2023 SYD AUT Task 4 Journal

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49069 – Leadership and Responsibility Task 4 - Journal

49069 – TASK 4 - JOURNAL – AUTUMN 2023

(10 % of overall course mark)
This is an individual assignment and it is to be specially noted that it is NOT just about collecting
information, but analysing this information and making a critical assessment of how it relates to
leadership and responsibility.

On week 8 – by 11:59 pm Monday 18 April

Starting on week 1 – 20 February 2023 - each student will peruse reputable media and prepare a 1-
page (ONE-page) report on at least one article that describes an example of ‘good’ leadership and a 1-
page (ONE-page) report on at least one article that describes an example of ‘bad’ leadership. The
articles must be current – no older than January 2023.
The submission includes two reports – in a single document - each of which includes:
 the title and source of the article + reference (most likely a link)
 what the article refers to
 a very brief summary of the content
 a brief explanation as to why and how the student sees the situation described in the pertinent
article as an example of either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ leadership
The journal with the synthesised information for submission will be an absolute maximum of 6001
words in length – i.e. maximum 300 words per leadership example - excluding references.
An example:
EXAMPLE OF ‘GOOD’ LEADERSHIP (maximum 300 words)
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern says she will never say Christchurch shooter’s name (ABC News,
 article refers to the speech that Jacinda Ardern addressed to the House of Representatives of
New Zealand after the terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch
 it provides an understanding of how the prime minister of New Zealand reacts to and
addresses a massacre that deeply affected the nation.
 this is an example of ‘good’ leadership, because, e.g.:
‒ focusses on healing
‒ provides calm, steady, strong guidance
‒ etc

could be less, just not more

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49069 – Leadership and Responsibility Task 4 - Journal

EXAMPLE OF ‘BAD’ LEADERSHIP (maximum 300 words)

Volkswagen: The scandal explained (BBC News, 10/12/15)
 article refers to Volkswagen installing ‘defeat devices’ in over 11 million diesel-fuelled cars
worldwide with the aim of making them appear to have much lower carbon dioxide emissions
during compliance testing than they actually have during normal operation
 it provides an understanding of how one of the largest automakers in the market used its
technology to deceive both regulatory systems and customers at a global scale
 this is an example of ‘bad’ leadership, because, e.g.:
‒ the company demonstrates no ethical concern in its pursuit of market position and
‒ etc
NOTE: all submitted assessments are processed by Turnitin - a similarity detection software – which
will identify copying from any sources. It is highly recommended that you take special care in
ensuring your work will not be identified as plagiarism by this software as this may imply
disciplinary action that could go from 0 in the assignment to, ultimately, dismissal. Refer to the
academic honesty references provided with the Subject Outline.
Please also note that any submission in the form of a picture instead of detectable text will be
assumed to be an attempt to avoid the Turnitin scan and, therefore, an indication of an
intention to cheat.


For the tutorial on week 9, files containing journals will be distributed randomly amongst different
teams for marking by other students. Each team will provide at least two different marking for each
of the journals they have been assigned – i.e. each student will read and provide a mark for at least
two journals. The marks will then be uploaded to a spreadsheet made available on the day. A couple
of journal submissions will be randomly selected for discussion by the whole class during the first 10-
20 minutes of the tutorial. The following time will be used by individual students in each team to peer-
assess at least two of the de-identified journals assigned to their team.
The teaching team will randomly select a few reports in each submission and assess both the reports
and the marking and provide a comment to the whole class as general feedback to guide the
improvement of both the deliverable and the assessment.
NOTE: the files submitted through Canvas will only be identified by a student number; do NOT write
your name either in the document itself or in the file name. Anyone identifying their Journal
submission with anything else other than their student ID will lose 3 of the marks available for
that submission – i.e. if you include any identification in your submission, other than your
student number, you will be marked out of 7 instead of out of 10.

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49069 – Leadership and Responsibility Task 4 - Journal

There is no set minimum or maximum marks and the following is the guide for marking:
Minimum to pass – a selection of items from a modest variety of sources, some discussion for
each example and a conclusion (50-65%)
Credit – a good selection of items from a wide group of sources. Concise summary with analysis
of example and some commentary on the leadership aspects. Conclusion that includes some
discussion on the leadership implications of the situation (65-75%).
Distinction – a selection of good items from a comprehensive group of authoritative and relevant
sources. Concise summary with critical analysis of examples and some reference to recent
academic articles that are relevant. Conclusion that analyses where the discussion is likely
to go, and presents some consequences of its impact (75-85%).
High Distinction - a discerning selection of items from a comprehensive group of authoritative
and relevant sources. Concise summary with critical analysis of examples and reference to
recent academic articles that are relevant. Conclusion that analyses where the discussion is
likely to go, and presents some consequences of its impact. Comparison with other cases, if
applicable. Could be adapted and submitted as an article to e.g. “The Conversation” (>85%).

Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Demonstrates the use of critical thinking to analyse
60 1,2 C.1, F.1
leadership perspectives
Demonstrates research to support analysis of example
20 1,2 D.1
being examined
Written report is of post-graduate academic standard,
20 4 E.1
with correct referencing

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