions that humans made when they were alive. They engage in the gap between real-life and virtual interactions by allowing people to interact feel as though the digital world is real. (AP)

German gas storage 80% full

Inflation rate in Germany

to hit new high in winter
BERLIN, Aug 22, (Agencies): The Central Economists believe that the probability of GDP declin-
Bank of Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank) ing in the approaching fourth quarter of 2022 and the first
quarter of 2023 has increased considerably. --
drew a gloomy economic outlook for the Regarding Inflation, the report said the exceptionally
country this winter, expecting the Inflation strong rise in seasonally adjusted harmonised consumer
rate to nearly 10 percent. prices (HICP) continued into the second quarter.
The economic output in Germany stagnated in spring Energy prices went up as crude oil prices continued to
2022, according to the Federal Statistical Office’s flash increase. The latter had risen even more sharply in euro
report released on Monday. terms as a result of the marked depreciation against the
A Ford logo is seen on signage at Country Ford in Graham, N.C., Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Ford Motor Co. US dollar, the Bundesbank’s experts explained.
is cutting about 3,000 white-collar workers as it moves to reduce costs and make the transition from internal The seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product
combustion to electric vehicles, leaders of the Dearborn, Mich., automaker announced Monday, Aug. 22, (GDP) stagnated in the second quarter compared with the This development obscured the temporary reduction in
2022, in a companywide email. (AP) previous quarter. fuel taxes (fuel rebate).
The economy was caught between opposing forces in The lower tax rates were introduced as part of the three-
Bid to lower costs the second quarter. month relief package as of June and were probably also
On the demand side, the economy was buoyed mainly passed on to end customers for the most part, the report
by private consumption, according to the Bundesbank’s states.

Ford cutting 3,000 white-collar jobs latest Monthly Report.

The elimination of coronavirus mitigation measures
went hand in hand with a strong increase in consumer
Electricity and gas tariffs were again raised significant-
ly in the second quarter. Although the cost of services
continued to rise markedly up to May, prices declined
DETROIT, Aug 23, (AP): About 3,000 31,000 full-time salaried work force in tion businesses over multiple years, even spending on services to which access had previously been distinctly in June. --
white-collar workers at Ford Motor Co. the the U.S. and Canada. Ford’s 56,000 though they are still generating the cash restricted, the Bank’s experts write. The sharp rise in prices continued in July. Food prices,
will lose their jobs as the company cuts union factory workers are not affected. to fund electric vehicle development. Exports also provided a boost, noted the economists. in particular, continued to climb very sharply.
costs to help make the long transition Some workers also will lose jobs in India. Ford has said it plans for half of its Business investment in new machinery and equipment Economists expect new records for the Inflation rate
from internal combustion vehicles to The job losses come at a time of un- global production to be electric vehi- is likely to have risen only marginally at most owing to in the autumn, with another marked rise expected once
those powered by batteries. precedented change in the auto industry cles by 2030. the high level of uncertainty and supply bottlenecks. the measures contained in the relief package expire in
Leaders of the Dearborn, Michigan, that for more than 100 years has made a Executive Chairman Bill Ford and Construction investment is likely to have fallen sharp- September. --
automaker made the announcement living by selling petroleum-powered ve- CEO Jim Farley said in the email to ly, according to the report. The increase in the general statutory minimum wage
Monday in a companywide email, say- hicles. Governments across the globe are employees that Ford will provide sever- High energy prices and concerns about a gas shortage and the depreciation of the euro will bring additional cost
ing that 2,000 full-time salaried work- pushing to eliminate combustion auto- ance benefits and significant help for the also had an impact on enterprises.-- pressures in the coming months.
ers would be let go along with another mobiles to mitigate the impact of climate workers to find new jobs. They wrote However, the most recent data suggest that industry In addition, a levy on gas tariffs is to be introduced in
1,000 contract workers. change. Companies like Ford are orches- that Ford has a chance to lead in the new and foreign trade have withstood the negative factors to October, while the VAT rate on gas is to be lowered at
The cuts represent about 6% of the trating the wind-down of their combus- era of connected and electric vehicles. date.-- the same time.


Macy’s lowers outlook despite solid second quarter Shoppers walk into
a Macy’s department
store on Feb 22,
Macy’s cut its outlook for the year Tuesday However, sales and profit are down from related merchandise like casual wear and 2021, at Miami Inter-
despite topping Wall Street expectations last year. home furnishings to clear it, he said. national Mall in Doral,
as it faces a glut of unsold inventory that Sales at stores opened at least a year Americans are under financial pressure Fla. Macy’s reported
has afflicted almost the entire retail sector. fell 1.5%, or 1.6% including licensed busi- from inflation that is hovering near four- fiscal second quarter,
The department store earned $275 mil- nesses like cosmetics. Online sales fell 5%. decade highs. That has registered across Aug 23 that beat Wall
lion, or 99 cents per share, in the three- “We delivered sold results despite the the retail sector in the last few months with Street estimates, but
month period that ended July 30, or $1 if challenging environment,” said CEO Jeff few exceptions. lowered its outlook
one-time charges are removed. That easily Gennette. Shoppers are trading down to cheaper as it faces a glut of
topped the per-share earnings of 86 cents Macy’s cut orders where it could to better brands, looking for discounts, and mak- inventory it needs to
that industry analysts had expected, ac- sync with customer demand, but Gennette ing fewer visits to stores. Kohl’s last week clear amid inflationary
cording to a survey by FactSet. said inventory in some categories remains slashed its sales and profit expectations for pressures are making
Sales slipped roughly 1% to $5.6 billion, high. The company is cutting prices on sea- the year, a result of its stepped up price cut- shoppers pull back.
but that was also stronger than anticipated. sonal goods, private label and pandemic- ting to shed unwanted merchandise. (AP) (AP)

‘The harm company was claiming too speculative’

Judge rules against Ben & Jerry’s in fight over Israel sales
WASHINGTON, Aug 23, (AP): A federal judge on Monday rejected a request Ben & Jerry’s spokesman Sean Greenwood said Monday that the company with our values.”
by Ben & Jerry’s to block a plan by its corporate parent to allow its products had “no new position for us to share at this time.” Earlier this year, Unilever announced that it was selling its business inter-
to be sold in east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank against the wishes of Ben & Jerry’s complaint in the case filed last month outlined the company’s est in Ben & Jerry’s in Israel to its Israeli licensee, which would market the
the Vermont ice cream maker’s independent board of directors. tradition of social activism over its 44-year history, including opposition to US products with Hebrew and Arabic labels.
US District Court Judge Andrew Carter said Ben & Jerry’s failed to show nuclear weapons spending in the 1980s, and in the 1990s, supporting farmers. In its suit, Ben & Jerry’s argued the move by Unilever “poses a risk” to the
that the decision by London-based consumer goods conglomerate Unilever integrity of its brand. Ben & Jerry’s also claimed the deal violated the 2000
would hurt Ben and Jerry’s social mission or confuse its customers. Activism acquisition agreement that allowed Ben & Jerry’s to continue its progressive
In his three-page decision, Carter said that the harm Ben & Jerry’s was That activism continued after it was purchased by Unilever in 2000 with the social mission independent of business decisions made by Unilever.
claiming was “too speculative.” focus on, among other issues, migrant justice and climate change. In the after- An email sent to Unilever was not immediately returned Monday, but the
“The products sold in Israel and the West Bank will use no English trade- math of the 2020 death of George Floyd, Ben & Jerry’s became an advocate company has said in the past it did have the right to the sale and that, “The deal
marks, instead displaying new Hebrew and Arabic language Ben & Jerry’s for Black Lives Matter. has already closed.”
trademarks,” the decision said. “Thus, the products sold in Israel and the West Last year Ben & Jerry’s independent board said it was going to stop selling While the 2000 acquisition agreement allowed the Ben & Jerry’s board to
Bank will be dissimilar from other Ben & Jerry’s products, mitigating, if not its ice cream in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and contested east Jerusalem, make decisions about the company’s social mission, it stipulated Unilever
eliminating, the possibility of reputational harm.” saying the sales in the territories sought by the Palestinians are “inconsistent would have the final word on financial and operational decisions.

Cineworld faces challenges ‘It’s almost overwhelming’

Conditions dimming at As Amazon grows, so does its eye on consumers

‘many’ movie theaters LOS ANGELES, Aug 23,
(AP): From what you buy
almost overwhelming, and it’s hard to
put a finger on it.”
And Amazon — like any company
LONDON, Aug 23, (AP): Condi- And there don’t seem to be any big online, to how you remem- — aims to grow. In the past few years,
tions are dimming at many movie hits on the immediate horizon to ber tasks, to when you the company has purchased the Wi-Fi
theaters around the world. make those numbers much better. monitor your doorstep, startup Eero and partnered with the
Cineworld Group PLC, one of Cineworld said its admissions construction company Lennar to offer
the industry’s biggest theater op- levels have recently been below Amazon is seemingly eve- tech-powered houses. With iRobot, it
erators, confirmed Monday that it’s expectations. And with a “limited rywhere. would gain one more building block
considering filing for Chapter 11 film slate,” it expects the lower And it appears the company for the ultimate smart home — and, of
bankruptcy protection in the U.S., levels to continue until November. doesn’t want to halt its reach any- course, more data.
as it contends with billions of dol- That would mean an additional time soon. In recent weeks, Ama-
lars in debt and more empty seats in crunch to its finances. Devices
front of its screens than expected.
zon has said it will spend billions Customers can opt out of having
The British company, which Holding of dollars in two gigantic acquisi- iRobot devices store a layout of their
owns Regal Cinemas in the United Cineworld said it’s holding talks tions that, if approved, will broad- homes, according to the vacuum mak-
States and operates in 10 countries, with lenders and other major stake- en its ever growing presence in the er. But data privacy advocates worry
said its theaters remain “open for holders as it reviews its financial lives of consumers. the merger is another way Amazon
business as usual” as it consid- options. It also said it expects “ulti- This time, the company is target- could suck up information to integrate
ers options for relief from its debt mately to continue its business over ing two areas: health care, through its into its other devices or use to target
load. Cineworld said it expects to the longer term with no significant $3.9 billion buyout of the primary care consumers with ads.
continue operating even after any impact upon its employees.” It has company One Medical, and the “smart The Amazon logo is seen in Douai, northern France, April 16, 2020. In Au- In a statement, Amazon spokesper-
potential filing, though its stock about 28,000 workers, according to home,” where it plans to expand its gust 2022, Amazon has said it will spend billions of dollars in two gigantic son Lisa Levandowski denied that’s
investors could face steep or total the company’s website. already mighty presence through a acquisitions that, if approved, will broaden its ever growing presence in the what the company wants to do.
losses on their holdings. Even if employees could make $1.7 billion merger with iRobot, the lives of consumers. This time, the company is targeting two areas: health “We do not use home maps for tar-
Cineworld faces challenges it through intact, shareholders may maker of the popular robotic Roomba care and the ‘smart home’. (AP) geted advertising and have no plans to
specific to itself after building up not. The company warned again vacuum. do so,” Levandowski said.
$4.8 billion in net debt, not includ- Monday that a transaction to ease that. Some estimates show the retail gi- breach, which Amazon has attempted Whether that will relieve concerns
ing lease liabilities. But the entire the debt on its balance sheet could Unsurprisingly ant controls roughly 38% of the US e- to assuage. “We treat your palm sig- is another matter, especially in light
industry is navigating a tenuous hurt its stock investors. Perhaps unsurprisingly for a com- commerce market, allowing it to gath- nature just like other highly sensitive of research about Amazon’s other
recovery after the pandemic shut The company’s stock in London pany known for its vast collection of er granular data about the shopping personal data and keep it safe using devices. Earlier this year, a group of
theaters worldwide. tumbled 21.4% to the equivalent consumer information, both mergers preferences of millions of Americans best-in-class technical and physical university researchers released a report
of roughly 3.8 US cents. That fol- have heightened enduring privacy con- and more worldwide. Meanwhile, its security controls,” the company said that found voice data from Amazon’s
Moviegoers lowed a 58.3% plunge on Friday cerns about how Amazon gathers data Echo devices, which house the voice on a website that provides information
Echo devices are used to target ads to
To be sure, moviegoers have after The Wall Street Journal re- and what it does with it. The latest line assistant Alexa, have dominated the about the technology.
consumers — something the company
streamed back into theaters this ported the company was preparing of Roombas, for example, employ sen- US smart speaker market, accounting
sors that map and remember a home’s Networks had denied in the past.
year to see blockbusters like “Spi- to file for bankruptcy protection for roughly 70% of sales, according
der-Man: No Way Home,” “Top within weeks. floor plan. to estimates by Consumer Intelligence Even consumers who actively avoid Umar Iqbal, a postdoc at the Univer-
Gun: Maverick,” and ”Jurassic Shares of other theater chains “It’s acquiring this vast set of data Amazon are still likely to have little sity of Washington who led the research,
that Roomba collects about people’s Research Partners. say about how their employers power said he and his colleagues found Echo
Park: Dominion.” Industry giant also stumbled Monday, but no-
homes,” said Ron Knox, an Amazon Ring, which Amazon purchased in their computer networks, which Ama- devices running third-party Skills, which
Warner Discovery has said it’s where near as much as Cineworld.
doubling down on theaters and Cinemark Holdings fell 5.8% to critic who works for the anti-monop- 2018 for $1 billion, monitors door- zon — along with Google — has long are like apps for Alexa, that communi-
moving away from debuting films $15.33, for example. oly group Institute for Local Self-Re- steps and helps police track down dominated through its cloud-comput- cate with advertisers.
on its HBO Max streaming service. Its executives said earlier in Au- liance. “Its obvious intent, through all crime — even when users might not ing service AWS. Levandowski said consumers can
But this summer’s $3.3 billion in gust that the next two months will the other products that it sells to con- be aware. And at select Amazon stores “It’s hard to think of another organi- opt out of receiving “interest-based”
ticket sales is still running nearly be challenged by a dip in new re- sumers, is to be in your home. (And) and Whole Foods, the company is test- zation that has as many touch points as ads by adjusting their preferences on
20% behind the summer of 2019, leases. But they also said they’re along with the privacy issues come the ing a palm-scanning technology that Amazon does to an individual,” said Amazon’s advertising preferences
before the pandemic, as of Sunday, hopeful for a strong close of the antitrust issues, because it’s buying allows customers to pay for items by Ian Greenblatt, who heads up tech re- page. She also said Amazon doesn’t
according to data firm Comscore. year. market share.” storing biometric data in the cloud, search at the consumer research and share Alexa requests with advertising
Amazon’s reach goes well beyond sparking concerns about risks of a data data analytics firm J.D. Power. “It’s networks.


c-LEcta reports record year with significant growth

c-LEcta, a biotechnology company with tech- ified employees on board. We plan to contin- cation confirmed the high quality standards of
nology leadership in enzyme engineering ue to invest in additional staff and equipment c-LEcta and reduces the effort for customers
and bioprocess development, successfully in the future, as well,” commented Thomas regarding supplier audits in the future.
continued its dynamic business development Pfaadt, CFO of c-LEcta GmbH. The product NuCLEANase, a specially op-
in fiscal year 2021. The EXCiPACT certification of c-LEcta’s timized enzyme preparation that cleaves all c-LEcta reports record
“We are very proud of our performance in high quality standards in production and types of DNA, was launched in October 2021. year with significant
recent years. Our products have provided distribution was a highlight of the past year. This can be used to remove DNA residues
good growth momentum, but also great resil- The requirements for these certifications go from products manufactured by using micro-
ience due to the diverse use cases and this beyond those of ISO 9001 and represents an organisms such as enzymes for the food and
has supported us over the last two years. To international seal of approval that guarantees feed industries. NuCLEANase was already in
continue to drive this growth in the long term, the highest quality standards for pharmaceu- high demand at the time of its sales launch,
we have continued to build our team this year tical excipients and other critical input materi- which only underscores its great market po-
and are now pleased to have 120 highly qual- als in the pharmaceutical industry. The certifi- tential. (AP)

Breakthrough enables bio-friendly materials

Nexus announces launch of PressON™ posterior lumbar fixation system

SALT LAKE CITY, Aug 23, (AP): Nexus Spine, a developer of biome- smaller, stronger, and faster to implant, but it is also unique in its ability PressON™ is a unique pedicle screw-based spinal fixation system
chanically-advanced solutions for spinal pathologies, announced the full to create patient-specific multilevel rods intraoperatively. As a result, it that features rods that are elastically pressed on to screw heads instead
commercial launch of its PressON™ posterior lumbar fixation system. eliminates the need for rod bending and the pain associated with improp- of tightened using traditional set screws, which are prone to loosening
PressON™ features rods that press onto pedicle screws rather than at- erly bent rods and rod creep. PressON™ is uniquely poised to disrupt and subsequent construct instability. 4 PressON™ employs compliant
tach using set screws. This novel design is approximately one quarter the posterior lumbar fixation market that has long been mired by a lack mechanism technology to match the patient’s specific anatomical needs,
the size of traditional systems, is faster to implant, 1 is biomechanically of differentiation.” eliminating spinal rod-bending and other painful persuasion techniques
stronger, 2 eliminates the possibility of set screw loosening, and allows “Our expertise in compliant mechanism engineering allows us to do currently used in spinal surgeries. Additionally, PressON™ is substan-
for intraoperative construction of patient-specific rods. This full mar- some really unique things,” commented David Hawkes, President of Nex- tially faster 1 and easier to implant and is roughly one quarter the volume
ket release adds to the company’s growing compliant mechanism-based us Spine. “The ability to secure PressON™ rods through elastic interfer- of competitive devices, thus decreasing incision length and soft tissue
portfolio, including its line of flexible Tranquil™ titanium interbody fu- ence rather than using set screws is certainly a paradigm shift. We are in irritation.
sion devices, and follows a lengthy validation phase of refinements and the process of shining a light on the incidence and harmful effects 4 of set Tranquil™ is a flexible interbody fusion device made of titanium that is
system enhancements. screw loosening through clinical and benchtop research. We look forward shaped and engineered using compliant mechanism principals to behave
Nexus’s use of compliant mechanism technology allows for the crea- to sharing the results of these studies soon.” like spinal trabecular bone by mimicking its stiffness, resulting in a device
tion of novel designs that behave in fundamentally new ways to solve that is 1/10th the stiffness of traditional competitive interbody fusion im-
unmet clinical needs. Compliant mechanisms function by bending rather Bending plants. Tranquil™ is available in cervical, ALIF, PLIF, TLIF, steerable
than sliding. As an example, PressON™ incorporates flexible bores that Compliant mechanisms mimic nature by providing motion and force TLIF, and DLIF configurations.
are stretched over pedicle screw heads during implantation. The result- transmission through bending rather than from traditional sliding joints. Nexus Spine develops industry-leading spinal implants by leverag-
ing elastic interference fit between screw and rod does not use tradi- This breakthrough enables bio-friendly materials such as titanium to func- ing our novel compliant mechanism engineering expertise. Our innova-
tional set screws, which have been shown to loosen during implantation tion more like human tissues, at the macro and microscopic levels. This tive and evidence-based approach continues to advance the standard of
and postoperatively. 3, 4 Thomas Sweeney, II, MD, PhD, the surgeon approach utilizes modern mathematical modeling, 3D finite elemental surgical technologies through a rigorous focus on improving clinical
designer of the system, commented, “There hasn’t been meaningful in- analysis, and 3D printing to drastically improve the way that spinal im- outcomes while being easier to implant. Our streamlined spinal fusion
novation in non-deformity posterior fixation technologies in a very long plants perform. Nexus compliant mechanism-based devices have been systems minimize implant bulk, surgery time, and hospital handling,
time. PressON™ is unlike anything else on the market in the way that the implanted in patients since 2015 with the goal of achieving faster healing which make them especially well-suited for the ambulatory surgery
components are connected. Not only does it result in a construct that is with less pain and at a lower cost. center setting.

‘Incredible expertise’ Consumers have rights to access safer alternatives

Athletic Greens names Dr

Attia as Scientific Advisor Measured approach to e-cigarette
taxation essential, says RELX Int’l
NEW YORK, Aug 23, (AP): Ath- on emerging consumer trends and
letic Greens, the pioneer in foun- scientific research.
dational nutrition, announced that “Having the incredible expertise
Dr Peter Attia has been named of medical leaders like Dr. Peter
Scientific Advisor to the company. Attia is essential to our approach
Dr Attia, who received his medical of continuous improvement, and steeper on higher-risk hard liquor and, like- licit trade has the potential to drive away inves-
training at Stanford University, the allows us to incorporate leading RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Aug 23,
Johns Hopkins Hospital and Na- scientific thinking into our product (AP): RELX International, a respon- wise, sugar-rich beverages are taxed more than tors and entrepreneurs, who wish to enter the
tional Institute of Health, is a phy- development, customer experience sible electronic cigarette company, healthier alternatives. market and create employment opportunities,
sician in private practice at Early and innovation approach,” said Global research also reveals that taxes levied further impacting government income and the
Medical focused on the applied Athletic Greens Founder and CEO, is cautioning authorities against in- to push people away from alcohol and ciga- economy.
science of longevity, the extension Chris Ashenden. “With Peter’s creasing the customs duties levied on rettes (also known as Sin Tax) mostly hits peo-
of human life and well-being. At- guidance, we will continue to lean Measured
e-cigarette products. ple who can least afford to pay it. This means
tia is also host of the podcast, The into research and development on A move on this would make these safer smok- that this taxation conflicts with one of the eight RELX International believes it is in the au-
Peter Attia Drive Podcast. the science of longevity and health ing alternatives as expensive as tobacco ciga- thorities’ best interest to take a measured ap-
“Longevity is predicated on five span, and work to deliver the power
Principles of Harm Reduction, which “Calls for
rettes. Increased taxation could spur the growth the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of proach to taxing e-cig products, so consumers
pillars, of which nutrition is an im- of foundational nutrition, through can continue to have the option of safer, acces-
portant one. The challenge is that it products like AG1, as effectively of black-market activities, put consumers’ services and resources to people who use drugs
can be very difficult for people to and simply as possible.” health at risk, reduce government tax income, and the communities in which they live in order sibly priced alternatives to tobacco products.
get adequate and appropriate nutri- and make the city/country a less attractive op- to assist them in reducing attendant harm”. RELX International founded in 2019, RELX
tion day in and day out. Therefore, Combines tion for investment and entrepreneurship. International is a multinational electronic cig-
having a foundational program AG1 by Athletic Greens is a In recent years scientific research, as well Relapsing arettes company that markets and sells RELX,
like AG1 makes it easier to go on direct-to-consumer nutrition drink as national healthcare providers, including the Robert Naouss, External Affairs Director at The World’s Advanced vape brand powered
autopilot and get the important, es- that combines nine synergistic RELX International, says “RELX International by SuperSmooth™ technology. RELX, Asia’s
sential nutrients that we want and health products into one with 75 United Kingdom’s National Health Service
of the highest quality ingredients. (NHS), have recognised e-cigarette products believes legal-age consumers have the right to leading e-cigarette brand, is widening its foot-
need access to,” said Dr. Attia. “I
take a scoop of AG1 every day, re- AG1 by Athletic Greens is designed as a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes, and access less harmful alternatives to combustible print across the world, it is currently available
gardless of what else I’m eating. I to remove the friction of covering have highlighted their use as a ‘stop smoking cigarettes, rather than being forced to continue in 40+ countries such as the UK, France, Italy,
just know if I’m taking AG1, I’m common daily nutritional support aid’. In contrast, the World Health Organisa- with the latter or relapsing into old habits/prod- Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, Canada,
getting exactly, if not probably a needs of a modern lifestyle by pro- tion warns that tobacco kills up to half of its ucts. In the same vein, it’s important they are KSA and the UAE. What sets RELX apart
little bit more, than what I need. viding nutrients and comprehensive users, and is responsible for the deaths of more not pushed into considering the use of black- from competition is the fact that it has a full
I look forward to partnering with benefits spanning improved gut market products, purely because they are a less ecosystem (such as closed pods, disposables,
them to help people live healthier health with pre and probiotics, im- than eight million people per year. Tobacco
mune support, energy and improved cigarette smoking can also put a strain on pub- expensive alternative to those available via le- device, and power bank accessories) that are
and longer lives.”
mental focus; all packed into a one- lic healthcare systems and government funds, gal, regulated channels.” designed at a cutting-edge research and de-
Focus minute daily habit. due to its link with diseases such as cancer, Products smuggled into countries and sold velopment center and produced at one of the
As Athletic Greens continues Dr Peter Attia is a physician heart disease, and COPD. via the black-market are unregulated and of world’s largest e-cigarette factories. RELX’s
to develop foundational nutrition at Early Medical focusing on the questionable quality, as per the US Food & mission is to make RELX a trusted brand
solutions and focus on research applied science of longevity. His Evidence Drug Administration department. These prod- for legal age adult smokers through state-of-
to enhance its flagship product, practice deals extensively with Considering the mounting evidence that ucts can even find their way into the hands of the-art products, industry-leading technolo-
AG1, Dr Attia will assist with the nutritional interventions, exercise showcases e-cigarettes are a safer alternative young people and can cause major health issues gies, and scientific advances in collaboration
company’s efforts around research physiology, sleep physiology,
related to health, diet, longev- emotional and mental health, and and/or a tool for consumers to quit smoking [6]. In scenarios such as this, governments must with talented and committed people around
ity, neurobiology and consumer pharmacology to increase lifespan altogether, it’s logical that authorities maintain contend with a loss of tax revenue on individ- the globe. The company has attracted global
behavior, assisting in new and (how long you live), while simul- a lower tax rate compared to tobacco prod- ual products, while also dipping into financial talents from Uber, Procter & Gamble, Ap-
existing product development, it- taneously improving healthspan ucts. This would align with global best prac- reserves to fund health facilities that address ple, Beats, and L’Oréal. RELX is proud to be
eration and testing, and advising (the quality of your life). tices in terms of taxes associated with high-risk smoking related diseases. Authorities should listed in Dubai Duty Free, the first duty free
vs. low-risk products. For example, taxes are also consider that taxation and the growth of il- channel in the world.
Everything you need to know about 2022 Emmy Awards

Formidable newcomers, previous winners vying for best series honors

LOS ANGELES, Aug 23, (AP): Are you ready for some football? Winners in 25 key categories including best drama and comedy the Building.”
Fine, but the return of the NFL is why the 2022 Emmy Awards series will be announced during the broadcast ceremony, with the Among the nominated actors, those hoping to be repeat victors
have been drop-kicked from their usual Sunday berth to Monday. rest divvied up between the Sept 3 and 4 creative arts awards. An include Jason Sudeikis of “Ted Lasso,” Jean Smart of “Hacks” and
Television’s top awards rotate among the top four networks, and edited version of the weekend ceremonies, with categories includ- Zendaya of “Euphoria.” Check out the full list of Emmy nominees.
this year’s broadcast home, NBC, has reserved the second Sunday ing sound editing and cinematography, will air at 8 pm EDT Sept. What were the most surprising Emmy nods?
night in September for Tampa Bay vs. Dallas. After the Emmys 10 on FXX. So many, where to begin? The farewell season of “This Is Us”
slogged through two years of pandemic-restricted ceremonies, a Who is hosting the Emmys ceremony? got a single nomination, for original music and lyrics, after reaping

day’s delay seems a minor annoyance. The honor usually goes to a comedian with a link to the net- Emmys for several cast members in years past. It was a similar case
The industry is expected to put on its Monday best, swan down work airing the event, and NBC stayed the course: It chose “Sat- for the last year of “black-ish,” which ended its groundbreaking
the red carpet and celebrate itself and the wealth of shows across urday Night Live” veteran Kenan Thompson, a first-time Emmy run with just two creative arts nominations. On the flip side, it was
streaming services, cable and, to a degree that pales compared to host who’s been preceded in the emcee job by a number of “SNL” far from a slam dunk that Dave Chappelle’s “The Closer,” with its
years’ past, old-school network fare. stars. The ceremony has tried going without a host, most recently in controversial anti-transgender comments, would earn a best variety
But what’s a Hollywood awards show without a TV audience? 2019, but the results weren’t always pretty. Or entertaining. special nomination. It did.
A low-rated disappointment, and that’s where you come in. If you Which shows are nominated for the top awards at the Em- Who decides the Emmy winners?
decide to do your bit and tune in, here’s a roadmap to everything mys? The more than 17,000 voting members of the TV academy are
you need to know about the 2022 Emmys. Some previous winners are vying again for best series honors, eligible to decide nominees and winners in 14 categories, including
When are the 2022 Emmys? including “Ted Lasso,” a freshman when it won 2021’s best com- drama, comedy and limited series. The acting awards, including
The 74th Primetime Emmy Awards are set for Monday, Sept 12, edy series, and “Succession,” which claimed the 2020 best drama lead, supporting and guest actors, are determined by peer groups,
at the Microsoft Theatre in Los Angeles. The roughly three-hour award. (The series didn’t air during the eligibility window for 2021, as are directing, writing and other individual areas of achievement.
ceremony will begin at 8 pm EDT and air live on NBC and, for free, when “The Crown” won.) The number of nominees in most categories generally is tied to the
on the streaming service Peacock. There are also formidable newcomers, including the dystopian number of submissions, with exceptions including best comedy and
But the Emmys, with 118 total awards, aren’t a one-day affair. drama “Squid Game” and comedy crime romp “Only Murders in dramas series: They get eight nominees each.


This image released by HBO Max shows Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen in a scene from ‘House of the Dragon’, a prequel to ‘Game of Thrones’. (AP)



New set of characters in ‘GoT’ prequel
movie convention promoter says
it is assisting authorities following
charges against actor Gary Busey
involving alleged sexual offenses
at an event in New Jersey earlier
‘House’ keeps dragons, adds diversity
this month. By Brooke Lefferts and Mike Cidoni Lennox Sapochnik, Clare Kilner, Geeta Vasant Patel and what makes it so special.”
Busey, 78, was charged Friday
with two counts of fourth-degree Greg Yaitanes. “House of the Dragon” screenwriter Charmaine De-
criminal sexual contact, one count T he prequel to “Game of Thrones” is set to forge
its own storytelling path, with a new set of char-
There was a conscious push to be inclusive behind Graté said “it was important for George (R.R. Martin,

of attempted criminal sexual con- the scenes, Sapochnik says. a prequel executive producer) for it to be this way.
tact and one count of harassment acters and a more diverse team behind the scenes. Female-driven characters, female-driven shows and
following alleged actions Aug 12- “House of the Dragon” takes place two centuries Recognized
female-driven writers rooms just sort of elevates the
14 at the Monster Mania Conven- before the events of the original series, which ended “We really tried to, as much as possible, hire as story. That’s a wonderful way to expand the universe.”
tion at the Doubletree Hotel in the its hit eight-season run in May 2019. The 10-episode many female crew as we could, because we think
Philadelphia suburb of Cherry prequel on HBO and will be available to stream on that’s a really important shift that needs to be both Also:
Hill, police said Saturday. HBO Max. recognized, acknowledged, acted upon, maybe give
Monster-Mania Convention LONDON: Prince Andrew will be the subject of a sa-
The story focuses on House Targaryen, made fa- opportunities to people who don’t get opportuni- tirical TV musical in the latest season of shows from
said in a Facebook post that after
attendees complained, an unspeci- mous in “Game of Thrones” by Emilia Clarke’s Dae- ties,” he explained. UK broadcaster Channel 4.
fied “celebrity guest was removed nerys and her fearsome dragons. But don’t expect The team making “Dragon” is equally as diverse, Queen Elizabeth II’s second son stood down
from the convention and instructed “House of the Dragon” to be a remake of “Game of and — for the fantasy genre — boasts a relative from royal duties after a disastrous interview in No-
not to return.” Thrones,’’ cast member Steve Toussaint said. bounty of women in the writers’ room. The gender vember 2019 discussing his ties with the late child
“Monster-Mania also encouraged “It’s been done and they did it exceedingly well,” balance affects the show’s story and tone, according
the attendees to contact the police sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in a special BBC
said Toussaint, who plays the very rich Lord Corlys to some of its female cast members.
to file a report,” the company said, Newsnight program.
Velaryon. “You know you’re in that world, but The series opens with an aristocratic council nam-
adding that behavior that compro-
you’re seeing a different story, different characters, Channel 4 said the interview, widely regarded as
mised the safety and well-being of ing Viserys Targaryen (Paddy Considine) as heir to a public relations catastrophe for the Duke of York,
attendees would not be tolerated. different motivations.” the Iron Throne, bypassing his older cousin Princess
Among the new faces in the clan is Prince Dae- will be “reimagined” as part of the musical. Critics
“Monster-Mania will continue to as- Rhaenys Velaryon (Eve Best). But Viserys must tore into the prince for appearing to show no em-
sist the authorities in any and every mon Targaryen, played by Matt Smith. His villain- have his own heir, with dreams of power held by
way possible,” it said. ous character is a lot more complex than he appears Daemon, his younger brother, and Viserys’ daughter pathy for the abused victims of Epstein, who killed
“It was about contact. It was to be on first viewing, the actor said. Princess Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy plays the adult himself in prison in August 2019.
about touching,” Lt Robert “I think the reason I’ve had fun is because he’s version, Milly Alcock the youth). Comedian Kieran Hodgson is to lead a cast of com-
Scheunemann told The Phila- ics in “Prince Andrew: The Musical,” a 60-minute pro-
delphia Inquirer of the muliple maybe not just a villain,” he said. “I think there’s ac- “You definitely don’t feel like a device or a prop and
tually a huge amount of fragility and depth and inner you don’t feel like the mother,” said Olivia Cooke, who gram described as a “satirical send-up of the life and
complaints police had received
about Busey’s conduct. madness there. ... It’s not black and white. It can go plays the adult Alicent Hightower, longtime friend to times” of the duke set to a musical score.
Busey, who lives in Malibu, either way with Daemon at any point.” Rhaenyra. “You feel that you’ve got a fully fledged The show is part of a 40-year anniversary season
California, was scheduled as a Based on George R.R. Martin’s “Fire and Blood,” character which is really nourishing to play.” of shows called “Truth or Dare” for Britain’s fourth
featured guest for all three days of the drama was co-created by Martin and Ryan Con- The ensemble cast also includes Emily Carey, TV broadcaster, which launched in 1982. It has not
the event. dal, whose credits include the 2016-19 sci-fi drama Graham McTavish, Fabien Frankel, Rhys Ifans and yet been announced exactly when it will air.
Police did not immediately re- Andrew has been in UK headlines for years due
spond to a message seeking details. “Colony.” Condal is an executive producer and co- Sonoya Mizuno.
It also wasn’t clear whether Busey showrunner with director Miguel Sapochnik, who Carey, who plays the younger Alicent, calls the in- to his marriage and divorce with Sarah “Fergie” Fer-
has an attorney to comment on the brings his experience on “Game of Thrones” to the clusion of women in all aspects of production a step guson.
charges, and a representative didn’t prequel. “in the right direction” for the fantasy genre. But he has tried to stay out of the public spotlight
immediately return a message seek- “House of the Dragon,” much like its predeces- Although virtually every female character faces after reaching a multimillion-pound settlement last
ing comment Saturday. sor, focuses on familial succession with a female misogyny, each is “still a fully fledged, three-di- year with a woman who filed a US lawsuit accusing
Busey is widely known as a heir being overlooked. But Sapochnik notes a key mensional female character,” Carey said. “They still him of sexual assault when she was 17. Andrew was
character actor, largely in supporting
roles, though he came to attention difference between the two series: The team mak- have multiple other story lines and a whole life away stripped of his honorary military titles in January and
and was nominated for an Oscar for ing the prequel is more diverse, including a 50-50 from that misogynistic story line. They’re not just told he can no longer use the title “his royal high-
best actor for playing the title role split between male and female directors, including put in the show to serve a purpose. And I think that’s ness.” (AP)
in the 1978 film “The Buddy Holly
Story.” Busey began his show
business career as a drummer in The
Rubber Band. He appears on several zoidi”). (AP) preserve made from fruits picked butter and a spread of jam, then “The queen was always jam
Leon Russell recordings, credited in her Balmoral Castle grounds in cut out into circles the size of an first,” he said in a separate video.
as playing drums under the name ❑ ❑ ❑
“Teddy Jack Eddy” a character he Scotland. old British penny. “The jam went on followed by that
LONDON: Queen Elizabeth II “The queen was served jam As part of the genteel tradition delicious, clotted cream.”
created when he was a cast member has eaten jam sandwiches every
of a local television comedy show pennies in the nursery as a little of afternoon tea, McGrady, who As well as the preserve, the 96-
in Tulsa, Oklahoma, called The day since she was a toddler, ac- girl. She’s had them for after- says he was a chef to the queen year old monarch has always been
Uncanny Film Festival and Camp cording to her former private chef. noon tea ever since,” he says in a for 11 years, also revealed the partial to fresh strawberries. “The
Meeting on station KTUL (which Darren McGrady claims on recently surfaced video published monarch’s solution to a familiar queen would eat strawberries three
starred fellow Tulsan Gailard his YouTube channel that the in July last year. The sandwiches quandary for British scone lovers: or four nights a week in Balmoral if
Sartain as “Dr Mazeppa Pompa- monarch favors a strawberry McGrady Busey are made from bread with a little jam first or cream? they were in season,” he says. (AP)


People & Places


Wap faces at least 5 yrs

‘Kelly threats made

her fear for her life’
CHICAGO, Aug 23, (AP): A mother whose daugh-
ter prosecutors say R. Kelly abused starting when she
was 14 told jurors Monday at the singer’s federal trial
that she lied to a state grand jury 20 years ago, in part
because she and her husband felt threatened by Kelly
and feared for their lives if they told the truth.
The mom, who used the pseudonym, “Susan,” in
court at the trial in Chicago, described how she, her
husband and Kelly were crying when the parents con-
fronted the Grammy-winner at a hotel in the early
2000s about whether he was abusing their daughter.
She testified they were startled when Kelly told them,
“You are with us or against us.”
She said she took those words to mean “that they
were going to harm us if we didn’t do what they
wanted us to do.” Among the
directives from Kelly and an
associate was that they had to
lie that their daughter was not
in a video and that they had to
leave the country immediately
for several weeks, she testified.
“We were very, very fright-
ened,” she told jurors.
She added later that she lied
to the grand jury “because we
feared for our lives and we
Kelly were intimidated.” She said
she also feared for the well-
being of her daughter, who warned her parents at the
time that she might commit suicide if they refused to
do what Kelly asked them to do.
Kelly, 55, is on trial in his hometown on charges
that include production of pornography, enticing mi-
nor girls and obstruction justice by successfully rig-
ging his 2008 child pornography trial in state court, at
which he was acquitted.
Kelly is already staring at a 30-year prison sentence
imposed by a federal judge in New York in June for Green Day performs during the Outside Lands Music Festival at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. (AP)
his 2021 convictions on racketeering and sex traffick-
ing charges.
Susan’s daughter, who went by the pseudonym
“Jane,” was among the prosecution’s first witnesses as
the trial began last week. Jane told jurors that she also
lied to the same grand jury prior to 2008 trial when
she said she was not the 14-year-old girl in a video
with Kelly. Jane, now 37, told jurors last week that, in
fact, she had been abused hundreds of times by Kelly
before she had turned at 18.
New music takes inspiration from turning 75
On Monday, in an often contentious cross-examina-
tion, Kelly attorney Jennifer Bonjean repeatedly ques-
tioned Susan about whether she truly felt her life was
in any danger from Kelly or his associates.
Loudon goes back to basic on ‘Lifetime’
“No one actually threatened you, did they?” Bon- NEW YORK, Aug 23, (AP): Lou- material, reasoning there will always ter,” he said. “I can do funny, and I
jean asked. don Wainwright III points out that be listeners who can relate. can do really down and depressing.
“Yes, they did,” Susan answered. the first line of the first song on his “How could I not write about that?” I’m goofing on it now, but I can do
Bonjean also asked why, if Susan felt so threatened first album, released when he was 23, he said. “What’s a better topic than very serious songs. I decided I can do
by Kelly, she and her family continued to mix with is about aging: “In Delaware when I that? I could write about imagining both and I have done both.”
Kelly socially for the next 20 years. She answered that was younger.” what it’s like to ride the rails or pick It can be a tough line to walk. When
Kelly was their sole income for a period, paying her So it’s no stretch that the folk sing- cotton. I’m just writing about what the novelty song “Dead Skunk” be-
musician husband to work on Kelly recordings. She er’s first album of new compositions happened to me. That started at the came his first hit in the early 1970s
also said she worried about Jane’s welfare if they cut Singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright in eight years, “Lifetime Achieve- very beginning; I wrote my first song — his only hit, really — that briefly
ties with Kelly. III is photographed at The Associated ment,” is loosely based on turning 75. about going to boarding school in became a trap.
The husband, Jane’s father, died last year, she told Press headquarters in New York. (AP) It’s on sale Friday. Delaware.”
jurors. The new song “How Old is 75?,” “Lifetime Achievement” is essen- Suggested
During her cross, Bonjean highlighted Susan’s tes- where he sings, “in five years I’ll be tially Wainwright and his guitar — or His record company was unen-
timony that she lied to the Illinois grand jury, asking 80. I’ll hear the fat lady,” is one of banjo on “How Old is 75?” — with thused when Wainwright suggested
if she was “telling the truth now.” Susan said she was. Wainwright’s signature mixes of hu- adornments added later. He usually his breezy “The Swimming Song”
mor and poignant observation. Three- performs alone, so starting alone is as a new single; they wanted another
Push quarters of a century is a milestone, the approach that he feels fits best in silly animal song. The last laugh: 50
Prosecutors from the Cook County state’s attor- not just because it’s a big number, but the studio. years later, “The Swimming Song”
ney’s office chose in the mid-2000s to push ahead because he’s now lived longer than Wainwright “was something like has more than 17 million plays on
with charges and to take the case to trial in 2008 de- his father and mother. an old man even when he was young, Spotify; “Dead Skunk” is at 3.5 mil-
spite what they knew was a major hurdle: their inabil- “The aging thing has always been so he takes to the subject of aging lion.
ity to call the girl in the video to testify. on all of my records,” he said. “But with grace and insight,” music critic Wainwright’s 76th birthday is com-
After acquitting Kelly in the 2008 trial, some jurors actually, it really applies to me Stephen Deusner wrote in a review of ing up in a few weeks, right when he’s
told reporters that that they had no choice but to find now.” the album for Uncut. heading out on his first post-pandemic
Kelly not guilty because the girl - who by then was in Domingo Lijo Over the course of 15 songs, Wain- tour. He’s starting in England, where
her 20s - did not take the witness stand to confirm it wright sings about pieces of his life Visits he generally draws larger audiences
was, in fact, her in the video. scattered in various locales, walking The singer grew up in the New than at home.
Federal prosecutors at the current trial played York City suburbs of Westchester “I’m so delighted when young peo-
excerpts of that and other videos they say show Variety through an old lover’s town, imagin-
ing himself at the gates of hell and County and now lives on the eastern ple come up to me and say ‘my mom
Kelly when he was around 30 abusing a 14-year- the perspective of a dog caught in the end of Long Island. He jokes about loved your records’ or ‘my grandfather
old Jane. middle of a divorce. fitting in an interview along with loved your records,’” he said. “And
Kelly has been trailed for decades by allegations BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: Opera star “maintenance visits” to doctors in a then they say, ‘but I love your records,
about his sexual behavior. The scrutiny intensified Placido Domingo’s name has appeared Realizes trip to the city. too.’ That, of course, is the most excit-
during the #MeToo era and following the 2019 release in an investigation of a sect-like organiza- The title cut’s narrator realizes that He can remember specifically what ing thing. Then I feel like I’m 22.”
of the Lifetime television docuseries “Surviving R. tion in Argentina that also had US offices
and whose leaders have been charged all of life’s momentary achievements made him want to be a performer. At Wainwright never figured he’d be
Kelly.” mean little next to love — either from age 7, he sang a song to his mother making music this long. While going
with crimes, including sexual exploita-
Also: tion. a partner or audience, depending on and her sister, bathed in their adora- out on the road is much harder, and
your interpretation. tion, and knew he wanted that feeling Wainwright can see a deadline com-
CENTRAL ISLIP, NY: Rapper Fetty Wap pleaded Domingo, the Spanish opera singer
And family. Always family. again. ing on that part of his career, he ex-
guilty Monday to a conspiracy drug charge that car- who has faced accusations of sexual har-
ries a mandatory five-year prison sentence, admit- assment from numerous women over the Anyone who’s listened to the man Throughout his career, Wainwright pects to write songs as long as inspira-
ting that he participated in a massive drug trafficking past three years, has not been accused of that Rolling Stone called “the poet has been able to toggle between hu- tion strikes.
racket that moved drugs from the West Coast to Long any wrongdoing in the Argentina case. laureate of family dysfunction” knows mor and seriousness in a way uncom- “When you start out in show busi-
Island. “Placido didn’t commit a crime, nor is about the competition with his father, mon to most songwriters. ness, or any business ... you have your
The plea in Central Islip came before US Magistrate he part of the organization, but rather he his divorces from singers Kate Mc- The new “Fam Vac” is laugh-out- fantasies about how big it’s going to
was a consumer of prostitution,” said a Garrigle and Suzzy Roche, the dam- loud funny: the narrator wants a vaca- get, how famous you’re going to get,
Judge Steven Locke, who had revoked his bond and law enforcement official, who spoke only
sent him to jail two weeks ago. After the plea, he was age caused by the distant upbringings tion from, not with, his family. At the how much money you’re going to
on condition of anonymity because the of son Rufus and daughter Lucy, both same time, the way he sang of feeling make,” he said. “I had all of those. I
returned to jail to await sentencing, though a date was investigation continues. Prostitution is
not immediately set. accomplished artists of their own. adrift following the death of his moth- hoped that I would make a little more
not illegal in Argentina. Wainwright quips about “a couple er in 2001s “Homeless” is chilling in money than I have, but looking back,
Locke revoked the rapper’s $500,000 bail, secured Law enforcement officers have carried
by property he owns in Georgia, after prosecutors out dozens of raids in Buenos Aires
of tense Thanksgiving dinners,” but its naked emotion. it’s been great. I got to do what I
said that Wap, whose real name is Willie Maxwell, targeting the Buenos Aires Yoga School, is endlessly drawn to his own life for “I think of myself as a switch-hit- wanted to do.”
threatened to kill a man during a FaceTime call in which “built a cult around its leader”
2021, violating the terms of his pretrial release in his and reduced members to “a situation of
drug case. slavery and/or sexual exploitation,” ac- dozens of properties and vehicles under seven levels. the final decision on who could advance.
The “Trap Queen” rapper was initially arrested last cording to prosecutors’ documents in the embargo. In order to advance, members had (AP)
October on charges alleging he participated in a con- Argentine case against the school. The organization had approximately to participate in numerous courses and ❑ ❑ ❑
spiracy to smuggle large amounts of heroin, fentanyl The organization set up a business 179 students, all of whom were ranked in carry out tasks, with Percowicz holding
and other drugs into the New York City area. structure that included offices in Argen- BOSTON: Officers with the Boston Police
tina and the United States, including Department’s harbor patrol unit are used
He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute and to helping boaters in distress, but last
possess controlled substances, the top charge in an in- branches in at least three US cities: Las
Vegas, Chicago and New York. weekend Officer Joe Matthews came to
dictment against him, though the plea pertained only the rescue of a groom in danger of miss-
So far, 19 people have been detained
to cocaine. It carries a mandatory minimum sentence in Argentina, while at least three suspects ing his own wedding.
of five years in prison while federal sentencing guide- are thought to remain at large inside the Patrick Mahoney was scheduled to
lines are likely to recommend about two additional South American country and four are get married on Thompson Island in the
years in prison. The plea spared him from a poten- being sought in the United States. middle of Boston Harbor on Saturday,
tial life sentence if he had been convicted on all the Domingo has not spoken publicly but the boat that was supposed to ferry
charges he faced. about the latest developments and his him to the island where his bride-to-be
His lawyers did not immediately return messages representatives did not respond to re- was already waiting broke down, police
seeking comment. quests for comment. said in a post on their website.
Maxwell and five co-defendants were accused of Wiretaps that were part of the judicial It gets worse. The groomsmen, pho-
conspiring to possess and distribute more than 100 investigation recorded conversations in tographer, DJ and floral arrangements
kilograms (220 pounds) of heroin, fentanyl and crack which a man who authorities identify were also stuck on the mainland.
cocaine between June 2019 and June 2020. Two code- as Domingo spoke to a member of the Enter Matthews, who transported more
fendants also have pleaded guilty and await sentenc- group, identified as Susana Mendeliev- than a dozen people to the island on
ing. ich, about meeting up with the opera star his police boat so Mahoney’s marriage
The scheme allegedly involved using the US Postal while he was in Buenos Aires for a series to Hannah Crawford could go on as
Service and cars with hidden compartments to move of concerts in April. scheduled.
The organization had ties to other “They were there very quickly to get
drugs from the West Coast to Long Island, where they my groomsmen and all of our vendors
were stored for distribution to dealers on Long Island well-known public figures and their
names should become public once out here to the island and kind of save the
and in New Jersey, prosecutors said. indictments are made official, the judicial day,” Mahoney told The Boston Globe.
Maxwell rose to prominence after “Trap Queen,” official added. Matthews was only too happy to help.
his debut single, reached No. 2 on the US Billboard Percowicz, along with other members “It was good to get a nice call for a
Hot 100 chart in May 2015. of the group, has been arrested under the Actors Sharlto Copley, (left), Iyana Halley, Leah Jeffries and Idris Elba pose change and help people out,” he said.
order of Judge Ariel Lijo, who placed together at the world premiere of ‘Beast,’ at the Museum of Modern Art. (AP) (AP)



UK to lower dose

Pfizer seeks ‘okay’

of updated booster
WASHINGTON, Aug 23, (AP): Pfizer asked US regula-
tors Monday to authorize its combination COVID-19 vac-
cine that adds protection against the newest omicron rela-
tives - a key step toward opening a fall booster campaign.
The Food and Drug Administration ordered vaccine
makers to tweak their shots to target BA.4 and BA.5 that
are better than ever at dodging immunity from earlier vac-
cination or infection.
Pfizer and its partner BioNTech aim to offer updated
boosters to people 12 and older, and shots could begin
within weeks if the FDA quickly clears the modified vac-
cine — a step not expected to require waiting on new stud-
Moderna is expected to file a similar application soon
for updated boosters for adults. The
US has a contract to buy 105 million
of the Pfizer doses and 66 million
Moderna ones, assuming FDA gives
the green light.
“It’s going to be really important
that people this fall and winter get
the new shots. It’s designed for the
virus that’s out there,” White House
COVID-19 coordinator Dr Ashish
Jha said last week.
For now at least. BA.5 currently is
Jha causing nearly all COVID-19 infec-
tions in the USand much of the world. There’s no way to
know if it still will be a threat this winter — or if another
mutant will have replaced it.
The vaccines currently used in the US still offer strong This image provided by NASA shows a false color composite image of Jupiter obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope on July 27, 2022. The planet’s rings
protection against severe disease and death, especially if and some of its small satellites are visible along with background galaxies. (AP)
people have gotten their recommended boosters. But those
vaccines target the coronavirus strain that spread in early
2020 and their effectiveness against infection has dropped New space telescope shows Jupiter’s auroras, tiny moons
markedly as new mutants came along, particularly the su-
per-contagious omicron family. The world’s newest and biggest space telescope is One wide-field picture is particularly dramatic, The infrared images were artificially colored in blue,
showing Jupiter as never before, auroras and all. showing the faint rings around the planet, as well white, green, yellow and orange, according to the US-
Genetic Scientists released the shots Monday of the solar as two tiny moons against a glittering background French research team, to make the features stand out.
How would combo shots work? Sort of like a second- system’s biggest planet. of galaxies. NASA and the European Space Agency’s $10 billion
generation vaccine. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines The James Webb Space Telescope took the “We’ve never seen Jupiter like this. It’s all quite in- successor to the Hubble Space Telescope rocketed
contain the genetic instructions for the spike protein that photos in July, capturing unprecedented views of credible,” said planetary astronomer Imke de Pater, away at the end of last year and has been observing
coats the coronavirus, to train the immune system to rec- Jupiter’s northern and southern lights, and swirling of the University of California, Berkeley, who helped the cosmos in the infrared since summer. Scientists
ognize the real virus. The new combo doses will contain polar haze. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, a storm big lead the observations. hope to behold the dawn of the universe with Webb,
instructions for both the original spike target and the spike enough to swallow Earth, stands out brightly along- “We hadn’t really expected it to be this good, to be peering all the way back to when the first stars and
mutations carried by BA.4 and BA.5. side countless smaller storms. honest,” she added in a statement. galaxies were forming 13.7 billion years ago. (AP)
The news comes after Britain a week ago became the
first in the world to authorize a different update to Mod-
erna’s COVID-19 vaccines — shots that add protection
against the original omicron that struck last winter. Health
European regulators also are considering the original
omicron versions by Moderna and Pfizer. The US opted
not to use that earlier tweak — setting up a fall where dif-
ferent countries will be using different versions of booster
shots to rev up protection against another possible winter
Child died of brain-eating amoeba: CDC
In the US, the FDA will be relying heavily on scientific
testing of prior tweaks to the vaccine recipe — rather than
New Ebola case tied to previous outbreak
a study of the newest boosters that could take months — to BENI, Congo, Aug 23, (AP): A new the Allied Democratic Forces rebels amoeba typically occur in southern
decide whether to fast-track updated shots for fall. case of the Ebola virus has been con- who have killed more than 2,000 peo- states because the amoeba thrives in
Pfizer previously announced results from a study that firmed in Congo’s eastern Beni city, ple in over a year, according to various waters that are warmer than 86 degrees
found its earlier omicron tweak significantly revved up Congo’s ministry of health announced rights groups. Fahrenheit (30 Celsius). But infections
antibodies capable of fighting the first omicron version, Monday, saying it is linked to a previ- ❑ ❑ ❑ have migrated north in recent years, in-
called BA.1, and to a lesser degree the genetically distinct ous outbreak. cluding two cases in Minnesota since
BA.4 and BA.5 omicron relatives. Its application to the Testing by a lab at the National Federal health officials confirmed 2010.
FDA contains that data plus animal testing of the newest Institute for Biomedical Research in that a Nebraska child died from a rare Texas and Florida recorded the most
Goma confirmed the case was the infection caused by a brain-eating infections with 39 and 37 cases re-
recipe update. amoeba after swimming in a river near
It’s similar to how flu vaccines are updated every year A dead fish lies in the shallow water Ebola Zaire strain and was genetically spectively, and the amoeba is typically
of the German-Polish border river linked to Congo’s 10th outbreak in Omaha. found in southern states because it
without having to undergo large studies. Oder in Lebus, Germany on Aug 18. The Centers for Disease Control and
Pfizer and BioNTech expect to start a trial using the Ituri and North Kivu provinces from thrives in waters that are warmer than
Germany says several substances 2018 to 2020 that killed more than Prevention confirmed the presence of 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Celsius).
BA.4 and BA.5 boosters in the coming weeks, to shed ad- seem to have contributed to a mas- the naegleria fowleri amoeba in the
ditional light on how well tweaked shots work. Moderna sive fish die-off in the Oder River that 2,000 people, the ministry said. But infections have migrated north
The case involved a 46-year-old child, according to the Douglas County in recent years, including two cases in
has begun a similar study although full results wouldn’t be forms much of the country’s border Department of Health in Omaha.
available before a fall booster campaign. with Poland. (AP) woman who was admitted to the Beni Health officials believe the child Minnesota since 2010, Douglas Coun-
hospital in late July and died Aug. 15 became infected while swimming in ty Health Director Dr. Lindsey Huse
Infection after suffering symptoms associated the Elkhorn River, a few miles west of noted during a news conference.
“It’s clear that none of these vaccines are going to com- with Ebola. Omaha. Authorities have not released “Our regions are becoming warm-
pletely prevent infection,” said Dr. Rachel Presti of Wash- “Our team on site in Beni has car- the child’s name. er,” she said. “As things warm up, the
ried out a dignified and secure burial People are usually infected when water warms up and water levels drop
ington University in St. Louis, a researcher with the Mod- and also decontaminated the hospital because of drought, you see that this
erna trial. water containing the amoeba enters
where the patient stayed,” the ministry the body through the nose while swim- organism is a lot happier and more
But prior studies of variant booster candidates show said. typically grows in those situations.”
“you still get a broader immune response giving a variant ming in or diving into lakes and rivers.
There are more than 130 high-risk Other sources have been documented, According to the National Water
booster than giving the same booster” again, which should contacts that have been identified, of Information System, the surface water
be helpful even if a newer omicron relative emerges, she including tainted tap water in a Hou-
which 71 have been seen. The others ston-area city in 2020. temperature near where the child was
added. remain at large, the ministry said. swimming was between 86 and 92 de-
Pfizer and Moderna don’t make the only US vaccine “We call on the population to calm Fatal grees.
options. Novavax makes a more traditional, protein-based Myllyvirta Moskwa down and to respect hygienic meas- Jacob Lorenzo-Morales, a re-
It is the second death in the Mid-
shot — and U.S. health authorities just expanded its use ures,” the ministry’s statement added. west this summer from primary ame- searcher at the Universidad de La La-
for people as young as 12. Novavax also plans to offer a Congo has recorded 14 Ebola out- bic meningoencephalitis, an infection guna in the Canary Islands who has
variant update later in the year. Discovery breaks since the virus was discovered
in the conflict-ridden country in 1976.
caused by the amoeba that has proved studied naegleria fowleri, said Thurs-
day that an increase in infections since
Also: fatal in 97% of reported cases. A Mis-
The last outbreak from April to July souri resident died of the infection in 2000 can be blamed on two factors:
LONDON: British health authorities will begin offering eli- No single cause for fish deaths: Sev- took place in another region in Equa- July after swimming at Lake of Three better knowledge and diagnosis of the
gible people just a fraction of the normal monkeypox vac- eral substances seem to have contributed teur province, killing five people. Fires in southwestern Iowa, health of- disease, and the rising temperature in
cine dose to stretch supplies by about five times, in line to the massive fish die-off in the Oder Ebola is spread by contact with ficials have said. bodies of water providing “a perfect
with similar decisions to extend available doses in Europe River that forms much of Germany’s bor- bodily fluids of an infected person or Symptoms of the infection include environment” for the amoeba to thrive.
and the US. der with Poland, a German official said contaminated materials. However, the fever, headache, nausea or vomiting, Researcher Sutherland Maciver,
In a statement Monday, Britain’s Health Security Agen- Monday. early symptoms of fever and muscle progressing to a stiff neck, loss of bal- who has studied the amoeba at the
cy said patients at clinics in Manchester and London Numerous theories have been floated aches resemble those of other com- ance, hallucinations and seizures. Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
would soon get just one fifth the regular monkeypox vac- about the cause of the environmental mon diseases like malaria. In addition The CDC says naegleria fowleri in- at Edinburgh Medical School in Scot-
cine dose as part of ongoing research, citing earlier work disaster, but so far none have been con- to vaccinations, there is now effective fections are rare, with about three cases land, says not all infections are report-
clusive, a spokesman for Germany’s treatment available that, if received in the United States every year. There ed and that the 430 cases that have ever
suggesting the smaller dose provided as effective an im- Environment Ministry said. He rejected early, can improve chances of survival been reported worldwide are almost
were 154 cases reported between 1962
mune response as a full dose. suggestions from a senior Polish official significantly. and 2021 in the US, with only four sur- certainly an undercount. And, he said,
Last week, the European Medicines Agency authorized that Germany was spreading “fake news” This latest announcement in Beni vivors. Only about 430 cases have ever scientists cannot say with certainty that
the move for its 27 members across the continent, echoing about pesticides being behind the envi- comes as the region is under threat been documented globally. the Nebraska case is directly attribut-
the decision made by US regulators earlier this month. ronmental disaster. from various rebel groups, including In the US, infections from the able to climate change.
“Adopting this tried and tested technique will help to “The search for the causes of the fish
maximize the reach of our remaining stock,” said Dr die-off in the Oder still haven’t been
Mary Ramsay, head of immunization at Britain’s Health completed,” said Andreas Kuebler, the
ministry spokesman. “So far we have sev- causes global warming, has seen a nota- data shows that carbon emissions dropped The downward trend began last year
Security Agency. She said the lowered doses would en- eral organic and inorganic substances that ble dip in its emissions over the past three 1.4% in the first three months of the year, and accelerated over the winter. The de-
able health workers to vaccinate “many more thousands could be responsible.” quarters - but it’s not clear how long the compared to the prior year, making it the cline continued but was milder this spring.
of people.” “It seems to be a cocktail of chemi- drop will continue. third consecutive quarter to show a drop - It’s not clear whether China’s emis-
Last week, British officials said there were early signs cals,” he told reporters in Berlin. “Ac- A new analysis of China’s economic and the longest sustained dip in a decade. sions will continue to fall this year. Over
the monkeypox outbreak is slowing and that case numbers cording to our information so far, none the past decade, five shorter dips were fol-
are declining. Nearly 3,200 cases have been reported in of these substances alone led to the fish lowed by rebounding emissions.
die-off. It must still be assumed that this China’s recent emissions decline was
the U.K. since May, with 99% of infections among men. driven by decreased output in cement,
could be a multi-causal incident.”
About 70% of cases are in London. Kuebler said a type of algae that nor- steel and power industries, as well as
As of last week, UK authorities said more than 35,000 mally grows in brackish water and pro- COVID lockdown measures, according
vaccines had been administered primarily to men who have duces a substance toxic to fish may also to an analysis by Lauri Myllyvirta, a
sex with men, their close contacts, and health workers. have played a role in the disaster. Finland-based climate and energy analyst
Globally, the supply of monkeypox vaccines is extreme- Recent lab results showed a sharp at the Centre for Research on Energy and
ly limited. There is only one supplier — Denmark’s Ba- growth of Prymnesium parvum in the Clean Air.
varian Nordic — and most doses have already been bought Oder that could only have resulted from “Steel and cement are China’s second
increased salt levels caused by an “indus- and third largest emitting sectors, and the
by the U.S., Canada, Europe and other rich countries. demand for both sectors is largely driv-
trial discharge,” he said.
Bavarian Nordic estimated its production capacity for Dead fish in the Oder were first noticed en by construction activity,” but policy
this year was about 30 million doses. No monkeypox vac- by fishermen in southwestern Poland in changes on real estate lending and debt
cines have so far been allotted to Africa, which has re- late July, but German authorities said they have at least temporarily depressed the
ported more than 70 suspected deaths, the highest number weren’t officially notified by their Polish construction sector, Myllyvirta wrote in
anywhere. counterparts until the second week of Au- an analysis for Carbon Brief.
To date, more than 41,000 cases of monkeypox have ap- gust. Poland’s government is trying to track Whether China meets its long-term
peared worldwide in 94 countries. The World Health Or- down those responsible. Ten tons of dead goal to become carbon neutral by 2060
fish have been removed from the river. depends in large part on what happens in
ganization and other health agencies do not recommend Warsaw lashed out over the weekend, its power sector.
mass vaccination, but have advised countries to improve with Environment Minister Anna Mosk- And that depends upon how quickly
their monkeypox surveillance, testing and encouraged oth- wa accusing Germany of spreading “fake the world’s second largest economy can
er measures to slow the disease’s spread. news” about the levels of pesticides in the move away from coal.
WHO has recommended that men at high risk of the dis- river. (AP) China’s leaders have recently doubled-
Health workers wearing protective suits tend to an Ebola victim kept in an isolation down on plans to promote coal-fired pow-
ease temporarily consider reducing their number of part- ❑ ❑ ❑ tent in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo, on July 13, 2019. A new case of the
ners. er, calling for coal production capacity to
Carbon emissions dip: China, the Ebola virus has been confirmed in Congo’s eastern Beni city, Congo’s ministry increase by 300 million tons this year, or
world’s top emitter of carbon dioxide that of health announced on Aug 22 saying it is linked to a previous outbreak. (AP) 7% over last year. (AP)


Judge hits 47th home run MLB Results/Standings

WASHINGTON, Aug 23, (AP): Results
and standings from the MLB games on
Tampa Bay
LA Angels

as Yankees hold off Mets

Kansas City 6 Chicago W. Sox 4 Philadelphia 4 Cincinnati 1
NY Yankees 4 NY Mets 2 St Louis 1 Chicago Cubs 0
Texas 2 Minnesota 1 Milwaukee 4 LA Dodgers 0
American League National League
East Division East Division
W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
New York 75 48 .610 — New York 79 45 .637 —
Tampa Bay 66 55 .545 8 Atlanta 76 48 .613 3
Cardinals pip Cubs Toronto 65 55 .542 8-1/2 Philadelphia 67 55 .549 11
Baltimore 63 58 .521 11 Miami 53 69 .434 25
Boston 60 62 .492 14-1/2 Washington 41 82 .333 37-1/2
Central Division Central Division
W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Cleveland 64 56 .533 — St Louis 70 51 .579 —
Minnesota 62 58 .517 2 Milwaukee 65 56 .537 5
Chicago 62 60 .508 3 Chicago 52 69 .430 18
Kansas City 50 74 .403 16 Cincinnati 48 72 .400 21-1/2
Detroit 47 76 .382 18-1/2 Pittsburgh 47 75 .385 23-1/2
West Division West Division
W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Houston 78 45 .634 — Los Angeles 84 37 .694 —
Seattle 66 56 .541 11-1/2 San Diego 68 56 .548 17-1/2
Texas 56 66 .459 21-1/2 San Francisco 60 61 .496 24
Los Angeles 52 70 .426 25-1/2 Arizona 55 66 .455 29
Oakland 45 78 .366 33 Colorado 53 70 .431 32

Wijnaldum likely to miss World Cup

Iñaki gets WCup chance

thanks to African ‘roots’
MADRID, Aug 23, (AP): Iñaki Wil-
liams is enjoying yet another season
as a starter for Athletic Bilbao.
The only debate about his role in
Basque Country is whether he should
play more up front as a true striker or
out on the wing.
Williams’ spot with Spain’s nation-
al team was never assured, though, so
when the call to play for Ghana came,
his decision wasn’t that hard to make.
Ahead of the World Cup, Ghana
aggressively recruited players from
abroad with connections to the Af-
rican nation, and Williams fitted the
Milwaukee Brewers’ Keston Hiura (18) hits a home run during the ninth inning of a baseball game against the Los Angeles Dodgers in Los Angeles. (AP) The 28-year-old Williams was born
in Spain to parents who are from Gha- Roma’s Georginio Wijnaldum
NEW YORK, Aug 23, (AP): Chicago’s Drew Smyly (5-7) be- 10 and moved a half-game ahead of of batters to start the inning. Ryan na. They moved to Spain several dec- plays during a friendly soccer
Aaron Judge connected off came the 449th pitcher to surrender Toronto and Seattle in the AL wild- O’Hearn singled, and Waters drew ades ago and, to be able to stay there, match against Shakhtar Donetsk at
a homer to the 42-year-old Pujols. card race. a five-pitch walk with one out to were advised by a charity worker to Rome’s Olympic Stadium. (AP)
Max Scherzer for his ma- Montgomery (7-3) struck out Arozarena hit his 17th homer of break a 4-all tie. say they had fled a civil war in Liberia.
jor league-leading 47th seven and walked none in his first the season off Tucker Davidson White Sox starter Michael Kope- Now, with slim hopes of being ternational career ahead of the World
home run, Andrew Be- career complete game, improving to (2-4) after Mike Trout had tied the ch exited the game after facing just called up again by Spain - he made Cup.
4-0 in four starts since he was ac- game in the fifth with an RBI single. four hitters, retiring none. Manager one appearance in a friendly in 2016 It hasn’t gone to plan.
nintendi drove in two runs - Williams became one of five play- Wijnaldum broke the tibia in his
quired in an Aug. 2 trade with the Shawn Armstrong pitched the Tony La Russa said Kopech had a
and the New York Yankees New York Yankees. ninth to earn his first save for the hamstring issue. ers to accept a recent invitation to join right leg during practice on Sunday
beat the Mets 4-2 Monday Ghana’s national team and play at the and might not be fit in time for the
Braves 2, Pirates 1 Rays. Amir Garrett (3-1) pitched a World Cup. He will undergo more
night for their first Subway scoreless eighth and Scott Barlow World Cup.
In Pittsburgh, Jake Odorizzi Phillies 4, Reds 1 “Even though I was born in Spain, tests this week.
Series win this season. struck out seven and Michael Harris finished for his 20th save. In the 2020-21 season, Wijnaldum
In Philadelphia, Noah Synder- my roots and my blood are African
The Yankees, in a historic skid II hit a two-run homer to lead At- gaard pitched seven strong innings Brewers 4, Dodgers 0 and Ghanese. This is the correct deci- was a star of the Liverpool team and
with 14 losses in 18 games com- lanta past Pittsburgh. to stay unbeaten with Philadelphia. In Los Angeles, Eric Lauer and sion,” Williams said. “With my age, captained the Dutch in the absence of
ing into this matchup in the Bronx, The Braves have won 12 of 14 to Nick Castellanos and Bryson Sto- four Milwaukee relievers combined at my peak as an athlete, it is the right the injured Virgil van Dijk.
built a 3-0 lead on DJ LeMahieu’s pull within three games of the New tt hit back-to-back homers for the to hand Los Angeles its first shutout time to do this. The train will only However, after being continually
first-inning York Mets in the NL East. of the season at Dodger Stadium. come by once and I have to take it.” overlooked in his only season at PSG,
Phillies off Cincinnati’s Luis Cessa Wijnaldum was dropped by Nether-
sacrifice fly, Odorizzi (5-5) allowed one run (3-2). The Dodgers, with the best record
Judge’s home on four hits in six innings, retiring in baseball and the highest-scor- lands coach Louis van Gaal for his
Syndergaard (8-8) allowed one SOCCER team’s four matches in June. He has
run off Scher- 14 of the final 15 batters he faced. run on three hits with one strikeout ing team in the majors, had their
Harris hit the 13th homer of his made 86 international appearances,
zer (9-3) in the and two walks. nine-game home winning streak scoring 26 goals.
rookie season into the left-field His first appearance for Ghana
third and dou- Philadelphia moved ahead of idle snapped. Los Angeles was blanked could come in a friendly match Mexico coach Gerardo Martino
bles by Isiah bleachers off a curveball from San Diego into the second NL wild- for the sixth time overall this season was heavily criticized for his team´s
Roansy Contreras (3-4). against Brazil on Sept. 23, one of two
Kiner-Falefa card spot. after completing a weekend sweep World Cup warmup matches for the attacking struggles in the last matches
and Benintendi Kenley Jansen struck out two in a of Miami with 19 runs and 34 hits national team that month. in World Cup qualification. Now,
perfect ninth for his 29th save. Royals 6, White Sox 4
in the fifth. in a three-game series. Williams said the support he re- he’ll have to figure out how to im-
Rangers 2, Twins 1 In Kansas City, Drew Waters Lauer (9-5) allowed five hits in prove the offense without one of his
Yankees drew a bases-loaded walk to break ceived from his family and vothers in
Judge rookie Oswaldo In Minneapolis, Adolis García five innings. He struck out two and a recent trip back home helped him top players.
an eighth-inning tie in his major walked two. The Brewers bullpen make the decision to switch to Ghana. Sevilla forward Jesus “Tecatito”
Cabrera mis- homered and Corey Seager singled league debut, boosting Kansas City
played a popup in the fifth, and the home the go-ahead run in the sixth allowed three hits the rest of the Williams is one of the few Black Corona broke his left fibula and rup-
past Chicago. way. players to ever play for Athletic, the tured ankle ligaments this week and
Mets’ Daniel Vogelbach followed inning as Texas beat Minnesota. Joe Kelly (1-3), the seventh of
with a two-run homer that made it Twins star outfielder Byron Bux- Luis Urías snapped an 0-for-21 traditional Spanish club that has an will be out for four to five months,
eight White Sox pitchers, hit a pair slump with a home run in the fourth internal code to only sign local-born the Spanish club said. That is likely to
3-2. ton exited in the seventh with right
Domingo Germán (2-2) gave up hip tightness. inning. He entered as a defensive re- players or those who have come rule him out of the World Cup, though
two runs - one earned - in 6 1/3 in- placement at third base in the third. through the soccer academies of Jaime Ordiales, the head of Mexico’s
A.J. Alexy (1-0) pitched 2 1/3 national teams, said Corona will be
nings. Jonathan Loaisiga finished scoreless innings in relief of starter His solo drive came with two outs teams in the Basque region.
off Julio Urías (13-7), who gave up Williams was a member of Spain’s given until the last minute to have him
with four outs in a row for his first Cole Ragans. Brett Martin, José youth squads and played in a friendly on board for Qatar.
save since Aug. 17 last year. Leclerc and Matt Moore blanked two hits in six innings, struck out “It´s a serious injury,” Ordiales
seven and walked one. against Bosnia in 2016. He had not
the Twins the rest of the way, with been called up recently by Luis En- said, “but we have seen some impres-
Moore earning his third save of the The Brewers scored three times
BASEBALL season. in the ninth off Phil Bickford.
rique and did not appear to be in the sive recoveries in the past, so we’re
coach’s plan for the World Cup. going to wait and hope for the best.”
Sonny Gray (7-4) gave up two Marlins 3, Athletics 0 FIFA eligibility rules allow coun- Mexico, which finished second in
Scherzer (9-3) allowed four runs runs on five hits while fanning six. In Oakland, rookie Edward Ca- tries to recruit players from their global the CONCACAF qualifiers behind
for the second straight start, raising The Twins turned a triple play be- brera pitched two-hit ball over eight diaspora if the players meet the condi- Canada, scored just four goals in its
his ERA from 1.93 to 2.33 in the hind him in the fourth. innings in another impressive start, tions related to their nationalities. Play- last five qualifying matches. That
two outings. He gave up seven hits Texas took three of four in the Charles Leblanc homered Miami ers are allowed to switch allegiance was with Corona playing alongside
in 6 2/3 innings. weekend wraparound series and is beat Oakland. to a new national team if they never Raul Jimenez and Hirving Lozano in
Cardinals 1, Cubs 0 5-3 since replacing Chris Wood- Cabrera (4-1) retired the final 14 played a competitive game for the first Martino´s 4-3-3 formation.
ward with interim manager Tony country they were eligible to represent. Now Martino, who guided Para-
In Chicago, Albert Pujols hit ca- batters in the longest outing of his Ghana qualified for its fourth World guay to the World Cup quarterfinals
reer homer No. 693, Jordan Mont- Beasley last week. career. He struck out seven and Cup, and first since 2014, by eliminat- in 2010, will have to try to awaken
gomery pitched a one-hitter and St. Rays 2, Angels 1 walked three in the 101-pitch per- ing Nigeria in a two-leg playoff in his offense without Corona and with
Louis won its season-best eighth In St. Petersburg, Randy Aroza- formance. March. It is in Group H along with Jimenez battling to rediscover his best
straight. rena hit a tiebreaking home run in Tanner Scott followed with one- Portugal, South Korea and Uruguay. form after fracturing his skull in 2020.
Pujols led off the seventh with a the fifth inning and Tampa Bay beat Philadelphia Phillies’ Noah Synder- hit relief for his 18th save. Dropped by the Netherlands be- Jimenez came on as a substitute
drive to left-center for his seventh Los Angeles. gaard pitches during the second Leblanc connected in the second cause of his lack of game time at Paris in Wolverhampton’s 1-0 loss to Tot-
homer in his last 10 games and No. Jeffrey Springs (6-3) pitched ef- inning of a baseball game against off Adam Oller (2-6). Saint-Germain last season, Georginio tenham in the Premier League on Sat-
14 overall in his final big league fectively into the sixth inning for the Cincinnati Reds in Philadelphia. The A’s drew their second-lowest Wijnaldum moved to Roma on loan urday, having missed the start of the
season. the Rays, who have won eight of (AP) home crowd of 2,630. partly in an attempt to revive his in- season with a knee injury.


Big Ten clash

College football resumes int’l play

WASHINGTON, Aug 23, (AP): College
football has been around the world since Ire-
land first hosted a game more than 30 years
ago, with locales as disparate as Tokyo and
Toronto staging games.
Australians loved the touchdowns and
halftime theatrics, not to mention the hot
dogs and beer, the latter of which ran out
during California’s 51-31 win over Hawaii
in 2016. Fordham and Holy Cross have
taken their rivalry abroad twice, the second
time before not quite 2,500 fans in Bermuda
in 1995.
Now, college football takes the leap again
when Nebraska faces Northwestern in Dub-
lin on Saturday in the first regular-season
international game in five years.

“We intend to kick off the season every
year in Ireland,” said John Anthony, found-
er of Anthony Travel and Irish American
Events, the game’s organizer.
Ireland has a five-game deal in place for
the series dubbed the Aer Lingus College
Football Classic. Notre Dame was set to
headline the first one, against Navy, in 2020
but it was called off because of the pandem-
ic. Last year’s Nebraska-Illinois game was In this file photo, Northwestern head
moved to Champaign for the same reason. coach Pat Fitzgerald talks to reporters
Notre Dame and Navy will now play at during an NCAA college football news
conference at the Big Ten Conference
Aviva Stadium in next year’s opener. Based Media Days at Lucas Oil Stadium in In-
New York Jets wide receiver Tarik Black, (center), is tackled on the run by Atlanta Falcons linebacker Mykal Walker, (below), during the first half on the 2020 figures - 40,000 tickets sold in dianapolis. Northwestern is set to kick
of an NFL football game in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP) the U.S. - it should sell out with capacity off its season on Aug. 27, 2022, against
near 49,000. Nebraska. (AP)
The Big Ten showdown Saturday will

Mariota, Ridder solid for have attendance in the “mid-30s,” Anthony

said, including 13,000 fans coming from the
United States.
Organizers were expecting 18,000 Amer-
icans and 5,000 Europeans with an econom-
ic impact of 63 million euros ($63 million)
sees it a long-term investment by govern-
ment partners.
“The COVID backdrop obviously had an
impact, but this is about getting it back and
growing it over the next number of years,”
Chambers told The Associated Press. “It’s
on the Irish economy. Besides the U.S. trav- something we’re committed to. We’re confi-

Falcons in loss to NY Jets elers, only another 3,000 are coming from
outside Ireland. The economic impact has
been downgraded to “at least” 40 million
euros ($40 million), Anthony said.
International ticket sales were hurt by
COVID-19 concerns, and local fans have
dent around the economic evaluation of this
and the benefit it brings the country but also
the opportunity it brings for everyone that’s
coming, whether it’s tourism, enterprise,
personal or business.”
Anthony would not disclose specifics
not seen an American football game live of how much the teams get financially but
Streveler finishes 8 of 11 for 119 yards Hasnain replaces Afridi since 2016 when Georgia Tech beat Boston
College, 17-14. It probably didn’t help, too,
for Northwestern it will “replace the rev-
enue that they could get from a home game
that both Nebraska and Northwestern are ... they’re not doing it for less than that.”
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J., felt good about the look and hats off to Kyle ISLAMABAD, Aug 23, (AP): Pakistan fast bowler Moham- coming off 3-9 seasons. Northwestern, a private institution, did not
for executing it.” mad Hasnain has replaced the injured Shaheen Shah Afridi Still, it’s providing the largest inbound respond to a request for comment.
Aug 23, (AP): Marcus Mariota The drive stalled, though, and the Fal- for the Asia Cup in the United Arab Emirates. tourism event of the year for Ireland. And “(A) school does not make this decision
is feeling - and playing - like a cons had to settle for a 23-yard field goal by The 22-year-old Hasnain returned to cricket in June as a Northwestern home game, it figures to because they want to make a bunch of mon-
starter again. Younghoe Koo. But Mariota led Atlanta into after remodelling his bowling action. He was suspended draw more than the average attendance of ey. They want it for the experience for their
the end zone on the next possession. He hit in February after being called by umpires during the 30,679 at Ryan Field last season. student-athletes and their university and fol-
After leading Atlanta to scores on a wide-open Anthony Firkser for a 39-yard BBL. Ireland Minister for Sport Jack Chambers lowing and their constituency,”
two of his three drives in the Falcons’ gain to get to the Jets 14, and then found
24-16 loss against mostly New York Zaccheaus for a 13-yard TD two plays later.
Jets backups Monday night, Mariota The Jets sat most of their projected start-
appears to have strengthened his hold ers, including quarterback Joe Flacco - who
on the quarterback job. took over as New York’s QB1 in place of
“The last couple years were a good reset the injured Zach Wilson. Coach Robert
for me, but I’m excited about the opportu- Saleh said after the game the Jets will treat
nity, excited about this team,” said Mariota, this week as a “dress rehearsal” for the regu-
who was a backup the last two years in Las lar season and the starters are expected to
Vegas and hasn’t started a regular-season play Sunday against the Giants.
game since 2019 with Tennessee. Wilson is out a few weeks as he recovers
Mariota was 6 of 10 for 132 yards and a from a bone bruise and surgically repaired
touchdown pass to Olamide Zaccheaus be- torn meniscus in his right knee, with his
fore giving way to rookie Desmond Ridder availability for the season opener against
with a 10-0 lead in the second quarter. Baltimore on Sept. 11 uncertain. It would be
“I’m pleased with Marcus,” Falcons Flacco under center if Wilson can’t go, but
coach Arthur Smith said. “Looked like he Mike White got the start against the Falcons
got into a good rhythm.” and was mostly ineffective with the back-
Ridder, a third-round pick out of Cincin- ups.
nati, wasn’t too shabby, either, going 10 of
13 for 143 yards and leading the Falcons to FOOTBALL
two field goals during his three series that
were marred by penalties.
“He’s young, spunky and he’s showing White went 12 of 17 for 90 yards, and
flashes out here today,” said tight end Kyle the offense punted on each of his first four
Pitts, one of only a few projected Falcons series before Greg Zuerlein’s 44-yard field
starters who played. goal ended the first half with the Jets trail-
Pitts made his presence felt quickly with ing 16-3.
a 52-yard reception on Atlanta’s second “It was one of those preseason games
play from scrimmage. He got wide open on where you couldn’t get into a rhythm,”
Bryce Hall, who’s competing with rookie White said.
Sauce Gardner for a starting job at corner- Fourth-stringer Chris Streveler, who
back, to put the Falcons at the Jets 9. hadn’t thrown a pass in team drills before
“Well, you know, it makes it easy when leading the Jets to two touchdowns in the
you’ve got a guy like Kyle,” Mariota said. preseason opener at Philadelphia, was at it
“But yeah, we felt good about the player, again against Atlanta.
The former CFL quarterback, who had
previous NFL stints with Arizona, Balti-
more and Miami, replaced White in the third
quarter and engineered TD drives in his first
two series.
First came a 34-yard TD pass to Law-
rence Cager, then an eight-play drive that
was capped by La’Mical Perine’s 7-yard run
that gave the Jets a 17-16 lead 11 seconds
into the fourth quarter.
Streveler finished 8 of 11 for 119 yards
and the TD, and was intercepted by Teez
Tabor. He also led the Jets with 33 yards
rushing on six carries.
Jets defensive lineman Bradlee Anae,
competing for a roster spot on a deep unit,
made his case to stick around. He sacked
Franks, causing him to fumble, and then
picked up the ball and rumbled 30 yards into
the end zone for a touchdown in the rain that
New York Jets quarterback Chris St- gave New York a 24-16 lead.
reveler (15) celebrates after tight end Ridder led the Falcons to the Jets 1 in his
Lawrence Cager runs in a touchdown first series, but a false start penalty on offen-
during the second half of an NFL foot- sive lineman Jalen Mayfield on fourth down
ball game against the Atlanta Falcons in had Atlanta opt instead for a 23-yard field
East Rutherford, N.J. (AP) goal by Koo.

Tom Brady ‘ends’ 11-day break,

rejoins Buccaneers for practice
TAMPA, Fla., Aug 23, (AP): Tom Brady The coach said the break had been
returned to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on planned since well before the start of train-
Monday, ending what has been described as ing camp last month.
an 11-day, prearranged break from training “His presence is different, just the leader
camp for personal reasons. he is, the type of guy he is,” linebacker La-
The seven-time Super Bowl champion vonte David said. “It’s great to have a guy
didn’t address the media after practicing. like that back. He came back ready to take
Teammates and coach Todd Bowles said the off where he left off.”
45-year-old quarterback was sharp throwing In Brady’s absence, backup Blaine Gab-
the ball and essentially took up where he left bert and third-stringer Kyle Trask shared
off when he left the team on Aug. 11. most of the snaps in practice and during pre-
season losses to the Miami Dolphins and In-
dianapolis Colts. Bowles said it has not been
FOOTBALL determined if - or how much - Brady might
play in Saturday night’s preseason finale at
“If anybody can get away with the Indianapolis.
11-day break during training camp, it’s The quarterback’s return comes as the
Tom,” tight end Cameron Brate said. “He Bucs continue to deal with injuries to an of-
came back, kind of firing on all cylinders fensive line facing the prospect of entering
again. We’re all excited he’s back and the Sept. 11 season opener with at least two
ready to move on.” new starters. Center Ryan Jensen was lost to
While he was away, Brady missed two a knee injury on the second day of camp and
preseason games that Bowles said the quar- left guard Aaron Stinnie suffered a season-
terback would not have played in even if he ending knee injury against the Titans last
were with the team. weekend.

Fans gather to protest against
the Manchester United own-
ers outside the Old Trafford
ground, Manchester, England
before the English Premier
League match between Man-
chester United and Liverpool.

Latest sports scores at —

Empty seats, soccer
‘returns’ to Ukraine
KYIV, Ukraine, Aug 23, (AP): With
two teams playing in an empty sta-
dium hundreds of miles away from
their hometowns, the Ukrainian soccer
league started its new season Tuesday
after a poignant ceremony paying trib-
ute to those fighting in the war with
The opening match at Kyiv’s
65,500-seat Olympic stadium - where
spectators were not allowed in - saw
two teams from the war-torn east of the
country, Shaktar Donetsk and Metalist
1925, play out a 0-0 draw. The result,
though, was always going to be an af-


It was the first top-level soccer
match played in the country since Rus-
sia’s invasion in February, and the
decision to restart the league has been
hailed as a defiant sign that Ukrainians
are ready to restore some sense of nor-
mal life. Although this game felt far
from normal.
Ukraine remains under martial law
and large public gatherings have been
banned in the capital ahead of the Inde-
pendence Day holiday Wednesday due
to fears of potential Russian bombard-
Indian cricket players pose for a photograph with the trophy after winning the series on the last day of the One-Day International cricket match between Zimbabwe and India at Harare Sports Police stood guard in front of the
Club in Harare, Zimbabwe. (AP) turnstiles, where weeds have grown
after stadiums were closed six months
ago, but no fans showed up to the
Gill century leads India to ODI series sweep in Zimbabwe arena.
Players from the two teams entered
Shubman Gill scored his first one- fours and a six and shared a 140- off the last two overs. duck, with Zimbabwe all out for Axar Patel. “He was also man-of- the field with blue and yellow Ukrain-
day century and snatched a game- run stand for the third wicket with Raza had already hit three sixes 276 in 49.3 overs. Khan ended with the-match against the West Indies
clinching catch in the second-last Ishan Khan, who made 50. and he attempted a fourth over 3-66 and India came away with a recently. So this is the biggest takea- ian national flags draped over their
over as India held off Zimbabwe’s Zimbabwe’s chase appeared long-on midway through the penul- 3-0 series win. way for us from this series.” shoulders and observed a minute of
fightback to win the final ODI by 13 over at 169-7 and the home team timate over. Gill’s first ODI century was on the Zimbabwe seamer Brad Evans, silence while the names of Ukrainian
runs on Monday and sweep the se- was seemingly on course for an- Gill came running in from the cards after the 22-year-old right- the son of former Zimbabwe bats- cities where people had died in the war
ries 3-0. other heavy defeat. boundary and dived forwards full hander made 64, 43 and 98 not out man Craig Evans, took 5-54 in just were displayed on a large screen.
Gill’s 130 from 97 balls formed But Sikandar Raza was at the length to hold the catch just off the last month in West Indies and 82 his fifth ODI and made 28 in an Players raised a Ukrainian flag at
the bulk of India’s total of 289-8 heart of a late surge by Zimbabwe ground and end Raza’s fightback. not out in the first game of this se- eighth-wicket partnership of 104 the stadium that once belonged to Da-
at Harare Sports Club after the with his 115 from 95 balls. His in- Avesh Khan sealed it next over ries. “Gill batted brilliantly, he has with Raza that nearly got his team nylo Myhal, a Canadian of Ukrainian
visitors chose to bat first. He hit 15 nings meant Zimbabwe needed 17 by bowling Victor Nyauchi for a been in very good form,” said India’s home. (AP) descent.

Man United spring back to

life with win over Liverpool
Angry fans in ownership protest
MANCHESTER, England, draws with Fulham and Crystal Palace, set the tone by clattering into Salah Ten Hag will have Casemiro, whose
even if this was a first league loss in in the first minute, then barging into
Aug 23, (AP): Finally, there 2022. the Liverpool forward after getting up
$60 million signing from Real Ma-
are signs of life at Manches- What is historically the biggest off the ground. Later in the first half, drid was completed , available for that
ter United. game in English soccer was preceded Raphael Varane, who replaced Magu- game and the Brazil midfielder was Sampdoria’s Mehdi Leris (right), and Juventus’ Mattia De Sciglio battle for
by a pre-match protest by thousands of ire, virtually rugby-tackled Luis Diaz presented on the field before kickoff. the ball during the Serie A soccer match between Sampdoria and Juventus
Against a backdrop of protests at Luigi Ferraris Stadium in Genoa, Italy. (AP)
against the club’s ownership, United fans angry at the direction and to the ground, to roars of approval from
state of the club under their owners of United’s fans even if it earned him a
United delivered a performance of
intensity and spirit to beat fierce ri-
17 years, the Glazer family.
The support-
Sancho’s goal came in United’s best
Roma make it 2 wins out of two
vals Liverpool 2-1 and claim their ers called for the spell of the game, the winger showing
first points in the Premier League
this season.
Composed finishes by Jadon Sancho
U.S-based Glaz-
ers to sell the club
as they walked to
great composure to trick James Milner
by feigning to shoot, cut back inside
and place a shot into the corner as Vir-
Injury-hit Juventus held by Sampdoria
in the 16th minute and Marcus Rash- Old Trafford then gil van Dijk bizarrely stood motion- MILAN, Aug 23, (AP): Injury- ed Cremonese 1-0 on Monday to moted Cremonese.
ford in the 53rd earned a victory at Old gathered on the less in front of him. It was the seventh
Trafford that will bring some respite concourse out- straight Premier League match that hit Juventus clearly missed Án- make it two wins out of two. The Roma players wore shirts
for under-pressure manager Erik ten side the storied Liverpool had fallen behind. gel Di María as they were held to Juventus were also missing bearing the words “Forza Gini”
Hag, who made a huge statement in his stadium, in front The stadium erupted again when a 0-0 draw at Sampdoria in Se- Paul Pogba as well as Federico (“Stay strong Gini”) as they
team selection by dropping star striker of a large police Anthony Martial, a halftime substitute, rie A. Di María had added some Chiesa, Kaio Jorge and goalkeep- warmed up for the match and
Cristiano Ronaldo and club captain presence. Many played through Rashford and the strik- much-needed flair to the Juven- er Wojciech Szcz sny, while Chris Smalling also held up a
Harry Maguire and was validated. lingered as the Rashford er sprinted toward the area before plac- tus side and scored on his debut veteran defender Leonardo Bo- Roma jersey with Wijnaldum’s
Suddenly, the heat is on Liverpool - match began. ing a calm finish inside the near post. last weekend as well as provid-
widely expected to be a title contenders The pressure was on United after United had to defend stoutly at times nucci was only fit for a place on name and number after scoring
again this season - with Jürgen Klopp’s losses to Brighton (2-1) and Brentford but hung on to end an eight-match win- ing an assist as the Bianconeri the bench. the only goal of the match.
team still waiting for a win after three (4-0) to open the season, and the play- less run against Liverpool and a losing opened the season with a 3-0 win Sampdoria had hit the wood- Wijnaldum, who was signed on
games and now languishing behind ers fed off a frenzied atmosphere that streak of four matches in the league over Sassuolo. work - twice - in a 2-0 loss to loan from Paris Saint-Germain
United in the standings on just two seemed to affect Liverpool early on. stretching back to the end of last sea- However, he went off injured Atalanta last weekend and did so earlier this month, fractured his
points. Lisandro Martinez, an offseason son. in that match and could also miss again in the opening few minutes tibia during a training session on
Mohamed Salah scored an 81st- signing at center back who has come It’s down to United to string a run of next weekend’s key game against following Mehdi Léris’ effort. Sunday. There was a further in-
minute consolation but it was another under enormous criticism in recent similar battling performances together, Roma, which beat newly promot-
below-par display from Liverpool after days, was particularly impressive and starting at Southampton next weekend. Shortly afterward, Juventus al- jury blow for Roma just before
most scored an own-goal as Bian- halftime when Nicolò Zaniolo
coneri forward Dušan Vlahović was stretchered off after seem-
Girona top Getafe kicked a corner ingly dislocating his shoulder.
onto his own Roma had also won their open-
for 1st league win post. er 1-0 against Salernitana while
MADRID, Aug 23, (AP): Former Major Juventus Cremonese had narrowly lost 3-2
League Soccer scoring leader Taty Cas- thought they to Fiorentina in their first match
tellanos netted his first goal in the Span- had broken the back in the top flight since 1996.
ish league as Girona beat Getafe 3-1 for deadlock in the Both sides had several chances
their first win of the season. 65th minute to take the lead and Cremonese
Girona also got on the board with
Cristhian Stuani and an own-goal by
but Adrien Ra- goalkeeper Ionu Radu pulled
Getafe defender Domingos Duarte. biot’s strike off a number of impressive saves.
Enes Unal scored for Getafe when his was disal- Smalling The visiting team went agoniz-
team already trailed by three goals. lowed because ingly close shortly after the break
Getafe had opened with a 3-0 home Vlahović was in an offside posi- when Cyriel Dessers’s effort
loss to Atlético Madrid, while Girona tion in the buildup. crashed off the crossbar.
started with a 1-0 loss at Valencia.
Castellanos, playing on a one-season Rabiot, who had missed the Dessers also sent two acrobatic
loan from New York City FC, scored his opening match through suspen- overhead kicks narrowly past the
first league goal from inside the area in sion, recently saw a proposed post.
the 64th minute. move to Manchester United fall Roma hit the woodwork too
Girona is back in the first division af- through. when Radu tipped Stephan El
ter a three-year absence. Like NYC it is
controlled by City Football Group, the Juventus’ new signing Filip Shaarawy’s shot onto the bar.
parent company of Manchester City. Kostić almost won it right at the But the hosts broke the dead-
Getafe, which dropped to last place death, but his effort was brilliant- lock in the 65th when a corner
with the loss, had defender Fabrizio An- ly parried by home goalkeeper was floated in from the left and
gileri sent off deep into stoppage time. Emil Audero. Smalling headed in at the back
The match marked Girona’s debut of Roma sent messages of support post. Cremonese almost leveled
Brazilian forward Reinier, who came
Manchester United’s Bruno Fernandes (left), challenges for the ball with Liverpool’s Roberto Firmino during the off the bench in the second half after to injured teammate Georginio in stoppage time as Charles Pick-
English Premier League soccer match between Manchester United and Liverpool at Old Trafford stadium, in Man- arriving on loan from Real Madrid fol- Wijnaldum before and during its el’s volley clipped the outside of
chester, England. (AP) lowing a stint with Borussia Dortmund. narrow victory over newly pro- the right upright.


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