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(+62)81334262530 mfshalabrr
Fishal is a fresh graduate of IPB University majoring in accounting. He is known as an agile learner with
great work ethics also great in time management. He has various experiences in numerous roles in
organizational and trai ning acti vi ti es. Currentl y, Fishal has major i nterest on seeking a job opportuni ty i n
order to gain experiences and broaden his knowledge and skills.

AUGUST 2019 – AUGUST 2022
Diploma of Accounting / IPB University

JULY 2016 – JUNE 2019

Senior High School / SMA Negeri 1 Sumenep

Organizational Experiences
Tax Center IPB
As a vice chairman of public relation and design departement
 Created event posters and marketing campaign for promotion.
 Documenting the whole event using photography and videography.
 Managed organization’s social media account.
 Created Promotion videos for the event including teaser and trailer.


Student Association / Akmapesa
As a staff of communication and informatics departement
 Identify and branding for optimal content management, knowledge management and sharing,
information provision forstudent.
 As a chief committee, successfull y organize a training called ADCS (Akmapesa Design Classes)
for more than 100+ participant exceeding the organizational target by more than 84%.

IPB Tax and Accounting Fair
As a Chief Executive Officer
 coordinated meetings to encourage memberparticipation
 lead a committee from concept to execution for eachevent
 succesfully organize national event for more than 500+ participant

 Teamwork and leadership  MYOB
 Task Management  SPSS
 Competent in Ms.Office  VISIO
 Financial Statements and bookkeeping  Adobe Photoshop
 Administration  Adobe Illustrator
 Visual Code Studio
Participation at Seminar and Training
August 25, 2021 Aware Of Taxes (The Young Generation Is Aware Of Taxes, The Form Of Defending The
Country), Directorate General of Taxes
September 16, 2021 National Webinar Care About Taxes (Tax Digitization in the Context of Optimizing State
and Regional Revenue), IPB Tax and AccountingFair
March 13, 2021 National Webinar Content Creator Edition (Utilizing Social Media to Work and Spread the
Benefits), Indonesia Event
July 12-15, 2021 English Joy in the TOEFL online course entitled, Airlangga International Seminar and
Scholarship Festival

Voluntary Activities
February 2022
Tax Officer at KPP Mulyorejo
 As a Staff of servi ce division, serving taxpayers and involved in helping fill out the taxpayer's annual tax

September 2021
Master of Ceremony of Welcoming MABA
 Welcoming MABA is an annual event for the Student Association (Akmapesa) to welcome
new students. The event was attended by around 500 people from threemajors.

June 2020
Host of Podcast
 The podcast is about 'producti ve in a pandemic', the podcast is one of the programs
fromTax CenterIPB

October 2020
Moderator of live Instagram
 The Live Instagram is about “Study Exchange Survival Skills”. The event was attend
bystudent who have made student exchanges tovietnam.

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